Part 4

In which we learn about the Astromorticians.

when last we left off... ann completely did not at all remember us! what a fffffucking surprise. (back to index:
Miho asks, skeptically, if we're really Ann's girlfriend.
Ran replies with an indignified 'Of course I am!'

Ran: After all, her and I had already started, even in highschool-

Ran: ...Started... ...started what?

Ran: Something's not right... I... Miss Sakura and I, we should already be...

oh boy that sure is an ominous clue
unfortunately Ran's still Shook from Ann being amnesiac and so she doesn't follow up on it.
Ann continues to not remember Ran. Ran continues freaking out about this. I have to say, usually, you've got it pretty together, Ran.
But I suppose Ann's your mental weakpoint.
If it were anybody else Ran would probably be Theorizing and Hypothesizing here, but Ann's her one blind spot.

Ran: ...No, Miss Sakura-

Ran: Right! Let's try-

Ran: Remember the time we went to the beachside during the summer of our first year in highschool? We sat together on the beach and watched the moon with each other, you remember that, right?

Credit where credit's due, she sure is trying.
uh-oh the Freaky Red Stuff is creeping in around the edges of our vision again
Naturally, Ann doesn't remember jack shit, despite Ran trying a lot more things, like 'the first time Ann invited Ran over to her house', 'the first time they embraced each other', and, of course, 'that one time that Ran almost clawed her own eyeballs out and how Ann tied Ran to a chair for a few days and took care of Ran until she regained her sanity'.
Things that completely normal girlfriends do for each other as part of a regular old romance.
The freakiest part is, after Ran brings up the 'you saved me from literally clawing my own eyeballs out! by tying me up! for days! and feeding me! also for days!' thing,
Ann's response is:

Ann: I don't remember anything like that.

Completely monotone.
No 'what the fuck, you tried to claw out your own eyeballs??? Why?!'
just monotone 'sorry, i don't remember that'.
that's apparently the last straw for our Ran.
Ran's losing it!

???: They're coming. I couldn't stop them, and they've completely broken through my defenses.

???: I laid on the floor and dry-heaved without stop. The disgusting sounds of vomit corroded away at my eardrums.

Miho: Ibuki-san!

???: Takei Miho bent down and kneeled besides me, stroking my back in an effort to soothe me. But she couldn't soothe the bleeding spines that were now sprouting from my vertebrae.

???: They couldn't be satisfied with flooding forth from just my mouth- they had to tear my flesh asunder as well.

???: I heard them- their shrill laughs. They mocked my loneliness, scoffed at my insularness, and denied my pride.

Aya: Ran-chan, what's... wrong?

Koizumi: Miss Ibuki...

Ran: Don't- don't!

???: They were already before me, crawling all over my very eyeballs.

???: I lashed out, trying to fling them away. Tears were flung to the floor with the same frequency as my wild motions.

Ran: Ann- you can't- if I don't have you then I...

Miho: Miss Ibuki, speak no further.

Takei Miho held me by the shoulder and tried to help me to my feet- but it was no good. After all, their sharp fangs were hovering right above my cranium. If I stood up- if I stood up...

Ran is having a very bad time.
Miho tries to take Ran to the infirmary. Ran is having none of it. After all, in Ran's perception, they're all surrounded by them.
Who are 'them'??? good fucking question.
I have no idea. I don't think we're meant to understand, exactly.
Though it's kind of telling that, uh, Ran refers to them as ๅฅนไปฌ(them, female), and screams at them to...

Ran: Stay away from me! Don't-

Ran: Don't bully me...

Ran: Miss Sakura! Let's go! They... They...!

So, yeah. Almost certainly psychodrama representations of bullies. poor ran.
Ran grabs Ann and runs for it. Sai tries to stop them, but in her current state, all this makes Ran think is that maybe Sai's also one of 'them'.
TVStatic!Ran runs for it. She drags Ann out of the old showers. It's apparently dark out. There are sounds of rumbling in the distance, and the clouds are gray and dull. Ran can only comprehend this as an ominous portent.

???: I pushed Sai out of the way and fled the showers. Sounds of rumbling emanated from the sky, and the accumulated stormclouds were on the verge of bursting forth with all of their accumulation. That'd cause them to catch me! I had to get out of here!

Ran: Miss Sakura, miss Sakura, we need to go!

Ann: G- Go where-?

Ran: Anywhere!

Ran: Anywhere where there's only the two of us and where they can't find us!

Ran drags Ann out across the courtyard, grabbing onto her wrist with all the strength she has, so that they can't split them apart.
She's going for the exit to the school!
Eminently reasonable.
It starts raining. Ran does not let this deter her.
There's some real sound effects here, too. Lightning and rainstorm sound effects.

Ran: We're almost there, miss Sakura... Soon... we'll be able to go back...

???: I felt the dirt under my feet get blasted near-instantaneously, into disgusting mud, by the storm. It made my steps so heavy.

???: But I absolutely wouldn't let go. Miss Sakura was right behind me; I'd never be separated from her ever again.

