Part 1

In which our protagonist is apparently addicted to eating notebook paper

it is somewhat traditional for me to hit the options menu first thing when i open up a new visual novel
sometimes they hide interesting things there
but it's pretty much what you'd expect. screen resolution, text speed, audio loudness. there's no reset button, which implies, to me, at least, that this game isn't the kind where you might feel the need to start all over from scratch.
there's a lot of CGs in this game apparently- like, at least 18, maybe even 27, i don't know because it won't let me skip multiple pages into it.
I appreciate this attention to detail
the most important thing:
the number of saveslots.
this game
that's right. this fucking game has a total of THREE saveslots.
savescumming is NOT going to be practical.
in the limited preview run of this game i did before i decided to actually liveblog it, i'm pretty sure i made at least, like, six meaningful dialogue-changing decisions.
there's basically no way we're going to get to see everything in this one without some serious savefile exploitation.
also just in case anyone may or may not know, you can open a discord thread on its own from either the left hand channel list or the three dot menu at the top
instead of leaving it in sidebar mode, if you find yourself stuck there
now, with all that said, we can actually get into this game.
let's a go
The game doesn't open with a fancy cutscene or anything. Just black screen and text.

This is an enclosed space, without sound, without light.

Ran Ibuki laid on the floor there, squeezing her body as tightly as she could. She breathed, lightly; it looked like she was asleep.

Awaken her

Let her wake up on her own

this game just fucking throws options at you all the time, there's a LOT of choices to make in this game.
How long u think we'd have to wait
it happens pretty fast!
i do not know what the import of this choice is, frankly.
for the most part, ran ibuki is the viewpoint character and it's strange that the game begins with an outside perspective of her.
just who are we, right now?
i have no idea.
I vote to wake her up, if you’re taking opinions
the soul from deltarune, of course
and yeah, let's
sure, let's wake her up

In order to avoid adding undue stress to her mind, my consciousness slowly crawled up to Ran Ibuki's brain, and applied a light stimulus to awaken her.

That's considerate of us
(Also were gonna play as Ran!!!!!)

Ran Ibuki opened her eyes and awoke from her dream.

The cold floor chilled her cheeks, and caused her to jump from the floor the moment she awoke.

But before she could stand up straight, her head crashed right into the ceiling.

Shaking in pain, she bent back down again, rubbing her head while looking around. She couldn't see a thing.

She tried to remember just what'd happened the last time she'd been awake, but a mysterious foreign mist shrouded those memories.

A single silhouette stood out in the mist- a girl in a school uniform, with an opened notebook in her hands.

Ran Ibuki stared at that silhouette, and realized that she must have been in a very unfortunate situation.

It'd been too long since she'd gotten to eat a page from the notebook.

Her heartbeat, the pain from her solar plexus, and the sweat that couldn't be wiped away from her brow no matter how hard she worked, all reminded her,

That her symptoms were about to act up again.

Ran Ibuki tried her best to ignore her increasingly frenetic heartbeat, and, with a practiced hand, pulled out a notebook from a hidden pocket on the inside of her jacket.

Touching the rough leather cover of the notebook made her feel a little better, and her heart settled down a little, like a clownfish who'd found an anemone to hide in.

She wanted to open the notebook, but given how dark it was, she decided not to for the moment.

Ran Ibuki: ...Gotta find a place with light...

"To eat a page"??
She looks for a way out, but the space is very enclosed. It reminds her of a coffin- a wooden box just big enough for her to barely fit in.
that is what the text says, yes.
Luckily, she's got her cellphone. She pulls it out and uses it to light the space up a little.
She looks at herself, confirming that she's wearing a winter school uniform.
Then she checks for a signal. No signal! What a shock! Can't make things TOO easy for our mystery protag.
No signal, of course, also means no GPS.
At least she has her trusty notebook though.
Using the light from her phone, she opens the notebook and flips to her own page.
Wait that's not how GPS works is it?

- Ibuki Ran (伊吹 兰) -

Late Heisei

Investigation 3, Alacrity 3, Charisma 3

Temporary Points

Memory currently suffers flaws, but clearly understands that her goal is to find her girlfriend, Yasu Sakura (佐仓 安).

Suffers from schizophrenia, and hallucinates vividly when under severe pressure. Long-term use of Olanzapine and the support of Yasu Sakura have helped her recover mentally.

Has been systematically educated in logical analysis and deduction, but her memory loss might hinder her abilities.

a weirdly cryptic entry! with stats and everything!
you thought this was a mystery visual novel but i tricked you! it's a litfic!
it's time to fight monsters and level up our stats and ascend to higher realms!!!

She licked her lips, staring at the clearly questionable listings there, and decided to try her best to remember the past, to warm up her brain if nothing else.

time for a barrage of Important Choices, friends

Ran Ibuki: Alright, let's start remembering. Gotta make choices carefully.

so, what this segment is
is basically actually
'decide what ran ibuki's stats are'.
every single decision screen grants, as far as i can tell, a +1 to one of the three core stats- investigation, alacrity, or charisma.
investigation governs doing great detective shit.
Is this gonna be like disco elysium
alacrity governs athletics, manual dexterity, and escaping from horror movie monsters.
charisma governs sweet-talking people into doing what you want them to do.

Ran Ibuki: I'm an investigative journalist, but when I reached the scene of the crime to conduct some interviews, I discovered that the victim was my lover. What should I do?

Stay calm and begin to investigate the scene

Steal the police's investigation reports

Charge through the police cordon and kiss the corpse

by the way, the choices are fucking
this game is wild.
i don't want to spend too much time here so first come first serve
the first person to tell me what to do gets to decide what we do
I don't have much of an opinion
These kind of choices stress me out
eh, it's not a big deal, when i testran this one i just picked the one i thought was funniest
Kiss the corpse 😘
in this case that meant 'kiss the corpse' lol
kiss the corpse it is! there's no feedback, by the way; it's just 'choose and increment stat'. as you can see, the third stat (charisma) has gone from a 3 to a 4. apparently kissing corpses: very charismatic.
Makes sense
(and obviously you can see how 'investigate yourself' and 'steal police report' map to investigation and alacrity respectively.)
next choice!

I've illustrated a stunningly accurate portrait for a client, but He refuses to pay me the agreed-upon payment for my work. What should I do?

Find out why He doesn't want to pay me, and resolve the conflict

Steal treasure greater than the value of the compensation owed me from His home

Convince His nemesis to join with me to gain revenge upon Him

(the pronouns used here are all the divine-pronoun, implying that the client is a god.)
the charisma options are always the most fun i gotta say
like look at this fucking nonsense
kiss a corpse, kill a god, just another day in the life of ran ibuki apparently
The first option seems a little boring
I like the second option the most, but the third is also good
👍 1
Very practical. Meanwhile who knows how much baggage the nemesis might come with
blehp, got pulled away for a thing
second option!
we have kissed a corpse and robbed an elder god.
alactricity I imagine?

Ran Ibuki: I'm standing in front of an old two-floor apartment. Nobody answered me when I knocked on door 102. I'm wondering if a potentially-disappeared friend is home or not; what do I do?

Find a spare key near the door

Pick the lock

Lie to the landlord and say that you're the resident's little sister, and get the key from the landlord

the alacrity options are all mostly variants on physical mischief.
and the charisma ones are all some variant on 'holy shit oh my fucking god you are an awful person ahahahaha woooooow'
Option 3 seems the most effort here. 1 or 2 are both very practical
I guess 1 and stay well rounded?
Presumably irl I'd look for a key then pick if it I don't see one
It if I'm fast at picking, just pick
trying to decide if we want to be well rounded here or focus a specific stat
I like pick the lock most personally
i guess we'll pick a lock then!

Ran Ibuki: Because I left my homework in class, I went to school at night. Just when I was about to unlock the door, I saw a stranger in the classroom. What should I do?

Carefully distance myself


Tell her a wonderful joke

and- since all the choices here don't actually affect each other i might as well just dump all of them here really
i'll reload and pick whatever options y'all want

Ran Ibuki: After getting shitfaced with my friends last night, I woke up with a hangover the next day, and found that in the midst of a pile of my snoring friends was a corpse. What do I do?

Notice that the corpse is still wearing shoes, help her take the shoes off, and put the shoes at the welcome mat where they belong

Twist yourself a bit so that you're not touching the corpse anymore and keep sleeping

Take a selfie of everyone, including the corpse!

the interesting thing to me about these choices is that
this isn't a fucking mystery choice set
this is a horror movie choice set
we have the choice of being the clever one who figures out the horror monster's secret desire/weakness/pattern or whatever, being the dumb fuck who ignores the problem, or being the dumb fuck who photographs the horror monster and puts it on the internet and spreads the curse to others or whatever.
I want to get at least one investigation point
pull the shoes off the corpse, obviously
but I'm not sure which choices of the last two count for that
twisting is acrobatics and physicality, therefore alac
selfie is charisma
I agree with avun
and, finally:

Ran Ibuki: My lover is about to commit suicide by jumping from the edge of the roof. What should I do?

Notice that the cops are approaching, and try to delay her through a conversation- but to no avail

Run over and grab her- but to no avail

Tell her that you want to be together with her as you head into the future- but to no avail

shoes by the door
so yeah let's be nice to the body
so, 'stranger shows up at school in the middle of the night', 'corpse in the middle of friend sleep pile', 'lover suicide' are our three scenarios.
Geez these are cold
...huh. that last one could vaguely be charisma for two options
tho i'm pretty sure option #1 is still investigation there
wait ran is a girl, right
okay good
the ran of this story actually has a bit of utsushikome energy, tbh.
yeah I was just going to say
that last portrait was a little suspicious so I just wanted to be certain
The lover who commits suicide also has utsushikome energy
right now we've... kissed a corpse (charisma), robbed an elder god (alacrity), picked a lock (also alacrity), and helped take the shoes off what is probably a ghost (investigation).
we just need to decide what we do about the stranger at school and what we do about the lover's suicide scenario.
1) carefully distance yourself 2) run over and grab her
stranger... hmm. do we wanna go balanced or minmax alac since that's what we focused on already
that's investigation and alacrity which leaves us with charisma as a bit of a dump stat
i'm up for that
sounds good!
this elaborately unfolding tragic backstory really does give me Su vibes
leaving us with a final statblock of 5/6/4.
the game breaks to give us an explanation of the stats here, but i've pretty much already gone over their deal.
I would have expected alacrity and investigation to be equal and charisma to be lower? but I guess 5/6/4 isn't that bad.
investigation for being smart and detectivey and noticing shit, charisma for getting people to do things you want them to do, and alacrity for reaction time, running the fuck away, and doing things that need manual dexterity.
so we're fast, average amounts of smart, and somewhat below maximum power on charm
brusque athlete
headcanoning ran ibuki as ran sukeban
Ran's like 'okay yeah now i have a good image of the kind of person i am. but maybe juuuust in case i should think it over again??' this is, obviously, the game telegraphing, that we can respec our points if we don't like our build.
but we like our build!
so we're going to go forward!!
She pulls out three bookmarks, and places one of them in her notebook. (this is probably some kind of diegetic thing about the three saveslots this game gives you, but fuck if know exactly what the relationship here is.)
well maybe when we eat a notebook page we'll find out
😂 1
having completed what is basically character creation in this game, Ran Ibuki proceeds to look around her wooden box, and eventually finds a handle that she can use to push open the ceiling of this tiny enclosed space.
She's worried, though, about- well, what is she doing here, is this a dangerous place, has she been kidnapped and if so is the kidnapper waiting right there outside, etc.
"consume," maybe? "take in"?

