Part 10

In which we finally get the chance to start working on that Recall Point backlog

alright you lil shits let's hear your alibis
In order, top to bottom: Sai, Aya, Miho, Makoto, Koizumi, and Ann.
No reason why I shouldn't go with the game's prompted order, I suppose!

Sai: After I ate, I rested for a bit in the dorm, before I headed to the swimming pool to go swimming. That lasted all the way until Makoto came to find me. You and Tama ran into me at the swimming pool, didn't you?

Ran nodded in response.

Sai: After Makoto found me, we headed to the power room together. I helped her put the cover of the generator back on top of it, and then we took the toolbox back to the pool and fixed the broken door to the changing room.

Sai: Then it was back to the dorms to have tea with the rest of you.

Sai: If there's any point of suspicion, it'd have to be the time period while I was swimming by myself. But that period had a large overlap with the period during which you claimed you were with Tama, so I feel like my suspiciousness is relatively low.

That's Sai's testimony!
seriously, love how this game adjusts for little details like who we decided to hang out with and when.
seriously reactive dialogue.
it's just individual lines but given all the possible things we could have done it must have been so much work.
Okay next is Aya aaaaaand shit i fingerslipped. i guess we're asking Miho first.

If there's any point of suspicion, it'd have to be the time period while I was swimming by myself.

hmm, that's a very specific way to put that!
if true, it gives a good end bound on how long makoto was at the power station, if we think Sai was an accomplice, then all bets are off

Miho: After eating, Aya and I cleaned up the kitchen. Ran and Tama showed up together to help as well, so the cleanup went quickly.

Miho: Afterwards, Aya went to the music room, and I went back to my room to do homework, all the way until I heard your voices and came downstairs, and met with you all. Finally, of course, we all had tea together.

Miho's testimony is pretty short.
short testimony is always evil
miho was on her own for a lot of this, but she was also pretty well pinned down most of the time

Aya: After eating, Miho and I cleaned up the kitchen, since we were on duty for the day.

Aya: Basically it was like Miho said!

Aya: And then you and Tama-chan showed up to help, right?

Ran nodded.

Aya: And then I went to the music room to practice, but I ran into Ran again there later so I'm probably not that suspicious right?

Ann: Aya, you practice your guitar in the music room, right? Were you able to practice while the power was out?

Aya: Ehhhhhh, now that's a hard one to answer, ahaha.

Aya: Yeah, I couldn't actually play my guitar today, so mostly I performed some... mental practice. Ehe.

Ran: (She looks pretty suspicious, but I know she only ran out there because she didn't want to be in the same place as Miho, so maybe she really isn't all that suspicious.)

Miho: Since you've asked both me and Aya, we'll go and get the bodybag.

i- wh- no, you can't just- we KNOW this wasn't the scene of the crime probably! evidence tampering!!! don't let her just leave!!

Ran: Oh, sure.

Aya: Bye-bye!

Ran: (Let's continue the interrogation.)

oh shit the order MATTERS?? is the game really going to make the ORDERING matter??
that's what fucking gets me about this game, it's so REACTIVE to the choices we make
it's like the opposite of rail of mobius, i'm constantly terrified i'm going to make some mistake and lock myself out of something
this is the kind of game where that feels REALLY PLAUSIBLE!!
it could just be that we'd get that moment after you do both of miho and aya
okay, makoto now.

Makoto: After I ate, I stayed with Tama-chan in our room for a while. Then I went to the tool storage room to grab my tools, and left to fix the generator.

Makoto: After fixing it, I found that the generator's cover was so heavy I couldn't get it back up by myself, so I went to the swimming pool to find Sai. We returned to the generator room and put the cover back on, and then we went to the swimming pool to fix the changing room door.

Makoto: Afterwards everything was as Sai said.

Makoto: This counts as an alibi, right?

Ran: Mm, mm. Say, it took quite a while to fix that generator, huh?

Makoto said nothing in response.

honestly also pretty f u c k i n g sus, makoto

Ann: After lunch, I rested at the observation deck until Ran came to see me. After we finished conversing, we went downstairs, where we ran into Sai and Makoto. After that we had tea together in the kitchen.

Ran, beaming: There's no way miss Sakura's the culprit.

Ann: I mean... I have no alibi for any of the time period before you came back to see me, Ran.

Ran, dejected: ...Right.

i keep fucking fat-fingering these things
ran you know they drew lots right
the possibility of ann being a murderer is not even a reflection of her character

Koizumi: After eating lunch, my feet felt uncomfortable, so I went directly to the nurse's office.

Koizumi: I found the medicine that Takei-san mentioned to me previously, there. I applied it to myself and then rested there the whole time.

Koizumi: After lying there a while I headed back to the dorms, and then you know where I've been up until now.

Ran: (Koizumi-sensei couldn't have done it, right? The injuries to her feet are very real. She can hardly even walk by herself. At the least, she's easily the least suspicious.)

That's all the alibis!
if you ask me i think it's definitely makoto-sai.
...ran COMPLETELY agrees with me wow.
we love ran

Ran: (Well, nobody's completely free of suspicion, but I can rank them in order for now.)

Ran: (The class president is the least suspicious. After that, it's Miho and miss Sakura. After that it's Aya. The two that I'm most suspicious of are Makoto and Sai.)


Ran: (Of course, this only takes into account the alibis. A holistic analysis performed later might cause the order to change again, but let's table that until later.)

Ran: (There's still more clues we can uncover from investigations. We don't need to pin all of our hopes on pure deductive reasoning and logic until we're completely out of options in the material world.)

(Meanwhile, in the background, Miho and Makoto are quietly chatting.)
ran is so dilligent
...sai, sorry, not miho. miho's not here, she went to get the bag.

Sai: Asakura, once the bodybag's here, we'll put the corpse in together.

Makoto: ......

Sai: ...C'mon, just- say something.

Makoto: I understand.

Either they're acting real hard or makoto is REAL troubled.
...god, now that ran agrees with me that sai and makoto are suspicious it actually makes me second-guess myself.
are there clues we're missing that point to how someone else has framed them??
also, how used she is to tama dying
I think Makoto went to Sai for help with the murder
because she couldn't do it herself
that's what the conversation in the background is gesturing towards, maybe
Miho returns with the bodybag. Makoto and Sai place Tama in the bodybag, as instructed, and Miho and Makoto head off with Tama to do that amateur autopsy.
Aya hops up and goes with Miho because- does she even have a reason. She doesn't. She just wants to go with Miho.
And I guess nobody is stopping her!
Koizumi goes back to the dorms. She says she wants to write down notes and think about the case properly.
we should probably tag along for the autopsy.
Sai says she's goign to investigate some more stuff. She wants to prove her innocence, since she knows she's the most suspicious. To allay suspicions, she invites Ran to come with her.

