Part 18

It's fine! Nobody's getting stabbed to death at all! Shhhhhh!

hey what's up it's been a few days time to do more chrono jotter
so last time: we went through a BUNCH of recalls
and concluded that we'd done all that there was to do for now in the recalls
time to go forward and solve the case.
Ran pops out of the recall fugue and immediately starts howling. Ann is kind of freaked out a little! Just a bit! Y'know! By the howling!

Ann: Ran, what's wrong?

Ran: Nothing... this always happens after recalls...

Ran: Gah!


Ann: Ran, uh, do you... want me to give you a kiss?

That always works, right? Apply Ann Sakura directly to lips for instant and maximum relief! No points for guessing what Ran's response is to Ann's offer.

Ran: Really? Yes, miss Sakura...

Ran didn't even have the energy left in her to be excited. It took all she had just to say the words out loud enough for Ann to hear.

Ann bent down, picked Ran's face up by the chin, and kissed her on the cheek.

Ran: Aw, just the cheek??

Ann: Just the cheek.

It worked, though! One kiss from Ann fixes everything. Magical healing powers of cosmically significant girlfriend pulls through again!
Ran gets back to normal, and immediately sits up.

Ran: Time to solve the case.

good old case-solving interface here we are again

1: Why were Koizumi's hands so clean?

2: Who stole the key to the tool shed?

3: Was Koizumi the target of the killer?

4: Why did Makoto Asakura go to the swimming pool?

5: Where was the rope used to hang Koizumi hidden?

6: Why was Makoto's corpse moved?

I said before that a lot of these questions gave things away with their premise, and, just, yeah.
Like, good thing we didn't spend any points on investigating Koizumi's hands???
Since we were going to notice that anyways????
'someone stole the key to the toolshed' so we're saying it wasn't makoto, is that what we're saying
'the rope used to hang koizumi was hidden' was it now.
well, whatever. given how last case went i don't even think there's a point to actually deciding- i'm starting to get the impression that all these solutions are actually kind of railroaded, in the sense that they're impossible to get wrong, you keep clicking on stuff and sooner or later ran and ann will put the truth together.
which i guess means that this is the last real chance for us to bet on just who is the culprit in this case.
some plausible theories i can think of, off the top of my head...
koizumi unrelated suicide, makoto actual target?
koizumi actual target, makoto noticed clue that night and was immediately targeted by the culprit for disposal?
i am honestly thinking the second here
i don't... think koizumi killing herself feels in-character, at all.
but the makoto-was-silenced-due-to-noticing-something needs an explanation of why makoto went out randomly so late at night at all.
makoto herself said she wanted to get some space away from tama. i suppose that's theoretically possibly actually true?
...doesn't really help me narrow down on who the culprit is, though.
...well, no, actually, it kind of does, from the standpoint of, 'the culprit had to have moved alone'.
...well, no, makoto was alive when koizumi was found. if makoto had seen something suspicious last night, wouldn't she have spoken up? why kill her after the corpse was discovered?
i was going to argue that makoto deciding to leave tama alone gave tama an opportunity to strike.
because if it was anyone else, it would have been weird, their roommate would have reported on it, right?
in conclusion i have no fucking idea.

6: Why was Makoto's corpse moved?

Ran: It looks strange at first, but because we tested the pH value, the question's easily resolved.

Ann: That's right. The killer wanted to obscure the time of death by moving the corpse. After all, between the death and the body discovery, there were two whole meals where everyone was present.

Ann: If we'd decided to go search for Makoto as soon as we found she was missing at lunch, we'd have figured out her true time of death instantly.

Ran: Right, so the killer wanted to obscure the time of death by moving Asakura's corpse, then.


4: Why did Makoto Asakura go to the swimming pool?

Ran: Makoto sure doesn't look like a swimmer. And the pH value of the fluid in her body confirms for us that she did in fact drown in the pool, and wasn't drowned somewhere else and moved here instead.

Ann: Yep- questions about the location of the crime scene are always important. Let's note this one down.

the only suspicious figure here is sai, really, thanks to her thing with changing the pool's pH- what was the point of that, anyway? trying to hide something about the body?
also possibly makoto actual target, koizumi killed to provide a distraction while the real murder was committed later
did anyone get any sort of alibi from the koizumi investigation?

1: Why were Koizumi's hands so clean?

Ann: This is a bit of a strange question.

Ran: Yes, but it's quite important. Koizumi's cause of death is very clear, because she only had strangulation marks on her neck, without any other external injuries.

Ran: If she killed herself, she'd surely have subconsciously used her hands to clasp the rope, resulting in rope detritus being left behind under her fingernails.

Ran: No matter how strong one's determination to commit suicide is, nobody can defy instinct. Every person who chooses suicide via hanging always leaves behind a corpse whose fingernails are distinctly marked.

Ran: Not to mention, it's rather unlikely that Koizumi had a strong resolve to kill herself in the first place.

Ann: I see. Even if we assume it was homicide, it doesn't explain why her fingers were so clean. There must be another clue in there.

Ran: Yes- and as any killer would have used a rope to strangle Koizumi, then as long as Koizumi was awake, she surely would have grabbed the rope, or the culprit's hands.

Ran: But not only is there nothing of significance left under Koizumi's fingernails, I haven't seen any of our classmates with scratch marks, either.

Ran: We should think about this one for a while. Perhaps it will point us right to the culprit.

not really. it's tenuous. all we know is koizumi died overnight; ann claims she didn't see koizumi return to her room.
so koizumi was maybe killed some other way, like poisoned or something, and then hanged?
the main barrier for anyone else killing koizumi after they'd all gone to bed is, could they have left the room without their roommate waking up and noticing?
why didn't koizumi scream or struggle, if it happened in the dorms?
all of this points strongly towards some kind of sedation or something
but the story hasn't brought up any Unknown Tranquilizer X yet or anything
so i'm always hesitant to invoke that sort of thing
but also i sort of don't buy that all hangings have those distinctive marks- like, the idea of hanging is that the force of gravity snaps your neck instantly, right? soon as you jump or kick the chair or whatever
like, unconscious koizumi dropped off the balcony would've died instantly and not struggled
Ran's also saying, 'if she set up the rope herself why wasn't there any rope fiber under her nails'
(or not unconscious, and just tied up)
but yeah i'm assuming murder not suicide- it's just, "Even if we assume it was homicide, it doesn't explain why her fingers were so clean."- i think it does
also i guess ran does say "then as long as Koizumi was awake" so
kinda points to ann, yeah

5: Where was the rope used to hang Koizumi hidden?

tl;dr: "who knows. anywhere. plenty of places to hide a rope. moving on."
Chrono Jotter is remarkably unconcerned with uncovering the actual killing implement!
i mean, fair- it's a rope

3: Was Koizumi the target of the killer?