She can't help but wonder what the person who brought her to this place wanted from her.

She pulls her hand back from the handle and turns off the flashlight on her cellphone, leaving behind only the dim light of the screen itself.

unless we are
literally physically ingesting paper
oh that is an evil bestie
hey look, it's a selfie of us and our girlfriend with a giant crack over the girlfriend, this has absolutely no narrative significance at all don't worry about it
it's just a completely random phone screen crack with no symbolic import whatsoever
happens all the time
definitely not a serial killer
definitely not dead
that's our girlfriend!
definitely not both dead and a serial killer
yasu sakura!
just our cute girlfriend yasu! why would yasu be responsible for anything ever
yasu has never done anything wrong in her life
... possible that the expression there is our hallucination, honestly
btw do we know if those questions were like ... actual things from ran's backstory or were they hypotheticals?

Hugging her own legs, she leaned against the wall and stared at the phone's wallpaper.

That was a selfie of Ran Ibuki and a different girl with the exact same school uniform.

It was her long-lost lover who'd been missing for four years, Yasu Sakura.

Ran Ibuki closed her eyes, letting the memories of her and her lover wash over her.

Even though many of her memories weren't so clear anymore, she could still remember everything about the two of them as though it'd just happened.

Recalling the way their shared story had ultimately ended, she raised her head without hesitation.

they seemed like actual things, although her character bio tells us she hallucinates and suffers from memory loss
love it when the game starts you off by saying 'hey this character is an unreliable narrator'
okay uh. four years????
and that her girlfriend's support is what helps her deal with it. y'know, the one who's been missing for four years
Strengthened by memories of love and friendship and all that good stuff, Ran Ibuki opens the trapdoor and pokes her head out.
god if we're i'll cry
big silent hill hours
She emerges into a dark, cold wooden hallway. She's still got a pounding headache.

Gotta find a safe place, and stabilize the rising pressure.

If at all possible, she didn't want to have to eat any more paper.

the fuck
yeah, this game has, like, anime-style transition interludes.
she really does eat paper
ok i'm lost, what's the connection to FMA?
with a character and the game title, i assume
Chaos' Crowl Kanigami
Wait why did the beginning disappear
did it? it hasn't disappeared afaik.
i can still scroll up to the top no problem.
Chaos' Crowl Kanigami
I was catching up and a huge chunk of the thread disappeared for me
I ll go on my computer
Ran emerges into the passage. It is cold, and dark, and not a person seems to be around. The freezing wind howls past the outside windows.
Really, it's a perfect place for a horror monster to show up, frankly!
Abandoned old japanese-styled school, perfect for some hauntings.

Ran Ibuki leaned by the window, and stared out through it. She had no clue why she was here in this old school.

love them ontological mysteries.

This caused the pressure building up on her to reach the limits of her tolerance. Not even the ice-cold air could stem her sweat. With a trembling hand, she tried to wipe them away.

Even though she was missing many of her memories, Ran Ibuki was certain that she was no stranger to anomalous events like this.

we haven't learned how old ran is yet, have we?

She couldn't remember any of the specifics. All she could remember was that they were each invariably awful experiences.

we haven't!
but she's presumably high-school-aged?
probably! Though all we know is that she's wearing a high-school uniform.
although she had a lover 4 years ago ...
not so implausible to have a girlfriend at 13, if she's a junior hs student

She couldn't remember the specifics... but she remembered that all of it had to do with her quest to find Yasu.

Ran Ibuki: Okay, I've gotta find a way to get out of here, so I can keep looking for miss Sakura...


Ran Ibuki decides to waste no more time, and strides forward.

Look back at the underground chamber (Investigation 2)

Spend Temporary Points

so here's a major game mechanic of this game!
remember this 'temp points' thing at the bottom of our statblock?
I assumed she was two or three years out
in this game, the way a lot of choices work is, you're unable to pick certain choices if your stats aren't up to par.
BUT you can spend temp points, a finite and limited resource, to temporarily boost your stats up to par.
although if she's still wearing the uniform..... hmm
(though, it's impossible to have less than 2 points in investigation, since you start with all stats at 3; this is mostly just more tutorial.)
but we have investigation 2 right..?
ah. hm
but if we had less points than 2, we would be able to spend temporary points to boost our investigation up.
we regain temporary points at a fixed rate of one point per five stat-hooked decision screens.
that is, we gain one point per every five decisions we make where any sort of stat interaction is involved in any way.
(this screen counts as one.)
we don't need to spend any points, so the game is basically just tutorializing here again, telling us that our stats have narrative consequences.
So, Ran Ibuki turns to look back at the tiny chamber she'd just crawled out of.

Wait a minute. If this is just a school- why would a school have such a bizarre, tiny underground chamber in the first place?

With questions in her head, she turned to the trapdoor she'd just left...

Only to find completely ordinary flooring there, without the slightest hint of a hinge or crack.

🤔 2
i'm not sure what the cap is, or if there is a cap.
I just had the same thing happen to me but closing and restarting the discord app fixed it
ran ibuki: "oh fuck i'm actually in silent hill aren't i"
"oh god oh fuck"
that sure is a great tool for locked room murders
She tries to pry the floor open with her fingernails, scratching all over to find some hint of a crack between floorboards that might conceal the hidden passageway, but she can't find anything.

The whole thing was seamless, like a single solid slab, the door to a vast vault of gold, immovable and secure.

She pounds on the floor, and the sound that comes from beneath the floor is solid- it doesn't sound hollow.

Ran Ibuki: T-the basement is gone!? How-?!

ran i'm sorry but you're in silent hill now. horror environments don't have to follow rules!

In the face of this impossibly ordinary floorboard, her barely-maintained strand of sanity frayed and tore asunder.

She started scratching her head, trying in this fashion to relieve the stress that'd built up on her.

It doesn't help much. She straight up basically has a satoko-style breakdown where she just sits down on the floor and starts crying for nii-nii miss Sakura.

Ran Ibuki: Miss Sakura... help me...

🤔 2
Chaos' Crowl Kanigami
Hmm thx, at least I am not in silent hill unlike our protag lol

???: The corners of my mouth began to twitch, trying to stop the anomalies from emerging from my body. But I had to open my mouth, I had to purge it- I had to purge it!

Chaos' Crowl Kanigami
Is she summoning the soul of her disappeared gf??
she turned into scribbles!

Ran Ibuki: Miss Sakura... help me...

???: The pain of my head and the torment of attempting to dry-vomit caused me to fall to my knees.

???: My cellphone fell from my pocket, struck the ground, and the screen lit itself.

Ran Ibuki: Miss Sakura...

???: I turned and stared at the floor, pulling my hair, and bringing my legs as close to my body as I could.

???: It was those memories, that blame, that loneliness which tore at me. They birthed phantasms, opened their mouths and spoke, and forced me to depart from the well-trodden roads, and flung my reason into the black magma that coursed besides me.

???: Stress, fear, and the unknown energized them, and empowered them until they could almost take away my everything.

Ran Ibuki: But... Miss Sakura...

???: Back bent, fists clenched, my notebook fell out of my jacket and splayed open on the floor, revealing a blank empty page.

???: I saw that page in the periphery of my vision. It was like the softest of down mattresses, or the finest of meat delicacies. But more than either of those, to me, it was most like... the fine smoothness of miss Sakura's skin.

???: My fingers were pulled towards that page, slowly but steadily, as though it were possessed of magnetic force.

???: When I touched the page, that familiar sense of safety and the hopes of impending salvation rushed into my brain.

???: My fingers ripped off a small piece of the page, and crumpled it into a small ball, and threw them into my mouth, and without even chewing them I'd swallowed the elixir into my stomach.

The red distortions at the edge of our vision recede.

After a long silence, Ran Ibuki steadied herself and stood back up, leaning on the wall for support.

Ran Ibuki: ...I can hold on for a while longer, now. Let's go...

and THAT is apparently
what ran ibuki
by 'eating a page'.
100% literally
100% literally, with some kind of psychosexual symbolism inherent in the action that i don't think we're meant to fully understand yet.
like what the fuck.

Ran Ibuki: ...So, where to now?

IT'S TIME FOR AN INVESTIGATIVE SEGMENT that's right, this game has investigation segments. like, when i said this game was an adventure game i wasn't kidding.
this game will sometimes straight up just let you explore a map.
right now we're in the [Old Schoolhouse, First Floor] area.
there are basically three things we can explore: the stairs up, the rest of the corridor, and the classroom.
i'm just going to make my own navigational choices here so i'm not stuck querying y'all for decisions forever.
First off I wanna check out the damaged stairs.
Chaos' Crowl Kanigami
Yeah that s weird
Also disappointed she didn t eat a whole page
The stairs have a massive hole in them, as though something huge fell through them. Ran Ibuki, being genre-savvy, looks up to make sure that there's not something huge above her about to fall on her right now. Thankfully there's not anything there.
all right this story is gonna be a trip
She hypothesizes that the hole exists to bar people from reaching the second floor. Thankfully, we have five alacrity, which means, if we want to, we can hold on to the guardrails and get up anyways.
Our investment in go fast comes in handy!
Alacrity 6: DO A FLIP
...i just realized
that this game's system

Ran Ibuki licked her lips, as though she'd tasted the sweetness of curiosity.

wherein having a stat rated at a certain value is sufficient to achieve an outcome, and you can spend a resource to treat it as if it were temporarily higher to achieve that outcome
you're playing chuubo's, zero.
We are successfully up the stairs! What dire secrets lie on the second floor that merit such obstruction? Nothing, apparently. At least at first glance. Things look totally normal so far.
So, looks like there's nothing interesting up here whatsoever.
Guess this was a waste of time!
yeah she seems like a strategist
booo there has to be something interesting up here
dying of... what, being at a loss for words?
😭 1

Detect an anomaly after all (Investigation 5)


Spend Temporary Points

(@avun boooooo)
maybe we don't have enough investigation to see the inteesting thing
oh good we have that
i fucking love the way they put this 'detect something weird up here after all'
😅 2
Chaos' Crowl Kanigami
investigation and alacrity got useful quick
maybe more DE, then
what if we never meet any other characters, & charisma is just useless
high enough investigation means your brain goes "oh fuck there's definitely an anomaly here"
even when it's just, like
the stairs
(I wanna say something like... Dying of Impermanence? but We Shall See)
having to take in recording media because your body doesn't have a natural metaphysical way of retaining information

Ran Ibuki notices... that the dust up here is enormous, coating pretty much everything, and the walls are much less well-kept than the first floor walls. Some of the wood is even rotting.

