Part 19

In which Ran and Ann share their first kiss!

s' been a while since i've been able to do a bit of chrono jotter
last time: we got murdered by ann, and then game told us 'hey we're heading into the end of the game now so you best make a save right here', so we did, and then milled around aimlessly in recalls without finding much.
so what's up next? a bedroom! a bedroom is up next.

Happy birthday, Ann Sakura.

After blowing out the candle, I turned on the desk lamp on the far end of the reading table. A piece of black forest cake, already cut into three pieces, was waiting there under the lamplight.

Ann: (It's pretty late. I'll only have one piece, for now.)

(not that that's much of a surprise, though. also check it out. ann in real-life normal-ass uniforms.)
(a normal-ass uniform with an eye of horus, too. what kind of school has an eye of horus for an icon.)

With one hand I put down the candle, and with the other I flicked my phone's screen open, and sent grateful responses to the classmates who'd sent me happy birthday messages.

Every since my parents had passed away of natural causes, I'd grown used to celebrating my birthday on my own. There wasn't much of a reason for it; I just felt like it suited me more, this way.

I licked at the bits of chocolate left on the fork, letting the familiar sweetness spread throughout my mouth. Ever since I'd moved here when I was five years old, I'd always have a black forest cake from one of the local stores on my birthday.

lotsa backstory-dumping.
so ann's parents are dead, she moved (probably to tokyo) when she was 5...
(also i did not know what black forest cake was before this.)

Today was the thirteenth time I'd gotten to enjoy its taste as a private pleasure, which was to say that today, I was seventeen. I was halfway through my life's course.

...okay, so, she's lived by herself for 13 years,
and also, her life's halfway over??
which means- she knows when she's supposed to die? or is this from a more omniscient perspective, like that of the notebook (that is clearly made of Ann's memories at this point)?
either way that means that Ann is slated to die when she's... 34??

I leaned back in my chair, looking at the glass bottle that was filled with micrometeorites. But I couldn't imagine giving the bottle to anybody, the way my mother had done before.

Ann: (Let's see how things play out, I guess.)

suddenly screen goes super staticky followed by change of backgrounds

Female Student: Ann, good morning.

Female Student: I forgot to tell you yesterday, making up for it now- happy birthday!

Yay it's Chrono Jotter time!!!!

Ann: Thanks.

Ann: Right, before, you said you wanted to go traveling in Malaysia next break, right?

Female Student: Hm? Did I ever bring that up with you before? But- oh, actually, Ann, you've seen the news from yesterday as well, right?

Female Student: On the Japan-Malaysia airline route, yet another pilot has come down with Hive Amnesia Syndrome!

She exaggeratedly lowered her head in disappointment. After all, because of this, the airline would surely cancel those flights, and that meant that if she still wanted to go to Malaysia she'd have to go through a lot of hoops to change planes.

hey uh
hey everyone
i have good news
ran isn't crazy
🎉 1
this is actually just how the setting is
well, either that, or both ann AND ran are crazy in the exact same specific way?
tbh I'm... not sure what I expected
also that jar of meteorites is clearly an SCP of some kind
On one hand, there hadn't been any hint of paranormal stuff from any other backstory
But on the other hand, I didn't think Ran was making it up
Also just noting that I'm sad that we probably won't get a notebook entry for Hive Amnesia Syndrome 😔

Female Student: Luckily, when the pilot lost consciousness, the plane was over the ocean, and before the plane completely crashed he was able to regain consciousness and force a controlled water landing.

Oh! Good!
That's great!
so scp bullshit is just
a thing
in this setting
ain't it

I nodded. The rain that the Mother of Humanity had called down to protect humankind had created significant problems for many aspects of modern society. Who knew when she'd cease her actions and accept that humanity could face the things that it could not understand.

@Benedict man do i have GREAT fucking news for you
Oh my god

Female Student: But we don't seem to have had anybody here come down with Hive Amnesia yet. If we have to catch it, I hope I catch it while we're in class, so I can just wake up and find that classes are already over.

