Part 20

There's a cat in this one!

alright, not sure how far i'm gonna get tonight, but let's continue with chrono jotter
last time: ann and ran kissed. did ran enjoy it?

Clearly this wasn't the kind of first kiss she'd wanted.

nope! nope she didn't!

Ran hugged her shoulders, and turned her head, tears creeping down her cheeks.

Ann: I'm sorry, Ran.

I retreated as far away as I could, and she hugged herself even tighter, leaning against the wall.


Ann: Ran, why... why don't you take a day off from school tomorrow.

Ran remained silent and unresponsive.

I blinked my eyes, feeling like I was about to cry. But I did my best to bear it, and looked up towards the bright and cloudless blue sky.

Ann: Summer's almost here.

Ann: Once it's summer vacation, why don't we go out on a trip together? To the sea- how's that sound?

Ran suddenly nodded her head, and followed by speaking.

Ran: Okay.

yeah, okay.
none of these things are nearly as romantic as ran made them sound, in retrospect. or, well, not purely romantic. less pure sweet and more bittersweet, apparently.
So to the seaside they go for summer vacation! Hopefully this will help improve Ran's condition...

Ran's condition had improved significantly, but she was still plagued by serious insomnia.

Even at the seaside resort area, she still found it hard to fall asleep, so every night she and I would hold hands, and take meandering walks on the sands, without another soul in sight.

A bright moon reflected itself in the surface of the ink-black water. The pure white light was particularly eye-catching, and so we'd always stop our walks whenever we reached an optimal spot to moongaze.


At this moment, the only thing I was worried about, was whether the ocean winds would ruin my carefully maintained hairtips.

Ran: Ann, are there aliens on the moon?

Ann: It's possible.

Ran: What about the sun?

Ann: The sun itself is one.

ann, i'm sorry, what

Ran nodded. I knew that she wasn't particularly interested in the answer; she just wanted to say something to me.

we're never going to learn about that one huh
i guess not
how does this tie into the eclipse worms, fuck
I wonder if that's how she knows, because of the worms
the eclipse worms just phone up like "hey man mind helpin us out"
ahahaha wow
i guess if the sun is an alien then it makes a lot more sense for a worm to cause an eclipse
if they just make the alien like, blink

She'd been like this ever since we saw that news about the female high-schooler who'd committed suicide at Shibuya Crossing today.

Ann: Do you still want to talk about Makoto?

Ran: Yeah...

Ran held my hand with force. She'd been trying all day to ensure that I was accompanying her by her side, and that I was paying attention to her.

Ran: Ann, why're you so willing to spend all this time with me?

Ann: I dunno, I guess I just enjoy it? The first time I visited your house I said so as well, we ought to keep each other company.

Ran: If, Asakura had someone next to her who was to her like you were to me, then maybe she'd have lived on.

Ran: I can't help but feel like she and I are very similar. If nobody was around to care for me, then maybe I'd make the same choice as her.

Ann: In the recalls I could see that Makoto Asakura had many people by her side who cared about her. None of it successfully moved her, though; her problem seems to be one more fundamental in its nature.

Ann: It's unfortunate that I can't use my power on the deceased directly, but even if I could, there'd be no way for me to know what they were thinking.

Ran: Maybe what she needed wasn't just someone who cared about her, but rather someone like Yanagiwara... Tama's book mentioned something like that. Asakura needed to have meaning granted to her life, something that could help her find a connection between her and the world. Maybe then she wouldn't have chosen to kill herself.

Ran nodded to herself, seemingly convinced that she'd found the right answer.

so, what i'm hearing is, ran, you came up with the idea of makoto x tama, huh.
oh my god
i... guess that explains why you're so convinced that makoto and tama are both already dead and not actually alive anymore in any meaningful sense.
on some level you realize this is just your RPF ship.

At that point, the waves grew slightly louder, and a wind blew in from the sea. The clouds in the night sky were brushed aside by the wind as well, and the light of the moon shone boundlessly over the beach.

By that light, I looked towards Ran, and she at me, as well, with an expression that seemed almost to be a smile but not quite. I could tell, though, that she was embarrassed- because my expression was probably much the same.

kiss? kiss? kiss? ACTUAL kiss? ACTUAL first kiss???
hoodie ran
i love her hoodie

I now seemed to understand why our kind always eventually sought a way to extend our lifespans. Even now I was hoping that I could spend more time with Ran. I wished that my life hadn't already passed its halfway point. I wished that...