Ran Ibuki: Hmmm. Maybe the people here only really operate around the first floor, and don't take good care of the second floor?

She can't figure out what the intent of damaging the stairwell was, and she's not ready to risk investigating dangerous areas on such a poorly-maintained floor with rotting wood supports, so she returns to the first floor., was that it?
eating notebook paper because otherwise you have no way to record what happens to you and you sink into amnesiac self-destruction
i like it
that's all we get out of 'notice something weird'?
also i feel like we don't know enough about ran ibuki to figure out what she's dying of, yet.
she's obviously dying of something, but.
a quilted nowhere land between the pages of your notebook and a balm in its pulp
Chaos' Crowl Kanigami
tbf no monster is going to come from the 2nd floor
I bet that's going to be important later
Chaos' Crowl Kanigami
no footprint in the dust
I trust that this game is giving us Clues and Tools
in a way that Mobius. wasn't
😅 1
Next up, classroom!
Sure looks like a classroom!
how many temporary points do we have currently btw? is it 6 or 8?

Ran Ibuki looked towards the classroom by her side.

The moon was at the perfect angle to illuminate the room with soft azure light, and it helped Ran notice that the storage drawers in the desks had textbooks in them.

This raised Ran's interest. She wondered if there were any Eclipse Worms in the room.

got it
so it does cap at 6

Ever since that time she'd been cocooned by the eclipse worms, Ran had taken particular care to avoid those things whenever she could.

She would much rather not be locked off by those things for a whole week again.

Once Ran was certain that there were no mysterious writhing shapes in the darkness, she decided to investigate the classroom.

textbooks have eclipse worms?
that’s Gatekeeper, baby
Chaos' Crowl Kanigami
they just info dump this lol
ok, so we know her Lore is dealing with these lambda—anomalies...
i would like, at this point
to take a slight detour into the UI of the game
so, you see these icons, right?
the three small ones are obvious- autoplay, skip, menu, with all usual menu-ey things like saveload and options and text log.
the big one is our primary gameplay ui, and it is the journal itself.
when you click on the *book, this is what you get.
the reminiscence logs, or the remembrance logs- are empty right now.
with only a 'back to previous menu' option.
likewise for the red tab, the 'notes' tab.
the yellow tab, characters, takes us to a list of characters- which right now only contains one entry, Ran Ibuki herself, plus a photo of, presumably, her lost lenore girlfriend.
the terms tab is where the fun is at, right now.
i'm just going to go through these entries one by one.
love the art style of these photos
yeah the art in this game is quite lovely honestly
what the heck is in that photo


Ran Ibuki can use the journal to substitute herself into previously read books or events she's experienced personally, and engage in calibration of her visual acuity, central nervous system, and brain gray matter. However, the results are often different from the predicted ones.

🤔 3


A device which can store Ran Ibuki's memories in the notebook, to achieve a certain astonishing thing

(the details of which are unclear due to Ran Ibuki's memory loss).

However, the original bookmarks have already been expended by Ran. Thus, only imitation bookmarks are available at the moment, which can only achieve the memory-storage part of the full functionality.

ah, i see we’ve found the Eide


The notebook creates memory recall points based on Ran Ibuki's deep unconscious.

By providing her own blood to the notebook, Ran Ibuki can travel through these recall points to send her consciousness back to that point in time, and change her decisions within that recall point's constraints, and thus gain knowledge of results different from those she remembers.

During the process of recall, Ran Ibuki can only observe and perceive; she cannot control her own actions. Furthermore, recall has absolute precision.

“change her decisions” but not “control her own actions”?

Eclipse Silkworms

Creatures which devour light. All light shone upon these creatures are consumed, and so they cannot be directly observed. Infrared observation reveals arthropod-like animals similar to silkworms in morphology.

At maturity, they form cocoons which continuously leak black liquid. In actuality, this black fluid is a substance which possesses the same quality of light-absorption.

Ran Ibuki was once swallowed by a cocoon for seven days. During this period of time, the eclipse worm fed her with an unknown nutrient (the details are unclear due to memory loss). After seven days, the cocoon spontaneously disappeared. Immediately after that, the area around Ran Ibuki suffered a total eclipse of the sun lasting twenty-four hours.

Besides losing her vision for seven days, no abnormalities were found in her physical condition.

this is some fucking, dark souls bloodborne lore shit.
SCP-foundation level fuckery.
like, i want you to understand, when i booted up this game
i was not expecting this
guess that’s just a fucked up fact that’s true about us!
what i was expecting was, like, a regular old murder mystery set in a high school
a danganronpa or something
not a fucking silent hill bloodborne experience
i want you to understand just how fucking often i went 'what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck' while previewing this game
because it doesn't stop from here
what the fuck do you mean no abnormalities
yeah i was not expecting a protagonist who had once been eaten by worms
Chaos' Crowl Kanigami
oh I assumed your preview stopped about there
oh, this part of the notes is translated as...

Gotta get out of here and find miss Sakura

Pitch black


I'm wearing a school uniform, not hungry either

Winter uniform

nah it goes a bit further, i'm not sure we'll get that far today at the rate at which i'm translating graaaaaahhhh i wish i could translate FASTER
anyways! that's our UI!
it's diegetic!
back to what's happening in the story.
Ran Ibuki decides to go into the classroom, now that she's made sure there are no eclipse worms lurking in the corners or anything.
the fact that “i’m wearing a school uniform” merits a mention seems to indicate to me that we’re maybe supposed to be out of school
👍 1
Chaos' Crowl Kanigami
is it normal for her to say "miss Sakura"?
The door's not locked, so she just walks right in.
maybe she time travelled to the past
yes. she insists on referring to yasu sakura as 'miss'.
Chaos' Crowl Kanigami
maybe she's currently using Recall
if i were being more formal about it i could even translate it as 'young mistress' or 'madame' or 'lady'.
😮 1
it's a form of address that implies veneration.
we're dating an oujo!
i think chaos was asking if it was culturally normal
not like, a habit for the character
nah it's honestly a little weird
especially for your girlfriend
the classroom is another investigative region
imma go through these one by one.
but possibly less abnormal for your girlfriend that’s been missing for 4 years....
She looks through the window but it's dark and she can't see shit.
That's it.
who you may or may not have idealized thoroughly
due to her being your salvation from your Bane, evidently
right yeah
i assume that we might be suffering arbitrary hallucinations as a result of the eclipse worms fucking with our brain due to 'unknown nutrients'
ah, excuse me, it's dinnertime
i'll be back in a bit
"i am juiced on the worm sauce"
😂 1
also what the hell, eclipse worms also cause solar eclipses
Chaos' Crowl Kanigami
I hope you're talking about Ran and not Zero lol
We are in full scp foundation territory here
👍 1
i mean, zero is not juiced on the worm sauce to the best of my knowledge
Chaos' Crowl Kanigami
I think he only took the Worm sauce
we have a pretty good relationship, we've been friends for a while, one expects to be told if one's friend is indulging in worm sauce
My friend, i would never keep the worm sauce all to myself, were i truly reveling in the power of the worm. I would share it with you, and with everyone, so that we may become one under the darkness of the worm.
🤣 1
that honestly means a lot
scp foundation? really? we're in full king in yellow territory.
we are a bit of a randolph carter
food: shoved down gullet.
game: continuing.
let's see what's on the blackboard!
Ran Ibuki wipes her finger against the blackboard and finds it clean. She then pokes the trough, and finds that it's covered in chalk dust.

Ran Ibuki: So someone's wiped the blackboard here recently, then...

Find the syllabus (Investigation 4)

UseTemporary Points

our investigation passes, so let's look for that syllabus!

The fine, sandlike texture of the chalk dust caused Ran Ibuki to have a small hallucination. She turned her head to the window and listened to the waves.

She and Yasu Sakura had lived by the sea for too long.

Ran rubbed her fingers, causing the chalk dust to drop back to the blackboard tray. The sounds of the waves stopped immediately.

She noticed the syllabus taped to the blackboard, then, and bent down to investigate it in detail.

Ran Ibuki: Language, mathematics, physics, and chemistry. Only four subjects. And they only have classes in the morning; the afternoon timeslots have nothing but 'free time' written on them.

Ran Ibuki: The courses look easy, but what does 'free time' mean exactly? ...Club activities?

Ran Ibuki: Whatever, let's keep investigating.

🟩 1
that's the chalkboard!
now for the desk- or more accurately, the textbooks in the desk drawer.
Ran checks out the textbooks, and finds that they're all written in chinese. This surprises her; everything else here seemed stereotypically japanese so she was expecting japanese textbooks.
She reads one of the books, but is confused by why the subject of the textbooks is about japanese authors. The level of the textbooks looks like it's around 2nd year highschool level.

Ran Ibuki: It's nice to see some textbooks in my mother tongue, but why is everything here translated from japanese to chinese? Who is the target demographic this is for? If the students here are japanese why aren't they using textbooks in japanese? If they're chinese, why are they studying literary works from a different cultural tradition?

(which is an interesting confirmation that- ran ibuki's native language is chinese? despite her name being japanese?)
(there's probably backstory going on there.)
cult vibes

Ran Ibuki: These textbooks have notes written on them by the students, presumably. But the students haven't written their names in the front covers. That's... weird.

Ran Ibuki: What does it mean?

Ran Ibuki: ...Nope, I've got no idea what it might mean.

Ran Ibuki: Only seven of the desks have textbooks in them. Does this allow me to conclude that there are only seven students in this class?

someone replaced the covers
That's all she can get out of this.
everybody's forgotten their names
And with that we're done with the classroom!
eclipse worms did it
Out of the classroom, up the hallway.
Ran heads to the entrance of the school- well, where the entrance should be, provided that the architect of this place was a sane human being who designed this building for reasonable use. Which was not at all guaranteed, now that she thought about it.
oh, you think children get names?