Ran: Almost there, almost... Nobody will be able to bully me again...

Ran: We'll be together forever... Miss Sakura... I-!

???: But then they came. They grabbed my feet, tripped me, caused me to step into a muddy pothole and stumble to the ground, pulling Miss Sakura into the mudwater with me.

Ran: Miss Sakura... Get up, quickly! We've almost made it out!

Ran: The tunnel's right th-

this is a place where i am constrained by chinese grammatical structure, so it's time for a translator's note
in the original chinese, the literal translation would be something like, 'she and i in highschool had already begun' something.
but that's grammatically awkward
the original sentence cuts off in the middle of her saying what she'd already begun to do
okay okay
the basic important takeaway here is that i think that ran is definitely no longer a highschooler
that theory is probably confirmed.
the question that I have is whether it implies any post-highschool memories of Ann as well
because that was an interpretation i had of the english translation
i don't think the line alone implies it
it also doesn't not imply it though. it's neutral with implications about whether or not ann and ran continued having shared experiences post highschool.
oh hey

???: With my escape being forcefully terminated, my body came to a halt as well, and my brain finally began functioning again. Just when I'd comprehended the situation before me, they had caught up to me as well.

Ran starts bawling in the middle of the storm.

Ran: Miss Sakura- why- why would you forget me...

???: I began bawling. There was nothing left to keep me going.

???: They would permanently occupy my mind, then.

that last line is something i've written and rewritten like three times. it's such a weird line to translate.
the way that static!ran says it in the original chinese it has this connotation of, like... possession, like, some kind of inescapable eldritch corruption of one's reasoning faculties
like, it's the kind of line you'd use to describe, idfk, yeerks
presumably it means "There's no hope for me to fix myself now, because Sakura Ann was my only hope"
"fix myself" meaning "get rid of whatever spirits are possessing me"
literally or metaphorically.
yeah, that's what it means, but- well, i guess this is definitely confirmation that ran frames her situation as one of parasitic possession by malign powers.
anyways, in the depths of Ran's despair, Ann calls her name.
Ran is immediately overjoyed, thinking that Ann has finally remembered her.
it could be. but the imagery that ran uses here isn't betrayal, it's 'occupation by outside hostile forces'
'they are taking up residence in my logical faculties and i no longer have recourse' is a more direct translation
'my ability to reason has become garrisoned by 'them''
god i love the word garrisoned.
i should find a way to work that into more conversations
you're probably right, it's just a very difficult metaphor to translate into english if that makes sense
difficult to keep the textual meaning AND subtextual meaning at the same time
especially when we don't really know what the intended subtextual meaning is!
Rather, what Ann has to say, is...

Ann: I don't remember you.

Her words caused me to tremble all over. As I hyperventilated and reflexively opened and closed my mouth, they pierced holes in my lips with gleeful abandon.

The rainwater spilled into my throat, into my windpipe, causing me unbearable pain.

Ann: But, you say that I'm your lover. So, that means, you love me, and my body is telling me that it loves you, as well.

Ann: Because I don't remember you, you're in incredible pain.

Miss Sakura reached out and brushed away my tears.

Ann: Even if you must bear the pain of your lover having forgotten you, can you love me just as you once did before?

ann, suave as fuck: hey it's fine if i don't remember anything, that just means i get to fall in love with you all over again ๐Ÿ˜‰ ran: -9999999! critical hit!!!
Also: wow, great setup to get ran to trust you
This scene is actually very interesting because...
i mean, you know what my stance is, on cute designated-girlfriend characters and their culprit suspiciousness.
much more understanding response than i would have expected!
Ran is incredibly ready to fall in love with Ann all over again, obviously.
nooo let me believe in love

Ran: Even though you don't act or talk the same or have the same memories as the Ann I knew, somehow I know it's still you.

Ran: You are Ann Sakura.

are you sure, Ran?

my body is telling me that it loves you, as well

dang girl
You're usually FAR more paranoid than this.
Ann is really your mental blindspot.
Ran: 'gosh well you have literally nothing in common with my girlfriend other than her name and appearance but sure i'll trust you implicitly' Ann: 'great!'
hey she SOMEHOW knows ok
like really Ran you can't think of a single fucked up scp anomaly thing that could make fake dupes of people or whatever?
what do u guys think are the chances it's TWINS
or ann is just faking not remembering
or eclipse worms
it's one of those 3!!!
optimistically: true love is magic and transcends memory erasure charitably: solid relationships transcends specific shared experiences, it's about a more fundamental compatibility and personality match cynically: ran is being very "baby bird with a broken wing" right now and there's a kind of person who's attracted to that and it's not not Ann Sakura more cynically: as above but also Ann Sakura has some sort of larger plan for Ran, either premeditated or improvised

Ann: I don't know who I am, either, to be entirely honest.

Ann: They've always called me Ann Sakura, but I don't remember anything about what it is that I used to do.

Ann: Could I be a soul that somehow wandered its way into the wrong body?

Ann: I've never known what it is that I'm supposed to be doing. Can I allow myself to exist as the identity of 'myself', rather than the identity of 'Ann Sakura'?