I wished that Ran could love me more deeply than I loved myself. I wanted to become, in her heart, a figure of singular and irreplaceable primacy.

fuck, i guess we gotta dole it out for np's theory
you were completely right apparently
\chuckles I’m in danger
the ran we know is a result of ann and ran's personalities merging somehow and/or ann manipulating ran's personality in some way.
i guess that's just
a fact
which really fucking recontextualizes ran's depiction of these events, wow.
After they kiss, they pull apart again.

Ran: Ann... why are you crying?

Ann: I don't know.

She was the Beloved Child of the Mother of Humanity. I still remember the way that she elicited a unique feeling of attraction within me when we first met, and now churning within me was that same feeling all over again.

Did I really love her? Or was it just like I'd seen in the recalls, how all living entities not created by the Mother of Humanity were irrevocably drawn towards the Beloved Child, condemned by their nature to try to win the Beloved Child's love, to achieve their own selfish goals?

Ann: I don't know...

Ran: Ann? Is it your lifespan? Are you worried about your lifespan?

Ann shook her head.

Ann: I'm not worried. There's still twenty years left. As long as I can be with you, my life will be filled with meaning, without a second wasted.

As I lied on one hand, I held Ran's hands with the other.

Ann: It's getting colder. Let's go back to our room. I'm sure you'll be able to sleep well tonight.

"Beloved Child"
literally means like
"anomaly which is beloved by other anomalies" or something

The resort we'd checked into was an old residential building located near a seaside grove. Apparently, after the owner had mysteriously disappeared for several years, their family had sold the building to its current proprietor.

Because of the remote location and the rumors involved, there were very few customers- which suited me perfectly.

where's the school come into this though.
hm are we gonna find out what's on the second floor now 🤔
god. imagine amnesiann realizing that she specifically opted for ran to be like this about her
😩 1
alternatively, annesia
Ran's still not sleepy so she and Ann decide to head up to the observation deck.
all around me are familiar places
great excuse to reuse BGs :p

Ran and I arrived at the observation deck. This was a regular polygonal room, with a broad view of the landscape outside the windows.

Ran sat down besides the wall, and turned her head to look at the sea of stars that filled the view outside the window. I, on the other hand, held her hand, and looked only at her.

Ran: Ann, we should come here during our next few days here, as well.

Ann: Of course. If you'd like to come, you can come here anytime.

Ran: Just nightly will be fine.

Ran closed her eyes and leaned against my shoulder, and fell asleep before long.

The way she turned and tossed restlessly every night always hurt my heart; for some reason, this time, she quickly and easily entered sleep.

Ann: (Looks like we really do need to come here to stargaze more often.)

Ann: Goodnight, Ran.

🥺 1

Ran: Ann! I- it hurts so much! Ann! Help me!

w h a t
it actually happened?!
no, well, of course it did
but we GET TO SEE IT?!
holy shit i didn't think we'd ACTUALLY GET AN EXPLANATION OF THIS
i thought it would be a noodle incident forever
i feel like that scene transition should have had a timestamp of like
we underestimated this game
[12 minutes later]
👍 1
😂 1
well, it can't be that soon, they're back on the school roof right now
also it’s raining which means there’s an Anomaly afoot

The air was filled with the smell of dead water- but it was far from being able to cover the stench of blood.

Ran's screams mixed with the sound of rain, resounding all over the rooftop. I took quick, panicked gasps, feeling like I was about to hurl.

(???): Human- Beloved Child-, heeeeelp meeeeeee----

poor guy

Before my eyes was a bizarre organism, a mixed mass of quicksilver blood and decaying chunks of flesh. It was clearly on its last legs.

And its bizarre blood had splashed on to me. The strange substance, halfway between solid and liquid, had congealed into irregular shapes on my body.


This was much like its fundamental nature. It was just a mass of black hair which changed forms based on the expectations of the conscious beings around it, constantly switching between solid, liquid, and gaseous states.

(???): Beloved Child-

It spoke without tonality, but its voice sounded like a mixture between mine and Ran's, which filled me with disgust.


Ran: Ann! Please! Save me! Miss Sakura! Please!