Still, she felt that her condition was relatively good; steady pulse, quick mind. Ran Ibuki always entered an excellent condition like this whenever she ate a page, like an athlete taking a swig of a refreshing ice-cold beverage.

gatorade ad mid-game
i love how this game comes out swinging with the insane plot points

She looked around, and idly noted that the design of the school building was rather old. Diagonal wood pillars supported the ceiling, and the windows were fixed in place by wooden latch bars and thus unopenable.

The walls were yellowed and coated in cracks; the building had clearly been built a long time ago.

As Ran walked, she stroked the wall with her trailing hand, feeling the texture of the surface.

The rough sensation from her fingertips reminded her of the first time she'd touched the notebook. She attentively used her fingertips to feel the tiny bumps in the texture.

For some reason, doing so made her heartbeat hasten in pace, in a healthy way, as though she was caressing the supple waist of her lover.

Ran shook her head and concentrated on the path in front of her.

oh fuck it's that junji ito manga where the house is alive and a lady is into it
😱 1

She saw a turn in the corridor, leading to an exit shining under the moonlight. It felt unrealistic to her, for a moment, like an artificial light indicator you'd see in a videogame placed to tell you where your objective was.

She ran for it anyways.

When Ran arrived, she found five racks of shoeboxes, stereotypical for a school, most of them thoroughly empty.

the narration of this story does a really good job of
getting you into ran's head
like it could have just said 'ran headed to the entrance of the schoolbuilding'
but, no, it goes for the p r o s e instead
why are you looking at the shoeboxes girl! get to the exit!

Ran decided to take the opportunity to investigate a little bit here as well.

She expected that, surely, the shoeboxes here would have nameplates. Otherwise, how would you know which box to put your shoes in?

unfortunately, she finds no names. She does find that only seven pairs of shoeboxes are occupied- consistent with what she saw in the classroom.
she's investigatin'
good thing too cause zero doesn't know how to translate the names

The plaques on the shoe cabinets didn't have any real names on them. Just numbers- arabic numerals from 1 to 7.

i played the game to the point where it presents every character
just so i could write them all down and figure out how to translate them
took me a fair while but i have a list of notes for character name translations now~
let it not be said i don't do my prepwork for this shit
I want to see what sort of unholy abomination awaits us outside

Ran Ibuki wondered if she should stay here longer to investigate these shoes, or if she should just leave as quickly as she could.

She immediately decided that the most important thing to do was to get out of here, and not to sit around and investigate the mystery of the shoes or whatever.

She's headin' out!
She pushes against the front door- and finds that...

Ran Ibuki: Front door's not locked either...

we're out! we can escape from silent hill now!
mission accomplished!
cool game
thanks for translating
best end
The outside of the school building is freezingly cold, in no little part thanks to the wind.
And in the darkness, Ran feels like she can see the shapes of the buildings themselves squirming.

Ran Ibuki: At least I've gotten outdoors... where should I go from here?

well, hey, let's fucking go for the door
get the hell out of hell
are there stats associated with either choice here
what choice?
oh, I assumed it was introducing a choice
whenever there is a choice i will always screenshot the screen with the choice.
right now it's just one of those exploration segments.
yeah I thought we just hadn't gotten there yet
Heading right for the school doors, then!
okay so is there a choice we need to make here or
okay cool
nice pockmarks
oh those are trees
She reaches the school exit and- there's no door, nope. She's free to go wherever she wants.
somehow I thought they were craters
It is at this point that Ran Ibuki second-thinks the idea of just running out into the middle of the woods in the middle of the freezing-cold night with nothing but the clothes on her back on her.
Yeah, she can escape! So what? Where's she going to go? Where even is she?
The road leading outwards is cold, wet, and unpaved, almost more like a swamp than a proper road. Ran is afraid to go alone without any kind of resources to support her.
Which, y'know, fair.

She pulled at her hair for a few moments, before turning back to the school.

Ran Ibuki: ...I'll wait for morning before I head out.

So that's the 'leave' option declined.
Then I guess we'll head back to the school!
@avunvain she'd fit right in in Escher's Gap.
According to the map, this is the 'mathematics building'.

Ran Ibuki: I just got out of there, let's not go back in immediately.

...well, okay then!
oh absolutely. can't go, gotta stay here where it's extremely more fucked
Alright, well, option three, uh.
...The gym!
a whole building for mathematics?
💯 3
Chaos' Crowl Kanigami
we have way too similar ideas lol
"oh gosh I hate maths and gym let's find another building"
Ran Ibuki heads to the gymnasium, hoping that she'll find cushions there or something and she'll be able to hunker up for the night and head out in the morning.
The gym's not locked either!
now if this doesn't look like a place where monokumas jumpscare you, i don't know what does.
Chaos' Crowl Kanigami
tbf it's Japan they don't need to lock anything
isn't it explicitly not japan
or wait
Chaos' Crowl Kanigami
maybe a bilingual Japanese school?
Jap curriculum while learning chinese

Ran walked into the gym. It was terribly dark in there. She groped her way around the walls, but couldn't find a lightswitch.

Raising her head, imagining the distant, unreachable ceiling, an unspeakable fear grew in her heart.

That, alongside the creepiness of being alone in the gymnasium, as well as the chill that seemed to pervade the place, made Ran think that, in comparison, at least the cold wind of the outside had some vitality to it.

And so, she retraced her steps, closed the gym door, and returned to the courtyard, hugging her shoulders in pursuit of a better place to visit.

so we're not staying in the gym either!
which leaves
only the
extremely big arrow indicator on the map that might as well be screaming 'go here, this is where you should go'

Ran Ibuki: A campus this large, it's GOT to have a dormitory, right? Let's try to get in, find an empty room, and hide for the night.

I suppose this is the same Ran who responded to being locked out of a friend's apartment with 'pick the lock'.

Ran Ibuki: Hell, at the worst, I could steal some curtains from the dorms and use them as blankets for a night.

this child is a gremlin
🤣 1
maybe we'll get a cool roomie
So she explores the rear buildings of the school, and she sees a building with the lights on.

The light was so timely that Ran Ibuki worried if they were actually the shining lures of some horrible anglerfish that sought to prey on her.

But Ran wanted to know if there was anybody else here, and she believed that, even if there was some risk to it, even a risk of coming into conflict, at the least seeing other people would help her understand just what kind of situation she was in right now.

As long as she was sufficiently careful, she'd be fine. This wasn't even the most dangerous situation she'd ever been in, not by a long shot.

She touched her precious notebook again, for good luck, and then ran towards the light.

And then she got eaten by an anglerfish. The end.
...The anglerfishes in this setting look suspiciously similar to western-style mansions.
"This is a terrible idea," Ran Ibuki thinks as she walks uninvited into the western-style mansion. "I'm either going to get shot as a home invader or get locked into a closed circle murder mystery."
Beats being eaten by a silent hill horror monster at least!
And also of course she's at legitimate risk of freezing to death out there.
So into the mansion she goes!

Ran Ibuki felt like her face and ears were all twitching due to nerves. Her eyes spun unnaturally in their frames, fearful of missing even the slightest movement.

Carefully, she shuffled her steps, and arrived at a fork in the hallway.

On the left side of the fork were the stairs leading up to the second floor. On the right-

As soon as Ran looked towards the right, she halted her steps and hid behind the wall.

social anxiety??

She heard the sound of footsteps and water being poured. Peeking her out barely, she looked towards the sound.

To the right was an open kitchen area. A woman was standing in the interior area of the kitchen, with her back towards Ran. She was rather tall, and she was holding a can of fruit-flavored tea that she was pouring into a cup.

Ran scrutinized her form carefully.

Ran Ibuki: (...Looks like she's got no weapons on her. It's hard to tell what level of fitness she's at due to the uniform, but it's most likely that she's just an ordinary civilian.)

Ran still is operating under the mindset of 'I've been kidnapped and brought here by unknown enemies'!

Ran Ibuki: (Her hair looks wet. She probably just got out of the shower.)

do you want some fruit-flavored tea, Ran
i feel like you might

Ran Ibuki: (Her age looks similar to mine. Perhaps I could consider initiating contact.)

[Tactical Friendship Window opens]

Ran Ibuki: (But, how would she perceive me? A thief? A home invader? An escaped convict?)

Ran pulls her head back behind the wall again.

Ran Ibuki: (Whether or not it was the students who locked me in the basement here, either way, I am a person who definitely isn't supposed to appear right here right now.)

Ran Ibuki: (Sure, I'm just a victim here, but any student's natural reaction to a stranger showing up in their dormitory would be alarm and hostility.)

if we know anything about ran, it's that she's a huge lesbian

Ran Ibuki: (Not to mention the very real possibility that it was the students who locked me up in the first place. I should reconsider and find a controlled approach that maximizes my chances of-

do u think we'll be able to romance these characters
"uh, hi, you're muttering to yourself about maximizing your chances of... something? would you like fruit tea?"

???: Oi.

The appearance of a student at the intersection caused Ran to gasp in fear, as their eyes met.

As Ran had predicted, she looked rather displeased about this state of affairs.

hmm. who do we think this is.

Looking at her ear piercings, and the fangs that peeked out between her lips, Ran thought of the feral cats that lived under her apartment for some reason.

i'm going to guess....... 2
or maybe 5

She was taller than Ran, though, and she cast a shadow on Ran's face just by standing over her. It made Ran feel diminished and stressed.

A few stray memories of how she'd suffered at school came into Ran's mind, unbidden, and she quickly blinked them away and returned to reality.

uh oh
she must be perceiving her as a bully character
i hope she turns out to actually be nice

???: Who're you? What're you doing here?

Ran Ibuki: (...Looks like she doesn't know about my situation. Let's try conversation for now.)

oh interesting. i thought they might be in a similar situation as ran and expecting to meet randos who have woken up

Notice her ouroboros bracelet (Investigation 4)

Reassure her and placate her emotions (Requires Charisma 6)

Introduce yourself

Use Temporary Points

finally, an option we can't take.
2 temporary points... hmm
we're still capped at 6, right?
what do you think, folks, do we spend points on friendship magic
we are still at 6, mmhmm
this seems like the time to do it, if any.
sounds good!
i do wanna know what's up with the bracelet though
Spending two points lets us hit the charisma challenge.
maybe we'll follow up on that later
and in fact we immediately get a point back.
presumably this is the fifth stat interaction or something lol

Ran Ibuki: D-don't get mad, I just got lost...

Ran Ibuki: It's so cold outside, I wanted to find somewhere to hide, and I saw that the lights were on here, so...

Ran raises a hand towards the female student, hoping that a handshake will help resolve the awkwardness between them.

The female student relaxes her shoulders slightly, and after considering Ran for a moment, shakes her hand.

friendship! maybe! hopefully!!
honestly a part of me really did want to go "Oh, so did you kidnap me?"
but i'm not sure we would have gotten that from any of our options 😔

???: Alright, tell me your name first.