Ran: Forget it. I'm investigating with miss Sakura.

Sai: I don't know what I was expecting.

hmm as much as i do want to see the autopsy i really don't want sai covering her tracks
RAN come ON
oh god sai did this on purpose
lmao Aya looks weirdly happy to be questioned
also brb i'm going to get some food
Man, this game is determined to destroy all Ran shipping while constantly giving bait
eyeball said the exact same thing i bet
i guarantee you that this is a point we come back to later
where we go 'oh sure sai let's go together'
there is no fucking way it's not that
ran has priorities for what she counts as the canon timelines, i guess
still weird that she'd let sai go off alone literally minutes after deciding she was one of the two most suspicious.
date now, murder solution later
and before we were even able to investigate the crime scene!
Anyways, Ann and Ran head off together to go find the original scene of the crime. They're looking for 'things that could be used to fix tama in place while her head gets corkscrewed'.
We have all sorts of options. Except for the swimming pool.
It's like Sai has deployed a fucking AT Field.
hmm, i'm most concerned about the power room
power room and forest seem distinctly relevant to me, indeed
tool shed too to a lesser extent
did Sai say that she was going to the swimming pool?
i guess we'll have to visit the morgue to see how the autopsy came out
i mean where the fuck could sai be
we're not hanging with her and the game is obviously not letting us hang with sai
clearly she's looking around the swimming pool and/or destroying evidence there!
maybe we'll run into her at the power room lmao
Power room it is!
...Apparently the power room's to the back of the main school building.
NP. What The Fuck. How Did You Know
they head into the power room and are met with an ear-deafening klaxon of sounds.
Sai is in there. She shoos us out with a gesture.
oh no you fucking don't come the fuck out here.

Sai: What're you two doing here.

Sai started chatting with Ran after she'd left the power room and closed the door.

she went there to destroy evidence! it's obvious!
my questions is how did she beat us there
dexterity 7
inb4 Sai just killed Tama by putting her in a headlock or something, no tools required
god this game knows exactly what we're thinking
Sai's basically like 'okay, look, we both know that you're thinking, 'sai and makoto are in on it together, makoto was the culprit and sai the accomplice', so i came here to try to find something that'd disprove that.'
Loving this photo of Miho and Aya with the dead body just sitting there in the background

Ran: And did you find anything?

Sai: Jack shit. But I imagine you'll want to look for yourself anyways.

Sai hands us the keys to the power room.

Sai: Don't forget to lock up after you're done looking, and to give the keys back to Makoto afterwards.

BTW, why are there even accomplices? I don't get how that works, since there's one culprit and one victim.
me either!
maybe it goes entirely off of whether you feel like being an accomplice.
or maybe they make arrangements before lots are drawn, things like 'hey if i get the culprit card will you help me on this one'
Anyways, Ran notes that the keys that Sai gave us consists of a keyring with two distinctly different keys. One is for the door. She's not sure what the other key is for.
A lot of the murder game seems to rely on them not really taking it seriously
Sai waves goodbye and vanishes.
Though they seem more serious for this one, which is interesting
i don't think anybody thought about accomplices until Ran brought them up (, but they mentioned a few times that it was legal (
Ann grabs Ran's attention.

Ann: Ran.

Ran: Yes, miss Sakura? (She's so pretty!)

Ann: Do you think Sai was here to get rid of evidence?

Ran: I thought of that too, but, probably not?

Ran: After all, before we departed, she asked me if I'd like to come with. If I'd said yes, she'd have been totally exposed.

Ran: (Oh I love looking at miss Sakura's wonderful face so muuuuuch.)

Ann: ...She could probably guess that you were going to refuse and go with me instead, though? Like, it was pretty obvious?

Ran's eyes widened.

Ran: ...That's possible!

Ann: ...Let's just check the power room for now.

this fucking game knows everything we're thinking
Power room! Lots of things to click on!
and by lots i mean,
two things.
the door to the 'inner room',
and the generator itself.
Just noticed the Egyptian eye symbol on Ann's clothes
i don't know wadjet talking about
😩 1
So, the generator. Apparently it's an 'old style' generator. The outer shell is copper-colored, and it's quite rusty.
It's almost as tall as Ran is- comes up to her shoulders- and is over four meters in length.

Ran: (Impressive that Asakura is able to fix this. I don't know enough about motors, myself. I can't even tell if this is a diesel generator or if it uses some other kind of fuel.)

that's it.
that's all it fucking says.
shit, did we need to visit the tool shed to get tools to disassemble the generator,
ran "machines are scary" ibuki
is this a legitimate adventure game segment.
Alright, inner door, I guess.
Inner door is unlocked with the other key on the power room keyring. Inside is another room full of things that are clickable.

Ann: It's a bit cramped for two people to stand in here, don't you think?

Ran: I have absolutely no idea what you mean, miss Sakura. This is the perfect room for the two of us to stand in.
i like how ann takes up 30% of the screen. priorities
30% isn't even enough. it's ran we're talking about
there's two things here- something covered in a tarp, and the shelves. I start with the tarp. the tarp has no unique image. i guess we're just using the standard generator illustration huh.
It's a bunch of electrical cables under the tarp.
Shelves are the same- no unique art, just the same standby generator. The shelves have various parts on them. No tools like screwdrivers, however.
Ran notices that the pattern of the dust is strange.

The walls and floors were very clean, with very little dust. But there was plenty of dust on the shelves.

Especially a stack of tarps. The stack was coated in dust everywhere except at its top, where it was clean.

Ran: (The topmost tarp must have been removed, then.)

What for, I wonder. (body transport. definitely body transport. duh.)
That's all there is to see in the power room!
Ann is going to think we're stupid now 😩
So, back to the overworld map. We've still got the toolshed, the forest, and the morgue, to hit up.
I'm going to check out the toolshed, in case there's some adventure-game elements.
The toolshed isn't locked, this time. Ran suspects that Makoto lent someone else the key. There is no oversized pipe wrench in the tools.

Ran: Presumably, the culprit hid it somewhere after using it. If they brought it back and were seen doing it, that would have been extremely awkward.

Ann: Maybe she'd just kill the witness as well.

Ran immediately turned around and looked outside of the toolshed to make sure that they weren't about to get ambushed. Thankfully, nobody was outside.

Ran: ...Well, then, we should definitely get out of here quickly, miss Sakura.

ran's genre-savvy instincts are so lovely when they're active
So now it's just the forest and the morgue!
no indication of a time limit right?
That was a quick area investigation.
No indication!
They indicate time limits with clocks in the lower left of the map screen usually.
Imma check the forest.