Trembling, I turned my head. Ran was sitting on the floor. Her left arm had been pulled off at the elbow, and in the wound I could spot shredded muscle and shattered bone.

She was in so much pain that she was crying and sobbing uncontrollably, kicking at the floor repeatedly, legs scraped and red, a whole puddle of blood forming under her left arm.

It'd only taken a few seconds for that thing to eat Ran's arm while it was lying on her. If I could just-

Ran, uh,
continues screaming.
There's... a lot.
Which I am going to omit.
Ann helps Ran up and tells Ran that she'll take her to a hospital and that everything will be okay.
...there's no magic fix, yet.
Maybe there isn't, at all?
Ann can't do anything about this. Her powers don't include regenerating a fucking whole human arm.

I was naive enough to believe that I was the only one who knew that the new Beloved Child was Ran. That was what had brought this suffering down upon us.

This is only the beginning. They'll keep coming, and they'll never stop, not until they take Ran away from me for good.

Ann: Ran, don't worry, I'll protect you, don't worry...

scene transition.

Ran's hand had been ripped away entirely by the thing that'd attacked us. Even though the wound had healed, the shirt-sleeve of that arm would forever be empty.

I didn't inform miss Takei or miss Toyama about this incident. Instead, I lied to them, telling them that Ran and I were still enjoying summer vacation in a different location.

i, uh
holy shit
i- ran, wh,
you didn't- i don't- you had MEMORIES of losing the arm
but you just woke up in the deathschool and went, 'hey i got my arm back'
'this is perfectly ordinary'
she has to have gotten ran her arm back in some other way, probably using a scp, right?
maybe the blood sculptor?
could the blood-sculptor help us out here?????
otherwise ran would have noticed she got her arm back right???
the perceptual anomaly couldn't cover THAT much impossible shit up, right????????
god i can never fucking see what chrono jotter throws at me next, ever
is it time to give it all the head pats

Ran: Ann, will it hurt?

Ran laid on the bed, clutching my wrist with a death-grip using her only remaining hand.

Ann: Don't worry. She'll inject you with a tranquilizer. Once you wake up your left hand will have regrown.

I picked up the Blood-Sculptor and placed them next to Ran's severed hand, and then took out some glass jars from my backpack. Inside them were two liters of blood from the same person.

hey ann where did you get that blood

I nodded to the Blood-Sculptor's owner, and she nodded and began communicating with the big cat. It wasn't the first time I'd come here, so the Blood-Sculptor obediently let me stroke its head.

blood-sculptor: "next time it'll be twice as much blood, lady. don't think i do this out of the goodness of my heart." i am convinced the blood-sculptor's internal monologue is that of a noir film protagonist.
awww, they gave it an owner

Ann: Alright, close your eyes and go to sleep.

Ran: Okay... Ann, will you keep me company?

Ann: Well, of course! I'm not going anywhere.


Ran closed her eyes in satisfaction. I waited until the tranquilizer had taken effect, before I gently pulled Ran's fingers away from mine, and headed to the room next door.

There, I laid down in the recliner, and took out the stuff that the Blood-Sculptor's owner had graciously helped me prepare beforehand, and injected it into my bloodstream. Once I closed my eyes, it spread throughout my body.

wait. wwwwwait.
do we think Ann accidentally reality-warped Ran with the kiss
oh holy shit

I wanted to protect Ran. I wanted her to be able to escape her status as the Beloved Child of the Mother of Humanity and survive doing so. I wanted to be together with her forever- and, at the same time, I wanted to know if my love for her was just the effect of the Beloved Child.

For this reason, I needed to understand everything about this planet.

Ann: Well, then. Let's begin the Recall.

i'm sorry, you're what
what did you prepare
did you just inject yourself with liquid omniscience
you're going to understand everything?
god i love Ann so much
holy shit
the audacity of this fucking story
every single fucking time i think 'this is it, it can't get ANY weirder than this'
chrono jotter laughs and slaps me in the face
i love these protagonists
one scene-transition later, probably actually twelve minutes later, Ran wakes up. She's got her hand back! She's very happy about this. Ann's there too, like she said she would be! Everything's fine!
wow! everything worked out!
looks great!
👍 1

Ran immediately used her newly regenerated left hand to stroke my face, poking and prodding it, squeezing my nose and pulling my ears, and finally ending by stroking my lips.