Ran Ibuki nodded.

Ran Ibuki: My name is Ran Ibuki. First name Ran, last name Ibuki.

Ran Ibuki: But we're all speaking chinese here, so you can also call me Lin Xinlan.


???: ...What the fuck are you talking about?

The female student scrunched up her brow and stared intensely at Ran.

???: How could I possibly be speaking chinese? You're speaking japanese right now, aren't you?

There was no question that the sounds that Ran was perceiving from both her mouth and the other person's mouth were both the most utterly unremarkable standard chinese.

Ran Ibuki: (What's going on? I'm clearly speaking chinese, and she's also...)

Ran Ibuki: (...No, I can test this.)

hmm hmm hmm

Ran Ibuki: A LOT OF JAPANESE (This is ACTUAL japanese, isn't it??)

The japanese does in fact say "This is actual Japanese, isn't it...?"

As soon as Ran spoke those words, she clutched her mouth with her hands.

She'd spoken those words with japanese grammar and prounciation, and she was certain that she'd felt her mouth form the correct shapes for such.

But what she heard was completely unremarkable chinese coming out of her mouth. It was like there was a parasite living in her mouth, controlling her mouth for her.

The orders given by her brain and the movements of her muscles were in alignment, and yet the results were completely different.

awwww i was going to bet on "We raised 7 students to think Chinese was Japanese"
"Y'know, as a joke"
Ran is freaked the fuck out.
well at least this explains the textbooks

Ran: (Wait a second. Up to now, I've only seen... written text has only been in chinese or arabic numerals... and that book which was obviously a japanese textbook but translated into chinese for some bizarre reason...)

Ran is having a bit of an existential panic.
she's not saying this out loud is she
i like that we have a protagonist who tests stuff
thank god, she isn't [saying this out loud]
👍 1
thank you for the clarification
it makes a welcome change for sure!
this also gives more credit to @avunvain's chuubos read in re The curse of babel

???: Hey, uh- can I call you Ibuki? Why'd you clam up all of a sudden?

Ran: Nothing. Just- yeah, just call me Ibuki. You?

???: My name is Sai Yano (夜野 彩). I'm a student here.

she has her own fucking statblock.
so where in Town are the creepy ass murder high schools
obviously Horizon why the hell did i even ask that

Sai Yano

Investigation 4, Alacrity 7, Charisma 5

Uniform is a long-skirted sailor uniform. First student encountered by Ran Ibuki at the school. Not very good at blunting her words, but holds no hostility towards Ran.

Loves swimming. No matter when, as long as there's an opportunity, you can find her at the swimming pool. She says that while she's in the water, it's like she can hear the voice of her little sister.

if you click the little yellow tab on the right you go to the chara portrait!
apparently ran is an artist, becauase, wow, that's a great sketch
the proportions are a little wonky
but yeah, wow
hmm alacrity 7, i'm slightly scared of her now.

Very handsome face....

The musculature on her arms is really pretty!

She's got a little fang

Ouroboros bracelet- possibly chuuni?

she's obviously the jock.
okay whose voice do we think "The musculature on her arms is really pretty!" is written in
is that something ran would say
hey quick question
I could see it! She's a giant lesbo. I bet she's going to totally get crushes on all these girls.
😂 2
hey, zero quick uh. quick question
yes, soldier, what's your question
did we skin our girlfriend and bind her into a notebook.
😅 1
i sure HOPE we didn't!
but i cannot say with certainly that we didn't.
that would definitely be fucked up!
i'm holding out hope that the notebook is more of a gift she got us than, y'know,
the necronomicon
😂 1
maybe that's what we're repressing
the horrible circumstances that forced our girlfriend to sacrifice herself fighting an evil creature
and our desperate attempt to keep her alive and with us
that would be on-theme!
Anyways, Sai apparently lets her guard down completely once Ran introduces herself.
Naturally, Ran leaps to the worst possible interpretation.
Sai also seems to be weak to pretty girls.
Chaos' Crowl Kanigami
good thing paper can't be made from human components
it can't? i thought paper (or parchment, or something) used to be made out of animal skin
that's vellum
👍 1
i think probably it would be more difficult to eat if it was vellum.........

Was Sai already familiar with this sort of thing?

Had there been many past cases where a mysterious intruder entered the school, and run into Sai...

And then was never able to leave?

ran you have to stop thinking of everything in terms of serial murder narratives it's not a healthy way to live

Well, if that was the kind of thing going on, then the next plot-beat would probably be meeting a bunch of allies stuck in the same situation, and then getting whittled down slowly one by one by the monster until in the end the protagonist and their female companion were the only survivors of the nightmare.

No, that's just the plot of a third-rate horror movie. Get yourself together.

honestly that's a very hopeful take on the situation

Sai: Well, it's pretty late. You should get to bed. I'll introduce you to everyone else tomorrow morning.

i hope that our protagonist and her female companion survive this nightmare.
sleep tight
don't let the eclipse worms bite
i want ran to tell her companions about getting stuck in an eclipse worm cocoon and then have them go "wtf?"
actually no i don't nvm
i want them to just nod along and be like yeah that happens

Sai: You can sleep in my room tonight.

Ran: Your room? This suddenly?

Sai: Everyone else has a roommate. Only my room's empty, that's why.

That wasn't really what Ran was asking.

Ran: Is... that okay, though?

Ran took a quick look over the layout of the area while she talked.

There was a dining table in the open kitchen, and on the other side of the dining table were the stairs to the second floor. Under the stairs was a passageway leading to deeper areas of the dormitory building.

Ran took the opportunity to memorize the layout of the area. It was clearly a spacious building.

If each room had multiple people in it, and Sai Yano's room was the only one with an empty bed, that implied that the number of students here might be greater than seven.


Ran: I'm a stranger to you, though, right? You'd imagine that you'd be more cautious with a stranger.

Ran: (And me? Should I trust a stranger like her?)

Sai, in response, chugged the last of her fruit tea, before saying,

Sai: Eh, you're the same age as me, and you seem decent.

She started washing her newly emptied cup. The sound of the water falling into the cup made a pleasant splashing sound.

Sai: Unless you're telling me you are here to cause trouble, then?

Chaos' Crowl Kanigami
aw thanks

Ran: Of course not. I'm a good person.

The way that Ran stressed her words caused Sai to laugh.

Sai: Well, there you go, then. Come with me.

Sai: Don't forget to take your shoes off at the door.

Head upstairs with Sai Yano

Ask Yano where the bus station is, and leave this place immediately

a choice with no stats involved!
trust her, or abscond?
we already tried leaving
didn't help
sai seems like our best bet right now
further up and further in, as they say.
trust it is!
lesbo route
are all the buttons highlighted red in this way
yeah pretty much
when you hover over'em that's what they do
okay cool
just wanted to make sure that the game wasn't giving our choice Ominous Significance
i mean, any more than it normally does

Ran returned to the entrance of the building, and used the opportunity of depositing her shoes in the shoe cabinet to inspect every inch of the shoe cabinet.

Sai just calmly waited for Ran to finish doing her thing.

Ran counted the number of shoes. There were seven pairs of shoes; most of them were various kinds of student-appropriate shoes, but a pair of short boots stood alone at the very bottommost layer of the cabinet.

Ran: (So there really are only seven.)

ran: incredibly paranoid
like, fuck, this is erika furudo levels of 'inspect everything before going anywhere, cough up them deets i want that detective's authority'

Sai: Oi, are you still not done??

Sai's yell gave Ran a bit of a spook, and she reflexively scrunched her shoulders up as she answered Sai.

Ran: Sorry, I'll be right there!

Ran closed the cabinet. She did not place her own shoes in the cabinet, but rather left them, toes pointing outwards at the main entrance, and headed upstairs with Sai.

ah, so now anyone who looks at the cabinet knows that there's an Intruder here
well, can't be helped
let's be honest, they're all the lesbian route. i don't think any of these are going to be nonlesbian routes
also yeah the visibly different shoes are gonna be... something
ran's paranoia not extending to tactical shoe deployment

The second-floor hall wasn't long. On the left was a balcony from which you could see the bottom floor; on the right you could quickly reach the end of the hall. At the end were four doors, none of them with any identification on them. Exactly the right amount of rooms for seven people, if Yano was telling the truth about having a room to herself.

Design-wise, the building felt less like a student dormitory, and more like an ordinary civilian residence.

well to be fair i think she's positioning them for a quick break
so that she can grab them on the way out and not mess around with the cabinet
questioning yano's claim about having no roomie immediately
also caught up with the liveblog

Sai Yano opened the closest door, and invited Ran Ibuki to head in first.

Ran nodded and headed in and immediately began rummaging all over everything without asking permission, while Sai got to work putting blankets out on the lower bunk.

thoughts on notebook theory
'yeah sure' immediately starts searching for hidden passages
nsfw warning
on that link
we should have given her more charisma..... 😩
slash what the hell kind of shitty chalk has she been using
was wondering why you chose the undies emoji
bold of you to assume that the teachers live
nice bedroom
I'm used to `:wear<tab>` autocompleting to `:weary:` instead of `:underwear:`

The decorations in the dorm room were rather simple. Besides the rather minimalistic posters on the wall, there were only standardized furnitures and little in the way of extraneous decoration.

Ran wondered if this was because of school rules, or if it was just Sai's own personality.

She looked around a bit more before settling on the windows.

The darkness outside the windows was endless and melded seamlessly with the night sky, as though a veil of shadow had been cast over the whole dormitory.

Sai: Okay that's enough rummaging around for you, time to get in that lower bunk and sleep.

so we haven't received, any exposition on what anyone is doing here, right?
damn she claimed the top one
sai's just inviting us in and being like yeah you seem cool, go ahead and stay here, This Is A Normal Situation
well, ran gave sai a sob story about being lost in the woods
and we passed our charisma check
also jesus christ the eclipse silkworms lore
"no abnormalities were found in her physical condition" you mean besides CAUSING AN ECLIPSE
how can a worm cause an eclipse, like what happened there, did the moon suddenly zoom out of position or what
what was between her and the sun
causing an eclipse isn't a physical condition, numbnuts

Ran: Oh, uh... okay.

After that, Sai didn't say much. After climbing to the top bunk, she used a switch at the head of the bed to turn off the lights.

Seeing the situation, Ran got her phone out, using it to light the path to her bed.

She took off her socks and outerwear, and got into bed. The warmth of the bed warded away all cold, and relaxed her.

The situation had developed much more calmly than Ran had imagined. She quietly anticipated being able to leave this place tomorrow with the help of the other students, and to set off once again on her journey to find Yasu.