Ann: Well, from what I remember, only 5% of people in the whole world have gotten Hive Amnesia so far. If we're lucky, we probably won't catch it during our lifetimes.

wait, do we have hive amnesia??
i mean,
i don't know where the hive part comes into it
but i mean, what other anomaly explains the amnesia so far
A lot
it sounds like it isn't a big issue? like, you fall asleep randomly but you wake up pretty fast afterwards, and from what the girl says it sounds like you can only get it once and then you're done
I think the big issue is that falling asleep randomly could be pretty bad, even if it only happens once
Easy way to get head damage
don't planes usually have more than 1 pilot
Yeah, there's normally a copilot
Maybe the Japan-Malaysia airlines just skimp on copilots I guess

Female Student: Oh, really? Ann, you sure do know a lot of interesting facts.

Ann: Well, they talk about things like that on the television, ahah.


I patted her on the shoulder, as if to commiserate with her, and she started laughing with me.

Ann: (Oho. Last she played together with a classmate from the classroom across the hall from us deep into the night before she snuck back home, did she.)

this story is just so fucking
wild isn't even the right term
it's shifted genres completely
>Last she played together with a classmate from the classroom across the hall from us deep into the night before she snuck back home, did she. Man this phrasing is so damn weird lol
Nah, I think this has stayed solidly in the "batshit insane" genre

Holding my chin, I thought about making fun of her about it before class started, but I was interrupted by a sudden loud electronic buzzing coming from the windows, shaking my ears.

At the same time, the rain began pouring down.

makes sense they'd have anomaly alarms

I turned to look outside the window. A giant green gelatinous object was lying on the math building, and seemed to be slowly moving in the direction of the city.

earlier ann states that the rain is actually sort of a problem, although it's not really clear why

For some reason, it surface seemed to diffract the light, and indistinct spectra of color seemed to radiate from it.

Female Student: W-what is that...

Ann: Looks like you're about to get what you wished for.

what the
Aaaaaand everyone's collapsing over unconscious.
what is
okay! hive amnesia! i guess!
oh hive amnesia must be a thing that cause people to forget about the anomalies they experience?
or just outright sleep through them?
oh, and the hive amnesia is caused by the rain
Ann, who is standing next to Female Student, helps make sure that Female Student doesn't hit her head when she falls.
also gigantic green gelatin bombs
Notably, Ann seems either resistant to or outright immune to... whatever this is.
or, like
gelatinous cube godzilla

I helped settle her into a comfortable lying position on the desk, and then lazily stretched, as I listened to the sounds of distant explosions and the sound of sirens alarms from all kinds of vehicles.

avunvain ran being a child of the mother of humanity, like
is everyone not
a child of the mother of humanity
👍 1
Where did it say that she's a child of the Mother of Humanity?
avunvain i misremembering eyeball's scary ruminations

Ann: (This is probably the peak. Probably a lot of car accidents have just happened- there probably weren't many drivers who got enough warning to be able to brake their cars.)

Ann: (I guess we'll see how many of them were willing to buy the specific countermeasures for Hive Amnesia Syndrome.)

I took out my phone, and carefully tiptoed out of the classroom, trying not to step on any of the students who were sleeping all over the floor.

no yeah eyeball totally said that ran was a child of Mother
whatever that means
Oh, I thought you were talking about a recent line
y'know, right next to the OTC cold medicine
what makes it hive
benadryl, sudafed, tylenol, antimnemnosine
"amnesia that fills your skull with wasps"
whether or not you take the countermeasures is probably a cultural signalling mechanism
the word i'm translating as 'hive' here is also commonly used to refer to things-that-elicit-trypophobia, i.e. things with lots of holes in them. it's an adjective that also applies to something like, say, pumice- a stone with lots of holes.
not necessarily bugs.
Wouldn't be surprised tbh, based on past Chrono Jotter stuff
it's most commonly used to mean 'insect hive' but not exclusively.
"catacomb amnesia" maybe? or, what's a good name for things full of holes
swiss cheese amnesia
it does specifically also mean wasp nest though
or, rather, it's one of those things where the central meaning got forked to become a general adjective later
I must say, forgetting swiss cheese is no great loss tbh
one of the worst cheeses
If she could forget all these things, be like everyone else, forget everything after the passage of the great rains, and no longer be treated as the beloved child of humanity's mother...
seems that being the child of humanity's mother is not a normal thing
or at least being the beloved child isn;t
Anyways, Ann tiptoes out of the classroom and around all the sleeping students,
and... has no idea what to do.