Ran: If we're talking about something that could be used to fix Tama's body in place, I think that the trees of the forest would be an excellent choice.

Ann: Indeed. Trees are everywhere, so you don't even need to do extra prep-work.

Ran: I noticed some plant-like scents on Tama's back as well. At that point I was wondering if she'd been affixed to a tree at some point.

man, we still don't know why the murderer would bother with things like destroying the evidence afterwards
what does a murderer get out of... succeeding?

Ann: Why not tell everyone, then?

Ran: I thought of it, but I was afraid that'd make the murderer realize I was onto them, and try to destroy evidence.

Ran: Though, I suppose, any evidence that could be destroyed, the murderer probably already destroyed it before coming back, anyways. But even then if I'd said it they would likely have become more careful.

Into the woods they go!
They begin searching the woods starting from the point nearest to the Gym. Ran's theory is that the culprit wouldn't want to have to make a long trek from the crime scene to the gym. What if someone saw her lugging a corpse, after all?
they get to shout 'GET OWNED' loudly before they explain how they did it (to revive the culprit), and then they have the right to be smug for the entire next week (assuming they don't get killed in well-deserved karmic retribution lol)

Ran took Ann's hand and led her into the forest.

This time, there was no rainstorm, and Ran wasn't runnning furiously forward with abandon. There was just the clean and refreshing air after a bout of rain, and the pleasant sound of grass crinkling with their steps.

Ann looked at the silhouette of Ran's back, as if she'd thought of something. But I imagine that the emotion she felt was quite different from that which Ran was feeling.

our mysterious narrator reminds us: they still exist

Ran: We used to hold hands and take strolls around campsites just like this, before.

Ran: Though in those days it was always miss Sakura taking the lead.

Ann: You and I went out to play quite often, then? And we seemed to go to rather distant places, too- places like what you mentioned before, the seaside?

Ran: That's right. Because back then my personality was quite irritating. I was a gloomy crybaby. To cheer me up, miss Sakura, you took me to a lot of different places.

Ann: ...Did we get any studying done at all, then.

Ran laughed as she walked, her shoulders bobbing up and down with her giggles.

Ran: We only went during vacation days!-

Ran: Ah, miss Sakura, look, there.

They find a tree which has clearly had rope abrasion marks left on it.

But I imagine that the emotion she felt was quite different from that which Ran was feeling.

first person for our passenger / narrator? that's rare (i'm assuming this isn't a zero-interjection)
Ran checks, and finds it consistent with the idea of it being used to suspend and affix Tama's body. She kneels down, and checks the mud under the tree. She finds that there's significant amounts of blood mixed in with the muck.
it isn't
oh lmao you literally said that in the next paragraph
i didn't read that far
y'know, this is such a funny medium
it's meta-narration
i am narrating the narrator
s opposed to now
she's so great
she's so great

Ran: Tama was likely positioned with her back facing the tree. Then, another rope was tied to a higher branch, with one end tied to Tama's wrists, which was used to suspend her in the air.

Ann: Mm. The rope's length would be enough to allow Tama's toetips to touch the ground. After that it'd be the second rope.

Ran: The second rope tied her legs closely to the tree trunks, suspended somewhat above the ground

Ran: That way, the first rope, which was longer, would cause Tama to dangle forwards, diagonally, suspended in midair.

Ann: But if that was the case, if Tama began struggling, she'd start swinging back and forth, wouldn't she?

Ran: That's right. I suspect this is why the culprit choked her out- or one of the reasons why.

Ran: Tama was probably very compliant at first, since she was unconscious. Once the pain had increased to the point where she could wake up and start struggling, her head was... probably already turned to an irreversible degree.

Ran covered her mouth. She could clearly hear that her voice was trembling.

Of course, Ran had seen much more horrible ways to die than this. But this wasn't the same. Was it because Tama Indou was so adorable and lovable? Or was it because of how much manual operation this method of murder required?

She didn't have a certain answer, and the anxiety of the unknown made her very uncomfortable.

Ran refocuses.
Based on the height of the abrasion marks made by the ropes in the tree trunk, Ran judges that it'd be very difficult for anybody shorter than Ran to commit the murders.

Ann: So, Aya and I are out, then?

Ran: Probably. Miss Sakura, you're much shorter than me, after all.

Ann: ...Is that bad?

Ran: Absolutely not! Why, it's the exact perfect amount of height difference for a couple, in my opinion-

yes i know that was a pun
It's the eye of horus
This is also interesting. I feel like I've seen that symbol before, but I might be imagining things.

Ran: Anyways- it's not just that height is needed to tie the ropes. After the culprit placed the pipe wrench on Tama's head, they had to rotate it five hundred and forty degrees. That meant that at some point, the wrench had to be pointing vertically upwards, and if the culprit wasn't tall enough, they might not be able to reach the far end of the wrench's handle, which would make it quite difficult for them to continue.

Ann: ...This methodology is both cruel and complicated. I don't know why the culprit chose this method, except if it was motivated by hatred.

Ran: (Could it really be that...)

Ran: Let's not worry about the why for now. No matter what the culprit was thinking, the facts remain the facts. Let's just use these to find the truth; that'll be enough.


Ann: Right. After that... the culprit had to carry the body to the gym and set it up.

Ran: That disqualifies Koizumi, whose injuries make it impractical for her to commit such a complex murder.

Ran: Even if she'd somehow bore her way through the pain with sheer willpower, she'd have shown some sign of discomfort while we were having tea together.


Ran: She had no signs of moisture on her body, and she didn't seem particularly uncomfortable either. If she was just acting, or if she somehow prepared a way to conceal her exhaustion- well, then we'd be looking at a really complex situation.

Wouldn't it just be 180?
I guess they could have twisted another 360, but that seems difficult
i trust ran knows what she's talking about
if she says it was a whole rotation plus another half rotation, i'm sure she's right.
Tama said that she chose her murder methods from the books that she and Makoto read together, and Makoto said that she never ratted her out because if she ever needed a murder method, she'd know right where to get one, right?
I wonder if I knew my dostoevsky better if I'd be laughing along right now.
Something like that.
It might well be a literary reference we're all too uncultured to understand.
well i don't remember anything like this from notes from the underground
ran said she read dostoevsky as well though
so maybe if it were a ref, she'd have mentioned it already?
all we've got left now is the morgue.
to be fair though, i don't really remember anything from notes from the underground
Here we are in the morgue!

Ann took Ran to a room in the corner of the maths building. There were no desks here- just steel beds and some dissection tools.