Ran: ...Thank you, Ann.

Ann: Oh, it's nothing. I've been missing that hand of yours more than you have.

spoken with this expression.

Ran smiled in embarrassment. I discovered that I had also fallen in love with her delighted expression. It was also equally cute.

immediately after life saving surgery
performed by the blood sculptor
we’re going to have to get a whole set of chrono jotter emoji made after this
and liquid omniscience injections
i’ll shell out for those

Ran: But- what's wrong with your face? It felt like I was touching a plaster cast just now, while I was feeling it.

wow, so ran didn't do that just to flirt with ann?? she opened her eyes and her FIRST thought was 'this ann looks weird, let's poke her face to see if it's really her'? holy shit. ran probably had investigation, like, 11, before she lost her memories.

Ann: It'll be fine in a bit, don't worry about it.

it’s just a flesh wound
so what was that recall ann
that it made you look strange to ran

I used my apparently plaster-like finger to poke her face, in return.

Ann: Ran, I understand what it means to be the Beloved Child, now. I'll make sure that you'll be able to leave behind this terrible identity and escape.

Ran: What? Ann, what did you do??

ran: immediately worries about it
hey Ann have you considered asking your girlfriend about this first.
oh who am i kidding we know you didn’t

Ran held my hand tightly, with only concern left in her eyes.

Ann: I have Recalled 4.6 billion years, and experienced the entirety of the Mother of Humanity's experiences.

she did that thing!
that she was sure that would result in her dying!
man if they blended it would definitely explain modern ran’s communication skills
wonder how that's gonna shake out for you, ann!
ann what the fuck
so you went through
she's turning into paper
4.6 billion years
and the first thing you said to the girl you lived countless lifetimes for
a sex joke about her missing arm
it's always lesbian time-loopers
how long were you workshopping that one ann
it's always one lesbian trying to save another lesbian from a terrible fate through ridiculously long time-loops
hey, sometimes it’s Jones
listen. where can we be lovers but in stolen seconds, swiftly undone

The Mother was originally just a consciousness that came into being concurrently with the Earth itself. She was incapable of thought, and without a nervous system; she only had basic stimulus sensitivity, the way that plants did.

Except her reactions to stimuli caused the origins of species, transformations in the climate, and plate tectonics. All the way until 1.8 million years ago, when humanity was born.

With humanity's birth, she gained self-awareness, became capable of reason, and gained emotions.

Well, even before humanity, there existed creatures with rudimentary reasoning and emotive capabilities. But only homo sapiens was an intelligent species capable of sustaining the Mother's self-awareness for her.

The Mother of Humanity was overjoyed about this, and became fiercely protective of the human race. To shelter them, she appeared before all things on the Earth which had not been created by her own stimulus reactions, and declared herself the Mother of Humanity to them.

But, two thousand years ago, she suddenly grew sick of this. 1.8 million years of nurturing humans had caused her to grow exhausted- but she couldn't bear to completely let go. So she began trying to find a being who could inherit the position of Mother from her.

translator's note: 1.8 million years cannot be right. google tells me that the best estimates for humanity's age is between 200-300 thousand years. i feel like they must have accidentally added a zero to this. but in this setting, who even fucking knows? it's not like we have the power of Recall, so maybe Ann is just correct and it's all of Archaeology that's wrong.
Anyways, that's Ran.
The newest candidate to inherit the throne of god the Mother of Humanity.
i fucking told you, she's anomaly jesus.

Ran: So the so-called Beloved Child is someone who has the potential to inherit her position?

Ann: That's right. But, for some reason, no Beloved Child has succeeded for the last two thousand years. I suppose the conditions required must be extremely strict, and she herself probably can't control it either.

so the heiress to the creation of life on earth is a traumatized depressed teenager
also i love how the implication here is- two thousand years, that's jesus
it’s just like that one fish post
… shinji ikari is that you
the first beloved child was probably actually literally jesus

Ann: ...But, y'know, she's got plenty of time to be patient.

Ann: Ah, we've arrived. Here it is.

here what is?