Ann: Did 'Ann Sakura' have things she wanted to do? Should I be trying to complete those things for her?

Ann: But I've never understood 'Ann Sakura'. I've never known what it was she wanted, and nobody has ever been able to tell me.

Ann: Ran, can you tell me more about 'Ann Sakura'?

i can't come up with a real funny one off the top of my head i'm just- wow.
the coincidence.
๐Ÿ˜ฒ 1
maybe ann's brain got mixed up from the flood of endorphins from getting brought back to life while ran was holding her and now she thinks she's in love
'hello ann sakura from chrono jotter' 'hello utsushikome of fusai from the flower that bloomed nowhere' screenshot of ann asking ran to tell her about the person she used to be screenshot of utsu asking ran to tell her about the person she used to be
oh wow
that's a spectacular coincidence
maybe chrono jotter is actually FLOWER FANFICTION
Deleted User
love how our mc is named ran
coincidence? I THINK NOT

Ann: Can you tell me, what I should do with my existence, in this world?

Ran: Miss Sakura...

Ann: A lover is- someone who can become a reason to keep living, right?

Ann: But the me of right now cannot become your lover, because I have no memories regarding you. To become each other's 'meaning', first we must have a shared experience.

Ann: Like the things you talked about, before; the beachside moon, the meetings and the embraces, and the suffering we endured together.

Ran was silent. Ann's words, to her, were too much, too difficult to take in.

ran: be my gf
ann's asking ran to provide a reason to keep living huh
hey remember that scene in the stat allocation screen
where ann's clearly jumping off a building and ran failed to stop her
remember that one
๐Ÿ‘ 1
oh i didn't actually read your paragraph yet lol
she's getting 'jected
i certainly do!
my current ongoing theory now is that this is DEFINITELY some kind of trauma psychodrama space that ran shoved herself into, to cope with ann's suicide.
although i was uncertain about whether it was ann or whether it was a DIFFERENT ex that ran had
i mean, you have to imagine she tends to collect them.
Deleted User
Eating pages to maintain my sanity! (GONE SEXUAL) (GONE WRONG) (POLICE)
theory: the notebook pages are made of the skin of all her OTHER exes
๐Ÿค” 1

Ran: The meaning of living on...

Ran: Miss Sakura, from the moment I first saw you, you were already always my one and only reason for living on.

Ran: I'm sorry, miss Sakura, for doubting you. To think that I might imagine you would choose to leave me of your own volition, and even forget me entirely.

Ran: You've done nothing wrong. No- this school, and those six students, they're to blame for all this.

i- ran, what?! you're immediately leaping to-

Ran: The six of them must have done something to you.

ran are you- oh my god ran you're just looking for someone to blame aren't you. holy shit ran you better not start going all like 'so if we just kill all six of them everything will be fixed forever!!!'
yeah ran you're freaking out your possibly-girlfriend. this is the first time she's had a concerned expression on this whole game so far.
Deleted User
eclipse worms?
Ran tells Ann to leave it all to her. Ran will get to the bottom of this. She will uncover all the mysteries of this school, and figure out how to bring Ann back to normal. She's all gung-ho about it again. I guess Ran's the kind of person who needs a concrete goal to aim towards. Ann is unnerved by this, because the way Ran's talking about it, it's kind of clear that Ran places basically no value on the wellbeing of the other students in this, and is probably ready to do anything to the other students if she judges it to be useful towards her goal.
we're playing as the yandere.
it's us. we're the yandere.
holy shit.
how we gonna kill the other students tho
they'd just come back to life

Ran: Also, miss Sakura, can I... you know...

fidgety hands

Ran: ...kiss you?

Ann: ......What?

Ann: Kiss me??

Ran: You know. I've... been looking for you for a long time. And I've missed you. So... I'm having trouble holding myself back-

Ann: No. We haven't become lovers, yet.

Ran: Aha! Ha! Yes! Of course, you're right, miss Sakura.

ran you are definitely freaking your pink-haired sweetie out

Ran: Of course, since miss Sakura doesn't remember me, and it's- not the time or place for...

Ran: Yes. Of course. Let's- let's go back to the school then.

ann: oh god what have i gotten myself into
oh hey chrono jotter happening
jesus fuck ran
And so they return to the schoolhouse, Ran still holding onto Ann's hand and refusing to let go!
yet! growth mindset

And, through Ann Sakura's lovely long lashes, I could tell that, though she was keeping her hair over her face...

She was watching me.