Ann: Even though two victims appeared this time, but we can't conclude so simply that Makoto, who was killed second, was the true target of the killer.

Ran: Right- the killer could have killed Makoto to prevent her from finding some key clue.

Ran: Then whether or not Koizumi was the killer's target could help us decide the killer's future actions. If Koizumi was the primary target, then we'll have to prioritize Makoto's case.

Ran: Since if the killer was forced to kill Makoto, there's a great possibility that she may have left a flaw there.

Ann: Mm. We can try thinking on this some more, yeah.


2: Who stole the key to the tool shed?

Ran: That's a stupid question, it might as well be the same as asking who the culprit is.

Ran: Of course we need to figure out who the culprit is, but not from the starting point of the key.

Ann: That's right. We have far too fews about the key.

Ran: Let's scratch this one off.

So these are the key questions in the end- clean hands, who the real target was, and how makoto ended up at the pool.

Ran: Alright, that's the questions. Let's begin deduction.

Ann: Feels like the clues are all over the place this time. No idea what the results of our reasoning will be.

Ran: That's okay. No matter what results we come up with, we'll gain something from it. If we don't like the answer, we can go back to looking for more clues.

Ann: Sure. Let's begin, then.

Ran: (First off, why were Koizumi's hands so clean?)

Koizumi was wearing gloves

Koizumi was strung up only after she fainted

why would
why would she be wearing gloves
it explains the idea of her hands being clean but why would she put on some random gloves after taking her shower
it's GOT to be the second one, right?
and also where would the gloves have gone
yeah it's gotta be the second
Yep, it's the second one.

Ann: So you're saying that there's the possibility that the culprit first caused Koizumi to lose her consciousness, before hanging her to death?

Ran: The possibility exists. But no matter what, Koizumi must have been strangled by that rope while she was awake.

Ran: Since the back of her neck has significant abrasive marks as well, clearly indicating that the rope was bound very tightly to her neck and constantly abrading it at some point, not merely just tied to the neck.

Ann: Mm, so, because she has no other outer injuries, if she fainted it must have been due to being choked out.

Ran: Miss Sakura, has an incident of poisoning ever occured in this school? Any incidents of pharmaceutical tranquilization count as well.

Ann: Never. There aren't any pharmaceuticals in the nurse's office with lethal potential, either.

Ann: Aya once hurt herself in an accident, and before Miho patched her up, she looked all over the place for some painkillers or tranquilizers, but met with no success.

Ran: It was that bad? To the point of needing tranquilizers?

Ann: Yeah. Miho gave Aya some stitches. But later on after that, Aya was killed and revived, which got rid of the stitches and the scar entirely.

Ran: So even scarring is repaired, wow. I see. But this also proves that, besides Koizumi having been strangled, no other methods for inducing unconsciousness without causing detectable injuries exist.

Ran: The killer could only have used the rope while she was awake.

wow, i can't believe it took this long for the game to tell us in the red, no unknown pharmaceutical products exist
no tranquilizers or poisons of any kind! nothing that could induce unconsciousness OR lethal effect!
so that's that solved and-
why am i back on this screen
does the game want me to click BOTH options??
yes it does.
...and, shit, their theory makes sense too.

Ran: In a recall, I helped Sai wash some vegetables after I finished showering, and she gave me a pair of gloves to do so with.

Ran: If Koizumi were wearing those gloves, their thickness would have been enough to guarantee that no traces would have been left on her fingers while she was struggling.

Ann: Indeed, after Koizumi put on those gloves, even if she struggled, the only signs would have been left on the surface of the gloves, which could be restored to new with a simple wash.

Ran: More importantly, in the normal timeline, Makoto went down the stairs without encountering Koizumi at the time.

Ran: It could very well be that she noticed the gloves that Sai used while washing the vegetables, and combined that with the fact that Koizumi's hands were unblemished to deduce who the culprit was.

Ann: So, going back to Koizumi, she might have helped Sai prepare food ingredients for the next day, and thus put on some gloves.

Ann: And then the culprit decided to attack her at some point in time after this.

i forgot about the gloves sai handed out to everyone who helped with the vegetables.
that is actually entirely plausible.
so now we've got a LOT of ideas, great.

Ran: Was Koizumi the target of the culprit?

The culprit has yet to kill the true target

Makoto was the culprit's target

The culprit chose Koizumi randomly

i mean, fuck, i don't know, i guess i'm just gonna click one

The culprit has yet to kill the true target

Ran: That one we can't really start to guess about if it were the case, and it doesn't really have much bearing on the current deductions anyways.

Yeah, okay, that's fair, Ran.

Makoto was the culprit's target

Ran: If that were the case, the culprit wouldn't have had reason to kill Koizumi.

Ran: The dorms are a very closed, and relatively small, space. In such an environment, committing a meaningless murder would only raise the number of clues.

Ann: Well, this kind of thing happens a lot in detective novels, doesn't it? Even in a closed environment, the killer still keeps on murdering, one after the other.

Ran: Do you enjoy reading detective novels, miss Sakura?

Ann: Not particularly. I've read a few after I arrived here, mostly for educational purposes.

Ran: You used to love reading them. In fact, you were the one who influenced me to start reading detective novels myself.

Ran: Speaking of which, has there ever been a pleasure killer in the school before? The kind that's not goal-oriented and just wants to kill everyone for the fun of it.

Ann: Not at the moment, and I doubt in the future, either. After all, this is just part of the curriculum, there's no reason to do something like that.

Ran: Well, doing irrational things is part of a pleasure serial murderer's modus operandi. But I agree that it's not likely someone like that could show up in the school, either. In conclusion, Makoto being the killer's target seems implausible.

So then it's option 3?
Which- oh, translation update, it's not talking about the lots, it's talking about the culprit themselves choosing the target.

The culprit chose Koizumi randomly

Meaning, the culprit chose their victim, meaning, the culprit drew their own name this round.
...which means it's not tama indou.
since we drew tama.

Ran: Right, Koizumi only told you about taking a shower just before she went to take it, miss Sakura. The rest of them couldn't have possibly known that Koizumi would go to shower by herself.

Ran: So the culprit must have planned to kill the last straggler in the dorms, and chose Koizumi by luck.

Ann: Which is to say, if Koizumi had taken her shower together with someone, then the culprit might have settled on killing Makoto, or perhaps Sai, instead?

