Part 21

The End.

doing more chrono jotter because i cannot wait any longer. i have to see where this bugfuck insane story is going. so ran wakes up... somewhere. given that she's naked, we can probably presume that she has just been revived and is currently in the morgue.
ran says nothing. two clicks later, we are immediately met with a choice.

Go to the Ann Sakura of this school

Go to the Ann Sakura in your notebook

...holy shit okay this is actually a choice.
i just clicked on the second option, here.
because i figured, 'yeah, i imagine, ran would have some Questions for the original ann, here!!! some Real Fucking Questions!!!'
so i picked the option that read 'go and talk to original ann', figuring, this just means she's going to, idk, write some stuff down in her notebook, right, have a regular old conversation that way, like penpals.
graciously enough, there is no CG.
instead, we cut to... ran waking back up in her dorm.
Everybody else is surrounding her. Miho's rather distressed Ran killed herself immediately after being revived, and asks Ran what's wrong. Makoto, on the other hand, helpfully snarks about how Ran's breaking the rules and that she needs to wait until she draws herself before she can start trying to steal Makoto's style. the most important thing is that ran's gambit clearly did not work. she did not get to go back in the notebook a second time, for whatever reason- we just cut straight from Ran doing the deed to Ran waking up again after being revived by her friends. she did not get to meet ann sakura again. let's see how she reacts to this.

Ran Ibuki seemed shellshocked and stunned. She looked all around before finally settling on Ann's face.

It was at this point that I suddenly realized, with astonishment, that I could no longer perceive Ran's thoughts anymore. Her internality was nothing but complete stillness.

oh, good that's always a good sign ayep

Ran: I'm fine. I must have been overwhelmed by the memories of how I died the first time. Miss Sakura, are you alright?

Ann: I'm alright, of course. You?

Ran: Mm- y'know, this is a pretty nice place, now that I think about it. Maybe staying in this place isn't such a bad idea after all.


Aya: Uh, Ran, you sound a little... off?

Tama: Maybe you should take a bit more time to recuperate?

Ran shook her head.

Ran: Nah, it's nothing. I was just thinking about how I've actually been having a lot of fun during my time here.


Sai: Well, Ibuki, even though I'm not sure what kind of epiphany you've had exactly, you ought to do whatever you feel like you want to.

Ran nodded, laid back, and closed her eyes again.

Aaaaaand so, Ran decides, she's going to stay here, and give up on finding either a way out, or helping 'Ann' regain her memories.
After all, she's already found Ann Sakura's memories- they're right here with her, and they clearly show just exactly what has happened to Ann.
Ran gives up hope and decides to just settle for second best, and to permanently integrate into the murder school lifestyle here.
The notebook, meanwhile, ruminates on how she knew this was always a possible outcome.

At this point, I am less a whole consciousness and more just the lingering will of Ann Sakura's desire to protect Ran Ibuki, anyways.

If Ran has decided that she would rather stay in this place, rather than continue to search for a way to revive me, then I will abide by her decision.

No matter what, I will keep her company and continue to protect her.

Good night, Ran Ibuki.

and then the game kicks us back to the title.
so there we go! that's the ending of chrono jotter. good end? bad end? definitely an incomplete end.
let's go back and check what the other branch has in store.
...actually while i'm here at the menu, i might as well check the CGs.
see how many there are left.
that's page 1, we remember all of that, yeah
and thaaaaat's page two, and apparently we missed a CG right before the end of the third case.
...that is... concerning.
how did we miss a CG,
god, do i- should i go back and find it, it's probably sai-related content is what i'm guessing
and then the third and presumably final page- i honestly doubt there's a whole 4 more CGs left in this game.
...aha, found it
the missing CG is gated behind passing the 8 investigation check back when sai was murdering aya in aya's room
it is more or less the exact same CG but with less blood.
there's also a little more content, but not that much. tl;dr: ran notices a sound, ann nods and busts the door down, they catch sai before she can murder aya.
Holy fuck

Sai: Can't believe I've been caught red-handed. Sakura, you sure are devious.

Ann nodded, smiling.

Ann: I knew you wouldn't push back too hard while we were forcing the door open. What if you caught my fingers in the door hinge that way? That'd hurt.

Aya: Hey, excuse me, what, like getting stabbed a bunch isn't supposed to hurt?

Aya got up and lightly punched Sai a few times. She didn't look mad, but she was sweating- she was probably in quite a state of panic just now.

Pretty much everything else is the same.
...Capturing that missed CG consumed my last two temporary points, but it's fine, this is a throwaway savefile!
anyways, now that my completionist urge is sated, back to the main plot. this time let's take the option that doesn't land us in a bad end.

Ran: Ann...

I sat up from the metal-framed bed, the memories in my mind fully clarified, freed of shrouded confusion.

hang on what

Tears rolled down my face. As I shook my head, I turned my trembling body towards the stand next to the metal-framed bed, where the notebook was resting.

we're noticing this right,
Though I do find it interesting that this would give us an ending

Ann was already dead. I'd been traveling the world for the last four years for the sake of reviving her, in the hopes of finding any sort of anomaly that had anything to do with reviving the dead.

But this attempt had also been a failure. The Ann here wasn't the person I'd loved.

I hugged the notebook to my bosom, my tears falling on its cover with splish-splash sounds, making it seem as though the notebook itself were crying as well.

i- yeah, this is consistent,
the point of view has changed
Ran is officially the narrator now, not notebook!Ann, anymore
i'm honestly surprised that, the, 'stay in the weird school anomaly forever' ending doesn't have a CG of ran wearing one of the school's red-and-black uniforms.
i was really expecting that to be the final sign of irrevocable commitment on ran's part, permanently changing her outfit.
anyways- ran cries for a while more, and then decides that she needs to go find the ann from this school. she puts on some clothes and texts ann- suppressing the flinch of pain from seeing the selfie ran and ann took together.
It seems like the kind of ending where you're clearly supposed to load and keep playing
what a long, strange trip this is turning out to be!
So, Ran heads up to the observation deck to meet Ann.

Ann looked like she didn't quite know how to react to me. Probably because I hadn't immediately pounced on her the way I had all the other times I'd run into her.