Prologue complete. A chance to increase one of your stats has been acquired.

imagine yourself in ann's shoes- you've appeared at some sort of mysterious school where everyone keeps killing each other and coming back to life, you don't remember who you are or where you come from, and you've been stuck in this death loop for who knows how long- and then the first time any hint of your past shows up, it's this crazy yandere who has a mental breakdown when you don't remember her
oh god
i'm going to be
playing this game
for months
aren't i
ahahahaha oh man
that really was the tutorial case, huh
i wonder if the next case will be a 'real' murder
i've really danganronpa'd myself here
congrats, oren
extremely fucking woke of the authors honestly.
anyways we get to upgrade a stat by 1 point now. we're currently Investigation 5, Charisma 4, Alacrity 6.
there's no backstory scene this time we just get to pick which one we upgrade.
so, folks, what do you think?
i think investigation- being alacrity 6 got us an important clue last time
inv might get a similar opportunity
and ran being bad at charisma is, uh, entirely in-character given what's been happening so far
although charisma i think is maybe our biggest weakness right now
since there are, frankly, a lot of girls for us to flirt with
like if we have to pick a dump stat, might as well be the one that is demonstrably the character's actual weakness
alright! we are locked into investigation, then.
THAT SAID: back when i testplayed i had the 7 charisma ran, and because of that i know what's behind the 6-charisma-gated dialogue option with tama indou, in that scene where we had the opportunity to comment on her fancy old-timey traditional yukata school uniform. it might be worthwhile to go back and check on that scene once we've either got enough temporary points or stat points to unlock that scene. it's a pretty interesting scene.
our current stats are now inv 6 cha 4 dex 6.
Deleted User
miss sakura is totally gonna be a split personality
if we take cha the next couple times we can go full number of the beast
i bet we've got either exactly 6 or 7 more points in stock
i fully expect every single one of the girls will die at least once
and then followed by either ann again or ran
also agreed on this point- when you think about it, the eclipse worms are kind of a clear metaphor for a depressive episode
i hope we get murdered at some point, then wake up and the girls are just like "yeah a whole case happened without you" and that's the whole chapter
lmao yeah i'm expecting that at some point
or at least, a case where that's one of the decision points we can go back to
and the blood sculptor is clearly a metaphor for 'i adopted a cute cat but then the cat ran away' probably.
i... don't know what to say about the golem delivery service.
vigilante superhero
Anyways! We wake up in the infirmary! There's charming slow melancholy coffeeshop piano music playing in the background along with asmr rain!

...Had someone spilled the bottle full of stars?

Ann used to have a glass bottle in her house which was filled with tiny meteorites. She'd occasionally open the bottle and pour them out.

Then, she'd nudge the little galactic visitors around with her fingers, and tell Ran all about their starry homes in a quiet voice.

Ran had long since forgotten the names of all those constellations and stars, but the crisp sound of the meteors splashing out onto the wooden floorboards, and the quiet sounds of Ann's voice, so different from the way she usually spoke, were engraved indelibly into her mind.

Ran: ...No, this is just the sound of rain.

Miho is there to greet us. She asks us if we're doing good now. Ran mumbles something incoherent, so Miho checks us for a fever.
She concludes we're probably fine now.

Miho: You gave us all a big scare when you came back with Ann, you know?

miho's being very nice to us right now! gut instinct is that miho is the other possible love interest. that's what my trope-savvy intuition says.
wow that's so cute
the meteorite thing
i think the eventual decision is going to be between ann as representing 'living in the past' and miho as possibly 'getting over your dead ex'.
see i thought miho was obviously our clearest adversary.
๐Ÿ‘ 1
i don't really have evidence for this, other than miho being basically the only person that ran describes as attractive in her notebook, other than ann.
she can be both!
dating your rival is a time-tested strategy!!
๐Ÿ‘ 4

Miho: You haven't even had breakfast yet, have you?

Miho: Running about with low blood sugar outside in the rain. It's no wonder you wound up in the infirmary.

miho is the high investigation one right?
yeah miho is ms. investigation 8
she's got investigation 8, only one below the cap.
who was on to us immediately and professedly "would like nothing better then for us to leave her school as quickly as possible"
miho takei just gives me massive kirigiri danganronpa vibes, frankly
i know i've made this comparison
but i'm going to keep making it because i'm right as i always am
impossible for cute girl culprit theorem to fail this time around, too
me having never played danganronpa: zero is in fact always right
also the diary description straight up says 'ran ibuki likes her and has no idea why.'
she didn't contribute to the investigation though
i mean, nobody did

Ran looked down to see some bandages tied around her arm.

Miho: I gave you some glucose solution through a drip. Feeling better?

ran: unhand me you demon witch what foul unknown poison X have you injected into my veins
nah actually ran's like 'i guess i'm feeling better?'
glucose'll do that
then Ran immediately goes looking for her treasured notebook.
my alternative proposal for our overarching culprit is a general manipulator behind the scenes who set the school up and drew these girls to it
as a kyubey esque figure
i guess there is a remote possibility that this person is not also a cute girl
i'm personally very suspicious of ann. but, i mean, that's an obvious guess. it's either ann or it's a kyubey, yeah.
i'm thinking it might be the school itself.
i get the vibe that this school is one of those freaky haunted genius loci from japanese creepypasta stories.
like it's TOTALLY keeping them here. keeping them fed and providing conditions where they can freely kill each other for reasons unknown.
oh. ran is naked. or, at least, stripped to the undergarments. i guess that makes sense. she was out in a storm. they obviously took her clothes off to dry them.
Miho, thankfully, had the foresight to keep Ran with her beloved diary, and points out to Ran that it's right there on the desk next to the sickbed.

