Part 9

My GF has dismembered me more than your GF

gooooood evening ladiest and gentlemenst do you know what time it is
last night i was literally bitching to benedict and farn about how much i wanted to play chrono jotter at, like, 11pm, despite the fact that nobody else was awake and it was objectively a terrible time for it
holding myself back from playing this game is so hard. i am legit addicted. i just want to shove this game down my throat.
but i waited! for you. please feel flattered.
last time, we cut off right after hanging out with aya and being double confessed to.
Ran has just skipped out of the old schoolhouse and decided to send a text to Ann about something.
But rather than move ahead with the story I did promise I was gonna catch up on recalls.
So here's the recall menu!
The recall menu has expanded. It used to be there was just the topmost entry,


Now there's also


-Old Schoolhouse Chapter (Part 1)-

So, we're not even past the first part of the chapter? How many chapters are there?
Intimidating, tbh.
The Old Schoolhouse Chapter (part 1)'s page only has the exploration recalls right now.
None of that blood-red stuff.
(Since that only comes in after a murder and all.)
Sure is a lot though.

Exploration Recall

After eating lunch at the dorms for the first time, beginning to explore the school...

Exploring the dorms for the first time at night...

Tama takes Ran on an exploration of the school...

After Ran and Tama split up, Ran's solo exploration...

Alright! Let's click on some of these and- why isn't my mouse doing anything
ah, i see.
i've been nickle-and-dimed.
for those of you who are not familiar, i am farn
also nickel-and-dimed how
i can't do this until i feed this fucking diary more blood, presumably.
like i literally can't click into the links.
they're THERE for me to click they're just not responsive.
wow okay so
the system is
apparently actually railroaded
i can't go back to the earlier case 1 scenes either
we're legitimately going linearly from here on out!!
this makes our decision to hoard temporary points have much more significant impact.
gotta feed your girlfriend your blood before she lets you reexperience the past
but sensible, it WOULD be kind of weird if we could just like, choose every single option on the time limited days
that's just how dating works
yeah, i guess!
Anyways, back to the main plot then!
Let's see if we can get to the point where a Murder happens.
So, Ran was sending Ann a text.

Ran: [Miss Sakura where are you let's hang out]

After a few moments, Ran's phone vibrated with Ann's reply.

Ann: [I'm at the observation deck.]

Ran naturally books it back to the dorms immediately.
actually no it's just Ann
hi ann
Ran continues to not have any sense of personal space. Ann only manages to say 'hey Ran' before Ran runs up and grabs both of Ann's hands and starts preening at her like an overexcited cockatoo.
ann: "haha, nice to see you too, oh god please tell me you're dating koizumi now"
Ann asks Ran how her tour with Tama was.

Ran: It was lovely, the school is lovely. Anywhere with you is a lovely place, miss Sakura.

Ann: ...

Ann: I mean, did you enjoy spending time with Tama? In fact, how do you feel about the other students in general?

Ran: Eh, whatevs. As long as Miss Sakura's here, everyone else, giant shrug, they can go do whatever.

ann: "i have scattered so much cute girl chum in this murdergame ocean, i cannot be the tastiest thing in the sea"
ann: "and yet the shark still circles..."

Ann's hands convulsed in Ran's grasp, and Ann adopted a concerning expression Ran hadn't seen on her before.

Ran had hoped that telling Ann that she didn't care much for anyone other than Ann would let Ann understand her feelings of goodwill, but had it backfired?

melancholy piano music is starting oh boi

Ann: ...I'm really having a lot of trouble accepting such strong emotions from you.

Ann: Only the real Ann Sakura should be the one to accept your feelings, and I'm not the one you're looking for in your heart, so...

Ann seemed to be pondering how to express her thoughts.

Ann: ...So I don't have the privilege to accept them.

Ran's emotional reaction to this is predictable!
At least Ran's reaction is only emotional so far. She hasn't started yelling or anything.

Ann, noticing Ran's shadowed expression, immediately pivoted.

Ann: But, if it's only memory loss that's causing this, and I still have the exact same self as the Ann Sakura from your heart,

Ann: Then I'm obligated to accept your feelings, for the sake of the original Ann Sakura. Honestly, this is putting the current me in a real conundrum.

no Ann!!! you still get to make decisions!!
there's a whole continuity of self question here.
but yes, she gets to be her own person
hell, is she even certain she's the same Ann Sakura, and not just a lookalike clone?
that seems entirely within the realm of possibility for all that Ran Ibuki shit!

Ran: (I see. She's been distancing herself from me, despite what she said to me in the rain, because she's started to feel like she's diverged and become a different being than the original Ann Sakura, and that's why she can't accept my feelings.)

Ran: No, Miss Sakura. You could have just completely ignored me, and continued to live the way you wanted to, but now you're feeling burdened by the need to properly respond to my feelings.

Ran: The fact that you're considering my feelings at all is proof that you are the person that I love.

Ann: Perhaps this is also for me. After all, if I recover my memories, then the present me will no longer exist anymore.

Ran: Whaaaaaat, come on, you'll always be-

Ann reached out with a finger, and stopped Ran's words by sealing her lips.

Ann: Ran, let me ask you this.

Ann: Between the current me, and the Ann Sakura who has recovered her memories, whose side would you stand on?

Ran suffers a BSOD.
Ran: does not compute, two ANN SAKURAS? a choice between two infinities? error. memory overflow. comparison operation exceeding maximum allocated runtime.

Ran: Of course I'd hope that you could recover your memories, miss Sakura, but-

Ran: (What is it that I love, anyways? It's not the memories, right? It should be the being, not the memories, and the being in front of me is unquestionably miss Sakura, so I should... choose her?)

A voice in Ran's head tells her that memories were unimportant- that two people who were together could always create more memories together.