Ann: Ran, what's wrong?

Proposal: if it's proven that Ran and Ann had their personalities blended, they should be referred to as "Ran Sakura"

As soon as she spoke, my longing for miss Sakura redoubled itself again, and I had to cover my mouth and bite my lips to keep myself from crying out loud.

Ann, on the other hand, clenched her hands tightly together and rested them on her thighs, and pointed the tips of her toes together at each other- all behaviors completely different from the actual Ann's behavior.

Ran: I... I want to say some things to you. Maybe you won't understand, but- I hope you'll listen to me.

Actually yeah that's better
Ann Sakuran

Ann nodded, staring at me with nervous focus- another behavior that the real her would never have shown.

sad emotional music happening now

Ran: After you killed me, I managed to get most of my memories back. The real Ann is already dead.

Ann seemed rather calm after she heard me say that. She didn't ask me what exactly she meant by that, or who the person sitting in front of me was in that case.

Ran: She always liked to mess with me- toying with me and jerking me around- and she was a little selfish, too, for the sake of doing what she wanted she could disregard the wishes of pretty much everybody who wasn't me, and a lot of the time I couldn't figure out what she was thinking...

Ran: But she truly loved me, and I her.

I bit my lip again- but it was of no use. The tears had already spilled out past my eyelids.

Ran: You're also good to me- more gentle and kind- and also ready to make some sacrifices for my sake like her, too. And you're still alive... perhaps, you, are the 'perfect' Ann Sakura who existed only in my heart.

Ran: But, the Ann I loved, for the sake of protecting me, became one with the notebook, and though I could hear her speaking to me at first, in that state of unbearable suffering immediately after her suicide... I couldn't bear something like that.

Ran: So I ate a large amount of the paper from the notebook, as though doing something like that would help Ann come out from the notebook. At the least it helped stabilize me psychologically.

Ran: But that's all secondary- no matter what the cause, as long as Ann isn't by my side, then I have to go look for her.

Ran: Even if she's already gone.

wait wait wait so hang on. the...
the paper-eating is
not actually a supernatural thing
it's just a maladaptive coping thing that also happens to be destructive towards the notebook's soul-storage functionality.
this game is the fucking best
there is no 'ann wants to give ran powers' subplot, it's just ran being completely fucked up and screwing up ann's perfect plan.
like holy shit ran you kind of, uh
you fucked this one up yourself didn't you
ann you spent all your time with ran, how did you possibly create a plan that depended on her coping with your suicide well
ann was totally able to talk to you before you, uh, broke her
so i guess the moral of the story is
something, something, hand in unlovable hand?
...if anything, ann... underestimated ran's desire for physical reassurance.
ran really needs the physicality of hugs.
This is the weirdest fucking tragedy
just being talked to doesn't work- presumably, because, as a schizophrenic, ran already has unpleasant associations connected to imaginary voices.
gee, ann, good idea, turn yourself into an imaginary voice too, i'm sure ran won't react poorly to THAT.
physicality is real- sounds are far more likely to be untrustworthy.
i can kind of see how that might make sense.
...though this is all my, uh, extrapolation.
It all... fits

I did my best to express a determined attitude, speaking these preplanned lines like I'd actually found any sort of resolve, but it couldn't stop the tears.

I'd always been a weak and fragile person, and right there in front of me there was a blood and flesh Ann. She had temperature, could hug me, could stroke my hair, could kiss me, so what did I...

How could I...

Ran: I want to... stay here, so much-

I sank to the floor, raising a hand and gripping tightly to Ann's wrist.

Ran: I miss you so much, I... Ann, I want to be with you. I've suffered so much just to make it as long as I have.

Ran: You are the closest I've seen in the whole last four years, the person who seems most like Ann. You won't suddenly collapse into a puddle of organic sludge, or wear Ann's face just to speak instead with a malevolent and disgusting voice, you can talk and you care about me-

Ran: I want to stay here, and be with you, Ann!

Ran: But, I... I can't... But- Please, I'm begging you, let me give up on you, let me leave and keep searching for a way to revive Ann...

Ran: Even if you have to, turn into a monster right now, or something, I'm begging you, miss Sakura... I can't keep staying here-

yeah. we have all systematically undervalued ran's need for physicality, and at the same time,
holy shit she's run into multiple Evil Clones of Ann huh
anomalies of all sorts. scp doppelgangers out the wazoo.
her standards for 'people pretending to be ann' at this point are 'acts like an actual human being' and 'not made of ground beef'
that's... actually kind of sad, yeah. having met so many ann impostors that she has categories now.
Ann bends down and hugs Ran one last time.

Ann: I'm sure that Ann was very happy to have been loved so much by you. If it were possible, I wish I could become the Ann that you carry in your heart for you.

Ann: But I can't do something like that, because I have my own life as well. I do not want to become a replacement product or a paltry imitation of anybody else.

Ann was speaking with a bit of a hitch to her own voice, as well. I pushed her away, gently, and we looked each other in the eyes.


Ann: The first time I saw you, I felt like I couldn't leave you to your own devices, because you needed someone to take care of you so desperately. And you held such strong feelings for me, that I felt like I wanted to respond to you somehow. But I'd never expected that you actually didn't need anyone else to care for you. What you needed was Ann Sakura- but that's not me, and I can't deceive you by disguising myself as Ann for your sake.

Ann: I'm sorry, Ran. I can't fall in love with you.

some communication goin on here

Ann wiped my tears away, and I did the same as well, wiping away the tears on her face with a finger.

It was almost inconceivable how such a simple motion was able to calm me down entirely, leaving only the single tear that was sliding down Ann's finger to the back of her hand.

Ran: Thank you. This is the optimal response you could have given me, from my perspective. It's enough to let me put down everything here. I hope it won't leave any burdens on yourself, either.

yeah no kidding. took'em long enough to finally have a proper actual conversation.
who is this and what has she done with Ran Ibuki
respec into open and honest communication
Ran gets up.

Ann: What will you do after this, Ran?

Ran: I'm going to leave this place. It's possible that my departure may cause some changes in the fundamental nature of this place, but...