I'd brought Ran to the village I'd lived in when I was young. After navigating the forest trails and the mountain tunnels, we came to an abandoned, old school.

oh, we get to meet ann's... wwwwwait, grandmother? her grandmother's alive?
is this a- that shouldn't be physically possible?
we did get to meet her grandmother nonetheless, ran brought that up with ann once if you recall
maybe she’s only 7/8ths alien
but- is this a case of interspecies sexual compatibility, yeah
or adopted
or adoptive yeah

My father had once told me that his grandfather had once served as a teacher here, and that he, in his quest to find a way to extend his life, had discovered some object which he'd placed in this school that might prove useful to me.

oh! oh, it's the 'free time school life' background track! i haven't heard this track in SO LONG! it hasn't played once in this whole chapter!

Ran: Looks like it's been abandoned for ages. The village at the base of the mountain feels like it's pretty old too.

Ran: And, Ann, the old lady that's been taking care of us these past few days, you called her your granny?

Ann: Oh, well, she's not related to me by blood. After all, we can't live to the age where we can see our grandchildren grow up in front of us.

Ann: She's an earthling, but she took of my father when he was growing up, and he took care of me when I was young, so I call her granny.

is... is it the pink hair? is that the mark of being an uchuujin?
please don't fucking tell me that it's pink hair that marks you as a space alien
that would be too anime for me to handle oh my god

Ann: And she's a very strong woman. In Recall I saw that she'd experienced many twists and turns in her life. She didn't cry even when my mother and father passed away.

I wonder if granny would cry when I passed away.

Ran: She seemed to dislike me. She'd intentionally interrupt me whenever I started talking.

Ann: I think she's mad that her adorable granddaughter got seduced by a gloomy and untrustworthy character such as yourself.

even though it was clearly the opposite way around! how completely unfair!!

Ran: I didn't, though...

Ever since the arm-severing incident, Ran's personality had changed slightly. We'd already been quite physically intimate before that, of course, but Ran was still insistent on putting up a tsundere fight with her words, at least.

And now she was just permanently locked in dere-mode with me, constantly hoping that I'd pay more attention to her and convey my feelings to her more often.


Of course, I wouldn't begrudge her any of the intimacy she sought. We had so little time left together, there was no point to wasting any of it. I'd use all of that time as well as I could, and keep it close to my heart.

Into the school they go!
familiar sights all around.
and, at this point, it's pretty obvious that this is, at least geographically, supposed to be the physical location that the first few chapters of this game took place in.
so.. is ran physically here?
or did she leave later?
if the first- wasn't ran supposed to have spent quite a few years after graduating, searching for ann?
if the second- why did the- whatever it is, the dream or simulation or whatever- bring her back here?
well, the old mansion presumably wasn't in close physical proximity to it- i'm assuming the main setting is like, a constructed pastiche of significant locations
👍 1
yeah i mean we still have to meet the marxists and the weird slightly suspicious lady
question is, why's this school significant
...also, idk if you can tell because visual novel, but does this school have a pool?
...not clear yet.
they're just heading into the hallways, flirting as they go.
Ann mentions that the wood of the school smells nice, despite how old the place is, and Ran agrees.
Ann tells Ran- inbetween the flirting-

Ann: Ran, you've got to promise me that you'll live a long and happy life, okay?

Ran: Of course! We'll live on happily together.

well i'm sure that's not foreshadowing.
ran has conveniently forgotten the whole "Twenty years left to live" thing

We passed through the hallway, and came to a broken stairwell. In the recalls, I'd seen that the object had been stored in a secret compartment, right next to the stairwell.

it's the hidden room from the start of the game. and i bet you that Important Object is the notebook. i bet you that the notebook absorbs the soul and memories and any anomalous powers of the first person to ever bleed onto it, or something. that's its basic power, the recall functionality is an emergent synergy rather than a baseline function.
>stairs finally
Whatever the object is, it'd been placed there fifty years ago. Ann hopes that nobody has shown up and taken it since- in theory it should be impossible, since if anybody had taken it, she should know about it, unless it happened between her doing her omniscience-reading and now.
does she say that or is that just the obvious conclusion

Originally, the school building's plans mandated that there only be one storage room on every floor. Afterwards, the students felt it inconvenient, so they dug out an additional underground storage room next to the stairs.

Yep, it's the underground room.
the obvious conclusion- an extrapolation on my part.
anyways, it's totally there, though.
Inside a cardboard box wrapped with transparent rubber bands was a whole lot of stationary- pencils, pens, erasers, rulers and such.

And lying under a protractor, there, was a notebook with a scarlet cover.