I've never actually been in an incident myself. For a moment I didn't know what to do. After all, I'd only ever been in the position of an observer before.

I quickly made the decision to go to the rooftop, since I'd heard that only humans and objects created by humans got wet in the Rains.

...that is
an interesting property
so, what, if something doesn't get wet in the Rain, it's a sus impostor?
a shapeshifter anomaly?
that's actually a really cool setting mechanic ngl
also means we get to test whether ann is human or not
ooh, yeah

If I walked about in the rains, the raindrops would avoid me, as though the Mother of Humanity didn't like the cut of my jib for whatever reason.

or she could just straight-up admit it, okay.
SO ANN IS AN SCP OBJECT SLASH ANOMALY. ...she has parents though.
unless we have some real hidden lore here, she can't be 'not created by humans' necessarily yet right
or maybe she wasn't! maybe this is a tale of the bamboo cutter situation! ann's parents found ann in an ancient library-tomb forged from infinite stars and adopted her!
...ann is,
the way she talks,
about the Mother of Humanity,

Ann: (What a cheapskate.)

is a derogatory tone of voice
like, it's the kind of way you talk about someone that you don't consider superior to you.
is ann some kind of ridiculously high-powered anomaly or something?
i mean, i guess. she did almost crush eyeball's, eyeball, while casually threatening eyeball.
ann seems to be a lot more than what meets the eye.

As I thought about the ridiculous expression that the Mother of Humanity's face would make when she became irritated, I couldn't help but laugh out loud and walk just a little bit faster.

okay, yeah
Ann is really not at all taking the Mother of Humanity seriously.

Outside the door was the heavy sound of rain. That was something that the Mother's Rains had in common with the natural sounds of rainfall that I loved so much.

Here we are on the roof!
...Oh, the roof, yeah. That... reminds me.
We speculated that Ran's girlfriend, i.e. Ann, committed suicide. Except, uh.
Why??? How?
Ann is clearly some kind of hyperpowerful anomaly in a human skinsuit or something.
What would make Ann do something like that?
She's having a great time right now, too, going all like 'oh man I'm going to mess around with the Mother, she's gonna be so pissed it'll be hilarious'
(and, the Mother of Humanity has a face, according to Ann, and Ann has seen the Mother's face before.
Which is.
This is all a lot to take in.)
Ann gets into the rain and sticks her hands out, and. The raindrops go around her skin, not touching them, as though she has a skintight forcefield around herself.

I stuck out my arms further, letting my sleeves enter the rain too.

Would the clothes on me get wet, even if my own self couldn't?

It turned out that the Mother wanted to be nowhere near me, and that apparently included my clothes, as well, which remained completely dry.


Ann: (The Mother of Humanity's little bugs sure are clever.)

wait wait wait back up you're telling me that the raindrops are actually bugs???
is that why this is called hive amnesia???
what the FUCK is this setting.
Anyways, Ann decides to go running around in the rain and to have a bit of fun.

After all, besides me, everybody in the city is in the middle of a dream, right now.

She jumps around and does cartwheels and generally moves around in all kinds of weird ways, safe in the knowledge that neither the rain nor the rainwater puddles can touch her, and in fact enjoys in making the rain go out of its way to contort itself around her motions. Playing a game of dexterity with the weather.

It took me all of a few dozen seconds for me to get bored, so I stopped moving around madly, and instead headed to the other side of the roof to see just what that big green ooze thing was up to.