The bodybag had been folded and set aside. A white cloth covered Tama Indou's face. Her neck had been cut open, and her head rotated back to its regular position.

Neither Miho nor Aya were present- only Makoto, alone.

Ran: (...Hard to start the conversation.)

Makoto there to obscure the evidence
Ran nevertheless has to start the conversation! Ann gives us a 'you can do this, Ran' look and that fills Ran with determination. Ran asks Makoto where Miho and Aya are. Makoto explains that they've gone looking for the original crime scene.

Ran: ...So, are you sad that Tama's gone?

Normally, avoiding this topic would probably have been the best way of respecting Makoto's feelings. But Ran wanted to find the truth of Tama's death, and that meant that even Makoto needed to be considered as a culprit.

Makoto raised her eyes and looked at Ran.

Makoto: Every night, before I went to bed, the last thing I saw was her face. She'd always sit by my bedside until I fell asleep.

Makoto: And each morning after that, the first thing I'd see would be her face, as well. She'd already have put her clothes on, and she'd tell me, 'good morning'.

Ran patiently listened. She was waiting for Makoto to finish her somewhat-poetic expressions.

Makoto: Even if I made the slightest sound from waking up unexpectedly at night, she'd rub her eyes and climb down from her bed, to ask me what was happening, and to comfort me, until I fell asleep once more.

Makoto: She took such meticulous care of me... and now she's not here anymore.

Ran's question hadn't been directly answered, but Ran understood the point.

makoto you are acting really like that's really over the top frankly
i'm just even more sus of you now
Ran asks if Tama had ever been killed before.
Makoto nods.
Ran decides to nod and not inquire further.
(no you should totally have inquired further though)
(if tama has died before then makoto being THIS distraught is- well, you should ask someone that's not makoto, ask'em to compare between the last time and this time.)
maybe part of the game is that you act like they're really dead
No, since we saw the exact opposite with Ann's death
They were all joking around
Ran heads over to Tama's corpse and gives it a cursory inspection. She verifies that her theory is correct; Tama was strangled while alive, and her head was rotated after the strangulation.
Ran looks around a bit more around Tama's corpse and finds nothing else noteworthy.

Ran looked at Makoto, and hesitated a bit before speaking.

Ran: So, uh, we'll be going now?

Makoto nodded, and Ran and Ann quickly vacated the morgue.

And the investigation's over. Ran and Ann head back to the dorm kitchen to take a bit of a break.

Ran: Miss Sakura, we've gathered a great number of clues, but they're all jumbled. We need some framework by which to organize them, perhaps a timeline or something-

Sai: Less thinking, more dinner.

Sai appeared behind Ran and patted her shoulder.

Ran: It's already dinnertime? Time has really flown. ...Do we even have the appetite for it, though? I mean, Tama's still dead...

Sai: Well, if you've already figured the answer out, I might let you try speaking it before you eat. Otherwise, forget it. Eat your meals properly. Otherwise you'll fall over from hunger and then we'll have to work extra hard to help you recuperate again.

Ran: You are completely correct except that it won't be any of you doing it because I will only accept miss Sakura's lovely ministrations.

The other girls arrive to the dinner table as well.
I think what we're seeing here from Makoto is entirely sincere, and I think it's her kind of .... railing against the unjustness of being forced to act out a grisly murder on the person she cares the most about in the world?
i mean what about the horribleness of it then.
what part of that is forced.
Like, yes, in practice you can view it as just a fun activity where noone gets hurt. But there's a psychological element here
makoto could have just as easily slipped tama a handful of sleeping pills.
i'm sure they have that kind of thing lying around somewhere.
she convinced herself that if she was nice about it, the others would figure it was her?
yeah, idk.
also entirely possible this is just her acting out a realistic portrayal of being forced to kill a loved one and then the moment tama pops back up they'll have been in on it together and it'll all be smiles and sunshine.
Yeah, that's my theory personally

Sai: Less thinking, more dinner.

Okay it's almost like Sai is goading us at this point lmao
I actually honestly can't see makoto and tama not planning one out together, what with them apparently reading the same mystery novels together
Anyways, yeah, all the girls are back. They discuss what they've found and share theories. Overall the atmosphere still mostly seems light and casual. Miho and Aya found the same location that Ran and Ann found, in the woods, the original murder site. They didn't deduce much more from the scene than Ran did, though.
Koizumi, who stayed in the dorms mostly, pretty much just listens to everyone else and takes notes.
maybe koizumi's going to solve this case for us
it's kind of weird how everybody just has fallen into the assumption that Ran Is Going To Be Solving Things

Ran: (I suppose that, in a classic snowed-in murder mansion scenario, after a corpse appears, there's always a scene where everyone is eating dinner together at the same table.)

Ran: (And everybody would just be super serious and suspicious about each other, and barely say a word to each other, and maybe they'd only be eating canned foods, and maybe there'd be that one character who starts provoking others or accusing others of being the culprit.)

Ran: (Such corny tropes are thankfully consigned to irrelevance, with girls like these.)

Makoto's picking food for herself now, even. She seems to have recovered slightly.

Ran: (Well, if even Makoto's feeling a little better, there's no need for me to be so uptight either.)

Ran: Miss Saaaaakura~! Do you want some fish fillets? These fish fillets are delectably sour, you must try one ❤️

sour...? i guess that's a flavor you want
sourness is an important flavor!
Sour worst flavor
honestly probably tied for my second-favorite next to sweet
salty is the best flavor but sour is close
not sour-sweet though
sour-sweet is just bad. sweet has to be sweet alone.
Anyways, apparently, Ran just made a mistake, because when she suggests it to Ann, Ann's response is to pause and blink and then freeze up.

Ran: ...Miss Sakura?

Ann: Ran, what exactly did I like eating before?

why does this happen ever single fucking dinner
hm i like sour-sweet

Ran: I mean, as far as I remember, as long as we were together you pretty much ate everything happily.

Ann: Really. Well, unfortunately, I seem to have developed a bit of pickiness now.

Ran: I'm blaming Sai for this one. What don't you like eating these days, miss Sakura?

Ann: Fish, for starters.

Ran: Oh, that's fine! I'll eat all the fish then. I love fish!

Sai, leaning against a chair, overheard their conversation.

Sai: ...What's so bad about fish? Sakura, if you don't like'em, I'll try preparing them a different way next time.

Ran: Hey, if miss Sakura doesn't like it, then don't try to force her to eat them! Not everybody is oceanspawn like you, Sai, it's perfectly normal not to like fish!

Sai: You- didn't you just say you liked fish the most too? I swear, you are way too fanatical about Ann. Be more normal while you're in my damn kitchen.

Ran: Whaaaaat, c'mon. What's wrong about how I favor miss Sakura?