Ann: I've found it...

I reached out and took the notebook. Not a single bit of dust was staining it. The pages were perfectly white, like they were totally new.

Ran: Is that what we've been looking for?

Ann: Yep. With it, all of our problems can be solved now.

Ann: Come with me.


Before I'd come here, I hadn't told Ran what I wanted the notebook for. And she didn't know that my great-grandfather was, right now, stored within the notebook. That was the method he'd found for extending his lifespan.

From the moment I'd laid my hands on the notebook, he'd begun speaking to me. He said that he could use the notebook to engage in Recall, and thus experience the lives of many people. His reason for wanting to live was so that he could go to many more places in the world and see much more things.

Stored in this eternally pristine notebook, he could tour this world forever, and even meet me, his great-granddaughter.

oh shit
oh no :(
i wonder if ann's going to just jump into the notebook without telling ran or explaining jack shit about it and that's why ran ends up going around searching for her for a couple years, trying to use the notebook as a guide
because ann is terrible at communication
hmm... i think there definitely has to be some amnesia component to
is she going to save herself over her grandpa’s file
oh Probably
also i'm thinking about

Ann: You can sense the outside world, can you not? Does the rain yet still fall?

[The rain of the mother has yet to abate

And shall not until her fervent wish is announced to have been destroyed]


Ran: Ann, what's that notebook able to do?

If I opened my mouth now, my great-grandfather in the notebook would surely hear. But it didn't matter; there was nothing he could do about it anyways.

Ann: I've been thinking for a long time, why none of the Beloved Children have become Mother, up until now.

Ann: It must be because nobody is capable to cast their vision over the entire world, the way that the Mother can, instead of focusing on only what's in front of themselves at that moment.

Ran: I'm not sure I follow...

Ann: It's okay, you don't need to. Just listen to me.

Ann: Besides that, the Mother clearly doesn't want a nonhuman lifeform to become her successor. This is simple to understand, isn't it?

Ran nodded, her grip on me increasing in strength.

Ann: In the end, if you couldn't escape the position of the Beloved Child, then I'll have to protect you the whole time, and let you live a full and complete life. But the me that's about to lose her power of Recall soon can't do that- and my lifespan itself won't permit me to accompany you the whole time.

Ann: The notebook can solve all of those problems.

My great-grandfather seemed to have figured out what I was planning to do. He screamed into the depths of my brain, ordering me to put him back where I found him.

so this space… was created to contain ran while they work on de-jesusing her?

Ran: I still don't get how to use the notebook, though.

Ann: You don't need to worry. Just leave it to me, Ran.

omg she's just casually talking about killing her great-grandfather
oh this fucking story.
GOD i love ann
god i love it so much
just leave it to me. i’m about to vanish forever and become a book that drinks your blood.
why does… why does it need blood even?
They head outside. Ann finds a scrap barrel in a pile of garbage and sets it up on the lawn, suspending it away from the ground with some rocks.

The barrel was quite tall. I wouldn't have to worry about any sparks leaping out of the barrel, that way.

My great-grandfather's shouts turned into weeping. He began to plead with me, telling me that he didn't want to die.

Ann: Me neither.

yeah how exactly is ran gonna get addicted to eating her

I said to him, quietly, before tossing the notebook into the metal drum, and lighting it with a match.

it is the duty of every kinzo to go solemnly into the furnace when the time is right, in the name of the beloved witch

Ran: Ann.....

Ann: Relax. The notebook won't be damaged by the fire.

right! you're just burning your great-grandpa's soul! the notebook will be fiiiiine.
god this is so amazingly fucked up holy shit.
actual occultism going on here.
thought you were just gonna
save over his file
not burn him
in a friggin oil drum
when i was a kid my parents had guests and their son saved over my save file on super mario, and i flipped out

Ran watched the flames with confusion.

I couldn't tell her what I was planning to do until I was about to do it. She'd never go along with it otherwise.

I waited until the terrible screaming resounding through my mind had fully dissipated before I poured a bucket of water into the notebook. Then I raised myself to tiptoes to look at the notebook. It was completely unharmed- in fact, not a single drop of water had even clung to its pages.

I took it out, and found that it'd actually gotten a bit thicker than it had been. Looks like my great-grandfather had ripped a few pages out at some point.

wow, so, the fire is a full reset
it actually un-removes removed pages.
Ran is impressed by the undamaged notebook.