Ran: Thanks. Did any of you look in the notebook?

Miho: No, of course not. None of us are the type to peek at other peoples' private secrets as soon as we get a chance.

Miho: (speaking of which, when did you have time to draw detailed portraits of all 7 of us...?)
Deleted User
dead? killer? what?!?!

Miho giggled, then.

Miho: Though, if your body counts as a 'private secret', that one has definitely been revealed at this point.

ah, right. i forgot that miho has the secondary character trait of 'being low-key a bit of a libertine'.

Ran: What?

Ran: Wait, it wasn't miss Sakura who changed my clothes?

Miho: Of course not. For starters, Ann couldn't even lift you. It was Sai and Makoto, of course. Well, I helped too.

Miho: I must say, you have some very fine proportions. Much better than one would have expected, honestly!

they're completely fucking flirting
either miho is a long-term secondary romantic interest, or miho is going to die this case
...possibly both.
she might die this case AND be a long-term secondary romantic interest.
yeah, "gets killed off so that plot thread goes nowhere" not on the table for this one, it seems
Ran has no idea how to deal with someone flirting with her that isn't Miss Sakura, so she just ignores it all.
Deleted User
the fuck?
does she say that
zero and benedict are being flippantly meta and genre savvy about plot developments.

Ran: Let's get to the point. I talked with miss Sakura. She's lost her memories- not just about me, but about practically everything.

Ran (threateningly): Did you make miss Sakura lose her memories? What is the situation with this school exactly? How did you get here? Why do you kill people?

if you mean "Ran has no idea how to deal with someone flirting with her that isn't Miss Sakura, so she just ignores it all": yeah, pretty much, she actually says that.
did i miss something ...? why are we in the infirmary?
we collapsed once we got back, apparently
this was offscreened.
Miho asks us to slow down and ask one at a time so she can explain properly. So now we get to ask! One at a time! I will just go through these from the top on down.
Also we got a temporary point here for some reason, so we're back up to six.
So what the fuck is up with this school, Ran asks.
Deleted User
blood-sculpting gentleman is such an extra name for a cat
well, it's very to the point, at least

Ran: What the fuck is up with this school.

Miho: I... don't really understand this question? Is there something weird about the school?

Ran: ADIGAHEOGHAGASDFLKDAGHADFJASDFwhat. are you fucking serious. i will slap you.

Ran: Is there something weird- Is there ANYTHING normal about this school??

Ran: Where are the teachers? The janitorial staff? If you live here then where're you getting your food, daily necessities, water, and electricity from??

thank you ran
asking the important questions

Miho took a moment before answering.

Miho: There's no teachers, we ourselves handle teaching and staffing. For example, I'm the school nurse, and miss Asakura handles maintenance.

Miho: And the other four classmates of ours each handle one of the subjects, as well as using extra time after classes to prepare their curriculums.

Miho: The daily supplies and food, as well as other necessities, were prepared for us when we first arrived at the school.

Miho: So far it doesn't look like we're going to run out anytime soon.


Ran: So you're just eating year-old food at this point??

Miho: We worried about it too, but all the food has been preserved perfectly well. None of it's gone bad or anything.

Miho: And the quality of it's superb, too! They even have the special lychees that me and Aya love. They're not really rare or anything, but it's impressive that they had such a particular fruit prepared in the school stockpiles for us.

Ran: (Can you really call 'food that doesn't rot' ordinary food??)

Ran: (I suppose, if she's not lying to me, then this is really all she actually knows.)

Ran decides that the only explanation for this is that someone responsible for preparing these living supplies has been sneaking onto campus without the students' awareness.
After all, fresh food does not stay good in the fridge for a whole year.
How they're getting in and out of the school, that's the question.
And why they're going to so much trouble, as well.
As a note, I was getting people mixed up, so here are my notes on names/descriptions, in case they help anyone else: Ran Ibuki: inv 6 / dex 6 / cha 4 Description: black hair, looks dead Page: -Protagonist Sai Yano: inv 4 / dex 7 / cha 5 Description: tall, greenish hair Page: Tama Indou: inv 4 / dex 4 / cha 7 Description: short, light hair, wears anachronistic clothes Page: Aya Toyama: inv 5 / dex 6 / cha 4 Description: short, dark brown hair, crest and choker Page: -Strange crest on uniform Miho Takei: inv 8 / dex 2 / cha 6 Description: tall, grey hair, blue eyes Page: -Immediately suspicious of Ran Makoto Asakura: inv 7 / dex 5 / cha 7 Description: tall, purple hair Page: Koizumi Hyuga: inv 4 / dex 3 / cha 6 Description: tall, light brown hair, grey eyes, looks confused Page: -Class president Ann Sakura: inv 9 / dex 6 / cha 9 Description: pink hair Page: -Main love interest (aka obsession)
some heroes don't wear capes
the fact that Ann wasn't even able to lift us up when she has Alacrity 6 is actually kind of interesting to me.