Ran: (The bed feels so warm despite it being winter, and for some reason, it seems easy to talk with Yano-san.)

Ran: (Thanks to her, my situation's improved so much. I should really thank her.)

Ran: Yano-san, I-

Sai: Shut up and sleep.

Ran: ...Okay...

fade to black

and for some reason, it seems easy to talk with Yano-san.

don't trust that

(Thanks to her, my situation's improved so much. I should really thank her.)

I don't trust that
sai's just like "oh she must also be here for the death game"
Ran Ibuki wakes up a while later. Or maybe she never went to sleep at all. Despite being really physically tired, she can't sleep. Instead she thinks about her girlfriend, and how much she misses her.
alright and what follows is
a long cutscene
that i needed to record because
hoo boy is it Obviously Plot Relevant
...fuck. it's too long.
i can't fit it on discord.
plot summary instead:
the cutscene alternates between flashes of red-text white-text dialogues
and background images from a different location we haven't seen yet, including a panoramic shot of the ocean.
the dialogue is implicitly between ran ibuki and yasu sakura, with yasu speaking in red and ran speaking in white.
of course yasu speaks in red text
the dialogue begins by describing an implicit relationship where ran ibuki is bullied by people but yasu sakura- whom ran refers to exclusively as 'miss sakura'- protects her from the bullies.
upload to youtube unlisted?
i recorded it as a gif.
is that a thing that's uploadable
it has a higher 24Mb limit
i have nitro. my discord limit is 100 mb
this file is 123 mb
apparently imgur allows up to 200MB for gifs
... but video uploads can't be longer than 60 seconds?
i guess i'll try that? not sure if it'll work though.
this sort of thing is a huge pain in the ass for translation.
it's incredibly dense and the words flicker by fast enough to read but not slow enough to easily translate, meaning i have to rewatch the thing multiple times and translate piecemeal.
ugh. fuck. i don't think imgur likes this either.
can you re-record it in non gif form
that would also make it easier to like, pause
and translate
i am not highly experienced with non-gif recordings but i do have OBS installed here
i'll try giving that a go i guess
Christ, i’ve had to do multiple takes here because i am not good at screen capture.
This scene is really important though.
The amount of clues hidden in this scene is, like, maximal, every single fucking line here has the obviously-a-fucking-clue nature to it.
so, turns out, mp4 is a much more space-efficient method of recording moving images, than gifs are.
at least it's done now though so i can start doing the translating.

"You're always hiding here by yourself, aren't you? What's wrong?"

Yes, miss Sakura, I've always been alone, ever since you, found me.

programmers are always trying to tell people this
nobody listens they're all just like "wa wa i hate gifvs though"

"I'll help you wipe your tears, so tell me what happened."

I'm sorry, miss Sakura, I'm only good at crying, I can't even speak clearly. I'm afraid of pain and I'm afraid of being bullied. I didn't want to get wet, and I didn't want the pencil box I saved up money to buy to get smashed.

hmm you know, i just realized that this game has "Chrono" in the name.
presumably there's time travel somewhere, but hell if i know where yet
gee I wonder if that could explain some of the timeline fuckyness we were confused about
how long they were in a relationship, how long sakura's been missing, how she's still in high school

"Don't worry, from now on I'll always be with you."

I know, miss Sakura. But I still want to become, that most important person, to miss Sakura.

that was why i proposed she had gone back in time to high school

"I'm very happy you could say that- really, very happy."

Me too, miss Sakura.

Even if the poison has spread inescapably throughout the entirety of the body, we'll never split apart from each other.


"Hang on, you're so clumsy with your hands, ouch!"

Surely miss Sakura's expression, so different from the face she normally wears, is one that only I can see.

Now you and I have a special relationship, don't we?

"Ran, from here on out, we'll never be apart again."

Of course, miss Sakura. ...Miss Sakura?

and then a whole wall of

don't leave me

miss sakura!

i'm here!




there's gonna be some kinda twist about the nature of their relationship
yeah there absolutely fucking is
this reads trivially as 'two girls in love keeping it secret' but like there's super going to be a twist here
this might be compatible with necronomicon theory.
in any case, the whole nightmare is ended when Sai wakes us up.

Sai: Hey, time to get up.

I'll be honest, "Ran, from here on out, we'll never be apart again." coming immediately after a giant wall of blood has me
the morning sun has vanquished the horrible night.
Ran looks up at Sai, who's already up and in her school uniform. Ran's still not awake yet. She considers eating another piece of paper from her notebook. That'd reliably stimulate her to full awakeness, but she'd rather not.

After all, after Yasu Sakura's disappearance, she'd already eaten eighteen full pages out of the notebook to stifle the increasingly serious symptoms of her illness.

Sai: You're okay, right?

y'know- you can really tell a game is good, when characters have multiple hairdos in the same game.
like look at that hairdo. that is complicated to draw.
artist for this project really enjoyed their chara portraits.
that's more effort than mobius rail where they wouldn't even toggle whether S had blood on her
the game even takes note- when ran sees the new hairstyle a popup appears saying, 'a new note about sai yano has been added to your notebook.'
>Hairstyle Acquired!
The new note is,

Decent hairdo.

love the sketches
this game has some great detail in it
i love this notebook
i trust this notebook implicitly.

Sai: You lookin' at something?

Ran: Ah, nothing, I just- uh, cool hairstyle.

Sai: Somehow feels like you're not exactly complimenting me. Whatever, get up already.

😢 1
wow, harsh sai

Ran got up, and noticed that Sai was holding a small baggie of- something. She dangled it, and Ran's eyes tracked it as it swung back and forth like a pendulum.

Sai: You can stop staring at it. That's the bag for my swimsuit. I'm going to get a swim in before the morning meet.

Ran: Swimming? There's a swimming pool here?

Sai: No shit. What, you think I'm going to backstroke across the courtyard?

sai is the ran of this story
and ran is the su of this story
sai isn't quite bookish enough to be flower!ran
Sai tells us to get up and brush our teeth. The student responsible for cleaning the classrooms and such on this day of the week has already gotten up, and Sai explains that she plans to foist us off on her today. Ran is completely fine with this.

Ran: I noticed it last night but didn't make much of it- despite the fine furnishings of this place, they don't have private bathrooms. I guess that means even the sinks where you brush your teeth are communal.

it's time to meet new people!
time for our intro screens
time to fill up the electroid
we head into the hallway and check the time. 6AM. pretty early.
We head under the passageway under the stairs, which turns out to take us to the communal sinks and baths.

Sai explains that she plans to foist us off on her today

no..... plan for ran to leave?
she's just Here Now?
she's just Here Now, yep
i do kind of have to wonder whether they're like, used to people just Showing Up here.
is ran even going to like, ask how to leave.
bus stop...?

Sai: Oi, Indou. You're on duty today, right?

The person that Sai addressed as Indou turned around, with her hands crossed before her, and made a light bow to Sai.

???: Good morning, miss Yano.

Sai: Yeah, good to see you too, I'm entrusting you with her. Ibuki, come over here.

Ran: Okay okay okay sure, boss.

Ran Ibuki heads over and is rather shocked to see that Indou is dressed in straight-up like an old-timesy traditional yukata or whatever.
Indou, on the other hand, is also extremely surprised to see Ran, presumably on the grounds of seeing a stranger show up.
"with her"
no introductions necessary i guess!
weird for such a close-knit environment

???: Wh-wh-wh-why is there a stranger?! Yano-san, who is she?

Sai: Calm down, Indou, take a deep breath.

Indou apparently took Sai at her word, and began taking extremely deep breaths, heaving her head back with every intake. It was a little comical.

Ran: (Indou, huh. Like the character for 'dog'. She is kind of cute, like a little puppy.)

okay okay okay i take that back

Ran: (What's with the traditional getup, though? And outfits like that aren't supposed to have that kind of flowery decoration on them, right?)

Ran: (Now that I think about it, the design looks a bit similar to Sai Yano's sailor seifuku uniform.)

???: Okay, I'm calmed down now. I think.

Sai rubbed the back of Indou's head affectionately.

Sai: Great, then I'm leaving the rest to you. Bring Ibuki to the classroom, will you?

Sai: Oh, yeah, by the way, last night after I came back from my swim, I found that the baths were outta water.

Sai: Make sure you let Asakura know about that, and tell her to come fix whatever's wrong in the afternoon.

Ran: (So, that means that Yano's wet hair was from showering over at the swimming pools, then.)

Ran: (But her hair seems like it'd be a hassle when it came to swimming. Curious.)


???: Okay, Yano-san, I'll remember to pass it on.

Sai: Good. So, Ibuki, just stick to Indou and you'll be fine. Don't bully her or I'll beat you up.

Ran: Where'd you get that impression of me from??

and sai's off to do her own thing so now we get to properly introduce ourselves to indou!

???: You're Ibuki-san, right?

???: I'm Tama Indou. It's nice to meet you, Ibuki-san.

Ran: (She's speaking in chinese- or at least that's what I'm hearing- as well, but if I bring that up I'm sure it'll be the same as last night with Sai.)

Ran: (I'm also curious about her outfit. Maybe she's an exception to the school uniform rules here.)

i wonder if those were her boots
the notebook is my favorite character.
where's the sketch
next page
these things are a four-page dealio

Tama Indou (犬童 玉)

Investigation 4, Alacrity 4, Charisma 7 (oh no she's the adorable one)

Uniform is a yukata. Impeccably polite to everyone, and very restrained in action.

Attempts to conceal her self-image of inferiority by humbly claiming the blame for all mistakes committed around her, under the belief that doing so will avoid others becoming irritated with her.


charisma 7

don't trust that

Besides miss Sakura's childhood pictures I have NEVER seen such an ADORABLE little girl

Hairbuns: adorable

Tiny height: adorable


Wearing hand bracelets? Woven kind of like in shintoism? Shrine maiden?

it's rika. nipaaaaahhhhhhh~.
"Besides miss Sakura's childhood pictures" lmaooo
interesting that everybody has their own coded bracelets.......
Ran thinks about how weird it is that as soon as Sai told her to calm down, she calmed down instantly. It reminds Ran of how Sai reacted when Ran showed up last night. These people are accepting a stranger into their midst way too quickly, and it makes Ran a little confused and uncertain.
Tama Indou gets us a cup and a brush for brushing our teeth. What a nice girl!

Ran: (Way too lawful...)

how old do we think this girl is?
Ran takes the cup and brush from Tama, and brushes her teeth. Tama waits for her to finish, and after Ran is done brushing, takes the cup and brush and washes them under the sink for Ran, as though she's not satisfied with the degree of cleanliness that Ran is displaying.
like, is she about our age or is she actually more of a kouhai

Tama Indou: Alright, then, please allow me to escort you to your classroom, Ibuki-sama.