Ran: Wow, that's incredible. So what is it, exactly?

Ann: It's a container, Ran. It's a container that can hold absolutely anything, the most secure lockbox in the whole universe.

idk, seems pretty vulnerable to fire.
ha ha ha holy shit
i think the plan is for ann to somehow use the notebook to become a part of ran and impart her Recall ability onto her, so that she could witness the whole world and succeed the Mother of Humanity, thereby saving her from the machinations of the previous Mother
so not so much de-jesusing as apotheosizing
unclear how the eyeball comes into it
…so ann finding ran off-putting despite her entire plan resting on ran having no boundaries…
...actually, scratch "somehow", that's probably the point of ran eating the pages
...also didn't narrator-ran-who-we-now-know-is-ann mention that if ran ate too many pages she'd be subsumed into ran's identity and she was okay with that, at one point
have ran eat the notebook and become god
probably the plan. interrupted by, whatever the fuck is going on with eyeball and his murder school

Ann: It can even contain a soul.

I took out a knife that I'd already prepared, and then took Ran's hand, and lightly cut open all the fingertips of her right hand. Ran was very calm, and didn't show any signs of resistance.

Ann: (This knife's a little over-the-top just for shallowly cutting the fingertips. I hope Ran won't get suspicious, ahaha...)

Crimson blood began seeping through, drop by drop, and I quickly flipped to an empty page in the notebook, and placed her hand onto it, letting her blood seep onto the pages.

It looked exactly like I'd expected, the way I'd seen it work in the Recalls. The newly-cleared notebook needed to confirm its new owner, before it could have something stored within it.

The blood from Ran's fingertips wasn't absorbed by the pages, but rather quickly congealed onto it, forming a bloody mark.

Ann: There. The notebook belongs to you, now.

Ran: O-okay. And then?

tragic music has just begun playing.
I think we know why tragic music has just started playing.
ann's totally about to kill herself and put herself in the notebook without explaining what the fuck is happening to Ran
don't forget about the astromorticians
“bye lol” [causes untold tragedy]
i am so happy this is the kind of game this is

Ann: Well, what comes next is...

I suddenly noticed that there were tears dripping down my face. Ran noticed, and immediately started helping me wipe my face.

Ann: I...

Perhaps I'd overestimated my own resolve.

I din't want to leave her just yet. I wanted to hug her again.

Ann: I don't want to...

There wasn't any more need for any testing anymore. The feelings I felt for her clearly couldn't have anything to do with her being the Beloved Child. I just wanted to keep holding her hand and keep living with her.

this is banana sandwiches
Ann recovers her resolve!
oh good.
this is such an ominously long pause

Ann: It's fine, I'm okay, don't worry.

I gave Ran a smile, and my tears obediently stopped disrupting my emotions.

Ann: Ran, listen to me calmly. After this I'm going to enter the notebook, and, by placing your finger on the notebook as a signal, you'll be able to trigger it to reactivate my Recall ability. There'll be a lot of limitations, but this way, you will possess a power that humans could not normally possess.

Ran: Wh-

Ann: Shush. Keep listening.

Ann: The notebook will never be damaged. Even in here I'll be able to keep talking to you. It'll be like keeping you company forever.

Ran: Talk to me? But...

Ann: That solves two of the three problems we just spoke of. Finally, I need you to never concern yourself with this world. But, as the Beloved Child, bound to come into contact with the supernatural, I imagine you won't be able to help yourself and will try to do something anyways.

Ann: So I'm going to help you out, by concentrating all of your attention onto a single, small, focused point, forever.

even MORE tragic music is playing now like wow
they wrote TWO super-tragic looping background musics for THIS ONE SCENE specifically, never used ANYWHERE else in this game, at least so far

I sat down on the ground, and opened the notebook to a blank page.

Ann: Ran, don't be sad. I'll always... be by your side.

I turned the handle of the knife, and used the blade to cut open my own neck. It hurt a lot more than I was expecting it would.

reasonable reaction, ran
Ran tries to stop Ann. Sadly, Ran's Alacrity, her highest stat, is Ann's dump-stat, and even then Ran can't stop her.
auctoritas magister.
Ran screams at Ann to stop, but Ann isn't stopping. It hurts a lot, but she can see with her wavering vision that every drop of her blood that's coming out of her body is getting sucked up into the notebook.