Ran: It reminds me a bit of the Astromorticians, the way that they somehow appear and disappear undetected in the school, to replenish the supplies.

the what

Ran: But if that's the case, then this school is way too special. Just what was it that caused this place to become the focus of so many supernatural anomalies?

A new term has been added to your list of terms.

oh god fuck.


Why is every term so creepy damn
it seems implausible that miho isn't concealing something from us here
Serious Bloodbourne vibes, as others have said already
this game is amazing
i want to see the devs' brainstorming sessions for these things

The Astromorticians

An organization composed of five anthropoforms who wear third-generation astronaut outfits. They appear in the vicinity of corpses which have died of (certain causes whose details have been lost due to Ran's missing memories), and cause all humans within a spherical area, 500 meters in radius, centered on that corpse, to experience sudden anoxic shock. Furthermore, the processor frequencies of electronic devices within the affected radius will also be reduced to less than 1/1,000,000,000ths of their normal rate, and the affected region will enter a state of zero gravity.

The Astromorticians will then engage in midair processing of the corpse, including decontamination, physical restoration, and the application of makeup. After finishing processing of the corpse, they will clasp their hands and engage in prayer. Six hours after appearance, they will utilize safety ropes connected to the surface of the earth to pull themselves underground, after which they will demanifest.

Ran Ibuki once communicated briefly with them, but because she was under extreme emotional stress at the time, she was unable to comprehend the information conveyed to her by the Astromorticians.

...i think i think this one is the 'magic' explanation for what happened immediately after ann- presumably- jumped off a building and fell to her death.
everything adds up here.
the whole 'restoration of the corpse', 'anti-gravity', 'shuts off electronics- presumably so gawkers can't take photos of the scene',
'ran was in extreme emotional stress' well yeah of course she was, ann just died in front of her
i am pretty sure that's what this particular anomaly is the metaphor for.
i will be pretty upset if metaphor is all these things are

Six hours after appearance, they will utilize safety ropes connected to the surface of the earth to pull themselves underground, after which they will demanifest.

it sounds like a funeral to me
wait, so they- why do you need ropes to-
oh, right, zero gravity
everybody comes together
i mean, on some level, something has to be real, we saw someone die and come back to life- but yeah right now my major theory is 'this is all happening inside someone's head'.
then disperses

Ran: (Y'know what, not my fucking problem. As long as the weirdness of the school has nothing to do with miss Sakura's missing memories, then it's not my problem. Let them keep eating their anomalously fresh lychees.)

Ran: (They can do whatever they want so long as it's not anything related to hurting miss Sakura.)

i am too but- like, it's my gut instinct y'know my gut instinct says that this is one of those fantastical-things-as-metaphor-for-real-trauma storytelling devices.
So that's the school question... not really answered!
Next up, 'why murders tho'
miho: what, you didn't do this at your last school?

Ran: Why murders tho.

Miho: About that... I feel like you're not going to like the answer to that one.

Ran: What's that supposed to mean.

Miho: There's not really a reason, really. We weren't used to it either at first, but now it's just what we do.

Miho: It's like how, when you're in P.E. class, when there's a basketball you play basketball, and when you're at the track you run laps.

Miho, you're seriously saying 'you commit murders because that's just what the classes here are about'? i can't decide if this is the worst school ever or the coolest school ever

Ran: ...At least physical exercise has the constructive use of strengthening student constitutions.

Miho: In that case, would you feel better if I justified the murder cases as exercises to strengthen the students' ability to engage in deductive logic and perform investigations and counter-investigations?

Ran's having trouble accepting that they don't have a reason to do the killings, but at the same time, she supposes that nobody's getting hurt. Well, for a certain value of 'getting hurt'.
ok but how did it start
like did one of them murder the other and they came back to life and were like 'no hard feelings'

Ran: (...I guess... I really do have to just accept that this is just an arbitrary class all of them are taking?)

Ran: (To hell with that, though.)

yeah if i were Ran I sure would wanna ask
but Ran, right now, is more focused on asking, why miss Sakura lost her memories.
betcha right now the answer is 'i'unno.'

Ran: Why is miss Sakura missing her memories? What did you all do to her?

Miho: I'unno. She was like that when she showed up at school.

Miho lowered her head and sighed.

Miho: We were actually all really worried about her at first, but Ann told us not to worry about her.

Miho: She said that we didn't need to be worried or concerned for her, and we didn't need to help her do anything. Companionship alone was enough.

I'd also like to note that this game has quite cleverly neutralized the Cute Girl Culprit Theorem by making almost every girl cute
Truly a new frontier in mystery creation
๐Ÿ‘ 1

How gentle and kind Ann Sakura was, how much she cared for others- Ran Ibuki knew all of that perfectly well already.

This wasn't the answer she'd wanted to hear.

Ran had wanted Miho Takei to admit that, yes, the six of them were the culprits, they did this to Ann in order to torment Ran and Ann and take joy in their suffering.

ran yep, ran's ran's definitely got some childhood-bullying-trauma-related motivated reasoning going on here.