Ran: That's right. But we both understand, don't we, miss Sakura.

Ann: Yes.

understand WHAT?
are they saying that sai is the culprit??
but sai is best girl. she can't be the culprit.
there's no way. she's too cool.
crying silently she's too cool...
Oh nice, CHRONO JOTTER time
oh yeah it's totally sai
i bet that's why she gave out the gloves
>Koizumi death involves gloves that Sai gave out >Makoto death involves the pool, where Sai spends tons of time I'm afraid to say it, but it's Sai
On the plus side, increased chance of getting Sai backstory?

Ran: And finally, why would Makoto go to the pool? Well, if that's the question...

Ann: After reasoning the two previous questions out, the answer seems pretty self-evident, doesn't it?

Ran: There's still some strange points. Makoto should have known who the culprit was by the time she went to meet the culprit at the pool, or perhaps the culprit actively invited Makoto to the pool.

Ran: If it was the former, then it's quite strange- Makoto could have simply pointed the culprit out in front of all of us, after all. And if she wasn't certain by that point, it'd still have been too dangerous of her to simply meet the suspect alone.

Ran: If it was the latter, I don't know why Makoto would have agreed to the culprit's invitation. With all the clues she had, was she still not able to deduce the identity of the culprit?

Ann: I understand what you're thinking. The answers to the two previous questions point the culprit's identity to her. But Makoto's death is just too strange.

Ran: But if the process of the murder can be recited, plus the clues of the two cases, it's probably enough to pin down the culprit. Whether that's enough to revive Makoto, though...

Ran: I'll just try a recitation of the case, assuming that Makoto actively chose to meet the culprit at the pool. Based on the timeline, this possibility seems more likely.

Ran: If I'm wrong, then I'll just start over from the top again. You'll accompany me for it, won't you, miss Sakura?

Ann: Yes, of course.

Ran: Let's head downstairs and confront her, then, miss Sakura.

Here we go!
Final bets on culprits, everyone!
(I guess if it's Sai, then... Aya dropping her card on the desk is just... her legitimately accidentally dropping it? A red herring? Completely unrelated??)
aaaaaand suddenly NEW RECALL POINT

There seems to be some kind of sound? (Requires Investigation 8)

Probably just imagining it

Use Temporary Points

holy shit
that sure is one investigation check
we have three temporary points and six investigation.
we could hear this if we spent two points.
I am going- to make the executive decision to not spend two points on this.
It can't be that important, right?
Yeah, we've used too many points in the past
Plus it's a recall point, so we could always come back if we really need to
So, down the stairs we go. We run into Miho and Tama chitchatting in the kitchen, and Ran asks Miho where Aya is, telling Miho that she knows who the culprit is and is ready to announce it now.

Miho: Just now, Sai came back, and she and Aya went to pack some things up in their room. After all, after this, we'll be swapping our dorms back to normal again.

Miho sounded like she was very happy about being able to share a room with Aya again. Her emotions and tone of voice were clearly quite positively inclined.

Ah, so that noise is probably just Aya and Sai packing up Sai's things so Sai can move back into our room.
Either that or Sai's murdering Aya right now.

Ran: Eh? Sai?

But, at Miho's words, Ran's vellus hair stood on end.

dramatic music beginning to play

Ann: Ran!

Ran: Ah, ah, uh, I know, I know!

Ran spun and began dashing back up the stairs towards the second floor, Ann following quickly after her.

ayep it's totally sai murdering aya apparently

Miho: What's wrong? Suddenly-

Miho caught on pretty quickly after that, and awkwardly rose from her seat, chasing after Ran and Ann, leaving behind only a thoroughly confused Tama in the kitchen.

Ran ran to Aya's door, furiously trying to turn the doorknob, but it'd already been locked.

Oh huh I guess that fits with us hearing the noise
In other news, I'm really surprised that Sai would kill three people
There's got to be some kind of additional motive

Ran: Aya! AYA!

Ran: (Aya's about to be killed. Sai, you...!)

Ann: Ran, we'll break the door down together.

Ran: Alright, let's do it.

oh fuck i'm late let me catch up
this better be an alacrity check
the one stat we're good at

The two of them counted down from three, and repeatedly charged at the door together. But, unlike in the movies, they didn't crash right through the door and collapse into the room from their shared momentum.

The door stood without the slightest hint of becoming dislodged, as it ought to.

Ran: What do we do, it won't open...

Ann: Aya!

Miho: Out of the way, you two!

Miho caught up and used her room key to unlock the door.

oh boy.
i hate.
the fact.
that this artist
is so good at art.

The door stood without the slightest hint of becoming dislodged, as it ought to.

I'm not sure how to parse this line. Are they saying that the door was supposed to open, or that it wasn't supposed to open?
it's not supposed to open.
since it's locked.
Okay, that makes more sense
eeeeeyup. caught in the act.
Since I initially parsed that as there being something else stopping it from opening, in addition to the lock
i- sai, what was your- goal here, you really thought you could murder aya and explain it away somehow,
hell yeah it's art time
who else could have done it,
though the change in art styles is a bit disconcerting tbh
since Aya's hair color doesn't match
Miho stumbles.

Miho: Ah... Aya, it's okay... I'm fine...

Miho slowly retreated out of the room, to lean against the rear wall. Holding her chest, she tried to stabilize her increasingly disordered breathing.
yeah miho uh
i'm really sorry for you but on the other hand
what happened to your bravado about the murdergame being an 'educational' process
oh my god
Aya's going to be back alive in like two minutes probably
great CG
also wow now i'm worried about the investigation check
'oh, you know, it helps train the students' logical reasoning and counterintelligence capabilities', said miho, 'it's fine nobody minds being killed these days it's all in good fun,'
oh man ran's going to go nuts seeing her aunt aya getting murdered isn't she
it seems kind of redundent if we're just going to get aya back in five minutes..............

Sai: Guess I've been caught red-handed, huh.

you suuure have!
that sprite is kind of unnerving
whoa suddenly uh
portrait change
...why only change it now,
Sai looks weirdly smug, yeah

Sai: Alright, I guess you've probably figured out I'm the culprit?

LMAO great sprite

Sai: If you haven't figured out, then I gotta say, it's a real bummer if you caught me in the act out of sheer dumb luck.

maybe it's just makeup

Ran: Relax, with your half-baked skills, I've long-since figured it out.


Ran: C'mon, let's go downstairs, and I'll recite your criminal process.

Ran: surprisingly calm.
can't believe it was actually sai
for once
after it kept not turning out to be sai
and one quick fade-to-black later:
i will admit i didn't call the "sai wanted to murder everybody just for kicks" ending

Aya: Oh man that scared the crap outta me. So that's what it feels like to get shivved, ah ha haaaaa.