Ran: (It's not that simple, though. The experiences I shared with miss Sakura were irreplaceable. Miss Sakura saved me from my suffering- I need those memories!)

yeah ran we need to get those memories back so you can tell us about the time ann tied you to a chair and helped you with your chopped-off arm or whatever
i refuse to let this story end until we've heard exactly what the fuck was up with that shit

Ann cups Ran's face in her hands.

Ann: I'm sorry, Ran.

Ann: This question is something that we should be facing, together.

Ann: Ever since you've come here, I feel like I've changed a bit as well. The things you've said have made me ponder things more.

Ann: If we continue to live under the same roof like this, perhaps both you and I will change even further, and eventually we'll reach an answer to all these questions.

Ran nods acquiescence.
Ran thinks to herself about how Ann's right- Koizumi-sensei's memories were a major step forward, and perhaps she could make even more progress by staying here.
Honestly, Ann gets an A+ on the diplomancy.
oh I was wrong
yeah I just re-checked
somehow I misread that the first time
aw I was hoping for more Ann backstory

Ran leans in, bringing her face close to Ann's.

Ran: Miss Sakura, would you... kiss me?

Ann blinked, and then giggled.

Ann: Why're you so fixated on making out, anyways?

Ran: Ah, well, because, uh.

Ran was having trouble getting the words out through her embarrassment.

Ran: Because, before, when I was upset, or when I was crying terribly, miss Sakura always kissed me to make me feel better.

Ann: Is that how you're feeling now? Upset?

Ran: I mean, yeah. Like, all the time, all day.

Ann held the sides of Ran's head, then, and lightly kissed Ran on the forehead.

Ann: Will that do?

Ran: Yes! Yes it will!

Ran hugged Ann by Ann's waist.

Ran: Thank you, miss Sakura!

so... that scene was
a whole lot of
i don't wanna say nothing exactly but
it was kinda nothing.
ran's getting a little better at, like, giving a shit about characters whose names don't start with A and end with NN
but she's still so fucking completely dependent on ann like wow.
and meanwhile ann's having an identity crisis and ran is
completely not being supportive? in the sense that ran really is not actually doing much to engage with ann's own problems.
anyways, Ann and Ran head downstairs.
WHERE THEY FIND MAKOTO'S DEAD BODY nah just kidding she's perfectly fucking fine and i cannot fucking handle this game anymore when is the other shoe going to drop goddammit
ran doesn't seem like a great girlfriend
Makoto and Sai have returned! They report having successfully fixed both the generator AND the jammed-up lock at the pool. that whole thing was... entirely... irrelevant to any murder-ish doings? if it wasn't then makoto and sai are in on something together as accomplices.

Ran, still paranoid for good fucking reason: Hey, where's Tama, though?

Ran: Didn't Tama go to help you as well?

Makoto: Tama? What about her?

Ran: Tama took me on a tour around school, but halfway through the tour she said she wanted to go find you, so we split up. Have you not seen her?


Makoto blinked once, causing her long eyelashes to droop.

Makoto: No, maybe we just happened to miss each other?

Ran: Tama said she sent you a text. Did you not get it?

Makoto: Let me check.

is what i wish happened.
instead Makoto looks through for her phone and can't find it.
It's sitting next to Tama's corpse!

Sai: You dropped it while fixing the generator, I bet.

Makoto: Possible, but if so I'm also blaming you for that one.

Sai: How is it my fault?

Makoto: Well, I only called you to help me carry something too heavy for me to move myself, remember? And since I knew you were swimming, I didn't bother trying to text you. If it was anyone but you, I'd have looked for my phone to text them and realized it was missing way sooner.

Sai rolls her eyes.

Sai: That is the most bullshit chain of logic I have ever heard.

Makoto: Anyways, as recompense, please do me a favor and text Tama with your phone, will you?

Sai: Sure, whatever.

that is
one weirdly specific detail, makoto
something too heavy for you to carry yourself huh
Like the null hypothesis here is very obviously 'makoto and sai teamed up to kill tama' isn't it
it's so obvious i feel like it's got to be a fakeout.
Anyways: Sai tries to call Tama, but only receives an automated message that Tama's phone isn't on.

Sai: Looks like Indou forgot to charge her phone again. You've gotta remind her about that more.


Makoto: Oh no. Well, Tama's not going to leave until she sees me. I bet she's just zoning out somewhere because her phone ran out of batteries and she doesn't know what to do about it on her own. Let me go check the power room again.


Makoto carries the big toolbox that she was presumably using to fix the generator to the tool room, and then leaves the dorms. Sai, on the other hand, notices that Ran and Ann are holding hands.

Sai: What, finally got a chance to speak, so now you're not letting her go?

Ran: Exactly! I'm never letting her go ever again.

Sai: Well, as long as you don't suddenly decide to run away with her and drag her out into a rainstorm again. I still remember how you straight up sent me flying last time I got in the way.

Ran: Please never mention these things again.

Ann laughed.

Miho comes down the stairs.

Miho: Oh, hello everyone. The power seems to be back.

Ran is surprised to see Miho; she'd originally thought that Ran and Ann were alone in the dorms. Miho, though, explains that she's been upstairs doing homework, and that she'd come down to see what was going on when she heard people chitchatting.

Sai: Well, perfect time to relax a bit, then. Let's go to the kitchen and I'll whip you up a drink.

Sai: Ibuki, this place has basically everything, by the way. Coffee, milk tea, red tea, whatever caffeinating agents you could possibly want.

Ran: (I feel like Sai is singlehandedly keeping the school from falling into depressing monotony all on her own.)

They move to the kitchen as it begins raining again.
I swear, this place- does it rain every afternoon here??
Seriously makes me feel like we're in a one-day-long environmental timeloop or something, frankly.

Just as Koizumi said- when it rained here, it always rained consecutively for several days.

Wow, even the game is lampshading it.
Sai gets to work making beverages for everyone, and Miho asks for a red tea.

Sai: Don't you usually go for the milk tea?

Miho: It's because we just had the barbecue today.