But when I turned around, I froze and my cheeks flushed red,

Because there was a female student standing on the edge of the rooftop fence, watching me. She'd probably seen my entire wild performance just now.

ha ha holy shit is THIS the meet cute
ran and ann's first meeting: ann walks out into the rain and starts doing crazy dance moves and then flops over and starts rolling into the puddles of rain
ann: 'it's fine, nobody can see me do these things anyways, they're all asleep' ran:
no wonder ran loves her

But, something wasn't quite right. Watching her, I felt a sense of incongruity- but at the same time I was pulled in by her.

This attraction was so full of vitality, I even experienced a state of altered perception, where everything around us had completely disappeared, and it was just me and her in a pure white world.

...okay, so, Ran is also an anomaly person,
and Ran's special anomaly power is 'i am irresistable to every single anomaly'
i guess that's... why... she's the child of the mother, or something! it's got to have something to do with that.
but, no, wait, she's- she's drenched in the rains
in the art you can see clearly that the rain is touching her,
where it's clearly going out of its way to avoid ann
wait is it like animated?
it's not animated
but if you zoom in on the image you can see water dripping down on ran
while the water avoids ann
the mother of humanity wouldn't exempt her own child from humanity, would she?
i hear things are getting crazy in here
👍 1
time to scroll up and find out how

If I just raised my hand, I could pull her into my embrace. If I took a single step, I could be right besides her, my breaths close enough to touch her cheek, and then I could begin to get to know her in a deeper and more intimate way than any human being could ever try to approach...

But, this attraction wasn't borne of any sort of emotion. Rather, it was more like I was bound to try to come closer to her on some instinctive level.

So I followed my instincts, because I've always done so.

I stood up straight, and stepped towards her with my usual refined gait. I came closer and closer, but when I was close enough to see her expression, I found I didn't dare come any closer.

Because, she was clearly completely awake, and she was staring straight at me- and yet, her body was completely soaked by the rains.

Ah. Now I understood where my attraction to her was coming from.

Ann: Hello, beloved child of the Mother of Humanity. My name is Ann Sakura.

btw, the music that's playing right now is
the nostalgic-emotional track from the game's OST
even though this scene could very easily be
like you could stick the Ominous track here and i would
not at all
be surprised
apparently ran wasn't delusional about how in love sakura was with her
a...pparently...?? i guess!
i guess she was COMPLETELY RIGHT!
i mean the other implication here is that all the school's students are a variety of humanoid anomalies

Ann: Hello, beloved child of the Mother of Humanity. My name is Ann Sakura.

Ann: From your perspective, I suppose you could call me an extraterrestrial.

The Beloved Child's hair was drenched by the rainwater, and dangled in wet strands all over her face, making it hard for me to read her expression. At the same time, I was worried that the sound of the rain was also covering up my voice.

She made no response to my greeting, and turned as though to leave, so I immediately rushed in close and grabbed her wrist.

After hesitating half a second, I chose not to use Recall on her.

OH SO THAT'S YOUR- oh well of course that's your power, duh, we already knew that, but. huh.
i mean, we guessed that ann was the notebook already, but
so she just
actually uses recall all the time
to figure out what peoples', uh, deals, are

After hesitating half a second, I chose not to use Recall on her.

Even though, with other people, touching them and then using Recall to quickly view their entire life history was one of the greatest little pleasures of my existence, I didn't want to do such a thing to her.

After I grabbed her wrist, she pulled away and began struggling against me. Her hair shook with her movements, allowing me to see her rain-stained face.

"it wasn't an emotional attraction, but i wanted to get to know her completely organically without relying on any of my psychic powers"

Ann: Ran Ibuki?

I couldn't help but exclaim her name in surprise. Ran Ibuki had become infamous in the school as soon as she'd transferred in. There were rumors that she was from another country, and that she wasn't mentally well.

But I'd had the chance to interact with her a few times before this, and I hadn't detected anything in her that was out of the ordinary.

wait, so, you KNEW about Ran's situation, because you soul-read EVERYONE,
you just didn't give a shit until Ran turned out to be the Chosen One?
is that what I'm hearing here, Ann?
it's not a metaphor ann is a magic space alien hell yes

I let go of her wrist, and Ran immediately pulled her hand to her chest, and stared nervously at me, shuffling her feet and starting to shy away from me.