Aya: It's honestly pretty nice, in my opinion! I wish I could be as straightforward as Ran was.

Aya grinned and leaned up next to Miho.

Aya: Right, Miho?

Miho: I choose not to understand what you're saying.

Ran: (Are they arguing or not? I actually can't tell. Well, whatever. They went and investigated for clues together, so I doubt they were up to any mischief.)

i mean you're assuming they're not working together but okay whatevs
Ran asks Ann if she wants to go investigate more after dinner. Ann declines, saying she wants to spend time helping Koizumi and doing homework. Ran is disappointed but understands.

Ran: (Truly, Koizumi-sensei is my greatest romantic rival.)

Koizumi: Sorry, Ibuki-san. If you'd like, you could come to our room and we could chat together as well?

Ran: Nah. I'll use the opportunity to reorganize my thoughts by myself.

Ran: (More importantly, if it were all three of us together, the atmosphere would be so fucking awkward.)

Ran: (I'll have a more in-depth discussion with you when I've prepared myself, Koizumi-sensei.)

Ran: (Are they arguing or not? I actually can't tell. Well, whatever. They went and investigated for clues together, so I doubt they were up to any mischief.)
Someone doesn't understand flirting when it's not with beloved miss Sakura
oh come on that's barely chrono jotter
i mean it's there but
The CHRONO JOTTER corruption continues
eventually zero's going to hit these eyecatches and it's just gonna say FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST
corn jet rot ho! incredible.
HOT RON, JET ROC, the tale of a rocket-powered mythical bird
Ran is taking a bath and trying to straighten out her thoughts. It's not going super well so far. Ran asks herself why she's even trying so hard.

Ran: (So what if someone died? It wasn't miss Sakura, after all. Why should I work so hard to solve their cases?)

Ran: (Is it just because I find Tama adorable? If it were any of the others, would I not care at all?)

Ran: (Or am I just doing this because I enjoy the process of deduction itself?)

Ran then frustrates herself by thinking about what would happen if she tried to leave with one of the other girls.

Ran: (Would Tama turn into a skeleton if I tried to take her away from here?? Would Koizumi-sensei age up instantly?)

hey, ran caring about people!

Ran: (My goal is just to take miss Sakura away from here, but there's so much I don't understand. Aaaaaargh.)

kinda sorta.
ran trying to figure out why she cares about other people
"what is this mysterious emotion you call love-directed-at-people-other-than-miss-sakura"
Also Makoto shows up.

Makoto: Hey.

Ran: ASRBAHGOAIGAIFASAAAAHHHHhhhhh ohhhh you scared me.

Makoto: Can I take a bath with you?

Ran: Well, you're already here, what am I supposed to say, 'no, now get the fuck out'?

Makoto: Ho ho ho. My dastardly plan has worked.

More like "Ran carefully thinking around the possibility that she takes Ann away from this place and she immediately dies"
...oh, god
Makoto gets in the bathtub and begins showering. Ran makes sure she stays the maximal distance away from Makoto as she showers, in case Makoto's hiding some kind of weapon somehow.
"in order to stay with my girlfriend i need to remain here with her in this world where i am forced against my will to care about other people"
"or else she'll literally die"
she doesn't need to worry about makoto killing her, right? there's no bonus points for killing non targets
there's also no penalty for it
though it's not exactly plausible that anybody else could have done it, so.
we don't even know if there's points in the first place
killing investigators is apparently a legal and time-tested method.
do we?
did i miss points
no, no points
I've just been assuming they get their compulsion for murder by eyeball-fiat
MonoEyeball Coins for use in the Mono Mono Chrono Chrono Machine
❓ 1
danganronpa mechanics, mostly non-diegetic
a very high-context and therefore somewhat low-quality joke
Ran watches her shower for a while, kind of awkwardly. She tries to think about something they could have small talk over, but all she can think to start a conversation about is Tama, and she's not sure she wants to bring business back right now. Or, hey, to hell with it.

Ran: So, how exactly did you get together with Tama in the first place?

Makoto laughed as she washed some suds out of her hair.

Makoto: Wow, you're a freak, aren't you. Normal people try to respect other peoples' feelings, you know?

Ran: I've endured forcing myself to respect-other-peoples'-feelings for like, five whole minutes already, just now. I think I've done more than my due diligence.

That cracked Makoto up for a good while again.

Makoto: Damn, you're just too likeable when you act like this.

somehow everything ran does is cute to these girls
eyeball monster put ran in the girl-caring machine to force ran to learn to care about other people.
The Girl-Caring Machine, or, Chrono Jotter

Makoto gets into the bath, letting her long hair settle over her chest.

Makoto: Me and Tama just acclimated to each other. Initially it was because we were assigned to the same dorm, and I wanted to have good relations with my roommate. But she was just way too proactive about it!

Ran: And did you feel annoyed by that?

Makoto: Ibuki-san, are possibly trying to get intel out of me?

Ran: Whaaaaat, ha ha, nooooo, c'mon.

Makoto: I'll take your word for it, then, suuuure.

Makoto: I've never thought that Tama was annoying. She's so adorable, after all, and she's always very considerate about how I feel, so we never had any problems.


Makoto: Since my relations with Tama are so good, probably everybody's thinking that I'd never do something so horrible to Tama. So the culprit's trying to play a level above us all, and trying to frame me by doing something nobody thinks I'd do.

Ran: ...Even a less-horrible method would still work if they were trying to frame you, right?

Ran hadn't expected her to actively change the topic towards the case, so she immediately became careful with her words. After all, to the others, Ran herself was also an active suspect.

Ran: Seriously, let's just forget all that bullshit 'she knew that I knew that she knew that I knew' nonsense.

I was reminded earlier when going through the logs that the name of this game is actually Lingering Remembrances: The Chrono Jotter
huh. yeah we've... pretty much forgotten "Lingering Remembrances." and, the language of lingering does sort of evoke... ghosts, unfinished business, regret
doesn't it?
yes it seems like a much more potent name now that we know a little bit more about our cast!
in which case I imagine Ran's failure or inaction with these girls is going to continue to be a Thing
didn't speak up for Koizumi-sensei
failed with others
and, maybe, was unable to help Ann despite devoting everything to her, possibly because she did devote everything to Ann, leaving no time or energy to build a support network consisting of more than one person
that's probably overextending my theory but
eh, no buts, i'm just reaching
I was definitely thinking along the same lines like....... "someday somebody is going to have to explain to Ran that Ann was actually deeply unhappy because of the pressure of their relationship". I dunno I feel like the game has been a little gentler than that though. At least so far.

Makoto: You're quite interesting, you know that?