Ran: Ann, don't! I'm begging you, stop!

Ran: I can live together with you, even if you can't protect me forever, as long as we can be together it'll be okay...

Ran: I'm begging you, don't leave me, I want to be with you...

Ran: I... Miss Sakura, please...

oh that is a CG that is a CG alright

The blood flowed quickly. I wanted to say something, but found I didn't have the strength for it anymore. I forced myself to smile, trying to reassure her.

Ran: Miss Sakura... what'll I do without you...

That particular form of address, which Ran only used when she was mentally unsteady and pleading with me, I actually had always liked a lot. The her that was calling out to me like that... was really quite adorable.


The darkness before my eyes grew more and more severe, and I found that I could no longer make Ran's voice out clearly. It felt like there was something, faraway, pulling me, making me come closer to it.

That was probably the notebook, right? That was good. Once I died, Ran couldn't possibly concern herself with the 'world' or whatever.

She'd only focus on me. Definitely, for sure.

Good night... See you tomorrow, Ran.

I love you.

ran's "god i hate it when this shit happens" look
so, that's going to be it, for tonight.
👍 1
what a ride
i just saved the game, here, and the savefile informs me that we have exited the ann sakura chapter, and entered the Ending Chapter.
that's actually what it's called.
(or maybe Coda Chapter or Epilogue Chapter, depending on translation convention.)
checks out!
point is: we really are endgame now.
it's very possible that the next session, or the next two sessions, will conclude the game.
there is in fact an epilogue mini.. novel?, which I learned about when i was setting up the site
OH YEAH?????
yeah, i didn't look to deeply into it for Obvious Reasons
but feels like it's pretty safe to mention now
well, fuck, i'm DEFINITELY going to have to get THAT
and then translate it as well
unlike rail of mobius, here i am very sufficiently invested into every detail of this narrative and setting.
holy shit.
holy shit.
ran how are you going to
how are you going to EXPLAIN this to the
lawful authorities
i just can't get over
the fact that ran's fixation was fully intentional
like what the fuck are you going to DO after you finish sobbing and ripping your hair out?
are you going to report it? are you going to cover it up and not tell anyone ann sakura disappeared together with you on a trip to the mountain? does GRANNY KNOW?!
and also .... appears to have worked? by entirely non-anomalous means??
just good old-fashioned emotional manipulation and being there when she had no one else
ann did you figure this out like imagine if you pull this incredibly clever plan off and then ran gets arrested for murdering ann and gets sentenced to life in prison
what the fuck will you do about that, then
i mean we know it didn't happen
but it could have
what was your plan if that happened, ann, are you going to testify at the bench as a fucking notebook
"well, in prison, she won't have the chance to think of anyone but me."
it's okay the police don't care about anomalous deaths.
and ran can always give them amnesia if they look at her funny
ran can just waggle her notebook at them
and induce hive amnesia via tactical rain
okay, so we've
we've actually answered
almost every question
except for eyeball and sai.
eyeball's deal and sai's deal is apparently more endgame than ann.
that is wild.
this whole session has been so wild, god. i need to digest this.
fuck, i was joking about ran beating up orphans to steal their bus tickets
but a ran who was crazy about finding ann again would
absolutely do that
i mean it is entirely possible we just like, fucked up sai's memories
and not even think twice
i think your guess is more likely
but just wanted to put that out there
i mean, fuck, ann committed grandpacide, what's some orphan violence compared to that
the orphans aren't even dead after!
to be fair ran didn't know that ann committed grampacide
"maybe if i use Recall to remember ann sakura's final moments i'll understand why she did this, just a little bit better"
i wonder how her grandpa got his hands on the notebook. like did gramps kill off some fucking, ancient egyptian pharaoh or something
Rereading the eyeball scene makes way more sense now
i'm so happy that Chrono Jotter is so legitimately nuts like this. we met the blood sculptor and he had a portrait and he's the one who regrew ran's arm. like what the fuck could this possibly be a tragic metaphor for.
this is so fun
the HMS Not a Metaphor
now all we need to do is catch leviathan and get eaten by him and then we can become god
was the Not a Metaphor a british vessel? i don't remember if it had a ship prefix...
unless it was HMS and it stood for something else... it's been a while since i read unsong