Ann: (So that's how it is... The previous Beloved Child must have perished, then. What even is the Mother of Humanity up to with all this.)

i'm sorry, WHAT
so Beloved Child is a title that gets transferred when the previous holder dies??
is ran a
is ran a princess
Beloved Children may or may not exist to die? and the Mother has set all this up for some reason??
fuck yeah

Ann: Let's get back inside for now. I'd be ashamed of myself if I just let you sit outside in the rain by yourself.

Ran Ibuki remained silent, turning to look in the gelatinous green shape's direction.

Ann: Don't worry about that big thing. I just used my Recall on it. It's just a big mass of solidified subsonic vibrations, it'll disappear on its own in a few hours.

I tried taking Ran Ibuki's hand again. This time, she didn't resist me.

this is the best episode
oh, so,
ann is the first person
who has ever expressed the ability to see what ran sees
i get why this is their meet-cute
wait, everyone knows about hive amnesia but not about the green anomalies??
i think hive amnesia exists to prevent people from seeing the anomalies, yeah
secure containment protocols: dump some water on it it'll be fine
i mean, even if it makes you forget surely there's external reminders. your friends who haven't been affected. something
i mean, according to ann, literally everybody in the city but the two of them are asleep
your cousin in florida who talks about all the ghosts he had to murder to get to work on time
so, yeah, actually, maybe nobody does remember
i suspect it's more like... they can't murder the ghosts, because the rainfall (which, the rain is MADE OF BUGS, what the fuck,) apparently makes anyone exposed to it fall asleep, and the rain comes when an anomaly comes into contact with people,
so, actually, it's 'nobody has seen a ghost yet'
ran is a paranormal investigator because nobody but her can see those things.
well, nobody but her and ann.
fuck this is a cool setting

Ran: ...Do you understand these things?

Ann: Mhm, I do. From the perspective of the Mother of Humanity, I'm the exact same as that thing.

Ran: And here I thought only I could see them.

Ran: So, the fish and the flowers crawling over my arm, can you see those too?

I looked down. Clearly there was nothing on Ran's arm. It was only now that I remembered that, according to the rumors, part of Ran Ibuki's mental illness was that she'd occasionally shout and scream in the middle of class, and start speaking nonsense.

It seemed like she suffered from a psychological condition that caused her to hallucinate. There probably wasn't a good answer for me to give her.

So Ran is simultaneously schizophrenic and also sees paranormal things.
there are, in this story's narrative schema, two categories of blatantly impossible things: ACTUAL ANOMALIES and hallucinations.
and Ran gets to see both of them.
... and here i was about to comment that ran isn't schizophrenic after all
that has got to be inconvenient for a paranormal investigator
no kidding, yeah
Huh, I guess one upside of being with Ann Sakura is that Ann can confirm if something's real or a hallucination
the perfect tag team. an investigator and someone to tell her what not to investigate
oh that is the exact combination to get ran reliant on ann
"nobody believes you, but half the things you see are in fact fake, and only i can tell you which half"

Ann: I don't see them. They're your hallucinations.

Ran: So you're here to trick me as well!

Shouting, she pulled her arm free from my grasp and turned to run.

Ran: You were the one who was shouting nasty things at me from the road yesterday too, weren't you?! Why did you have to do that?! I just couldn't solve the last problem, why did you have to shout at me?!

She pulled at her own hair with her hands, and dashed off towards the roof entrance. She didn't make it two steps before she tripped over her own feet and fell to the floor.

I immediately rushed over and helped her up, letting her lean on my shoulders.

When Ran Ibuki's rain-soaked sleeves touched me, all the moisture immediately fled from me like a hive of panicked ants, scattering away in all directions.

is that what they mean by ran's condition worsening? ann getting ran confident enough to assert that, no, half of these things ARE real?
Ann drags Ran back into the hallway even though Ran is scratching at Ann the entire time, convinced that Ann is with the bullies.