This whole environment was clearly a dimension that only existed for my sake. If I were to cease to exist here, the other girls here would also be transformed in some way as well, perhaps- but this wouldn't have any impact on the outside world at all, so no matter what, the things that happened here would be meaningless.

Ran: The suffering that Koizumi-sensei and Makoto went through won't have changed because of anything I did for them here- so what happens after that is also meaningless.

Ann: I don't know what exactly you mean by 'leaving here', but no matter where you're going, you won't forget what happened here, right?

Ann: The things that you said and did for Koizumi out of guilt, the way you helped Makoto change- even if you don't think it has any meaning for them, what about for yourself?

Ran: Me?

It was true that I'd never attempted to make up for Koizumi-sensei, and that I'd never even had an opportunity to get to know Asakura, but my deeds here had given me the opportunity to try out all kinds of alternative possibilities, and let me understand them far more.

Just like in the recalls. Even though all I could do in the recalls was watch, I was indeed experiencing them as well.

Ann, is that the meaning that the power of Recall brings me?


Ran: Maybe you're right. Maybe these events do have some meaning to me. But I will need time to prove that. Perhaps I will be able to see the impact of these experiences on me in time, once I depart from this place.

Even if she wasn't the real Ann, she was still easily able to dissolve my confusion and inspire me. It made me miss the real Ann even more.

Ann: Goodbye, Ran. I hope you can find the real Ann Sakura.

Ran: Thank you, Ann. I'm- I'm very happy- that I could meet you in this place.

screen transition.
with sai.
at all!
at all!!!

I stood at the edge of the swimming pool, looking at the water. There wasn't a single ripple on the whole pool's surface- it was as perfectly still and flat as the surface of a mirror.

Sai: What is it, Ibuki? Asking to meet privately with Sakura, then asking to meet privately with me- do you have something major planned or what?


Ran: Sai.

I wanted to make some light conversation, or maybe crack some jokes to help break the ice, but then I thought there wasn't a point.

Ran: Sai, I know you're the culprit. Show me your extra eyeballs. I know you're hiding them SOMEWHERE, bring them out, I know it was you.

If my reasoning was inerrant, then no matter what kind of ridiculous ideas I proposed to her, Sai would always believe me and support me.

Ran: Sai, I've recovered the vast majority of my memories. I understand why I've come here, as well as what's happened to Ann.

oh, have you now?
here it comes!!

Ran: When Ann killed herself in front of me, we were third-year highschoolers. I spent the four years after that trying to find a way to revive her- and during the period of time between my first meeting with Ann and Ann's death, I came into contact with everyone in this school in one way or another,

Ran: Other than you.

Ran: So, I'm pretty sure that, right now, I'm 22, and I met you only after Ann died, which is why there's no trace of you in the memories I've recovered thus far.

hm, yeah, reasonable,

Ran: More importantly, in this four-year journey, I'm pretty sure you kept me company; we spent these four years together.

...that's something i'm not immediately seeing.
i guess sai being ann's big sister would justify it,
but it doesn't necessarily prove it.
no no no ran, accuse sai of having eyeballs
maybe sai is the eclipse worm ann had
or Miss what's-her-name

As she listened to me speak, Sai fidgeted with her bracelet. Maybe that was how she showed her nervousness.

no, ran, she's about to pull a homura and rewind time with her CLEARLY TIME-LOOP THEMED CHARACTER PROP, come on be at least a little genre savvy,

Sai: Ibuki, I'll be honest, I don't have a damn clue what the hell you're talking about. All that stuff about being 22 or Sakura already being dead. But it doesn't matter.

Sai smiled at me. Her expression put me at peace.

Sai: Even though saying this is a bit embarrassing, but I don't mind what your plans are. Just tell me what I can help you with, and I'll help.

Sai: Like, how do I put it, I feel like if it's for you then anything is okay. It's weird, since we've clearly only just met not too long ago, but.


Ran: It's the same with me. The first person I saw in the whole school was you, and probably you're also the one I trust the most, too.

Ran: Whenever I found myself unsure, you always tried your best to find a way to help me.

I turned and pointed at the pool, and continued.

Ran: Maybe you don't even like swimming all that much, and you've been spending all your time here to indicate something to me.

what no, you take that back RIGHT NOW, ran

Sai: No, that's bullshit. I really do like swimming.

maybe if we miss any character's backstory, ran always goes to the 1 person you missed and suspects them of being someone special and they're like 'huh?'
Sai: beloved child i really wanna keep you here but if i gotta pick between you and my swimming then i'm sorry but you've gotta go

Ran: Yeah? I guess I could see that, if it's you, yeah.

Sai walked to my side, without speaking.

Ran: I've had a blast during my time here, all things considered. But it's probably about time that I take my leave.

Ran: Witnessing a young and adorable Tama discovering her inspiration to write, getting to meet Miho and Aya in their youth and even helping them with a relationship issue, helping Makoto and having another chance to see Koizumi-sensei again...

Ran: And meeting Ann. Even though... Well, no, it's enough...


I felt Sai Yano put a hand of hers on my shoulder, and I placed my hand atop hers as well.

Ran: And last of all there's you. If I've been with you for these last four years, then I must trust you a lot.

Ran: That's the kind of personality I have, isn't it?

Sai nodded, failing to hide a bit of gloominess in her expression.

Ran: I'm looking forward to learning just how we got to know each other.

I patted the back of her hand, bent down, and stared at the water, and, as I remembered all the experiences I'd had with everyone here, reached out and touched the surface of the water.

And, in an instant, the pool turned into the starry sky.

we've been in the water before haven't we?

Sai: ...The fuck?

...does she not even know about- god i bet she doesn't. in the same way that all the other characters are creations of eyeball or whatever. i bet she was just being subconsciously manipulated by eyeball during that moment.

Ran: Thank you, Sai. Goodbye.

Sai: Wait!

Sai grabbed me by my arm and pulled me up and back from the water. She was very strong, and I almost fell over.

Sai: Sorry...

Ran: It's fine. What's up with you?

Sai: I- don't know.

Sai: But you- can't you just, stay here?

Sai: See, I'm here, Ann's here, everyone else is here too, aren't they?

Sai: I can keep cooking things that you enjoy eating, and you can stay here and keep playing detective games, right?

only in a recall! which was apparently not enough for whatever crazy magic bullshit is going on here.