Tama: I mean, Ibuki-san.

real maidservant vibes coming off this girl.

Ran: (She called me what?)

wh- why our classroom, since when are we a student
Tama-chan bows to us again and then takes off at a decently fast walking pace in front of us.
Ran follows.
yeah zero, did you think you could just sneak that possessive by us?
was briefly disoriented reading "tama-chan"
it is exactly what the story says, yep!
we should really explain to tama that we're not a new student!
Tama stops at the front of the house, gets the boots out from the bottommost cabinet, and meticulously laces and ties them on.
Ran slips her own shoes on in a few moments, but Tama seems intent on doing everything right and proper, and so Ran has to wait for Tama to finish lacing her boots.
Finally, after a long process of her tying her shoes to what appears to be regulation tidiness, Tama finally finishes, apologizing to Ran for taking so long.
character notes updated

Boots: also adorable

that's it
that's the contents of this update
tama indou has an adorable aura around her that's contagious apparently
ran sure didn't think those boots were cute last night!
We're out in the courtyard now! School's not nearly so freaky when it's bright and sunny out.
Look at how completely ordinary and normal this school is! The sky's beautiful. A cheerful slice of life song is being played in the background!

The rustic environment made Ran a bit nostalgic, and she wound up thinking about the time that she and Yasu visited Yasu's granny in the countryside that one time.

Yasu Sakura's granny was a bit weird, and she always called Ran 'little raccoon' for some reason, but she was exceedingly gentle and kind with her graddaughter.

When the two were fishing beside the river, her granny would often wheel a little hand-cart on by and bring them chilled watermelon. Though every time, the portion that was supposed to be for Ran always got eaten by the granny herself.

Ran: (Even though I didn't really want to be called 'little raccoon', miss Sakura always said that raccoons were adorable, so I had no choice but to allow her granny to keep calling me that.)

Ran: (Wait, what am I even doing.)

Ran finally remembers to bring up the whole fact that she is not here to join their class.
it's the bags under her eyes

Ran: (Almost let myself get caught up in the class atmosphere here. I'm not here to study!)

Ran explains that she wandered in here by accident, and that she'd like to find a train or bus station and leave before a teacher caught her trespassing on school grounds.
oh no
she chose the worst possible person to ask

Tama: I'm sorry, miss Ibuki. There are only us seven students here, and no teachers.

Tama smiled, as if she'd remembered something cheerful.

Tama: Well, eight now, including you, miss Ibuki!

time for her to explain that no, she's stuck in a death game
the girl who is currently doing 18th century cosplay is not going to be able to give you directions to a bus stop
"no teachers"
yeah, Ran has basically the same reaction.
who are the students
learning from
the textbooks???
maybe it's one of those classes where the students take turns presenting the material

Ran: (Okay, no, deep breaths. It's fine. You are not here to solve the seven mysteries of the school, or whatever. You are here to figure out a way to get out so you can get back to looking for miss Sakura.)

is she just, like, an itinerant detective

Ran: Okay, so, there's no teachers. Swell. Do you know where I can find a bus station, then?

Tama: Ibuki-san, I'd love to help you, but it's impossible to leave right now.

Hm. Yeah, figured it wouldn't be that easy. Still, if Ran could learn what the nature of the obstruction was, she'd be able to come up with a plan for it.

Tama raised a hand and pointed towards the northwest.

Tama: If you leave the school, and then left, there's a tunnel that'll take you to the local village.

Tama: But, a collapse blocked the tunnel with stones, so we can't leave through it, and there are no other ways out of the area.


nah actually she says,

Ran: (Hm. That's not so bad. I was worried it'd be some kind of supernatural situation. If it's just a mundane, regular old nonmagic nondemonic nonoccult nonanything road blockage, then there's definitely reason to be hopeful.)

Ran: An accident? So, when exactly did the tunnel get blocked?

Tama: I don't know. When we found that it'd been blocked up, that was a whole year ago.

Ran, for real this time: ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?! A YEAR?!

Ran stares at Tama, who apparently sees nothing wrong with this statement.

Ran: You've been in here a year?! You haven't seen or talked to your families in a whole year? And, if the road is blocked, then nobody can get in here, right? So what've you been eating? Are you telling me you had a year's worth of supplies stored in your school??

i really appreciate this protagonist
what a breath of fresh air after wu 'time god, don't ask questions' shi
i was just going to say the same thing
"What the fuck are you eating"
Where does the electricity come from

Ran: Even if you do, aren't you afraid you'll run out? Why hasn't the road been fixed even after a year, what's taking so damn long??

who collects your taxes

Tama: I... I don't know...

ran your questions are making the adorable child sad
shoudln't they be asking how ran got there
well, there's The Woods
presumably those are just, annoying to walk through at night, not Fully Impassable.
or if they're impassable it's for supernatural reasons I GUESS

Tama: The school always has food to eat...

Ran sighed.

Ran: Look, even disregarding the food thing, you all have basically been locked in here for a whole year. Don't you think that's incredibly weird?

Tama had broken eye contact with Ran, and was looking straight down at the ground while nervously fidgeting with her fingers.

Tama: I... I don't know...

Ran saw Tama's timid reaction, and for a moment, Ran thought she was looking in a mirror. She immediately lowered her voice, partially in contrition.

Ran: I'm sorry, I got too excited. But- you really aren't worried about being trapped here?

Tama: Well... in terms of being trapped...

Tama: I mean... until we graduate, we're supposed to stay at the school anyways.

Tama: I'm sure the tunnel will be fixed by then, so as long as we can leave by then, we'll be fine.


Tama: I'm sorry... miss Ibuki.

Tama: Can we hurry to the classroom? I'm afraid I won't have enough time to do the cleaning...

Tama Indou's eyes were moving around nervously, avoiding making contact with Ran's own gaze.

extremely anxious childe
wait so does this mean this is how school is supposed to work normally anyway...?

Ran was practically hearing a clack-clack-clack sound. It was like she and Tama Indou were gears aligned in the opposite direction, and their teeth were getting snagged on each other.

Ran decided to capitulate and spin in the same direction as Tama for now, so they'd stop clashing so badly.

Ran: Ah, hm, mm, sorry. Yeah, let's go, then.

Ran: (A year...)

Ran: (No matter how you think about it, being trapped in a school for a whole year can't be called normal.)

Ran: (Let's go in and meet the other students for now. With any luck, I'll find someone who agrees with me and wants to get out of here like I do.)

Back to school!
what, your school didn't lock you in the building until you graduated?
i mean
not every day
😂 1
The place isn't so freaky when it's bright out!
my school only locked us in the building the day we did graduate.
also she's gotta be hiding something
Ran notes, with some interest, that Tama takes off her boots when they arrive at the entrance, and swaps them for a pair of black wooden clogs from one of the cubbyholes at the entrance of the school.
remind me to tell my high school horror stories sometime
A straight up traditional looking pair of black wooden clogs.
like the manhole gas explosion
oh wow that sounds like
a hell of a story
it was great
god damn are we gonna have to take notes on the complicated shoe situation
(it was an overnight lock-in, this is actually a reasonably normal supervised teenager sleepover activity designed to prevent Hooliganism)
oh, those
that definitely sounds like it would be something that happens in a horror VN protagonist's backstory
narrowly surviving a gas explosion at school
i mean look. if it's gonna be anyone it might as well be me
very much a The Incident
i don't have anything nearly that fun in my backstory.
it sounds like everyone else has a normal shoe situation and this is just a Tama thing tbh
the sitshoeation
so, back to game-
Ran considers asking Tama about the whole, y'know, collapsed stairwell thing.
She ultimately decides not to, though, because she imagines it'll go one of two ways- either Tama will give a completely useless answer about how they've all just gotten used to it, or she'll make Tama really nervous again. Either way it'll be an unproductive conversation.
Ran also notes, with some interest, that Tama is capable of walking near-silently on those clogs despite clogs normally making a huge ruckus.
so Tama=Linos confirmed?
(god, if that's not a murder mystery clue, i don't know what is.)
Walking through the hallways of the school gives Ran nostalgia for when she was in high-school with her miss Sakura, and how they'd walk through hallways together themselves.

Ran Ibuki: Uoooohhhhh, miss Sakura, when can I see your face again?

she's a ghost
charisma 7 lets you talk to and negotiate with inanimate objects
apparently ghosts can get texts on their cellphone, because Tama Indou just stopped in the middle of the hall to pull out a cellphone and giggle at something on it.
It's a cellphone with one of those numeric keypads, not a smartphone like Ran has.
Pretty old-fashioned.
Not quite as old-fashioned as Tama's outfit, but still pretty old-fashioned.
we're in the past confirmed
Ran's response to this is,

Ran: (Wait, she has a signal on her phone?!)

omg she doesn't have a signal cause her phone is too new

Ran: (I need to get my hands on that phone, maybe I can make a call or figure out where we are or SOMETHING-)

i love how sane Ran is
like, wow, she's
really trying hard
to get out of this situation
or she doesn't have a cell plan at this time
yeah, it's really refreshing
ever since wu shi spent ages completely failing to consider the question of how does S have a meido army
somehow ran is giving real Birdland vibes here
i mean, completely tonally different
- Ran is competent!
god, i remember birdland
that was good stuff
birdland i think is the best twine game ever made


❧ Ran can do a backflip!


Ran: Hey, Tama-chan, did you get a text message or what?

Tama: Oh! It's nothing, just- my roommate loves sending me text messages after she gets out of bed, every morning. And the contents are pretty funny every time.

Tama smiled happily.

Tama: My roommate is Asakura-san. Miss Sai brought her up in passing, I believe?

Ran asks to borrow Tama's phone.
Shockingly enough, Tama lets Ran borrow it.
love that we're saying this about Ran Ibuki, the girl who admits up-front that she has severe hallucinations and mental health issues and was one time cocooned by a worm that causes eclipses
she is the best of both worlds
exceedingly competent and also batshit insane
👍 2
the best combination
Ran compares Tama's phone with her own. Both of the phones show no signal.

Ran: (Dang.)

Ran: (I guess the phones the students here have must have some kind of special modification that lets them talk to each other even without a signal.)

Just to make sure, Ran calls her own phone with Tama's phone. All she gets is an automated 'cannot connect' voice out of Tama's phone, and to add insult to injury, the voice coming out of Tama's phone is clearly speaking in chinese despite Tama's phone SIM card clearly being japanese.
Ran has gotten no usable answers about anything.
Ran hands the phone back to Tama.
Not exactly, but a place which is screened well enough to block cellular data is generally inaccessible to GPS signals too, the latter being far weaker.
👍 1

Tama: I'm sorry... I don't understand much about phones...