Sai laughs as she reaches for one of the higher cabinets in the kitchen.

Sai: Counting your calories? I'm sure Toyama wouldn't care even if you gained a bit of weight.

Miho rolls her eyes.

Sai's having some trouble with the cabinet that has the red tea in it. Turns out the cabinet door is jammed. Weird.

Sai: Of all the times for the door to jam. Sorry, Miho, looks like we're not having any red tea this afternoon. Do you want something else?

Ran: (Wait, that whole cabinet is for nothing but red tea??)

Miho: I guess I'll have some green tea instead, then. The cabinet's broken?

Sai craned her neck and checked the cabinet's hinges.

Sai: Mm-hm. It's not a big problem. I'll come back with a screwdriver and fix it real quick later.

ok that's GOT to have to do with the murder right??
Ann orders a green milk tea. Ran's reaction is completely proportionate.

Ran: WHAT?!

Ann and everyone else jump a bit.

Ann: Is- something wrong?

Ran: No, just- nevermind.

Before, Ann Sakura would only ever drink coffee- with way too much milk and sugar added, on top. Ran had been influenced by her, and had taken to drinking the same type of coffee.

Ran: (It's so weird to realize that miss Sakura's different from before through little details like these...)

Sai: So, Ibuki, what'll it be? How about a strawberry-flavored milk?

Ran: What the hell, no. Give me an iced coffee, with extra sugar and milk.

Sai: Gotcha.

Sai's phone vibrates as she's preparing the beverages for everyone. (Sai is hand-grinding the coffee beans, holy shit. Master barista on top of master chef.)

Sai: Makoto says she still hasn't found Tama. She says she's going to keep looking.

Miho: Indou-san tends to get anxious whenever she's too far from Asakura-san. I doubt she's gone far.


Ran: The two of them have a special relationship, don't they?

Ran: (After hearing Aya talk about how Tama and Makoto might have an intimate relationship, I'm even more curious what the nature of their relationship is.)

Miho: Mm-hm. Indou-san really clings to Asakura-san. And Indou-san's quite the blockhead, on occasion, so Asakura-san takes particular care to watch out for her.

Ran: A blockhead? I thought you all said that murders with Tama as the culprit tended to be... particularly heavy-handed in methodology.

Miho: Yeah, exactly. That's a super blockhead thing to do.

Sai serves Miho some green tea. Miho thanks her.

Ran: Has miss Sakura ever drawn the culprit role before?

Ann, who is perfect and pure and can never do wrong: No.

Ran sighed a sigh of relief.

Outside, the storm started intensifying. Cracks of thunder could be heard outside the window, and the sound of raindrops on the windows, for some reason, gave Ran a craving for the coffee that Sai was preparing for her.

πŸ€” 1
...y'know, the rain is definitely heavily symbolic in this game for something- ran mentions rain all the time, it keeps happening
she has this whole memory with ann about the rain and ran enjoys the sound of the rain and
can't figure out how it all comes together yet though
Miho's looking out the window with a bit of an anxious tick, rubbing her pinky up and down her teacup. Ran figures out that it's because Miho is worried about Aya.

Miho: I hope she brought an umbrella..

Miho: Well, once she calls in an SOS, I'll go bring her an umbrella.

Sai serves Ann and Ran's drinks as well.
Ann thanks Sai. Ran... nitpicks Sai's drinkmaking skills.

Sai: Had to add the sugar beforehand, since we don't have any molasses here. Let me know if you want more.

Ran: You should really have added the sugar after cooling the coffee.

Sai: Gee, little miss genius, if you're so good at this why don't you do it from now on.

good job ran.
Ran asks Ann if she'd like to try some. After all, this used to be Ann's favorite drink.
aww come on ran you were just saying Sai was the life of the party
Ran’s mood really does seem to be rain-linked
Ann agrees to try some of Ran's drink. Ran watches Ann drink, the way Ann brushes her hair out of the way before she drinks, the way she leaves ripples in the coffee's surface as she sips from it.

Ran: (Miss Sakura is always so beautiful! 😍 )

oh, ran. never change.
Ann... does not like the drink that much.

Ann: Well, it's not bad. But I don't particularly like it that much either.

this is the last straw
ran is going to start suspecting that ann is an imposter

Ran: (I guess her body remembers how to enjoy coffee, but not her heart??)

Ran: It's probably Sai's fault for making it badly.

Sai: Well, looks like Ibuki's been officially demoted to the tapwater-only caste.

Ran: Yano-sama, I overspoke foolishly. Please forgive my trespasses and spare me.

sai really has cute hair
must take forever
god and with all the chlorine.....
A while passes, and Makoto still hasn't returned. Koizumi has, though!

Koizumi: Hello, everyone. Is everyone enjoying tea together?

Koizumi limped into the room out of the rain, closing an umbrella as she entered.

Miho: Yes. How's your wound doing?

Koizumi: It still hurts, but the medications have helped.

Ran: (Wound? Oh, probably from falling down the cliff yesterday.)

Ran: (I hope it's not serious...)

ran gets another emotional concern for non-sakuran entities point, good work ran

Barista!Sai: What'll you be having, Koizumi?

Koizumi: A milk tea, please. Heavy on the tea.

Sai: Got it. We've only got green tea left by the way. Will that be fine?

Koizumi nods.

Sai began preparing Koizumi some tea, but was interrupted by the sound of her phone.

Turns out that Makoto's calling in the cavalry. It's getting late and she still hasn't found Tama. She's asking everyone to equip umbrellas and go out searching for Tama together.

Miho: Sure. I'll pick Aya up as well while I'm at it.

Koizumi's still wounded, so she's exempt from the search party.

Sai: Koizumi, you don't need to bother going anywhere. You sit tight, I'll make you some tea.

Koizumi: A-ah. Thank you, and I'm sorry...

Miho darted over and gave Koizumi a quick massage-like pinch on her shoulder. Koizumi, apparently ticklish, giggled.