Makoto had smoothly changed the topic once again.

Ran: Me? Interesting?

Makoto: From your perspective, we must be a group of complete weirdos. Going through with classes despite the lack of teachers, with a light pinch of murders on top of it all.

Ran: Yeah, like, I seriously don't even know if you're going to be able to hold final exams here.

Makoto: Haha, yeah. Final exams.

Ran: (Ever since I got back my memories about Koizumi-sensei, I've decided that it's not likely that the students here are the true mastermind that's set all this up. They're very possibly victims of the situation, just like me.)

Ran: (But I can't say that there is no mastermind, either. Historically, whenever I encountered situations like this before, they tended to be more like natural phenomena than anything else- systems without self-consciousness.)

Ran: (But this situation's rather complex. Rules and conditions are everywhere. It's hard to believe that this is a completely non-conscious anomalous phenomenon.)

Ran: (Well, maybe the supposed 'complexity' is just my subjective perception. Maybe to the anomalous environment, it's just performing one very simple task. Like, say, it took an existing complex thing, and used that as a blueprint...)

Ran remembered what she'd experienced, before the Model of Ten Thousand. It gave her a bit of inspiration.

🎉 1

The Model of Ten Thousand People

A complete, vertically standing human anatomical model. The left half of the model appears to be the naked human form with skin intact, while the right half permits the internal organs to be directly viewed.

The Model's particular appearance depends on and changes based on the observer. No matter how many people simultaneously observe the model, they only perceive the model as being modeled after a being indistinguishable from their own body. Furthermore, the organs of the model will reflect, in real-time, the statuses of the corresponding organs of the observer. Examples of this include the heart's beat, movements of the eye, and any diseases of the internal organs. If the model is intentionally touched, the toucher will feel the same touch on the corresponding part of their own body. The organs of the model can be removed, so as to permit convenient observation of organs concealed behind other organs.

Ran Ibuki once brought a certain person (details lost due to memory loss) before the Model of the Ten Thousand, and used that person's hand to trigger the shutter of a camera, allowing her to capture the Model as perceived by the other person. She received great inspiration from this.

yep, that is, DEFINITELY a scp object
god i fucking love these digressions
they're only ever barely tangentially relevant to the story but they add so much fucking CHARM to the narration

She received great inspiration from this

Nice way to say she enjoys miss Sakura’s insides
look i don't know what you expect me to say because my response is much the same as yours frankly lol
I think the implications here is that previously she thought it was just Her Body for some reason
but in fact it turned out to be just the body of whoever was looking at it because she used the camera
and something about the shutter action was "counted" as that person
id on't have any idea what this is a metaphor for
yeah this one just seems much more straight forward
meanwhile, back in the main story:

Makoto: Wow, Sai was right. You do just suddenly stop talking randomly in the middle of conversations.

Ran: Just, thinking, about stuff.

Makoto: See, it's stuff like this that makes you, to us, the weirdest one out of all of us.

Ran: Me? I feel like I'm completely normal.

Makoto: Yeah? Think about it. You suddenly appear in the school, can't explain where you came from, and then immediately acclimate to our killing game, and also display a startling degree of competence in logical deduction.

Makoto: What makes you, an outsider, so capable of living easily in what should be an extremely strange environment to you?

Makoto: Perhaps it's because you know some things that none of the rest of us know?

Ran isn't sure she's ready to go full-disclosure with Makoto, so she tries to ward off the conversation.

Ran: I'm just here to get miss Sakura's memories back. I'm pretty sure her memory loss has something to do with this school. That's the only reason why I'm forcing myself to accept your bizarre lifestyle. If I spent all my time freaking out about all the ridiculous things you did, I wouldn't be able to help miss Sakura.

Makoto: I don't think her memory loss has anything to do with the school. She was like this when we first saw her at school. It's far more plausible that she lost her memories due to an event that occurred outside of the school.

y'know, maybe makoto has a point, if we take 'ann did something and turned her memories into a notebook' theory as valid.
like, the implication there would be that ann actually totally did lose her memories BEFORE this thing happened. after all, eyeball fucker is looking for ann's memories as well.
eyeball fucker is looking for ann's memories and has been unable to find them.
yeah that's just. an extremely reasonable point.
that implies eyeball fucker isn't responsible for taking ann's memories, yeah. it's probably ran's passenger, or whatever.
ran ibuki... what would you call that chronojotting power, thinker 4, 5, 6
contrafactual retrocognition
thinker 5 sounds right, but we don't have a good handle on the scope. How many times could she live the same day over again? How far can she go from her "default" timeline?
Alternative timeline postcognition, maybe?
Power depends on whether you take the weird book restrictions into account

Ran: Yeah... Otherwise, you couldn't explain why she didn't get into contact with me immediately, after she disappeared.

Ran looks down at the ripples in the bathwater.

Ran: So, then, should I-

Makoto: That's what I'm curious about as well.

Makoto put a hand on Ran's shoulder.

Makoto: There's no disputing your feelings for Ann, at this point. But if your relationship was really as rock-solid as you thought, then why did Ann leave you? Wouldn't you two have been together at all points? What happened?

Ran has absolutely no idea, now, actually, when or how or why Ann left. All she knew was that Ann wasn't with her and that she had to find Ann and get her back. She kind of freaks out about this.

Ran: (No, relax, this isn't important, this is probably another part of my missing memories. I'm sure I'll remember it once I leave here. Being with miss Sakura is the most important thing; everything else is inconsequential.)

Ran: I don't remember, you're right. It's not important, though, because I'm sure that miss Sakura will explain to me once she's got her memories back.

Makoto pulls her hand away from Ran.

Makoto: You really do trust her. You must treat her as your reason to continue living, don't you?

Makoto: I'd love to hear about how you accomplished that. How was it possible for you to make another person into your reason to live?

Ran: I have no interest in discussing miss Sakura with others.

Ran gets up and out of the bath.

Ran: Plus, I also feel like Tama sees you as someone very important to herself. You should probably have this conversation with her, after all of this is over.

Makoto: Her, huh?

Ran looked down and saw that Makoto wore a very peculiar expression, almost like smiling but not quite, staring at the misty surface of the water.

Ran: (She must still be recovering from the shock of Tama's death. Let's leave her alone for now.)

Ran: Well, I'm heading out now. Bye.