Ran: Sai, don't say something like that...!

I took a step backwards, shrinking away from her, tears beginning to form in my eyes again.

Ran: If I stayed here, time would surely progress as usual. We'd graduate from this school, and go to some city or other, and slowly grow up and eventually grow old.

Ran: And I'd definitely get to be with Ann for all of that time- a future like this would be absolutely wonderful- but it's not one I can choose! It's a future where only I get my happiness!

I bent over and cried until I couldn't breathe anymore.

Ran: The real Ann died for me, and aunt Miho and aunt Aya will need me to take care of them after they get old and can't take themselves anymore, and there's another you waiting on the outside for me to leave this place...

Ran: So- please don't say things like that to me. I really will lose my resolve!

Sai: Alright. I won't say any more, then. You get on out of here, and go on and make your future what you want to make of it.

Sai helped me up, and wiped away my tears. She was a lot rougher than Ann was.

Sai: According to you, there's another me on the outside waiting for you. With her there to take care of you, I'm sure I won't have to worry at all!

Ran smiles at Sai, and then steps into the starscape.
Alright. Where the fuck are we, then.
Ran is in a black void with star-like points of light around her. They don't feel 'real' to her, though- they remind her of specks on a wallpaper, rather than the real thing.
Falling through the void, she eventually lands on solid ground- a set of stairs. She looks down, but she can't see her own body, and she only figures out that it's stairs by tactile sensation. Still, nowhere else to go, so she follows the stairs.

I was confident that the stairs weren't always there- but rather that they would appear wherever I stepped.

My footsteps echoed, but besides that, no other sounds could be heard- I couldn't even hear the sounds of my own breathing.


Just how much longer did I have to walk? I wondered about this, but I felt no tedium- because I could see the ever-shifting galaxies before me, and watch bizarre stellar and planetary bodies known and unknown to me revolve.

Here, perhaps, I could see the entire cosmos. If I turned and headed towards one of those distant stars, would I arrive there instead?

Ann Sakura: Ran Ibuki.

The voice of the notebook rose in my ear. She was warning me, reminding me not to forget the conditions required to become the Mother of Humanity.


Ran: (It's okay.)

I concentrated my attention to my feet, and tried to run downwards. Soon, I'd left the stars behind, high up in the sky where they belonged.

Then the sound of the revolving stars rose again; there was something approaching me. But I ignored it, and kept running downwards.

Ann Sakura: Ran Ibuki, would you give control of the body to me?

Ran: (No worries, I'll handle it.)


Something massive appeared at my side, its head taking up nearly my entire field of vision. It had no ocular organs, but it was quite obvious that it was watching me.

[Why do you insist on departing
All of your most important memories]
All those people whom you care for the most]
Are all fully gathered here]
[The intellectual games of which you are so fond
And a life balanced on the edge of danger and excitement]
How can you yet remain dissatisfied]
[Ann Sakura
She too is in this place]

Its voice was emotionless, and its head had no muscles with which it could express emotions- but clearly it was in despair, and its words were that of pleading.

Yeah, so it seems like this was designed as a heaven for Ran?

Ran: Thank you for letting me see Ann, and letting me confirm again the strength of my feelings. I have to leave this place, and keep searching for a way to bring Ann back, no matter what.

[I implore you to help me escape the path of the lost
To borrow the aid of the Mother of Humanity and help me return to my homeland]
the fuck does that mean, eyeball

I looked up at the entity's core, at the spiral galaxy contained therein, and thought that I saw that it had an expression similar to mine. Perhaps it'd always been trying to convey its feelings- just in a different way from what we were used to.

[I can no longer sustain my form
I trapped you in this location]
To attract the attention of the Mother]
Or perhaps you, after you replace her,]
Can lend me what aid you can]

Ran: The Mother won't bother herself with me. She has far too much time, and can afford to keep waiting as long as she needs.

Ran: You shouldn't put your hopes in me. I will not become the next Mother. You should wait for the next Beloved Child.

[What if-
Becoming the Mother]
Would allow the revival of Ann Sakura]

Ran: Well, that's just reversing the means and ends.

Ran: What I need is not just a living Ann Sakura, but an Ann who can be with me.

The sound of revolving stars slowly weakened. The entity continued hovering before me, but it didn't seem to want to speak again.

Soon, spots of starlight began appearing before me again, in the darkness. But, different from before, I felt like my whole body was soaked with water, as though I was under the sea- not interrupting my ability to breath easily, of course.

It seemed as though I would arrive soon.

Ran: Would you tell me your name?

[I have no name that your language can speak
From the mouth of the first human I encountered]
I learned of the true nature of your language]
[He named himself a poet of Thrace
And sang for me]
But did not bestow a name upon me]

Ran: I see. I'll come up with a name for you.

[No matter what
Don't forget me]
If you possess the power]
Then please help me]

Ran: I won't. Thank you for letting me get to meet them.

aaaaand fadeout.
that was
a pretty anticlimactic bossfight- well, not even a fight in any sense of the term.
just, eyeball, being all like, 'uh, maybe she'll stay if i ask, REALLY REALLY nicely.'
not even trying to bite a hand off ran or anything.
perhaps eyeball is the true best waifu...? you know i always love a good sob story.
I.... wow
alright what do we name eyeball
y'know, "I must find a way to keep searching for Ann Sakura no matter what" was .... not how I thought that scene was going to end
...unless we just keep naming'em eyeball
is that their full name now
eyeball-chan is pretty good
ran: 'your full name is now eyeball-chan, eyeball-chan' eyeball-chan: 'y'know what i'm okay with this.'
are we.... back on the title screen now?
was that it?
i doubt it
Ran continues moving forward, pushing starlight-stained fluid out of the way.

Suddenly, I couldn't help but cough, as my previously free breathing suddenly became obstructed. I reflexively opened my mouth, but only felt water rushing down my throat, and realized that I was experiencing asphyxiation- no, drowning.

whoops been in the pool too long
ah, well,

I raised my hands, trying to find the surface of the water, to find a breath, but all of these efforts were met with failure. I struggled, accompanied only by the sounds of roiling bubbles.

No- there was another sound.