Miho: No need to apologize. Get some rest.

Sai: Though it's possible Tama's died. In that case, it might be time for the Great Detective Ibuki to return to the stage oncemore!

Ran: Ughhhhhhh. Please don't make fun of me.

Ran grimaced at Sai, before realizing that, unbeknownst to herself, her attitude to the deaths of others around her had also subtly changed while she wasn't paying attention.

Ran's starting to enjoy the game, too, now!
green tea with milk??
who drinks that??

Ran: (They really don't treat death like anything to be worked up over. And even I don't panic as much anymore when thinking about their deaths.)

Ran: (I'm sure it's because miss Sakura is next to me and giving me strength.)

Ran: Let's go, miss sakura. We can share an umbrella.

at least two of the girls here apparently
i'm sorry farn i know you have Tea Opinions
in comparison to murders, clearly the much more significant crime here was the crime against tea culture
that's like
a profanity in tea form
ancient chinese tea used to incorporate meat scraps
it was called 'oil tea'
just thought you should know farn
just imagine it
tea with ground beef, to give it that savoriness and chewiness
no i could see that
that's just a whole different beast from green with milk, like, what the fuck is the flavor profile supposed to be there
tea with a little bit of texture and a savory edge is entirely reasonable in comparison
i will take your word for it anyways, Ran and Ann go out together searching for Tama. They start at the pool, shouting Tama's name, and once that turns up nothing, they investigate the changing rooms and the old shower rooms, as well as the general vicinity. They don't find Tama. Ann doesn't seem particularly in a hurry at all.
they're gonna split up to look for tama, find her, then when they reconvene they'll find ann dead
oh is the very first case going to be Ann Sakura culprit
i hope so

Ann: Ran, did we ever go swimming together, before?

Ran: Oh, sure. Though initially I didn't know how to swim, so I mostly just watched you swim from the shore. Same thing when we visited the seaside- I just stayed on the beach by myself.

Ann: The seaside? You're talking about... the summer vacation of the first year of high school, that you mentioned once?

Ran: Yeah, we visited the seaside a lot of times. A lot of things happened there.

Ran Ibuki sank back into memories- moonlight, fine sand, and ocean waves.


Ann: I've tried once or twice. My body remembers how to swim, but I'm not very used to it yet.

Ran: We should go swimming together later, then! Pick a time when Yano isn't present.

Ann: Yes. Though I expect that Sai will always be present.

Ran: well, let's hope someone murders Sai then!
midnight swim
After that, it's the courtyard. A 'sea of mud', thanks to the rain.
Ran and Ann need to support each other in the rain to avoid falling.
ran gets killed by sakura
At this point, both of them have given up on hoping Tama will show up if they yell her name loud enough. They're pretty much basically presuming that Tama's dead, and they're looking for her body in places where a murder could theoretically have stashed Tama's corpse.

Ran: (Kinda freaky, if you think about what we're doing. We're basically trying to find a dead body, here.)

They don't find anybody in the courtyard, so they head to the gym. Upon arrival at the gym, they clean their shoes off with paper towels that Ran brought.

Ran: We'll have to wash our shoes thoroughly once we're done here.

Ann: Yeah.

bet she's in that cabinet
ah, the good old classic mud murder logistics
the ... red tea cabinet?
leaving a trail of footprints and tracking mud everywhere, murder mystery classics

Ran Ibuki turns and pushes open the doors to the gym. The rain covers up the creaking of the old iron doors.

Even though it was still theoretically light out, the rainclouds covering the sky had turned the gym completely dark.

Ran: (Exactly like that time I came here at night.)

but then ran notices someone on stage.
that's right.
the figure on stage...
is none other...
than a mysterious being draped in a black cloak and wearing a bird-shaped mask!!!!!!!!!
rail of jotter
nah i'm just fuckin around it's- well i mean at this point there's only one being it could possibly be. ann turns on the lights.
wow. that is... one creepy way to go, frankly.
like, damn.
oh wow
full 180 degree neck twist? really?
god i actually thought that was a beak for a second
detention by red candle games vibes
why do these murders have to be so awful.
eventually i hope these eyecatches feature them doing action poses
so, ran's updated her notes again. time to read.

The school's total area is significant, and it's fully equipped; the chemicals in the lab room might well be utilized eventually. πŸ§ͺ

Does it ever stop raining here?? 🌧️

Is there anything that Sai [doesn't know how to make]/[won't do]? (translator's note: 'make' and 'do' are the same character in chinese. so this could either be saying that sai's able to make any dish, that she has no behavioral fetters, or, most likely, ambiguously both to be maximally ominous.)

The culprit, to tama... (translator's note: this is a sentence fragment that could plausibly end in two ways. it could be asking 'what's the relationship of the culprit to tama?'- or it could be asking 'just what did the culprit do to tama?', both are grammatically possible here in a way that's not easy to replicate in english grammar structures.)

whoof, that was a lot of translator's notes
thanks for your dilligence
Anyways, everyone's gathered here. Makoto is staring at Tama, back towards the rest of the group, fists clenched. She seems very emotionally distraught. Which, I kinda get. Like, jesus. Did they really have to go with such a theatrical way of presenting the corpse. The floor's covered in mud tracks now. Ran, of course, notes that, before they all came in, the floor was pristine and clean- which is definitely a useful, timeline-constraining clue.

Ran: (Nobody's saying anything about starting the investigation. They're all worried about Asakura, surely. As well as..)

Ran: (The way that Tama's body was found, it gives off a malicious feeling.)

Ran: (Though, well, dividing the corpse into multiple parts would be even freakier, and they said that's happened, before- but at least splitting up the corpse theoretically has the benefit of making the autopsy and investigation harder. This is just- unnecessary.)

Ran: (Well, we can't wait here forever. I'll break the ice this time.)


Ran: Let's begin investigating the corpse. We can... put her back to normal, after we're done investigating.