Ran: Uh-huh. So, what you're saying is, miss Sakura's missing memories have nothing to do with you six. She's just an odd anomaly and all six of you are both completely fine and completely in the dark about why.

Miho: It's the truth. We only learned that her name was Ann Sakura after we saw her name in the class roster.

i get that this is banter but i've actually seen this before- seven sacrifices, another chinese murder mystery i brought up before, also has a cast of nothing but cute girls
(i failed completely on seven sacrifices, actually.)
WRONG EMOTE agafafa. nobody saw that.
(completely failed to guess the culprit.)
(possibly not a coincidence. when you take away my trump card, i'm not that good at reasoning.)
excuse me, sai?
sai is the CUTEST.
Cutest are Aya and Tama tbh
sai is the hot jock heartbreaker she's literally ripped from the pages of basically every highschool yuri
I mean we may just be using different definitions of cute
I'm going with cute (not necessarily hot), since it's more of a "wow this person could never murder anyone" thing
Kind of like with Mobius, Ji was cute, but Se wasn't
sakura ann is definitely cute in that sense in the first photos we got of her
could the murder game be a metaphor for bullies or something ...?
bullies don't normally draw by lots to decide who's going to be the bully and who's going to be the bullee
Ran continues to >doubt Miho.

Ran: So you'd just have me believe, that the six of you, who literally murder each other for fun, have been just happily living with miss Sakura for a year, and when I show up, the six of you are perfectly fine, and miss Sakura's the only one that's missing her memories??

Miho: I'm telling you, Ibuki-san, it's the truth.

Miho: Even if you keep pressing me, I can't tell you a truth that you don't want to hear. Ann is a good person. If we could help her, none of us would refuse her, and there's no way that any of us could have done anything to her.

Ran turns away and pulls her bedsheets up further.

Ran: (I can't tell if she's lying or not.)

Ran: (There's no way for me to get any more clues from her for now, at least. I should speak with miss Sakura again. Can't go wrong spending more time with her, that's for sure.)

Ran: fuck, why does she has to have more investigation than me, that's bullshit,

Ran: fuck, why does she has to have more investigation than me, that's bullshit,

KIN .........
they put smart people in this game??
fucked up and unfair

Out of questions now

Aya seems to act weird with you (REQUIRES 5 CHARISMA)

Use Temporary Points

"Aya seems to act weird with you...."
least appealing way i can think of putting that
Zero your "Miho love interest theory" definitely does seem to run up against the fact that miho is already in huge lesbians with someone else.
that's why ran is interested though
y'know if we put some points in charisma we could come back to this in the future and get answers without spending temp points~
maybe that's why we have three saveslots, so we can make three savefiles each minmaxed for one stat
and get every scene that way
i wonder how maximum charisma ran would have solved ann's death, she wouldn't have been able to feel koizumi's bag
she'd put on her charm and get the culprit to confess
i'm hedging my bets with the translation a bit because it's a bit of a neutral way to ask
like... 'weird' is the exact word ran uses
if anything is off, it's my choice to use the word 'act' rather than 'has an attitude of' or 'perceives you in such a way'
i think in general the charisma questions have all been a little more ... blunt? then the actual dialogue in game has come out being
it's not at all clear to me, if we hit the choice, whether it's going to be like 'aya's kinda weird around you, bedroom eyes' or 'aya's kind of weird around you, fucker, i'm going to kill your whole family'
like i'm saying i can't tell what tone ran is saying the words in
i don't know what she means by 'weird' here
I'm assuming it means "Are you and Aya in a relationship?"
since like, they clearly are
actually i suspect they might not be- actually this is a good time to revisit that part of the translation i think lemme see what i put originally because i have an inkling i didn't translate it right
oh I was thinking of "Only willing to speak jokingly with Miho Takei. She's afraid to speak sincerely with Miho."

Aya: Hey, Miho, next time you kill me, you should do it while naked.

Miho: Aya,I'm pretty sure that, if I summoned you to my presence while naked, you'd turn the meeting into something for a completely different purpose real quick.

Aya: You are completely correct.

is probably more accurate. the major change i want to point out, here, is that in my original, the implicit source of horny is miho, and here miho is saying, no, aya is the one that'll make it weird if this scenario were to happen
it's a subtle difference but it's the difference between 'miho audaciously propositioning aya' and 'miho telling aya that she's pretty sure aya will make things weird if miho did something like that'
ah, well. i can dream
point is i suspect aya's got a one-sided thing with miho, is what i'm thinking.
anyways!! are we spending that one (1) temp point to get the scene or not, folks.
c'mon you know you want tooooooo
i want to
i will let others speak up in defense of not doing it if they wish
too late i've already done it
agreed tbh
gotta unravel the mystery

Ran: Takei, have you known Toyama for a long time?

Miho Takei hadn't expected Ran to suddenly change the topic like that. She wrinkled her brows a bit.

Miho: Yes. Why are you suddenly asking?