???: IBUKI!

that does tend to happen when you go underwater
best girl :) EDIT: I feel bad for saying this Ann is best girl
Ran moves towards the sound, as the last vestiges of star-fluid recede.
also this is going to have been like five seconds from real!sai's perspective
isn't it
👍 1
it is

???: Don't panic! I've got you!

ding ding ding

???: I'm going to pull you out now!

I was dragged by the force on my wrist forwards at a massive speed. I felt the water slice past my face like a jetstream- but the pain on my skin at this moment made me feel as thought I was being newly born.

After that, I seemingly broke through some kind of membrane. Finally, fresh oxygen appeared before me at last, forcing away the fluids that had stuffed up my trachea.

you know you're at the end of a game when the game tosses a straight-up birth metaphor at you holy shit

Gasping deep breaths, I looked around, trying to figure out where I was.

Ran: You're-


A clearly-older-by-a-few-years Sai was standing in front of me. She embraced me, with joy and surprise on her face.

yep, as expected. more importantly i need to fucking see WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU GET TORN OUT OF THOUGH.
did you get eaten by a fucking- magic space whale??

Sai: Are you okay?

Ran: Sai...

Ran: So that's how... I remember everything now.

Sai: Eh?

Sai: Oh, so you lose your memories once you go inside, is that how it works. But it was pretty fast, all things considered. Only took you three hours to come out. I was all but ready to pitch a tent to wait for you and everything.

not quite! but close!
Ran looks up. It's raining! Of course it's raining.
Not only is it raining, but the rain is clearly bouncing off Sai.
I mean, at this point, we pretty much know what's going on, don't we. Rip my 'pink hair is the callsign of ALL aliens everywhere' theory.
Sometimes it's teal-silver hair too!
...wait wh
nevermind i retract that statement

Sai hadn't gotten wet from the rain. It seemed like her bracelet was still working properly. Every time it rained I always worried about whether the bracelet would decide to betray us.

THAT'S what it does???
so Sai is a perfectly normal human being then??
she just has equipment that lets her keep up with ran?
Badass Normal?
you'd think the Beloved Daughter would be able to control the rain
maybe it's for when Ran's knocked out.

Ran: Sai, can you help me out here a bit? My legs're a bit sore.

Sai: No problem. Here we go.

Sai pulled me free from the Spacetime Egg, and then released her hands, before immediately embracing me at the waist and catching me in her lap.

...i am really sad we're not getting dossiers for ANY of these bizarre anomalies, tbh.

Sai: So, how was it? You feeling okay?

I shook my head and hugged her neck.

Ran: I met the you from highschool while I was in there.

Sai nodded as she cleaned my hair with one arm.

Sai: Yeah? So about the way I looked when we first met? I was still in highschool back then, while you'd already graduated.

Sai: Not seeing Sakura anywhere. No good on this one either?

I held Sai even closer, struggling not to cry on her.

Ran: I saw... She was really a lot like Ann, you know? But she wasn't Ann...

poor Sai

Sai: Hm. I see.

Sai patted the back of my skull a bit- her way of indicating that I could rest on her shoulder and calm down that way.

She never asked unnecessary questions, and didn't spend a lot of words on reassuring me. That might have seened a bit cold of her, but I knew that she could always understand how I felt.

Sai: And you still managed to make the decision to leave, huh. It must have been hard.

Sai: Forget this for now. Let's go back to the hotel and take a break. Then you can tell me the things you saw.


I nodded, feeling a lot better already, and stood up straight, leaving Sai's grasp.

Ran: Sai, by the way, how's your little sister doing?

Sai was about to go wheel her motorcycle- which she'd parked nearby- over, but when she heard me asking about her little sister, she paused in her tracks.

huh. so, actually, sai's little sister: entirely unrelated to ann at all. ALSO CHECK OUT RAN'S DUDS HOLY SHIT now THAT is what a cool paranormal investigator oughta be wearing

Sai: Why're you asking now?

Ran: After I entered it, my memories went through the blender, metaphorically. I want to make sure that my understanding of the past is still aligned with your understanding of it.

Ran looks.... huh
fuck i can't get over their THEMED special occult investigation uniforms
hey so maybe the spacetime egg is just a metaphor for something
breath play

Sai: Oh, well, you helped cure her, remember? Now she's able to see things other than myself again. Her illness has stopped worsening, and I'm sure one day she'll get better for good.

Ran: Mm, that's good, then.

Sai took a quick step in and leaned an arm on my shoulder.

Sai: What, you worried that I'll stop hanging out with you once my little sister's fully cured?

Ran: As if...

Sai: Relax. I promised I'd repay you for your help, so I'm sticking with you until you get Sakura back, trust me.

Ran: Of course I trust you. I know you'll always look out for me.

The effects of the Thanatonic God of Poetry have disappeared

I've restored all the notes regarding to the Terms tab and to Sai Yano

oh god
oh god does this mean what i think it
terms, page two... delusory crossroads... oh god

...i am really sad we're not getting dossiers for ANY of these bizarre anomalies, tbh.

zero said, a few minutes ago, like an absolute fucking idiot
an ABSOLUTE fucking moron idiot buffoon dumbass
it is time to translate:
Mother of Humanity. Beloved Child of the Mother of Humanity. The Stilling Rains. Hive Amnesia Syndrome. Infrasonic Pudding. Sapient Tensionform. Thanatonic God of Poetry. The Self-Consumer. Stratum Whales.
there's so many terms oh my fucking god HALF OF THESE DIDN'T EVEN SHOW UP IN THE STORY
'look at all this wacky shit ran got to do which we aren't showing you'
'bwa ha ha haaaaaa'
sapient tensionform...
dare i say it
Tag Yourself
tensionform, tensorform- it's a physics-phenomenon-scp from what i can tell
hey is the 'memory redacted' stuff from the older entries filled in now?
tension as in the physical process of inflating a balloon until it pops
gas pressure
god i...
i don't know if i can handle
translating all of this
right now
thanatonic? or thanatoic
or thanatotic
thanatotic is the right word yeah
relating to death gods
okay y'know what
let me start with Sai's updated dossier first
everything else is the same we just have this block added to the end.