Miho: ...Sure. The school has a designated area for corpses, so once we're done we can grab a bodybag and carry her over.

Ran: (Thank goodness miss Sakura's case was solved so quickly. I don't know if I could have handled seeing miss Sakura in a bodybag.)

Ran volunteers to investigate the body, like before. Miho nods and agrees. Makoto... doesn't verbally assent, but gets out of the way, face still lowered and shadowed.
why is there a designated area for corpses
good fucking question
i guess they legitimately needed one!!
so here's the thing though
in the universe in which makoto was not the killer
what i would be thinking here is
'none of us would do this to each other. we just had a new arrival who played the game for the first time, and the new arrival explicitly doesn't care for any of us other than ann, and possibly even blames us for doing something to ann to make her this way, and now tama has been killed in an exceedingly cruel way.'
sure, it's also very likely the culprit is thinking 'oh wow yeah ran makes a GREAT scapegoat holy shit', which would explain the cruelty and theatricality of this murder
but just on the off chance, i would not let ran have sole investigative privilege over the corpse.
i would definitely demand to share the investigation if i were makoto.
anyways, Ran begins investigations.
...this artist is way too fucking good at drawing, frankly. this illustration is gruesomely good to the point of being uncomfortable for me. god, at least danganronpa had a less realistic style.
why are you singling out makoto?

Ran: The neck muscles and skin display exaggerated torsion lines. It feels like the result of an overwhelming pulling force.

Ran: If the culprit had slit the victim's throat, that would have made it far easier to twist the head- but the culprit chose, rather, to rotate the muscles, neck, and spine together.

Ran: (Why is it always the fucking neck? First miss Sakura, now this? What do you have against necks??)

makoto has the strongest motivation to make the argument. i mean sure anybody else could also have done it, but makoto i feel like ought to have thought of it.
she has investigation 7. come on.
oh i missed the line where makoto was emotionally distraught

Aya: Just how much force would it take to twist the whole neck around, like that??

Koizumi: is it like- in those special forces movies where the super agent just, breaks someone's neck from behind by twisting their head?

As Koizumi spoke, she pantomimed the action. It was a terrible imitation. Had she not verbally described her intent, nobody could have deciphered just what her clumsy little wiggle was meant to be.

Ran: Impossible. Nobody could do something like this with their own strength alone. Even wringing an infant's neck like this would be difficult. The vertebrae would shatter, and the fragments would be very likely to pierce the skin.

Ran: Compared to inflexible bone, twisting the skin and muscles as well- these two things require completely different orders of magnitude, power-wise.


Ran: Besides, those from-behind ambush attacks you see in movies do exist in real life, but they don't work by twisting, but rather impact.

Sai: How's that? Enlighten us.

Ran: Basically, it's hitting the target's neck with your two hands from different angles, resulting in vertebral dislocation. The goal is to cause the major veins and arteries in the neck to become compressed or even to break, leading to dizziness or death for the target.

Aya: Woooow. You learn something new everyday! Ran-chan sure knows a bunch.


Sai: So I guess all the time you didn't spend hanging out with Ann, you spent it staring at medical documentaries.

Ran: You two really have a snark no matter what kind of situation it is, huh.

Ran: Anyways, point is, to twist Indou's neck like this, you have to use some kind of tool.

Ran: Any ideas? You all should know better than I do what kind of equipment you've got available in this school.

the first thought that comes to me is- well. generators sure do have a motor that spins.
tama goes to the generator room, makoto drapes an arm over tama's shoulder and is like 'heeeeeey tama wanna die for me' and tama's like 'oh sure' and makoto's like 'cool, stick your head in this harness i've tied to the generator'
and then πŸŒ€

Sai: Oi, Asakura! There's a bunch of junk in the toolshed, ain't there? Any of it useful for this kinda thing?

Ran: (Well, I checked the toolshed myself, that one time. I didn't see anything special. Though it may have been deeper in the room than I bothered looking.)

Makoto Asakura raised her head. Her eyes were only half-open, and the strands of her hair were plastered on the tall bridge of her nose. Rainwater dripped down from the corners of her eyes, making her look as though she was weeping.

Makoto: Even if there was, I couldn't possibly have come up with the idea of using them to make someone's head go on a carousel ride.

She sounded no different than usual.

Makoto: If we're just talking about things that spin- electric drills, screwdrivers, pipe wrenches, crowbars. But peoples' heads are way bigger than the heads of screws. There's nothing these tools could do for that.

Ran nods, accepting Makoto's statement, and then starts doing the in-depth investigation. Things checkable here: Frontal Body. Wrists. Shoes. I can also click the- frankly ironic- icon to turn around, and inspect the other side of Tama's body.
no reason not to go one by one.
gotta solve this case to show off for ann
oh hell yeah i'm just in time for the JUICY stuff
time to put ikoroshia 30 min extended ver. on loop
Juicy is an appropriate word. Ran comes to a kneel under Tama's body. She reaches out and squeezes Tama's clothes. It squishes. There is, needless to say, a lot of blood.

Ran: (Massive bloodloss, with sprays everywhere. It's consistent with this method of murder.)

Ran: (Probably related to the state that Indou was in, when the culprit killed her.)

actually how's this game's soundtrack, zero? anything stand out?
mediocre to bad
the opening theme, where you're supposed to put the star of your soundtrack, is, unironically, unlistenably bad
it's monotonous and grates
the atmospheric soundtrack is serviceable and adequately communicates the desired mood but there's nothing of interest going on in this game's soundtrack
like i said, if this really was a two-person effort, it'd be way too much to ask one of them to be good at music as well lol
what i'm hearing is
they clearly have far too much talent at everything else already
"pool our money to hire someone to create a chrono jotter original soundtrack"
πŸ‘† 1
the music in the steam trailer like ... starts ok but then gets repetitive pretty quickly
the bloodstain here is kind of weird- there's blood underneath where she's sitting, implying the body was moved while still dripping blood
yeah, that's the 'unlistenably bad' song i meant
but there's some oddities with how it's distributed otherwise
right, the floor being squeaky clean.
possibly implies a tarp being used.
also it's maybe a little too upbeat. should be spookier
it's soaked through the front of her- i don't know the names of the outfit parts but the shirt-like part
that, or the tool used to kill her being removed from the gym.
but her skirt is spotless except for where it's pooled on her lap
there's a sharp line where the waistband meets the shirt where the blood stops
so, the wrists now.