Sai, who'd been caught in the act, had no intent of pleading her own innocence. She and Ran made the barest token effort at the recitation, and Aya, who'd been dead for less than five minutes, was right back on her feet again.

Even her clothes had been repaired to as good as new.

Aya: Eh? Why're your eyes so puffy and red, Miho? Did you cry for me because you were sad I was dead, Miiiiiho?

Miho, still half-crying: You're so annoying.

get her ass aya

Aya: C'mere, you, it's okay, don't cry.

Aya tried to hug Miho, but Miho pushed Aya away by the face, preventing her from coming any closer to Miho.

aya does not get her ass
aya gets pushed away like one of those meme images
miho leveraging her Tallness to hold aya at arm's length

Ran: ...Y'know, I'd already known that you all didn't take this whole murdering business seriously at all, but, Aya, you've seriously taken the carefree apathy one step above and beyond.

Ran: (Aunt Miho and Aya have always been like this since high school, huh. Compared to their older selves, I seriously can't detect a bit of change in their relationship whatsoever.)

Aya: Hey, I'm just in a good mood, okay.

Sai: Try not to take it too far, or else Miho's going to get mad at you again in a bit.

oh did you get cleaned off, sai
did someone hand you a towel
no joke i was lowkey hoping they'd use sai's bloody murder portrait for the rest of the scene
👍 2

Sai carried over a pot of tea, set it down on the dinner table, and started pouring tea for everyone.

Ran: Oh, look, and you've got tea too, huh. Someone's sure got it easy.

seriously imagine how much funnier this scene would be if sai was still covered with blood splatters.
I wonder what's happening with Makoto and Koizumi right now
inb4 they go out and find the Makoto drowned again and Koizumi couldn't get out of the noose and died

Sai: Well, your process of reciting the murder process is always pretty fun. Even comes with pictures for us all to look at.

Sai: So let's just treat it as a story, and enjoy it while sipping tea together, yeah?

Ran: There's two of us who won't be able to hear the story, though.

Sai: Can't be helped. After all, the two of them were actors.

Ran: (What is with Sai's attitude, wow.)

Ran: Whatever. Let's get started, then. This case wasn't that complicated, so we can finish retelling it pretty quickly.

are you telling me that Sai straight up just murdered random people
sai drew herself and went on a serial murder spree??
what the shit, sai.

Sai pushed a cup of tea towards Ran:

Sai: My apologies for boring you with this case, then.

Sai didn't sound like she was making a joke. Ran wasn't sure how to respond.

sai, legitimately killing people because she's having a lot of fun.
🤔 1

Ran: Eh? What's that mean?

Sai: Nothing. You go on.

Ran: Okay then. Time to begin retelling the case.

(sai as eyeball: still plausible!)
(this could be eyeball apologizing for not making the gameboard fun enough!)
(i will never give up on this theory! even though i was expecting, were the theory to be true, for sai to do nothing the whole game until the end.)
Sai's voice suddenly starts sounding like exploding galaxies or whatever
(the fact that she... did something... at all... is evidence against that.)
Recitation begins, complete with ran-style doodles!
Makoto and Tama go showering together. Sai steals Makoto's key to the tool shed and uses the key to get a rope. She hides the rope in the kitchen somewhere, puts the key back, and goes to the kitchen to prepare food.
Makoto and Tama finish showering and go back upstairs. Afterwards, Ran and Aya appear.
Then, Ran and Aya leave after chatting with Sai for a bit.
Makoto goes downstairs, after that, by herself-

Sai: Wait a sec, how did you know that Makoto went downstairs? Did she ever bring it up to you?

Ran straight-up lies.

Ran: I ran into her yesterday when I left the dorms to go find miss Sakura.

Miho: .....

Ran: Right, Tama? When I asked Makoto she said she wanted to go out for a walk.

Tama: That's right. Asakura-san said the same thing to me as well.

This assuages Sai's question for the moment.
Miho is obviously suspicious though.
Ran continues narrating.
Sai didn't kill Makoto at that point, because she hadn't seen Ann and Koizumi come down showering yet, and didn't want to be caught in the act or anything.
Ann comes down to shower alone, followed by Koizumi.
Sai asks Koizumi to help wash the vegetables, and hands her a pair of gloves.
She agrees.

Miho: So that's what happened. No wonder Koizumi's hands were so clean. I was very focused on figuring out how that could be the case, but I couldn't find any clues.

Aya: Because you were more concerned about meeeeee~ at the time!

Miho: Please stop talking.

Ran: Okay okay please stop interrupting me you two.

Ran: (The way these two bicker and play around is giving me some serious nostalgia.)

As Koizumi's washing vegetables, Sai gets the rope out and chokes Koizumi out.
I... do not... understand what this image is meant to represent, Ran.
"Rope: Yes or No?"
like seriously ran what is
what is this drawing
ran's doodles- MASTER CLASS
yep, sai hangs koizumi

Aya: Y'know, that night Sai was panting a little after she returned to the room.

Sai: You have no idea how hard it is to carry an unconscious body.


Ran: So why did you get her to put on the gloves anyways?

Sai: Well, it's as you said, I didn't want signs of struggle to remain on her hands. I figured that someone who committed suicide wouldn't struggle.

Sai: And also, I really did want her help with the food prep. Like, with prepping fish I was worried she'd prick her fingers on the fish spines. It happens to me all the time.

Ran: ...Okay. Sure.

look at this slice of life murder mystery
...slice of death??

Ran: (I really have overestimated the degree to which they take this sort of thing seriously. They really don't bother to focus on lowering detection risk as their primary priority at all, do they.)

Tama interjects.

Tama: So, you're saying, that Koizumi-san was selected randomly? The true target wasn't her?

Ran: That's right. In fact, I don't think Asakura was the target, either.

Miho: Then that means...

Aya: Well, obviously that means I was the target, then, right?

Sai: Actually, it wasn't you either. My target was Miho.

Aya: EH?! Why did you kill me then! I'll have you know that being killed hurts!