Sai Yano's little sister, one day, suddenly anomalously lost the ability to perceive anything other than Sai Yano. Afterwards, Ran Ibuki was able to help her transform the nature of the anomaly by utilizing the Devourer of the Self, and transplant the anomaly onto Sai herself.

To repay Ran for her help, Sai decided to help her find a way to resurrect Ann Sakura.

i guess i need to figure out what the Devourer of the Self does now.
good to see that ran is, like.
an actual competent superhero. high-level scp agent running around and actually solving problems.
very marion wheeler.
Sai can..... only perceive Sai Yano?
let's go see what the fuck that anomaly is first
also oh wait holy shit the poet from Thrace was Orpheus
Ran just pulled a fucking Orpheus

The Devourer of the Self

The Devourer of the Self are two black-scaled snake-like organisms, 61.8 millimeters in length, possessing high-level intelligence.

The Self-Devourers possess the ability to transfer concepts or properties from one material object to another material object. The two snakes each represent the origin and endpoint of the transfer, respectively. When the Devourers have decided to use their special ability, their bodily length will change based on the target, allowing them to encircle the targeted origin and endpoint objects in the form of ouroboros rings. In addition, when they initiate a conceptual or property transfer, the concept or property itself will be changed depending on the Devourers' will.

Ran Ibuki placed one of the Devourers each on Sai Yano and her little sister, in order to transfer Sai Yano's sister's anomalous condition onto Sai. The result of this is that Sai has become incapable of, in material terms, perceiving or interacting with her little sister or recognizing her little sister's existence- a condition that will persist until Sai's death.

so you're fucking telling me
that there was this whole fucking story with ran and sai where ran had to, idfk, dig up these ancient artifacts and find a way to use them, before this story even started, just,
as a complete offscreen aside
that's so not fucking cool oh my god i want to read about that
i want to play the prequel game where ran meets sai for the first time
I want Ann Sakura back :(
I can't believe they got me I was so on the Ran/Sai train and then
Ann just rocks so fucking hard
so the devourers inverted the property of 'only able to perceive your sister and nothing else' to 'not able to perceive your sister ever again' huh
how... faustian a bargain.
poor sai.
poor Sai :(
I mean they can still like, pass letters through ran right?
that's how Sai knows she's able to perceive other people.
they should have found someone with a biological sister that they'd never met before and had no intention of meeting, and given the curse to them instead

Mother of Humanity

During the formation of the solar system, after the collision of the planet Theia and the Earth, the Mother of Humanity, an incorporeal consciousness, was born on the earth. Her stimulus-reactivity caused the Earth to produce frequent tectonic motions. Afterwards, due to the actions of the Mother, the planet gradually cooled, and at the end of the primordial period, she caused the seas to become an organic soup that allowed life to be born.

With the continual evolution of lifeforms, the Mother's will evolved as well, until she gained the ability to think when humanity was born, and began directing the course of human history consciously. However, after the industrial revolution, the Mother of Humanity found that keeping humanity away from the supernatural was growing more and more difficult, and that at the same time humanity no longer seemed to require the Mother's protection. The Mother grew tired, and thus began seeking out human candidates who could replace her as the consciousness of the planet.

yeah, seems like it.
antimemetics is always a bitch though.

Beloved Child of the Mother of Humanity

The Mother of Humanity will, by her subjective determination, cause a single human to become her beloved child. The Beloved Child is the only person on earth who can encounter supernatural phenomena without having their memory subsequently removed by the Stilling Rains. At the same time, the Beloved Child will produce an incomparable attraction in anomalies.

When the Beloved Child of the Mother no longer focuses on small individuals, but rather places her attention on the world as a whole, she will become the consciousness of the planet, allowing the Mother of Humanity to detach herself from the Earth. In actuality, even if the Earth didn't possess a planetary consciousness, no abnormalities would result; the Mother is merely bored with humanity, but cannot bring herself to leave humanity to its own devices, causing her to seek out candidates who can continue to protect humanity in her stead.

yeah, nothing we didn't know already.

The Stilling Rains

A liquid lifeform that existed on the planet Theia, capable of storing the consciousnesses of other organisms within their own bodies. After Theia and the Earth collided, these organisms were also brought to the Earth, after which the Mother of Humanity reproduced her own will and imprinted it upon the Rains.

Whenever a human encounters supernatural phenomena, these liquid lifeforms will descend from the sky in the form of rain, after which the organisms will parasitize the humans in question, cause them to faint, and erase their memories of the encounter, in accordance with the will of the Mother.

At the moment, approximately 5% of all humans have been infected with this organism.

this is some neat lore
Huh, so Hive Amnesia = the Stilling Rains I believe?
With Hive Amnesia being perceived as a disease since humans can't see what's making people faint
👍 1

Hive Amnesia Syndrome

Hive Amnesia Syndrome is in actuality a nonexistent disease. When humans notice broad amnesia and fainting, they named the phenomenon's unknown cause as a medical syndrome.

Humans who have been parasitized by the Stilling Rains have their memories before and after the rains removed, resulting in humans not being aware that the Rains cause Hive Amnesia Syndrome. Humanity is under the misconception that there is no shared factor between the widespread amnesia events, and that it is a disease that cannot be controlled.

The Syndrome was given its name because all of the sufferers lose memories of the same time period, like several hives which had the exact same cell meticulously removed from their structures simultaneously.

(honestly, the etymology here's a bit suspect, but whatever. at least they're not calling it Lost Time Syndrome.)
come on zero we know all of these get to the interesting stuff

Infrasonic Pudding

Infrasonic Puddings are masses of infrasonic vibrations around 15 hertz in frequency. Externally they appear to be 15-meter-tall 30-meter-wide green masses. Because they appear as solid masses, only direct contact with the pudding has any anomalous effect.

Infrasonic Puddings appear all over the galaxy, and tend to disappear after two hours after manifesting. Furthermore, all Infrasonic Puddings which manifest share the exact same vibrations no matter time or place.

Currently their goals and origins are unclear. However, wherever Infrasonic Puddings appear, Stratum Whales are always invariably found as well.

is that the thing what ate our arm
sounds like the thing that caused the rains that first time ran and sakura met
nah, that's what's coming up, jjjqance is right
oh yep

Sapient Tensionform

Sapient Tensionforms are highly aggressive organisms which can freely change between various forms of matter. However, they cannot control their transformations, and only change under the influences of other consciousnesses.