Makoto nodded, and Ran left. Ran didn't feel like she wanted to be alone with Makoto in the same room.

i am not sure how to read this conversation.
at this point i don't think that the game is being subtle that makoto is Actually Depressed.
👆 1
she's smart and can be proactive, but that's not mutually exclusive with being deeply depressed.
reading with that as the assumption, it seems like makoto is... jealous that ran is so devoted to ann, and wishes that ran would explain how she got like that, so she could find someone to be so devoted about for herself?
and tama isn't doing it for makoto, for whatever reason?
like, makoto feels like she ought to appreciate tama, but she just, doesn't??
that's my read of this, at least.
After bathing, it's time to go to bed. Ran heads upstairs and knocks on Ann and Koizumi's door; Ann answers it.
Ran tells Ann that she's just here to wish Ann a good night (as she always did, before.) Ann accepts this placidly, as usual.
Ran also asks Ann if she can... get a goodnight kiss.
weird thing to ask, ran!
pretty on-brand tho

Ann had started getting used to Ran's neediness, at this point. She took a step forward and patted Ran on the head.

Ann: You're quite spoiled, aren't you, Ran.

Ran: Oh, trust me, I was so much more spoiled before.

Ann kisses Ran on the forehead, and wishes her goodnight.
Ran, giddy with success, returns to her and Sai's room.

Sai: Huh. You sure look cheerful tonight.

Ran: I said goodnight to miss Sakura and she kiiiiissed meeeeeeeeee.

Sai: Well, that's good. Looks like you and her are getting closer and closer, then.

Ran: Can't believe you're keeping an eye out on our relationship now, Sai. Also, I have to say, you didn't go swimming this afternoon? You usually go swimming every night don't you?

Sai: Hey, I've always been keeping an eye out for you.

Ran thought about the barbecue, and the way that Sai would prepare food by herself in the kitchen for everyone.

Ran: Yeah, I guess you do. Thanks.

Sai: Oh, no. I've been thanked by Ran. Keep your disgusting Ran-brand sincerity away from me, blech.

Ran, in response, kicks the top bunk of the bed, causing Sai to laugh.

Sai: Okay, that's enough horsing around. Let's go to bed. We still have to finish dealing with Tama's case tomorrow.

Ran: Yeah.

Ran: (Let's sleep for a bit and then get up in the middle of the night to do a Recall. Recalling while laying in the bed is the most comfortable way to do it.)

sai you didn't answer the question about not going swimming.
i mean, heartwarming and fun scene, but also, don't think i didn't notice you completely diverting the conversation.
One quick fade-to-black later... Alright, Ran. It's 3 in the morning.

Ran: Alright! Let's start the recall!

we should also keep in mind the whole card-switching thing, the game really went out of its way to emphasize that when it came up
i don't really know how it relates to this current case, unless Sai ... switched cards with Makoto somehow? hmm idk.
there wasn't any indication that switching cards changes who the culprit is supposd to be, though
oh yeah.


When Tama and Ran split apart, so that Tama could go find Makoto...

When Ran Ibuki was free to act on her own...

When it was mentioned, at the tea party, that the cabinet was jammed...

Ran: (Eh? There's a pretty weird recall point in there. Let's check that one out too.)

The game also helpfully throws a tutorial screen up to remind us that, at this point, we can visit any recall point we'd like to, not just the new ones added for this case. We can even revisit the ones from the original case, to unlock scenes we hadn't seen in our previous runs.
Okay, so NOW the game's letting us go through all the recall backlog.
makes sense
we can only do this when we've got narrative license to spend a lot of time daydreaming I guess.
Backlog time it is, then!
Let's start here. Last time we ran this, we passed up Koizumi and Aya.
Obviously this time we're hitting up everyone we missed, so let's see what Koizumi-sensei and Aya are up to.

meta!Ran: Let's go visit Koizumi-sensei before she confesses to us, see what she says then.

Koizumi greets Ran with characteristic nervousness. She's writing something on the chalkboard, and her textbooks are on the desk next to her. She tries to approach us when she sees us come in, but forgets that she's still holding the chalk, and has to walk back to put it down in the chalk trough before she approaches us again. It's honestly a little awkward. (I now also note that, interestingly, we only seem to be able to see Ran in the third person, while in recall mode. It's like Ran is watching her own past self's actions from an outside perspective.)
usually we never see ran's character sprites, since it's first-person.
Ran asks Koizumi what she's doing here. Koizumi says that she's doing her homework here, because she doesn't want to interrupt Ann while Ann is preparing tomorrow's lectures and classwork. Koizumi apologizes to Ran about killing Ann, but Ran tells her not to bother apologizing, since Ann's fine.

Ran: While we were eating just now, it seemed like miss Sakura preferred to speak with you rather than me. It seems you two have a rather close relationship.

Koizumi: Mm. Ann and I are roommates, so we take care of each other frequently. But more often she's the one taking care of me.

Suddenly, Koizumi opened her eyes wide, and her voice grew panicked.

Koizumi: Ahh! Ibuki-san, I'm- Ann and I have no romantic relationship between us! So- so-

Ran: I know, I know.

past!Ran: trust me, if i didn't know, you wouldn't have lived to see the morning, girl.

meta!Ran: (Indeed, for the current miss Sakura, I'm practically a stranger. There's no way I could compare to a roommate who could be seen every day.)

meta!Ran: (Maybe I need to change my attitude towards miss Sakura. Looking at me from the outside, I seem far too brash and forceful.)

😔 1
...wait, no, that's not meta!Ran, that's... normal!Ran just thinking to herself?
man the game manages to really utilize this conceit in interesting ways
god, it's hard to tell their perspectives apart
they speak with the exact same mannerisms
the first is normal ran and the second is meta-ran?
i think there are 3 levels
honestly this is one of the few criticisms i have for this game- during recall segments i can't tell who's thinking what.
there's ran in the scenario
the ran time travelling back
and the narrator ran??? thing
and it sounds like this is the middle one introspecting?
i guess, though the third doesn't interface much with recalls afaik.
righ tyeah i was just trying to clarify to make sure i wasn't confusing narrator ran and the meta ran we're seeing right now
man, i wish we would have visited koizumi earlier if that was going to be Ran's takeaway from this.......
actualy it's not clear that the 'narrator' is any form of ran so i probably should call her something else
i suppose we kind of knew that that was there though. iirc our specific decision at the time was "we've seen a lot of koizumi recently let's go see Ann!"
Man, Ran looks half dead here. Interestingly, she has the same eye of horus symbol as Ann!!!
She also has a symbol underneath that, but I can't make out what it is
anyway like i was saying earlier, i initially thought the time travel conceit was just gonna be, like, exploring dialogue trees like you ordinarily would in a VN
so it's cool that we get this ... introspective ran on top of it

Koizumi: Uh, Ibuki-san?

Ran: What?

Koizumi: N-nothing, just- you weren't talking, so...

Koizumi shifted a tiny bit forward.

Koizumi: Ibuki-san, before the dinner starts, do you- have time?