Sai, grinning like a loon: Haha, maybe I did it just to see your infuriated reaction after the fact.

everybody in this school is insane.
How was she planning on pulling off the Miho death, I wonder?
who the fuck knows, frankly
i mean
this is
obviously not exactly maximal effectiveness assassination
she gets zero points for actually hitting the target
Anyways, Asakura next. Ran explains that Makoto Asakura probably figured things out after noticing Koizumi's clean hands, Sai's gloves, and the rope. Then she notices something wrong with the key- Right! In the recall when we hung out with Asakura! She went to get her key and wound up staring at it for a while! She noticed something was wrong with it! She probably noticed it'd been moved! That makes sense!
Anyways she concludes it was Sai and heads to the pool to face off against Sai.
...Okay, so, if Makoto figured it out first, why didn't she solve the case before we did and revive Koizumi first?
Zerovirus reason, I guess. Ran says that Sai 'gave opposing theories'; perhaps this was enough to prevent Makoto from being able to finish her words before Sai pushed her into the pool and drowned her.
Huh, so I guess Sai's original plan was only three deaths: Koizumi, Aya, and Miho
Anyways after that Sai moves the body, hides it somewhere, gets Ran to come clean the pool to generate an alibi for Sai, and confuse everyone about the time of death.

Sai: You're telling me you figured it out through pH testing?? And here I was so confident that pH testing wouldn't work on ingested fluids.

Ran: (Huh? Sai didn't push back on my theories? I was sure she'd say something along the lines of Makoto not having a reason to go to the pool, that Makoto could have simply revealed the results of her deduction in front of everyone else immediately.)

Ran: (And in fact I'm mostly bullshitting this whole 'Sai and Makoto face off at the pool' scenario. I couldn't even begin to describe what they actually faced off about.)

Ran: (It's a bit strange...)

feels almost like Sai's just letting Ran have the win on this one for some reason.
Sandbagging it.
In conclusion, Ran says, Sai killed Koizumi and Makoto. The deduction proves it was Sai that killed Koizumi, nobody else had reason to kill Makoto, and they literally caught Sai in the middle of murdering Aya. As an aside, I have to comment on Ran's choice for symbols for them, ahaha. A bird for Koizumi, a melting icecube for Makoto, and a star for Aya. And, of course, that INCREDIBLY OMINOUS OUROBOROS for Sai.

Sai: Yeah, that all's about right.

Ran: I'm curious, though- even if you'd gotten away with it, how were you planning on escaping from Aya's room?

Sai: Hey, you're pretty smart, aren't you? Help come up with a perfect escape for me would ya.

Ran: That's- Ugh, whatever, it's not important. Everything I recapped up to now has been correct, right?

Sai: Ayep they are.

Ran: So Makoto and Koizumi should be reviving in the morgue right about now. But there's still some questions I don't understand.

And that's the end of the recap!

Sai: Well, feel free to ask.

Why did you kill people who weren't your target?

What did Makoto say to you when the two of you met up?

Clicked on the first option.

Ran: Why did you kill people who weren't your target?

Sai: I knew you'd want to ask that. But there's another question you want to ask too, right? I can answer both of them together, because the answer to both of them are the same.

Ran: The same? How come.

Sai nodded, and slowly turned her teacup with her right hand. She sat, face to face, with Ran Ibuki. For some reason, Ran felt like she'd had countless experiences before where she'd faced off with Sai Yano just like this.

Ran: (Could Sai's memories-)

Ran didn't feel anything like a headache, or anything that might herald an oncoming headache.,
Ran, the detective,
faced off against Sai at an interrogation table
like this before
several times?
is that what this is saying?
Sai is our nemesis???
She's our moriarty?
but even then, just that was insufficient to unlock our sai memories?
we REALLY REALLY need to fucking pick up that recall point about sai's sister IMMEDIATELY
holy fuck
Told you we'd get closer to Sai backstory
Not sure if I'd jump to that, but it is possible

Sai: I know you like reasoning. You talk about how perverse and wrong our actions are, but you find satisfaction and pleasure in the act of thinking, and you greatly enjoy the process of deduction.

Ran: What are you saying.

Sai: So, since you like it, I thought I'd try to do something you'd find fun. Sadly, my criminal powers weren't enough to live up to your expectations.

Sai: Originally I was trying to set up one of those closed circle serial killer cases, one of those And Then There Were None setups, but it looks like I'm just not up to the task of stimulating you.

Sai: And Asakura was the same- she'd noticed that you enjoyed this kind of thing, so she showed up at the pool to belittle me. She said that my methodology was childish and that she'd seen through me instantly.

Sai paused there and eyed Tama before continuing.

Sai: Then she told me to kill her. Said that maybe it'd let Ran have a bit of fun.

Ran, after listening to Sai:
Ran is not happy at this revelation.

Ran leaned forwards until she'd crashed into the edge of the table, nearly flipping her cup of tea over.

Ran: Why? What's the meaning of something like that... And, this way, it's like Asakura has killed herself for a second time... I...

yeah, uh, like, this is, not the way to cheer Ran up.
i wonder if she had plans to fake her own death
can't And Then There Were None without faking your death at some point

Sai: It's because she was grateful to you. You helped her and Tama's relationship return to normal, and helped her mental wellness start to move towards a better direction.

Tama: That's right, Ibuki-san. I share the same feelings that Asakura-san does.

Tama stood up, and reached out to hold Ran's hand, trying to reassure her.

Tama: Please don't blame yourself for Asakura-san's actions. She just wanted to do something nice for you.

Ran, after listening to Tama:
ran you aren't being grateful enough for all they did for you

Ran: (It's useless. I couldn't be of any use to Asakura. She's already killed herself at the crossroads... she's already dead... she won't come back to life.)

Sai: Look, I was the one who actually did the deed, so it doesn't count as suicide, okay? You're overthinking this.

Ran covered her face with her hands.

Ran: I know... but...

Ran: (Stop thinking about these things- since there's no way to change what happened with Makoto Asakura and Koizumi-sensei, there's no point to me being miserable about it, so I should just stop thinking about it.)


Ran: Okay. I understand.

Sai: In conclusion, you're correct again this round. Look forward to the next round- once it's Tama's turn I'm sure she'll have something incredibly spectacular in store for you.

Tama: Ah, Yano-san, if you say it like that, I'm going to feel so much pressure on me...

Ran felt like there was something stuck in her throat. She turned and cast a plaintive look at Ann.

Ann: What is it, Ran?

Ran: Wow, I have just extremely been reminded that I need to get the fuck out of here with you as SOON as I can. Holy shit.

Ran: Miss Sakura, my only desire is for you to regain your memories and to depart here with me. I am not, in any sense, 'enjoying this', as they say.

Ann: I don't think there's anything wrong with it. Doing what you want to do and working on finding my memories aren't mutually incompatible.

Ran knew that what Sai was saying about her wasn't wrong. She was clearly enjoying the death games, and through them she was even growing closer with Ann Sakura. Perhaps there really was nothing wrong with them.