Ann: Those look like marks left by ropes.

Ran nodded.

Ran: The markings on the wrist are quite irregular. They look like scratches caused by repeated abrasion.

Ran: If we had a real coroner, they could figure out if the wounds had been made before or after death. Unfortunate.

Miho: They were made when she was alive, right? The wounds look like they were caused by struggling.

Ran: I thought of that too, but...

Ran: (If the victim tied up Tama's hands, and then dragged her away, that'd be a different story.)

normal school activities
this doesn't mean much since the body was pretty obviously arranged after tama was killed, and she didn't die in that position in that spot, but like, it seems like she coughed up all that blood before her neck was twisted around
And, finally, for the front of the corpse: the shoes.

Ran: (Very clean. Normally you'd think that, since it rained outside, the shoes ought to be quite dirty.)

Ran pokes around at the boots and digs something up soft and wet, stuck to the soles of the boots.

She looked at it. She couldn't tell exactly what it was, other than that it definitely wasn't mud. It was a bit rough, and somewhat greenish.

Ran: (No clue what this is, but let's make a note of it.)

...Lichen??? Unknown Green Chemical X?? Clothing scrap? What green things are narratively legible and relevant?? soft, wet, rough, greenish. Ran pulls Tama's skirt up a little, exposing the rest of her boots.

Sai: How long're you going to stare at her boots.

Ran: I just feel there's something not right going on here. The boots are really clean.

Koizumi: Indou-san really loves that pair of boots. She always cleans them off so diligently before placing them back in the shoe cabinet, every time she returns to the dorms.

Ran: Mm, yeah, I can tell.

Ran: (If the bottoms of the shoes are clean, then... Tama was carried here by someone? Or she was in this room from the beginning? Or the killer cleaned her shoes up for her?)

y'know, if it was makoto, i could legit see tama be like 'okay sure you can kill me but you BETTER not get my shoes dirty'
and makoto going 'oh my fucking god, fine.'
we're probably gonna need to break open that locked cabinet to check inside for evidence

Ran: Even if she's like this now, Indou's face is still fairly adorable.

RAN. god. anyways there's only two things to investigate on the other side. the face, and the back of the body.
ugh, fuck, this artist is too fuckin good at drawing. god.

Ran: (Thank goodness her eyes are closed. Otherwise I'd be even more scared to look at her.)

Tama's hair is wet. The roots of her eyebrows show signs of abrasion. There are clear bruises and scratches.

Ran runs her hands up and down the bruises, and feels a granular texture under her finger.

Ran: (Oh, so that's how it is.)

Ran: (Sphenoid bone fracture- and based on the touch-feel, probably a radial fracture.)

so some sort of clamp on her head

Aya, waving her hand in the air: Miss Ran, I have a question!

Ran: Since when was I your teacher? Anyways.

Aya: What's a spheroid bone?

Ran tapped Aya's face, in the area between her solar plexus and the outer ends of her eyebrows.

Ran: That part of the skull is the sphenoid bone. Don't bother to write it down, just know it's a thing.

Aya: Will it be on the test, professor?

Ran: Fuck off!

Aya laughed her butt off, giggling nonstop until Miho bonked her on the head.

thank you aya
(brb, i need to coop some chickens)
πŸ” 2
okay back.
Ran thinks about the implications of the positions of the fractures here before coming to a conclusion.

Ran: Asakura, do you have an oversized pipe wrench, here?

Makoto: A pipe wrench? ...Ah, I see what you mean. There's a wrench meant for measuring the diameters of pipes. Pull that to its maximum width and it just about can clamp a human head.

Aya: Sensei, I have another question! What's a pipe wrench?

Ran stepped up to Aya and placed each of her index fingers on Aya's sphenoid bones.

Ran: Imagine a wrench except the clampy bits on the head can change their positions.

Ran moved her fingers back and forth, across Aya's face.

Ran: Basically like that. The clampy bits can expand and contract, and there's markings on the handle that let you measure the clamped object's size.

Aya: Ohhhh, I remember now. I think we used something like that when we were fixing those super-thick water pipes and ventilation shafts.

Miho: That's right. The whole dorm got flooded that time, and everyone worked together to help Asakura-san fix everything.

Ran: Then we'll have to check the tool room after that. If there's a big enough pipe wrench there it should be possible to twist someone's head that way.

Ran: Just clamp right onto Indou's head, and then turn her by the handles. Probably.

Ran: If you're all familiar with that thing, the culprit probably can't just move it willy-nilly. It'd be weird to see it appear somewhere it had no reason to show up.

hey we checked the tool room!
we're gonna get NO bonus points for this huh

Koizumi rubs her own neck, before speaking.

Koizumi: ...It sounds like it'd hurt a lot...

Koizumi looked nervously at everyone's reactions, as if she was afraid that she'd said something wrong. Or something that nobody had wanted to bring up.

Ran: Yep. If we weren't in this school, this kind of case would definitely be treated as a revenge killing.

Ran: But you all can't possibly be harboring hate for your classmates, right?

Miho: Of course not.

Miho nodded extremely quickly. The speed of her reaction gave Ran a bit of warmth, on the inside.

Ran: (I hope not, too.)

jesus christ this scene is long

Ran: Anyways, what exactly the murder weapon was isn't as important as what restrictions a weapon capable of doing this to the corpse must have on it.

Ran: Things like requirements for the user's physical strength, the amount of space required for using it, the amount of time needed to make this wound. All this, combined with the state of the corpse, can easily nail down the murder weapon, and give us a lot of information.