Ran: I feel like the way she talks to you isn't quite normal. But you two look like you have a great relationship, so I'm a bit curious.

Miho: What do you mean by 'not quite normal'?

Ran noticed that Miho's disposition had changed. Where she had once answered Ran's questions casually and smoothly, now she seemed somewhat irritable.

seems like this might be correct
since Miho just got a lot more standoffish
or she just doesn't like thinking about it

Ran: I- how do you put it? It kind of feels- excessively veneration-y?

Miho folded her arms and leaned back in her chair.

Miho: I'm sure you're imagining it. Aya's not so clever as to be able to hide her emotions like that.

Miho: I'd rather not talk about the topic of me and her, anymore. Do you have anything else you want to ask about?

well, that was a whole lot of nothingburger.
far from unraveling the lesbian schoolgirl mystery.
we really do have no more questions at this point.
wait, ran is saying that aya is the one who acts veneration-y?
but people here are theorizing that miho is the one with the unrequited crush?
I think Zero was saying the opposite, and I'm inclined to agree
Ran's out of questions, and the bell rings to announce the end of the school day.
The game even plays one of those- you know the college bell sound effect
oh nvm
boy, miho was, uh, no help
like, how did this even start
it was miho who was non-horny in the revised translation
who was the first person to straight-up murder someone and then just
maybe they died in an accident
discover, not having expected it, that the murder being solved would resurrect the victim
i'm trying to figure out how they established the social norm of the classes being About Murders too yeah
though we haven't actually, uh,
seen what they teach
for all we know it turns out all the physics lessons are 'how to use physics to kill people'
and then after that happened, who was person number two to do another murder, to see if it would happen again
and all the literature lessons are 'classic murder mystery novels by agatha christie'
also i think miho was using gym class as a metaphor, but she might have been implying it's an actual class?
no she was DEFINITELY implying it's an actual class
the murder thing, that is
maybe there were teachers who taught 'em how to do it before the tunnel collapsed?
she is definitely implying that there is some kind of curriculum here
a murder curriculum
yeah i realized later
for some reason i keep getting aya and miho mixed up
aya would also like to get aya and miho mixed up if you know what she means
๐Ÿ‘€ 2
even when i'm checking if other people had gotten them mixed up
they never said that they discovered it
she didn't say anything about how they came to this place or how these rules were put in place
the system of drawing by lots feels to me like something that was given to them, not something they invented.
anyways, since classes are over, everyone's going back to the dorms now. Miho heads out to tell all the other students that Ran's perfectly fine and they don't need to come visit her or anything.

Ran: Great. Can you give me some privacy, I'm going to change now.

Miho: Oh, why be shy? It's not like it's anything I haven't already seen by now. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Miho heads out anyways, and Ran takes a breath, grabs her notebook, and hugs it to her chest.

Ran has updated her notes.

oh boy
oh yeah miho is totally into us
pretty sure we're into her too

Miss Sakura's changed a lot, but she's still the best

There's lots of documents in the infirmary, as well as a landline- investigate later ๐Ÿ“ž

Tunnel is indeed blocked, but haven't investigated in-depth yet

Everyone else saw my illness...

i love ran's little emoji
what's on the left hand side? does that change?
nope, that part stays constant afaik, it's the stuff i can click on to go to subpages in the ui
ah okay
recall logs, terms, characters, notes
cutting it for now because i'm... kind of tired today
worried i might be coming down with something tbh
thank you for your service
...she's fucking feeding us jesus christ. she is, hand-feeding us, food, because apparently we need nutrition
i clicked two pages in further and the story is describing how miho is spoonfeeding us and telling us to open wide
the flirting could not be any more fucking obvious but i'm not goign to translate this properly now
i'll do it next session
aww yeah
my 5head theory is that miho is doing this as some sort of big brain play to try and get us to abandon Sakura... at which point she can swoop in
right, see, cute girl culprit theory breaks down in a situation where the cute girl directionality is nonmonotonic. there's not a one single cute girl, miho is clearly cute-girling it up for the audience, but ran is convinced that sakura is the cute girl, and that means there's not a central target for all the sus energies to concentrate on
she's poisoning us
i'm honestly astonished ran isn't already thinking that
it'd be in-character
why summon us here just to poison us.....
A good homicide is its own reward!
That should really be this schoolโ€™s fucking motto at this point.
Chaos' Crowl Kanigami
Look at her eyes... she's either dead or mad
some people said that but I'm not sure I quite see it... I think over her left pupil there's a conveniently placed crack that makes her eyes look wild, but the actual photo itself underneath that is fine
A bit sad that I'm not awake for these live, but at least it gives me something to do instead of while working.
Chaos' Crowl Kanigami
Yeah same...
Chaos' Crowl Kanigami
Petition that Zero only plays in the next 3 h (whatever time that is for everyone)๐Ÿ˜
(Really though it would be nice)
Iโ€™ll see what i can do lol. Iโ€™m usually doing art / having dinner during this period though.
Chaos' Crowl Kanigami
This is art
Obviously do what works best for you in any case lol