Ran: (If even miss Sakura thinks it's okay, then perhaps I should really just keep walking down the path I'm on right now.)

Ran: Right. Those who are killed will revive, so... even if I enjoy it, there's nothing wrong with that, right?

The sound of stars revolving flashed through my awareness. If Ran Ibuki chose to remain here, then I-


Ann: So.

Ann Sakura fixed her eyes on Ran. I suddenly started worrying if her face would spontaneously morph into that head-like spherical perceptual organ.

Ann: So I will live the way I want to, as well.

so...! i mean, it was pretty obvious, but i guess that confirms it! the ann we're talking to here is a fake!
a sockpuppet! maybe one with her own characterization, but still a sockpuppet!
by the way, ran has updated her notes.

maybe just staying here with miss Sakura would be pretty nice too

that's the new notes update!
not at ALL worrying!
in the least!
not even any emojis.
I'm wondering how many more murders there will be before this is all over
bring back the ran with emojis.
also hey where's
where's our stat point
give us a STAT POINT
Maybe one more, but I can't imagine having more than that before we get into the real endgame
maybe Ann has been eyeball all along
well, wouldn't that be fucked.
Don't we get those for finishing chapters?
oh, true
i mean, eyeball has been looking for ann's memories too
i guess the chapter's not done yet
anyways- Makoto's back!
i'd say wow she looks pissed at having been drowned, except she always looks like that now

Makoto: Ran, I'm quite looking forward to seeing the letter that Tama has apparently written for me.

Makoto set down and closed Notes From Underground, leaned back on her chair, and let out a long exhalation.

She tapped the cover of the book lightly with her pointer finger. Ran watched Makoto's smooth finger, and waited for the other girl to dispel her anticipation.

Makoto: My previous issues perhaps stemmed from a lack of self-confidence- both in myself and in the environment around me.

Makoto: Just doing the things I was supposed to be doing, wrapping them up cleanly and checking them off, and then continuing on the next thing I'm supposed to do, without any faith that these actions could bring me any greater understanding of anything, or any thought about how I should connect myself to the greater world around me.


Makoto: And then Tama invaded my life all of a sudden. Her endless curiosity and fervent love stifled me, and caused me to sink into chaos.

Makoto pulled her hand back to support her chin, with a smile.

Makoto: And at the same time, she attracted my full attention. Without knowing it, my entire 'checklist' had become things related to Tama- including, of course, killing her.

Ran: Okay, you're saying all this in a really romantic tone of voice, but you have to know how fucking scary that sounds, right.


Makoto: Well, it's not the same anymore. She's learning temperance, and I'm learning to trust her.

Ran: I also feel like Tama was being a bit too intimate with you, before. The way things are now is pretty nice.

Makoto laughed joyfully, shoulders lightly shaking, and then leaned her head, giving Ran a meaningful gaze that made her ears go red.

Makoto: Actually she's being even more intimate and passionate with me than ever before. She likes the way I am now better than ever.


Ran: Please don't make me have to picture strange things in my head. Please tell me about something else, quick.

Makoto put a hand on Ran's shoulder.

Makoto: Well, I understand why Sai likes teasing you so much now. You're so much fun to play with.


Makoto: The 'temperance' I speak of refers to the way that she will no longer, in the future, seek to take care of me in all things and all possible ways. Before, Tama's incessant caregiving made me think that she didn't respect me to do things on my own. Like if she didn't do it for me, I couldn't even button a shirt, brush my own teeth, or wipe my mouth properly.

Makoto: Well, that's all in the past, no need to linger on it. Thanks again, Ran.

Ran: NO fucking PROBLEM. In the future you can thank me by never pulling this 'actively inviting someone else to kill you' nonsense ever again.

Makoto nods and releases Ran's shoulder.

Makoto: I know you're not very accustomed to accepting benevolence from others. I'll limit myself to within your boundaries.

Makoto: So that'll be it for now, then. Tama's about to bring me that letter of hers, I believe.

Ran: Sure. Just try not to make a mess of the library, okay?

Ran leaves the library, where she runs into Tama immediately.
hmm. not sure how I feel about that
Ran does the 'hold hands palms-up' thing again and Tama runs over and does the 'put hands in Ran's palms like a little doggie' thing again.
I guess that's.
A thing.
honestly after all this i get the impression that makoto is- easily the lowest self-actualized out of everyone here, and that's including ran.
like, fuck, at least ran has the pseudo-goal of 'achieve maximal oneness with Miss Sakura'
makoto, according to her self-accounting, actually has even fewer goals than that. that is, none. she has no goals. life is a long checklist of imposed duties.
Anyways, Tama is in an incredibly good mood, because she's finally getting to have Makoto read her letter.
Ran decides not to keep her.
Tama doesn't immediately leave, though.

Tama: Ibuki-san, when I saw Asakura-san's corpse, I experienced a strange but wondrous feeling. The meaning of my life instantly evaporated in that moment, but then was immediately replenished by another, even stronger one.

Tama: Even though, at the time, I'd lost Asakura-san, the experience ultimately left me with a better understanding of what it was that I relied on to continue to live on.

Tama: And the reason why I was able to think of this was all because of your support, Ibuki-san!

Tama stood on her toetips, seeming quite excited.

Tama: So, if there's anything I can help with, in the future, please tell me. I'm sure Asakura-san is thinking the same.

Ran pats her back and tells Tama not to worry about her. After all, Ran has Ann Sakura, who is widely recommended by nine out of ten doctors as the cure for everything forever.

Ran: Go ahead and find Asakura. I'm sure she's quite impatient to see you.

Tama runs off.
Fade to black. CHRONO JOTTER. Next segment's apparently Sai?
So, like, yeah, the way the story's presenting all this, it's presenting it as aftercare, basically. Everything's fine! Everyone's recovering and in a happy mood again! Nothing is wrong! Everyone cares a lot about Ran and is willing to do anything Ran asks of them! Including probably letting themselves get killed to give Ran something fun to do for a few days! That's normal! Nothing wrong with that!
Anyways, Ran heads back to the dorms and runs into Sai.

Sai: Ibuki? You ran off so immediately with Ann after we drew lots, I was half thinking you might have run off to commit a murder.

wait wait what we drew lots? we drew lots and it wasn't onscreened? that's... a tonal shift.

Ran: Ridiculous. I wouldn't commit a murder.

Ran: (I didn't pull the culprit card this time, either. If I had, I would probably have tried to figure out some sleight of hand that'd prevent the others from noticing, before tossing it back and swapping it with a different card.)