Ran: That's why most murderers don't choose extremely strange methodologies and tools. The more unique your crime scene is, the more constraints you put on yourself, and the easier it is for others to deduce the truth.

i've had makoto and tama twigged as being into lifestyle kink since they first showed up i'm not not ruling that out here

Ran: That's why most police investigators would conclude that a scene like this must be the result of either a revenge killing or some other kind of special case.

Sai: You sure are great at repeating things that everybody else already knows out loud, Ibuki.

Ran: Can't help but feel like you're damning me with faint praise. Feel free, I guess.

Ran: Most importantly for this case, there's a massive limitation for the culprit, and I still haven't seen that limitation manifest at the scene so far.

Miho: And that is...

Ran grinned.

Ran: Something must have been used to affix Indou's body in place.


Ann nods. It seemed like she was waiting for Ran to say that for a long time.

Ann: When the culprit turned the murder tool to twist Tama's head, her body must have been fixed in place somehow. Otherwise Tama's whole body would start rotating along with her head.

Ran: That's right! Miss Sakura is right as always! Gold star! You're so smart!


Aya: Hey, what's with the bias?

Ann: Oh, no, no, I only thought of it after Ran brought it up. Ran's the real genius here.

Ran: Well everything I learned, I learned from you, miss Sakura! So you're the actual genius here-

Sai: Yes yes okay you're all fucking geniuses can we just get a move on god damn.

tama go spinny
i mean it would have snapped her neck anyway no matter what
but i guess it wouldn't have done the 180 twist thing

Ran: Actually that's it. I guess she must have been moved, because of the lack of the... body-affixing thing here. And the method was definitely a complete rotation of her head. That's... about it.

Miho: ...How terrifying. It must have been grueling for both the murderer and Tama.

Ran: I'm more worried that the culprit enjoyed it.

fadetoblack thank god that scene is finally over holy shit
fun fact, did you know: if you click on a clue twice in an investigation scene i'm pretty sure it makes you reread through every bit of dialogue twice
alright, now that we're done with the face, time for, the back,
On the back, only the collar of Tama's clothes are wet- with blood, of course.
The rest of the blood to be found on the back are all droplets.
Ran concludes, with this, and the amount of blood at the front, that she probably knows the position that Tama died in.
hmm.... doesn't asakura..... have an alibi? she does, right? since sai was with her helping the whole time?
yeah, it looks like something killed her and caused her to vomit blood before her head was twisted around
so that probably wasn't the cause of death so much as a flourish added afterwards
for what reason, i have no idea
that makes some sense if makoto is the murderer. tama was killed less painfully first, and then brutalized after death to throw people off the scent
or for any of the girls i guess
Ran kneels and begins investigating under Tama's corpse's waistline.

Ran: Eh? What's this.

She reached out and touched the area under Tama's waist, just a bit above her buttocks. There was some moisture there.

Ran pulled her hand back and smelled it.

Ran: (The smell of grass? Plants, for sure.)

Aya: Wow, Ran-chan's spirit animal really is the dog.

Ran stands up and reconstructs the position that Tama must have died in.
okay! and that is all the clues! we are done investigating! we-
what do you mean we're not done investigating
why does it say i haven't investigated tama's face yet
especially if they find the murder weapon/setup thing in the toolshed afterwards and it's really obvious it was used- if that comes up and we start getting into alibis re: who could've got inside and when, we need to be really careful, because the culprit probably did this to create a fake alibi
i've clearly investigated it oh god did i unlock a new dialogue option that i have to go back and read through for,
so, grass.
tama was poisoned first?
and then the culprit set up the fake alibi and twisted her head to fuck us up?
i don't know what to make of the smell of grass or the weird rough green thing. there's no way ran wouldn't recognize lichen right
look, lichen doesn't reanimate corpses or turn people into communists
πŸ‘† 1
it's not really in her wheelhouse
okay, investigating face again. oh. Ran discovers that there's something in Tama's mouth.
Ran tries to pry Tama's mouth open.

Sai: Ibuki, what the fuck are you doing??

Ran: Just- miss Sakura please help me with this?

Ann: Alright.

Ann lights up Tama's mouth with the flashlight function on her phone as Ran digs into her mouth like a dentist.
huge appreciation for zero for clicking through all of this with this art right there
They discover that the anomalous thing in Tama's mouth which was causing one cheek to bulge slightly more than the right, was........ her tongue. WE DISCOVERED TAMA'S TONGUE IS IN HER MOUTH FOLKS WE DID IT
oh no ran

Indou Tama's tongue had taken almost a 90 degree turn, bending towards the right side of her mouth cavity, causing her cheek to bulge slightly.


Ann: Why would a tongue take such a strange form?

Ran: Lemme take a look.

Ran reached out with the index finger of her left hand, and repeatedly massaged Tama's tongue.

Sai: No, seriously, what the fuck.

i'm with sai on this one
well, at least ann is into it
that's a plus
ran would get along great with Lady Love Dies. just, absolutely zero compunctions about what things are appropriate to do while investigating a murder

Koizumi had covered her mouth for some reason, and was blushing fiercely.

Aya: Damn, Ran. wolf-whistles.

Makoto heard the commotion and looked up, but quickly lowered her head again.

Ran: Shush, I've almost got it.

Ran extracted her finger, now coated in Tama's saliva from Tama's mouth.

Ran: I've figured it out. Indou's hyoid bone was broken, and the tongue itself is a highly flexible and tensile muscle. Contracting under high tension, the muscle broke as well, causing the tongue to flop listlessly to one side as if it'd been snapped at the root.

Miho: ...So, this implies that...

Ran: Let me check something else.

(the hyoid bone is the bone under the tongue.)
Ran takes another look at the neck. She wants to get a look at Tama's vertebrae, but there's too much neck muscle in the way.
jesus, this is some real CSI shit

Ran: If Indou's C2 or C3 vertebrae were dislocated, that plus the situation with the tongue would basically be enough to confirm that she was strangled while alive.