Physical interference cannot impact Sapient Tensionforms. Only the mind affects them; for example, when Tensionforms are surrounded by highly excited minds, they transform into continually expanding flammable gases, while being surrounded by depressed minds will cause it to transform into a highly dense silver metal. Besides that, the thoughts of nearby higher lifeforms will also influence the exact form they take upon.

However, if nearby minds are strong enough, they can also directly slay the Tensionform in question, or cause it to transform into unique forms of matter, such as supersolids or superconductors, etc.

...what does it tell us that the tensionform that ate ran's hand was made of silver metal and clumps of hair.
where's the hair come in, exactly, here. was ran asking ann to stroke her hair. god that's totally what it was wasn't it.
I think the implication is that she was just thinking it very loudly

The Thanatotic God of Poetry

The Thanatotic God of Poetry is a 2100 meter long molluscoid organism, currently located on a coastline in the Azore Islands, with very weak life signs. Twenty thousand years ago, it landed alongside an asteroid in the Aegean Sea, upon which fell into a near-death state,until it was brought to the Azore Islands by tsunamis caused by the eruption of undersea volcanoes.

Countless Space-Time Eggs grow from the underside of the Thanatotic God, and peering into their membranes reveals that their interiors resemble spiral galaxies. The Thanatotic God of Poetry can control space and time within any of its eggs, and Ran Ibuki's experiences were the result of it reproducing people that Ran knew of, from different points in space and time, into the Egg that Ran occupied, in an effort to create an ideal space that Ran would be unwilling to leave, which could eventually be used to help Ran ascend to becoming the new Mother, and thus gaining the power to return the Thanatotic God to its origin and home.

...already did the self-devourers...

Stratum Whales

Stratum Whales were named such because, while on Earth, they take appearances identical to that of Humpback Whales. However, on other planets, they take completely different forms altogether.

Stratum Whales are capable of living in the 'gaps' between any two 'strata' or 'layers', whether those 'layers' are physically material layers, or merely abstract concepts. In the gaps, they use bubble-hunting methods similar to that used by Humpback Whales to capture and consume materials or concepts floating in their 'gap', quickly expelling them after a quick digestion process that has little impact on the 'layers'.

Ran once attempted to track down the most recent appearance of an Infrasonic Pudding on Earth, planning to use it to help track down a nearby Stratum Whale. Her plan was to use the Stratum Whale to enter the gap between 'life' and 'death', to try to find Ann Sakura there.

ran, this is how you fall into gensokyo
this is some actual yukari yakumo shit here
that's all of it!
did this... happen?
stratum whales: like gacha whales?
did this have any reference in the story at all or
...has ran ibuki been to space
alright, back to the actual story!

Ran: Of course I trust you. I know you'll always look out for me.

Sai shied back away from me, as though she'd seen something disgusting, and shrunk her shoulders in.

Sai: Ibuki, your heartfelt confession is making my skin crawl, you know that?

Ran: As if I'd make a heartfelt confession to you. Just- go get your bike already!

Sai laughed as she jogged to get her motorcycle. I, on the other hand, opened my notebook, and turned it to the tab where I kept useful leads that might be related to a way to revive the dead.

Ran: Let's scratch the Thanatotic God off, then.


As soon as I said that, a line drew itself across the 'Thanatotic God of Poetry' entry on its own. It was fine. There were still plenty of leads to follow up on, plenty of hope left.

oh hi Ran flowerthatbloomsnowhere I was wondering when you'd show up

Just then, Sai pulled her motorbike up next to me.

Sai: Ibuki, where're you off to, next?

I closed the notebook. A few different locations appeared in my mind, but I didn't have to think long before rejecting all of them.

Ran: Let's go back to Japan, first. I want to visit aunt Miho and aunt Aya, and Koizumi-sensei.

oh man they're bikers
paranormal investigator bikers

Sai nodded, and, after putting her helmet back on, turned the motorcycle back the direction we'd came.

I looked down, watching the wheels kick up dirt, and thought about the way that miss Sakura and I had brushed off the mud on our shoes before entering the gymnasium, just a few days ago.

Ran: (Miss Sakura...)

Leaning on Sai's shoulders, I hopped on the backseat of the motorcycle and hugged her waist tight.

The heat of the motorcycle engine, and the warmth emanating from Sai's back, filled me with courage.

I turned my head and looked back, at its giant mass, which stretched the length of the coast. Compared to its size, the storms were nothing but a thin veil.

The tears and rainwater forced me to narrow my eyes against them, but I still wanted to get a good look of it, before I departed, and so I pulled up my shoulder, wiping my face on the water-resistant fabric to clear my vision.

Ran: (Goodbye, Tama, Asakura, Ann...)