Ran asks Sai what she's up to. Sai responds, S W I M M I N G, what else is new.
She invites us to come with her. Ran, of course, bluntly rejects Sai, as is usual.
Sai lightly karate-chops Ran's head before heading off to the pool.

Ran: (After today, the pool's probably freezing over. It'll be a long time before Sai gets to go swimming again. Maybe I'll go watch her swim again later in the day.)

Ran heads into the dorms.

Aya: Ahahaha, Miho, you, what is this? How did you get something like this?

Miho: I don't know, I, I clearly followed Sai's recipe to the letter...

Miho once again displays her -5 modifier to Cooking.

Aya: Ran-chan! Come check out Miho's incredible Quantum Cheese Fettuchini!

Ran: A- what?

Miho: Aya! Don't-

Ran poked her head in, to see that there was kind of viscous white liquid plated in front of Miho. There seemed to be some solid components suspended in the gelatinous substance.

And, on the other side of the table, Aya had a plate of italian pasta covered in golden-brown cheese. Ran was trying to imagine how, if these two plates were indeed meant to be the same entree, just how Miho ended up with what was on her plate.

Ran: Let me get a taste.

Ran tries Aya's pasta. It's pretty good!
hm so the 3rd case is done now? a little anticlimactic

Aya: See? Clearly you can make something like this if you just follow Sai's cookbook's instructions to the letter. I don't know how Miho was able to make a Nobel-Prize winning scientific innovation out of her attempt.

Miho: Please don't talk about it any further...

yeah, one of the things i think i'm feeling about chrono jotter is- it's a bit light on the mystery side
like, it's not quite as gamified a mystery narrative as competing narratives like danganronpa is
there's less emphasis on hard alibis, less emphasis on- creative use of ridiculous devices, bizarre situations
these murders are weirdly mundane and almost realistic in a weird way
almost no use of Bizarre Device That Obviously Only Exists To Facilitate A Wacky Murder
just regular old 'choke out with rope'
you're saying this like it's a bad thing

Ran: Aya, you should consider doing the cooking for you and Miho when you're together later on.

Aya: Well, aha, y'know, rather than do the cooking, I'd rather be fed.

Aya: But, well, seeing how pitifully poor Miho's cooking skills are, I suppose I could help her with her pathetic attempts at midnight snacks in the future.

Miho: Don't say nonsense like that in front of Ibuki-san. I don't go for 'midnight snacks'-

Aya: No, you totally do. Remember that one time-

Ran sneaks out of the kitchen while they're not paying attention.
CHRONO JOTTER oh good FINALLY i was WONDERING when we were getting around to koizumi
really feels like this scene is just, rounding up all the characters.
almost feels- epilogue-esque, kind of like the story's telling us, 'so this is where we are and how all the characters' dispositions towards you and each other are, now'.
it strikes me as a little ominous
So as Ran heads up the stairs, she catches Koizumi heading up to the observation deck. Rather than call out and let her know she's there, Ran opts to sneak up behind Koizumi and surprise her by tapping her on the shoulder.

Ran: Koizumi!

Koizumi: Eek! Ah, Ibuki-san!

Koizumi turned around, one hand over her heart, with an expression of pleasant surprise.

Koizumi: Please tell me before you prank me like this, next time.

Koizumi it wouldn't be a prank then.
The whole point of pranks is that you don't talk about them in advance, come on.

Ran: It's not a pleasant surprise if you give them away beforehand.

See? Ran agrees with me!
Ran and Koizumi sit down in the observation room, with a slight bit of distance between them.

Ran: Y'know, miss Sakura and I come up here pretty often.

Koizumi: Oh, yes, I know. Ann tells me about it frequently.

Ran lowered her head. She was thinking about what the best distance between herself and Koizumi should be in their interactions, to best lower the awkwardness on both sides.

yeah, that's the kind of awkwardness that happens when you're- exes isn't the right term, but it's like that
when you've turned someone down but still want to be their friend.
and now you can't get too close because you're worried you're leading them on again
but you don't also just want to completely exclude them.
"Ann tells me about it frequently"

Koizumi: Ibuki-san...

Ran: Uh- yeah?

Koizumi: Next time, let's go out for another picnic. I'll bake some more cookies and prepare some drinks again.

Ran: Koizumi, I-

Koizumi: I'll invite Ann, and the rest of the class as well. How's that sound?

Ran: ...Mm.

Ran nodded and slid a tiny bit closer to Koizumi.

Ran: Sure. Let's go together.

that was a pretty nice scene!
everything's working out really well!
Ran, finally, returns to her room.
She finds Ann waiting for her!
Makes sense, of course this cast roundup saves Ann for last.

Ran: Miss Sakura!

Ran rapidly stepped forward towards Ann, and quickly noticed that there was something in Ann's jacket that was shining with white light.

Ran: Ah, wait!

The fruit knife stabbed towards Ran's heart, and half its blade sank into her chest. She coughed, and her mouth was filled with thick, viscous blood.

i- okay

Ran didn't push her away, but was rather pushed onto the window. The notebook in her hands was dropped to the floor as well, splayed open to a pair of blank pages.

Ann Sakura pulled the blade out, and immediately plunged it into Ran's neck. She began increasing the force, trying to slice open Ran's neck horizontally.


But some muscle seemed to have jammed the knife's blade, so she was forced to pull out the knife and take a few steps back to watch as Ran kneeled before the notebook.

it is- i don't think it's a good idea to give the notebook that much blood, ann. i am pretty sure this is going to lead to some kind of qualitative transformation. i wish i could predict what kind.
yeesh. yeah. jeez.

The force of her impact with the wall had squeezed all the blood out of Ran's mouth, and now her chest and stomach were erupting like fountains with blood.

Ran: (This is...)

She looked down, watching her blood slowly come to surround the notebook, before being absorbed by its pages, drop by drop.

uh oh!

The sudden assault had caused Ran to sink into muddled chaos, but in the midst of the chaos, one eye-searing light was coming right towards her.

Ran suddenly opened her eyes wide open, throwing away for a moment both her pain and the fact that she was about to die.

She opened her mouth, and shouted, as countless memories barraged her awareness like a storm.

Ran's pierced heart began palpitating wildly, causing more blood to gush forth. She opened her mouth, raised her head, and stared Ann Sakura dead-on in the eyes.

Ann: Ran.... I....
it sure is convenient
for anybody who wants to kill ran
that the notebook is
basically a perfect magical blood vacuum cleaner
for ran's blood, specifically
great way to dispose of evidence!
perfect exsanguination, no trace of blood left, anomaly-guaranteed!
i wonder what's going to happen when they try to resurrect her

Ann Sakura's hands clenched the handle of the knife tightly, squeezing out between her fingers the blood that Ran had splattered on her.