Koizumi: I have- some things I want to say, to you.

Agree to meeting (REQUIRES CHARISMA 5)


Use Temporary Points

holy shit did we miss out on a scene rearrangement where koizumi confesses to us BEFORE dinner???
remember that the game has to, in its architecture, account for the possibility that we only see this scene, like, after case six, or whatever the final case is
i bet you every single scene in this game has multiple layers of dialogue based on where ran is in the main timeline
god, this game had SO much effort put into its writing
Do we have 5 charisma?
I forget
we have 4
This game is so high effort in general tbh
possibly we'd just agree but leave it until after dinner
and we'd maybe miss Ann talking us into it
let's click the journal and check! oh that's a UI i haven't seen before.

I'm currently in the middle of a recollection.

Temporary Points: 5

Investigation: 6, Alacrity: 6, Charisma: 4

Damn, guess we just skip this for now I guess. Seems like we're not missing out on much, at least.
we're going to probably have to commit to both of our next points being charisma then
for the next cases that is
there's a charisma 7 thing we're gated off of
MULTIPLE charisma 7 things.
Yeah, I think we definitely want six in each
it doesn't seem like we're getting much out of Investigation and Alacrity.
And yeah, Zero's only CHA strategy might have been quite a bit better
and vaulting onto the second floor of the school. that didn't get us much though
Hopefully it'll pay off when the monsters start coming out
So, we say no to Koizumi, and she meekly says 'okay i guess.... maybe after you talk to miss sakura?' and ran's like 'ha, you act like i'll ever want to stop talking to miss sakura you dumb fuck' and koizumi's like 'okay then...........'
and, well, we know where the timeline converges.
Ran leaves, and that's the end of that scene.
poor koizumi.
nothing good ever happens for her.
hopefully next time we do recall we can see what the "yes" option looked like
Aya time!

Ran: Aya seems to play the guitar pretty regularly, but I've never seen her play it in the dorms. Let's check the music room.

Ran hears the sounds of guitar coming from the music room, and opens the door. As soon as she does so, the music creaks to a halt.

Aya: Oh, Ran! Did you come to hear my virtuosic performance?

Ran: I heard you were half-decent at guitar, yeah.

Aya: Oh, please. I'm clearly a master. Couldn't you tell just by looking at me?

Ran: I mean... I really can't tell the difference between proficiency and mastery, when it comes to the guitar.

Aya: Sheesh, it was a joke, you weren't supposed to take it that seriously. Now I'm the one that's in an awkward place.

didn't we... already see this one?
oh last time she was playing piano
Ran asks Aya if she wants to take a break from practicing the guitar. Ran has some things she'd like to ask Aya about. Aya's response is:

Aya: Nope!

Aya: I would in fact not like to take a break. I don't get enough time with my guitar as is! I gotta use up all my valuable time appropriately.

Ran: Oh. Uh. Okay.

Ran: (I really figured she'd say 'oh sure' in a lackadaisical voice and then toss the guitar right aside, but, no, she's actually kinda serious about that guitar. Still, I should give it a second shot.)

Ran: ...I'm honestly jealous of how you've got something you like this much.

Aya: I thought you had your beloved 'miss Sakura' that you're always obsessed with, again, now.

Ran: But seeing a miss Sakura who's lost her memories... it fills me with pain and confusion more than anything else.

Aya: Huh.

Ran: .....

Ran: ...

Aya: ...

Ran: ...

Aya: ...

Ran: (Looks like she really does want to get back to her guitar.)

Ran: Well, you have fun. I'll be going now.

Aya: Byebyebyebye.

i'm glad we didn't spend a time unit on this one last time.
straight up just got fucking kicked out the room.
aya's in a love triangle and she's agonizing over whether she should choose miho or the guitar.
awwww i wanted to be besties with aya
don't make me link the guitar love song zero
i've been obsessed with this song for like two weeks. very aya-core
now for this recall point!
Basically we've only got the miho/aya room, and the ann/koizumi room, that we haven't visited yet. Last time we investigated the tool room- and makoto/tama's room.
we could always check the tool room again
True! Maybe we'll notice something.
yeah i think it's likely that now that we know what we're looking for it'll go better
I can cofirm that literally nothing new happens in the scene.
whatever, miho/aya.
wait what's that check?
oh we passed it last time
alacrity yeah
god, alacrity is so much less useful than charisma
i'm telling you, charisma is the godstat
yeah 😔
Anyways! Miho/Aya! Ran knocks on the door, and Aya answer it.

Aya: Comingcoming.

Aya: Well, look at the rare guest we have tonight!

Miho: What brings you here, Ibuki-san?


Having opened the door, Aya takes a step back, conveniently resting her head against Miho's chest.

Miho: Okay, cut it out.

Miho: Ibuki-san, is there something the matter?

Ran: No, I'm just looking around.

Ran: After all, a murder could take place at any moment. I've got to make early preparations.

Aya: Oho? How diligent of you. Not bad, grasshopper.

I love how they just layer the Aya and Miho sprites
I like how Aya sometimes just goes full master detective mode

Ran: Just thinking about the what-ifs.

Miho: I agree with Ibuki-san's thought process, but I'd like to suggest that it's vanishingly unlikely that a murder will take place in the dorms.

Ran: I suppose that's true. Everyone knows where everyone else is supposed to be, and it's too easy for us to run into each other.

Miho nodded, her hands resting daintily on Aya's shoulders.

Miho: Mm-hm. Right now, everyone's either showering or waiting in their rooms.

Miho: The bathroom's only got one room, but it's pretty big. Everyone generally washes up in pairs with their dorm-mates.

Miho: Don't forget to take a shower, Ibuki-san. After all, you got rained on, today.

Ran: Okay, I'll go in a bit. Well, I won't disturb you two any further. Bye.

Aya: Bye-byyyye~

anyways, uh, since we visited the toolshed and miho/aya, that's our two timeslots used up- and apparently this recall point incorporates the post-decision shower scene with sai for some reason.
I guess I'll read it and see if anything has changed.
attention to detail there with the tan lines
this scene is
with sai.
it's not- last time we did this,
we showered with tama.
because tama asks to shower with us if and only if we visit her and makoto's room.
which we did not do this time.
so we're with sai.
this whole scene is pure new content.
this game has so much fucking attention to detail.
chrono jotter. god.
...i'm running out of brain gas to translate this.
it's a good scene i just. don't have the spoons left.
we'll have a great scene to pick up with then
yeah, i'll do this one next time
thanks for translating!
ty, well done as always
honestly i think we made some pretty good choices with our free time choices so far
the missing options haven't given us much new in the way of information
no real surprises