Tama, consistent with her notebook characterization, apologizes for something that is in no way or shape her own fault.
Ran Ibuki put her points into Ability, apparently
despite being a Strategist and the deeply cost-inefficient character of that
Ran reassures her that it's not her fault, but Tama is still worried, because, according to her, she often makes trouble for her classmates because she doesn't know how to use her phone properly.

Ran: (Her thoughts are as adorable as her appearance eeeeeee. I wanna pet her on her hairbuuuunssssss....)

would that even be a satisfying pet
it'd just be patting a lump of hair with no sensory apparatus in it
what, you can't feel things with your hair? casual

Tama Indou jogged into the classroom quickly after that, reaching the storage cabinet and opening it to extract the broom and dustpan, before beginning sweeping the room, starting from the rear row of seats.

Ran offers to help, and Tama thanks us. We take a towel and start working on the windows.
Of course, Ran has ulterior motives.
oh she's probably the one who cleaned the blackboard we found cleaned last night
She wants to investigate the room while it's bright enough to see and while Tama is distracted.
I swear, this protagonist is the most fucking Erika Furudo protag I have ever seen in a game.
Her entire mind is preoccupied with nothing but duct tape.
Ran approaches the storage cabinet for the cleaning goods and gives it a good look-over to see if there's anything weird hidden in it.
She finds exactly nothing, because come the fuck on what were you expecting in a broom closet.
to be fair it seems ran is capable of love
Ran, dejectedly, is forced to make good on her promise and actually help clean the room.
She does so with halfhearted motivation. Tama, of course, works her little heart out.
Ran "Ulterior Motives" Ibuki
ran comes very close to how i imagine izabeth thinks and acts
Ran "Uses 'LOOK' on Every Individual Object Described" Ibuki
😂 2

Ran: By the way, Indou. I notice you've got all these desks, but there's only seven students, right? Why do you have so many desks?

Tama: Oh, that.

Tama took a long breath, apparently very pleased with the fruits of her labor.

Tama: It was like this when we showed up here.

Tama: We thought about cleaning up a bit, but the tables are heavy so we never bothered to move them.

Tama: So we decided to just keep the place as it is. And we can use the spares as extras if we ever need them.

like now!
such foresight.
(Izzy does in fact have a power for "declare retroactively that i snooped in this area" and "declare that i set traps in advance" so this is appropriate)

Ran: (This explanation is only just barely reasonable. It's the same sort of question as how the dormitory building only has rooms for seven people despite it clearly being large enough to house many more people.)

Ran: (It's not incredibly strange by itself, but there's surely a more parsimonious answer to all of this.)

❤️ 1

About the difference between Indou's outfit and the school uniform

Praise Indou and tell her that her clothes suit her (Requires Charisma 5)

Use Temporary Points

oooo, our low charisma's holding us back a little!
Shall we spend a point on praising indou? Perhaps it will lead to hairbun pats!
"why are you wearing such Weird Garbage Clothes," asks ran ibuki, master of subtlety
it's just 1 temporary point, right
how many do we have
on principle i want to say no
we're still at five
but we get it right back
but we'll get it back no matter what and we're not at cap so there's no real point to spending it
"so, what's the difference between your outfit and the school uniform, fucker, i'm gonna kill your whole family"
emojilolsob 1
but man am i tempted by hairbun pats
well, whatever you decide, decide it soon because my goal is to get to all the other characters before i go to bed
tick tock we're on a timer!
i can flip a coin if you'd like?
let's conserve our points
i have a feeling we'll need them later
there are more characters yet to come
be mean
call her clothes ugly
conserving it is!

Ran: By the way, Indou, do you not have to wear the uniform?

Ran: The outfit Sai wears is the regular school uniform, isn't it?

Hearing Ran's question, Tama Indou stopped her sweeping. She didn't turn towards Ran, and spoke in a tiny voice.

Tama: My, my outfit here is a uniform too... Everyone picked the ones they liked most to wear, I chose mine with the rest of my classmates...

is that how you spell it
there are NO TEACHERS
they can wear whatever the fuck they want
faux pas
the s is silent
so is the x
because french
adorable child: sad now

Tama: You've noticed it, haven't you, Ibuki-san? All the outfits the students were here have the same color scheme.

Ran Ibuki: Chose yourself? You're saying that everyone here wears a different uniform?

Tama lowered her head, and crossed her hands nervously. Her legs were glued to each other in tension as well.

Tama: ...So even miss Ibuki feels that I do not deserve to wear the uniform, too, then...

ha ha holy fuck

Ran: What? I was just-

door opening sound

???: Hm?! Who are you?!

thank you for saving us from our incredibly awkward conversation with tama
The new girl's grinning as she sizes up Ran. She seems quite interested in the new kid!

???: So what's your name? Are you a transfer student? When'd you get here?

Ran immediately noticed the crest on her uniform's chest. It was clearly sewn on after the fact, and not the crest of the school itself.

Before she could answer, though, another student entered the classroom.

???: What is it, Aya, did something-

As soon as she saw Ran, the smile on her face fell away immediately.

???: Who are you?

Ran takes note of their uniforms being much more modern in design.

Are you a transfer student?

She supposes that this is indeed evidence that Tama's telling the truth about the uniforms... not being actually uniform.
Ran introduces herself and explains that she got lost.
now, here's an interesting system in this game: characters will have conversations with each other that you're not a part of, in the background, as represented by the upper right speech bubbles.
in practice, these secondary conversations are also recorded by the log, so you can read them, it's mostly- so far, as far as i can tell- just a neat bit of visualization and detail
for example, by paying attention to the side convo, we find out that mystery student number one's full name is apparently Aya Toyama.

Ran: I've gotten lost, and-

???: How'd you get in? We're in the mountains, and the tunnel road's been closed off.

i assume
finally someone asks
Ran immediately likes her.
from the spatial relationship between those speech bubbles
of course!
she also appears to be sane, almost!
that aya toyama is petting tradclothes sadblob

Ran: (Finally, someone here that's willing to ask what the hell I'm doing here and not just go along with the flow like everybody else.)

like the cat
god i love ran
i feel like ran ibuki is going to be yr favorite protagonist of any of these for a good while
she's so you
the zeroest protag
...though tbh you tend to put more points into charisma-type attributes
[frustrated noises]
i can't prove you're wrong!

Ran: (Still, I can't just tell her I don't know anything anyways, that'll just make her suspicious of me.)

Ran: (My best hope is to just kind of blunder my way through this conversation and wait until the topic changes. I have a feeling she's going to be very useful to me in the future.)

Ran: I was looking for someone, but somehow I,,,

???: ???

???: You haven't actually answered my question. You're hiding something, aren't you?

that doesn't make sense, she got rid of the sun.
that completely goes against zero's elemental alignment
when i ran this game to preview it, i ran ran as a 7-charisma build, so all i can say is that your understanding of me and my behaviors is exactly and completely on-point and accurate
well there you go! i am an expert on zerotags
(zero protags)
yeah ran hasn't even tried to take over the school yet.

???: Okay Miho that's enough, you can stop bothering the new girl now.

The student- Aya?- put both her hands on Ran's shoulders, and looked rather happy about it.

Aya: It's rare for us to get a new student! We should try our best to get along.

Aya: You're Ran, right? I'm Aya. Aya Toyama.

[Notebook Recorded: God she's short. I could just pick her up and throw her out a window if I had to.]
[Notebook Recorded: Don't let Aya read this.]

Aya Toyama

Investigation 5 Alacrity 6 Charisma 4

Wears a track uniform on top of their school uniform. Constantly smiling cheerfully; seems almost naively innocent.

Only willing to speak jokingly with Miho Takei. She's afraid to speak sincerely with Miho.

Excitable, superficial?

Crest on uniform- what's it mean?

Neck choker

Just slightly taller than Indou maybe

Rock-n-roll fangirl??

not cute, apparently
i wonder how ran's... acquiring these weirdly specific insights on people
excitable and superficial
time gooooooood note gooooooooood

Aya: And that extremely cute-looking but standoffish person over there is Miho Takei.

Miho: Aya, I feel like you should stay away from her.

After Miho's last word, she retreated back to her own desk, as though she'd lost all interest in Ran Ibuki.

Aya: Don't worry, Ran-chan, Miho always talks like that, but I'm sure she's very happy that we've got a new classmate too!

Miho: Not in the slightest.

alright miho what're your stats-
oh fuck.
investigation 7?

Miho Takei

Investigation 8 Alacrity 2 Charisma 6

on the plus side we can just spin kick her
AND she has charisma 6
to instantly render her unconscious
she was the one questioning us, right?
but yes if needs be we can literally dunk her like a basketball
ye @jjjqance
she'll be a worthy rival
hmm okay new plan come clean to her and ask her what the fuck is going on here and how you can get out

Miho Takei

Investigation 8 Alacrity 2 Charisma 6

Uniform is a western-styled suit. Calm and collected, and is the only student to express suspicion about Ran. However, she seems to also have benevolent intentions towards Ran.

Ran sees her in a positive, appreciative light, but Ran can't quite explain where this appreciation comes from.

that's that charisma 6 working for her i guess

Teardrop mole, incredibly pretty (not as much as miss Sakura of course)

Very long legs, and ideal proportions

Pretty smart too apparently

Patterns on the neck of her uniform- somewhat strange?

i love these how-to-draw-anime-ass portraits
the kirigiri
she's the kirigiri
"girl pretty," says ran in her notebook, twice
"hmm i wonder why i trust and like her."
😂 1
why pretty girl so pretty pretty
hmm you're going to have to unpack that one for me boss
the Detective character from danganronpa
who is also the main character's love interest eventually
'pretty AND smart'.
okay, gosh, uh. i really wanted to get through the whole cast introduction.
but it's getting
real late
there's still two more characters left who get introduced right after this, but i am really running on fumes and actively fighting the desire to just nod off and fall asleep right here
and my brain is getting incapable of doing proper translating
so i think i'm being forced to call it a night here
even though we haven't reached the point i wanted to reach yet, my body is restricting my ability to keep going :<
so i am just
going to have to pick this up tomorrow
and sleep for the night.
we'll be ready whenever you are for more Eat Your Notebook RPG!
yeah, good night! This was certainly a Lot Of Content To Chew On
even if it wasn't as much as you wanted, i certainly feel fulfilled.
It only took me like an hour and a half to read up to this point by my own.
Translation is so much more time-consuming than just reading. I’ve been here for, what? Seven hours i think??
seems like!
translation: very hard actually
been enjoying these, thanks for translating
(also thanks to whoever mentioned birdland, started it and I'm liking it)
birdland is so good
just got to