Slowly, she closed her eyes, and with her last light saw that the fresh blood all over the floor had almost been fully consumed by the notebook.

This filled her with peace.

At last, everything in front of Ran began to twist, distort, and change, and ultimately fade into endless darkness.


we're still going all in on charisma, right
with six charisma we are one point off from sai's Little Sister Backstory scene, and also we now have the Ideal Statline
Hail Satan

Now entering the very final Recall. Saving here is highly recommended.

wait wait wait
we're endgame?
yeah i saw that coming
2 chapters and a finale.
we did say we were about halfway through, right?
the final recall implies that there's no more murders after this
which is
wow, that was fast.
and here i was thinking everyone would die once.
sai and miho escaping the reaper's clutches.
well, unless they die to ann in THIS case while we're out.
and- why is there a choice here??

Enter Recall mode?

Enter Recall

Don't enter Recall, continue the game

what is
why would i not
okay i have to know
tell me what happens if i hit 'continue game'
it is
exactly what it says on the tin!
exhales okay.
i think this means we NEED to figure out how the fuck we get sai's memories
before we hit continue.
and THAT means i am going to go check up on sai's unfinished events IMMEDIATELY.
we've got- everyone but sai, at this point, right? we've got koizumi, makoto and tama, aya and miho, we're just missing sai.
and something tells me getting everyone's memories back, is probably instrumental to getting the good end, or getting the golden end, or whatever the fuck.
Yeah, makes sense
alright you little triple-kill fuck, give me your secrets
Since Sai and Ann's backstories are endgame material, there isn't really anything else to cover
pretty much everyone's got screentime and development, yeah
I did think that we'd shift into the endgame during the next murder, but I guess this does count as the next murder
blah blah blah we visit sai as she's swimming TELL ME ABOUT YOUR LITTLE SISTER YOU FUCK i holler as i hammer the CHARISMA +1 BUTTON
I was expecting us to get another visit from eyeball before the end, especially after we got that weird scene with Ann

Ran: Sai, what you said, could it possibly have something to do with your little sister?

Sai rose to the surface of the water, and brushed away the rivulets of water and clinging strand of hair from her face with her two hands, showing her forehead and her eyes, which to Ran looked as pellucid and clear as those of a cat.

yes! she's rising! not sinking! this is THEMATICALLY SIGNIFICANT!
She says that while she's in the water, it's like she can hear the voice of her little sister.
In retrospect this line is so obvious lmao
Can't believe that was on her page right when we met her

Sai: It's possible. After all, I love my little sister a lot.

Ran: Ick, saying it so straightforwardly like that. How gross.

Sai: My sister's not that much like me. She's rather energetic, but also very polite.

Ran: Well, disregarding the energetic part, from the polite part, she does sound quite different from you, then.

Sai made a gesture, and splashed some water from the pool at Ran.


Ran: Hey!

Sai: That'll learn you for being overly wordy.

Ran stood a little further away from the pool, before continuing her inquiries.

Ran: So, you feel like you're slowly forgetting things regarding your little sister?

Sai: Let me think.


Sai: Her curiosity's very strong. Ah, no.

Sai: She always said she wanted to leave her hometown, and go live in Tokyo. But I don't think this has anything to do with curiosity.'s not us.
we've never said we want to live in Tokyo.
our reaction to Miho and Aya was obviously one of- confusion and abandonment, for a while.
could she be Ann's big sister??
it's that, or the imouto is just legitimately outside the bounds of this story.
could be the case. we've had plenty of characters mentioned but not overly utilized, like that one yukari whateverhername figure in the Terms tab.

Sai: The place we live, on the map, it gets marked in as the same place as the town next door. But in reality, there was an entire ocean strait between us and there.

Ran: So you lived on an island?

Sai: Mhm. A very small island. Forget the name, you've probably never heard of it.

Ran: So you lived on the seaside. No wonder you liked swimming so much.

Sai: It's nothing to do with the sea. I never went swimming in the sea anyways; the pools in town are cleaner and safer.

Sai: But there was never anywhere to go in town anyways, so all the adults and kids alike congregated at the swimming pool.

Sai: To dodge the crowds, that's how I picked up the habit of going for early and late swims.


Ran: I see. But based just on what you've said here, it sounds like you remember it pretty clearly.

Sai: Maybe it's an illusion on my part.

Ran: If that's the case, there's not much I can help you with. Miss Sakura's issue is enough to keep me busy on its own.

Sai: I know, I know, I was just rambling about it. Get outta here, you.

I think Sai's memories are just an endgame thing probably
maybe? but i'm not sure. it could be sai's just another member of the cast, at this point- my confidence in her having endgame significance is slightly reduced after that last case.
let's try to figure out what Sai's deal is. why's she significant to our story? she has that whole seaside thing, and ran mentioned how ann used to take her to the seaside all the time.
Opposite opinion for me. I think that if she didn't have endgame significance, we would have been railroaded into getting her backstory in the last case.
if ann is sai's little sister that might add up.
👆 1
like, ann wanted to visit tokyo, well, yeah, that lines up, ann is in tokyo at the same time that ran is.
ann brings ran back to her hometown which is by the sea, where ran gets all those positive associations with the sea from.
that all makes sense, i suppose. i just don't know how sai fits into the relationship dynamic.
as well as the importance of sai learning to cook because she loves her little sister, who was ill.
that's the part that i'm not sure adds up. was ann ill?
the way ran describes old ann, old ann sounds like a deific avatar of unparalleled ingenuity and charm.
i hope we didn't miss getting sai's backstory on account of seeing the scene in a recall or something
and... sai trying to set up a complex closed-circle murder for us does make sense, she had a conversation with us in one of the free time segments where she asked us if we liked complex cases that were super difficult to solve
which in retrospect was obviously, she was trying to do something nice for us.
also, that sai scene unlocked some notebook updates for us,
but i can't check the notebook while i'm in the middle of recall
and i don't want to end the recall yet.
it's possible we might have missed sai's backstory, if indeed it was meant to be present early on.
returning to the scene where sai brings up her sister's illness also doesn't yield any breakthroughs.
i'm frankly not sure there's any more scenes where we had free time interactions with sai, at this point.
right, y'know what
calling it for now
i might poke around a bit and try to go through it with a fine toothed comb for any more sai interactions, but i'm not expecting to find much, and if i don't find anything then next session we're gonna start off by proceeding with the game
makes sense! thanks for the session as always 👍
excited to see this game come to its finale.