...fuck, i missed some of it but. there was this whole zoom-out image.
the thanatotic god is HUGE
that light down there is a lighthouse.
and... that's it.
that is the end of the game.
credits are now rolling.
there's a lot of fun credits images
but they're flashing by pretty fast
and i dunno if i can catch'em all
hehehe the kazoo
aha, i went back and rewatched the ending just to give you: tama and makoto try to make dinner.
that's all!
What a game
i really like this ending
Thanks for translating this beast
like, actually, the more i think about it the more i like it
it's not the
oversaturated final ending that a lot of visual novels have
it's not a 'perfect' or 'golden' ending by any means
i miss ann sakura :(
this doesn't even feel like the end of the story it feels like book one of a trilogy or a septology
like, i am HOOKED now
if there's a sequel you can BET i'm fucking getting it
not to mention ran's next plan is 'i'm going to ENTER THE SPACE BETWEEN LIFE AND DEATH'.
yeah, just, fucking, yukari yakumo yourself
that's a great idea
I wanna see them doing murder mysteries that involve the supernatural elements
i dunno if you can pull off a yukari yakumo but you can pull off a great renko usami
okay holy shit i'm buying this
as soon as i can
figure out how to buy it
chinese sites are weird, sometimes they don't accept western payment methods.
not translating it tonight though obviously
maybe one final session sometime this weekend?
thanks everyone for tuning into my liveblog of this insane fucking game though
honestly, 9.5/10- only half a point off because i felt like the execution on some of the mysteries and gameplay branches weren't the best, but holy shit otherwise this game's perfect.
thank you so much for translating
chrono jotter was wonderful
it looks like they do have a paypal option it's just hidden
you gotta sign up for an account first
god i am so pumped to start patching this game now
how many secrets do you think i'm going to find
no idea!!!
i would love to say a bunch but in reality this is a completely auteur- apparently the way this game was written was, a guy wrote the whole visual novel with developer graphics, just, wrote the whole story
and then went and looked for an artist
and found one
IMO good ending if there's a sequel
and so the art came after the fact
and i guess what i mean by that is, i doubt the author had space to fit fun easter eggs in
guy was probably run ragged just making the game work.
what a fucking great artist though
yeah no kidding
also, as another small bonus, here's the art from the steam patch notes:
"On sale today!"
is the text.
these developers deserve ALL our money frankly
what an excellent product
Buy the Chrono Jotter on Steam today!
tbh I'm tempted to buy it on Steam even though I can't play it just to giev the devs some money
if you've read this far already you should do it because you've basically got the whole game for free :P
Chrono Jotter was kino tbh
absolutely purchase chrono jotter
I don't normally buy fan translated games until an english translation comes out but I think I'll make an exception here, it's definitely earned. Big thanks for the translation, did not expect to enjoy this one nearly as much as I did
oh hey the soundtrack is free on steam, might as well give it a listen
apparently there's also a physical version of the art book?
just caught up
god damn! so this is gonna be a series, huh?
or at least i hope it's a series
the reality of ran's situation is so fucking cool
Wait is there actually any indication of that?
just like, the open-ended ending i think.
Nah, i’m just saying it could be a series yeah
i doubt we will actually get sequels
though that would be wonderful…
i mean, with an ending like that, you'd think- ran hasn't found ann yet or, like, come to terms with her death- plus the title being a two-part thingy
this being The Chrono Jotter: Lingering Remembrances
and next we can get The Chrono Jotter: Ran Gets Trapped In A Time Labyrinth
i think that's just an english title thing maybe
this 1
or whatever other crazy anomaly could drive a plot
i'm so glad it wasn't all a metaphor
This Is How Metaphors Can Still Win
but in all seriousness yeah i appreciate it
i need to see more of ran and sai's paranormal investigation road trip
The Chrono Jotter: 1 week of being trapped by eclipse worms
although the artbook thing does say "A sequel to The Chrono Jotter" and has

3. A collection of short stories about the future where all the characters appear, the story will develop in order, please read in the order of the catalog

All the characters?? What, does tama invent a time machine?
Honestly not implausible, story’s weird enough for that.
presumably like, the-future-of-that-character
but yeah that does seem kind of implausible huh
yanagihara orders tama to invent a time machine in a fit of depression/a bad joke
three weeks later tama emerges from the basement
covered in time-space oils
This event is actually in the biography book, ran just never brought it up
or... i wonder if like, ran is not unique in the ability to use the pool to climb out of the thanatotic god of poetry. like, it said it's capable of controlling space and time inside its galaxy egg things and that's how it created the school
who's to say tama can't just find her way out the same way ran did
or, thanatotic god of poetry's recreation of tama
replace the defective can’t-talk-to-sister sai with Brand New Sai
this is surely a healthy solution!!!
"Go home and have a relationship with my family in my place"
which, apparently the god doesn't do a- oh god yeah imagine if that sai opted to chase ran out of the pocket universe and try to convince her to come back and meets Actual Sai
what a situation that would be
‘We will determine who is worthy to have my sister via swimming contest! Have at thee!’
but yeah judging by its recreation of Ann, the poet-god apparently doesn't recreate people perfectly
i wonder why it wasn't able to create a more convincing Ann
‘Whomever can swim furthest wins!’ both sais swim out to the horizon and are never seen again
It couldn’t find the Ann memories, because of the notebook trapping them.
this establishes limits on what memories it has access to!
It told us this the first time we met.
‘Where are you hiding ann’s memories i can’t make her right this way’
interesting! so the notebook traps memories more thoroughly than a mere body
The ultimate lockbox, after all
🔑 1
wait so how come hte thing ran met at the end didn't have any eyes
was it not the same creature as eyeball guy?
invulnerable to everything but fire.
well it had one big eye
the eyes were just metaphorical
the story actually described the head as its ‘core’, rather than as an eye.
It just looked superficially like an eye.
so if fire kills the occupant without damaging the book...
is there a way to destroy the book rather than just destroying its current inhabitant
if there were we could then come back to thanatotic god and get a well-made ann that way
but probably there is not, or it’d be real hard.
it's still
leaving 1-star reviews on eyeball's yelp page
kinda fucked ann just killed her great-grandfather!!!
"poor quality ann, would not fall in love with again"
the story implies ran visited every anomaly to try to revive ann, which…
how does the marxist anomaly figure into this??
‘Shit, they revived ann but she only talks about the importance of smashing capitalism.’
maybe she just stumbled into that one.
i'm curious about Lady Ihara though, i wonder if we got any more details about the [cognition distorting anomaly redacted due to missing memories] there
i checked a few and they weren’t unredacted
didn’t check ihara though
…i’m gonna leave a positive review on steam too.
👍 2
hey so
it turns out
they have trading cards for this game
and via trading cards,
we have, after the fact,
revised Official Names for some of the characters
apparently sai is actually sai yoruno
i should have honestly thought about checking the trading cards earlier
all the other names we cobbled together seem to be on-point though
grabs every single chrono jotter item on the points shop where the hell are the tama and koizumi and makoto emojis tho
i was honestly hoping they'd have those emojis so i could check up on my translations for those as well
wait, actually, they just came online
the cards, that is
they literally just came online, today
i guess that gives me an excuse for not knowing about the proper translations!
yoruno. sai yoruno. going to have to mentally
mentally update that.
oh, there was an announcement on the steam page and everything

Ran: Miss Sakura! Good news! Good news!

ann: noooo don't turn me into a marketable trading card nooooooooo