Ann: She clearly has other injuries on her, though.

Ran: Right. So it's very possible that the strangling was just to make Indou faint, rather than kill her immediately. Strangulation by hand has a certain degree of difficulty to it, but there's still some of us here who could pull it off. If ropes were used, then any of us could have strangled Indou.

ran should be a coroner
yeah, no kidding
holy shit
fuck maybe she IS a coroner
probably she is
what is the background of the writers here
is one of them an actual forensics specialist
eh, you can google stuff like that
Sai argues that you can't just know that, maybe those things could have happened as a result of the head-spinny. Ran admits that she can't see the vertebrae so she doesn't know, but,

Ran: We can't do a formal autopsy, but we can cut the corpse open can't we? It'll all get fixed either way, won't it.

Miho: Sure. We've done incisions on the corpse like that before a few times, it won't be a problem.

cool, cool, no trouble, cool
time to channel your inner metal gear rising revengeance raiden, ran, and zandatsu this poor girl

Aya: The first time we cut a corpse, it was mine, you know. I can confirm that Miho has penetrated into my body at least once before!

Miho: As if I had any interest other than to get you back as soon as I could. I threw up at least thrice, that time.

AYA. oh my god.
these disaster lesbians.
i love aya so much
"my GF has dismembered me more than your GF"
Ran concludes that they'll have to wait for Miho to cut open Tama's neck to get the full picture here.
And that's the end of that scene.
And now FINALLY we are done investigating!!

Ran: That's all the evidence the corpse can give us, now. Next up, I'll have to ask everyone where they were at the time of the incident.

Ann mentions, reasonably, that this range of time is VERY large, since they don't actually know exactly when Tama was killed.

Ann: The range of possible times for death are between the last time you saw her and- well, just now, when we discovered her corpse. It's a massive range.

Interesting to me that Ann just, y'know. Tacitly believes our testimony about being with Tama up until Tama ran off.
Like, who's to say we didn't kill Tama. We were alone with Tama for a long fucking time.
Perhaps Ran's aware of this, because Ran gives her testimony first.
maybe we did, and we're just in a recall point right now!
wait, no. that makes zero sense.

Ran: I'll start. After Tama and I split up, I went to the music room and visited Aya. Then, I returned to the dorms and stayed with miss Sakura for a while. After that, I went downstairs and had tea with Sai and the others.

Sai: No, wait, there's an assumption you're all making, which is that you and Tama actually split up.

god i love this game it actually addresses all of my objections
this game fucking thinks

Sai: For all we know, you killed her right then and then used her phone to text Asakura.

that's the subtitle for this part zero. take note

Ran saw that Makoto was staring at her from under the shadows cast by the messy strands of her hair.

Ran: (Fuck, that's terrifying.)

Ran: It's possible, but once I split up with Tama, I immediately moved on. The time between my visits to Aya and miss Sakura wasn't long, and it wouldn't have been enough for me to kill her.


Ran: But I don't have exact times for when I talked to her anyways. If you really don't trust me, feel free to extend the timeline all the way back to when I left with her after the barbecue in the first place.


Ran: Furthermore, let's make a note of when Asakura received the text from Tama's cellphone, as well. That will be important. I'm sure that any suspicions on me will be dispelled in time.

Ran spoke confidently and lightly, mostly because she really wanted to get Makoto's piercing gaze off her back. It was giving her the creeps.


Ran: It's your turn now, everyone.

not so funny now that the murdered-girlfriend shoe is on the other foot now is it
holy fuck we get to CHOOSE who we talk to about alibis
one by one?!
i'm sorry i don't think i have the energy left in me for six more scenes like this
we can do a couple maybe? or just call it here
i am making the executive decision to cut it here
aight then
you gotta subtitle it the thing benedict said
right now i'm thinking... makoto had the most opportunity, probably, since we didn't see her between tama leaving and the body being discovered, and of course she commands tama's trust absolutely and was the first to throw shade on ran
Chrono Jotter part 8: "my GF has dismembered me more than your GF"
nine now actually
this game is SO much longer than rail of mobius
what the fuck
i was 60% of the way through rail of mobius by part 9
there is no way i am 60% of the way through this game
yeah the sai thing throws a wrench in it but i think we're just assuming she either... murdered Tama first and set the scene up ahead of time and then met up with sai
also technically that is an arguable proposition, since sure aya's been autopsied before but ann apparently chopped ran's arm off once
or she murdered tama first, stashed the body, met up with sai, and then ... staged the body later?
but the floor isn't muddy and iirc they came back together
could be sai's an accomplice
accomplices are apparently a legal play
and sai sure has been kind of... gumming up our investigation
asking us constantly 'dude what the fuck' and then immediately opening alibis by going 'ran sus'
come on sai, cc or gtfo
might do a long sesh tomorrow
hey remember at the start how makoto was unhappy with the card she drew and how tama noticed that
:( :( :( :( :(
with new context that is SO CLEARLY THE EYEBALL GUY
nice of him to provide everyone with a deck of murder cards
Hm I'm not seeing the resemblance ...
this bit I think
compared to this
I kinda see it ... they're like stylistically similar, but the shapes seem completely different
Maybe the card is a top down view
I think there's enough of a resemblance to say that it's not random
Also if you look at a top down view then it's an almost perfect match
Oh yeah, I agree
I mean the thing at the top is definitely the eye
But like the head/crown thing is a different shape
Or a different angle
The crown thing is the same if you look at it from the top, right?
Regrettably the potential for long sesh got eaten by chickens
πŸ” 2
At best we are looking at a regular sesh after we finish all the chicken-work
oh dear!
well, you know things are going good when the chickens have moved on from eating normal things like seeds, grain, etc and have started in on the more conceptual foods
time, potential, the capability for the universe to having meaning, etc