I took off my jacket and started wiping Ran's hair with it. Just like before, at the touch of my jacket, all the moisture in Ran's hair fled, leaving her hair thoroughly and easily dried.

She let me do as I pleased as I cleaned her hair. This close to her, it was actually kind of addicting.

i hope that's not the other layer of metaphor- ann controlling ran by playing into her delusions, and actually she's just a human and kind of terrible
i really want this to be legit
this seems pretty legit
it could be possible that's what this is! but i, uh... don't think it is.
for the reasons of, uh, while trying to figure out if I missed any key scenes with sai, i went and looked at the steam community pages, and ran into some screenshots that are
very difficult if not impossible
to explain
using the 'all a metaphor' model
oh hell yeah
some serious 'only possible for magic' images
praise the name of the witch
Anyways! After Ann's done using the Magic Ann-Style Water-Evaporating Jacket Sponge to clean Ran off, Ran has a few questions for Ann.

Ran: What is the Mother of Humanity?

Ann: Are you willing to listen, now?

honestly, y'know what, i don't actually think Ran's changed a lot. really getting RIGHT to the heart of the problem here. screw pleb-tier questions like 'who are you' or 'what do you want with me', ask the BIG questions, that's the ticket.
also, i scrolled up just now,
because when Ran asked that i went, 'wait, is that not public knowledge?'
and- no, it isn't!
only Ann has ever used the specific term 'Mother of Humanity' in this scene.
everyone else just refers to the 'Hive Amnesia Incidents' or 'Hive Amnesia Syndrome'.
it looks like only Ann knows what's actually going on.
yeah that's cause they get amnesia when the green jello things appear

Ann: Well, basically, the Mother of Humanity is the earth itself. She has her own consciousness, and wants to protect you humans. That's pretty much about it.

Ran: I don't understand.

Ann: Well, I don't really know her very well, either! She's been alive for, what, 4.6 billion years, now? If I had to Recall all of that I'm pretty sure I'd die.

Ran: Then why did you act like a know-it-all, using all those terms I didn't understand, back there.

Ann: What did you not understand?

Ran: All that about... being the beloved child of the mother or what the hell ever.

Ann: Well, I don't exactly know everything about that, either? I've only been able to observe in my recalls. They say that the Beloved Child is like the Mother of Humanity, and that they can control every aspect about the earth at will.

oh okay Ran isn't a princess Ran is jesus. also there is something SO weird about seeing this hyper-expressive ann sakura with this shit-eating grin.

Ran: So why did you say I was this child or whatever-

Ann: Hang up, I need to wipe off your feet, let me take your shoes off first.

yeah, i'm starting to understand where ran is coming from a little more
(She's been wiping Ran off this whole time.)
Ann wipes off Ran's feet, completing the wiping process for the most part, and tickles Ran's feet for good measure, learning in the process that Ran is very ticklish.

Ann: Anyways, to answer your question, I knew because you stayed awake despite being drenched by the rain.

Ran, naturally, asks Ann what's up with her- why Ann didn't get any of the rain on her and why she stayed awake when everyone else fell unconscious.

Ann: Basically, when a human being sees a supernatural phenomenon or entity, the whole region will begin to rain, and then all humans within that region will fall unconscious, and also lose their memories before and after the incident. The rain itself will avoid the supernatural phenomenon in question.

Ann: The definition of 'supernatural' is defined by the Mother. Just assume that she designed this system for the sake of protecting humanity, basically.

Yep, nothing we haven't already put together, but good to hear you say it, Ann.

Ran: But it rains normally too, doesn't it.

I nodded, and then helped her put on her shoes, and then moved positions and started working on her other leg.

god you know what is so abnormal about this scene? ran is getting a complete bodily rubdown from ann sakura and she's not collapsing into a hyperexcited quivering puddle of goo with heart pupils because of it. fuck, that's so weird. this really is a ran who hasn't met ann sakura yet.

Ann: That's right. Not all rains are Rains of the Mother.

Ann: Today's Rain was actually a swarm of transparent liquid organisms that enter the brains of humans and devour their memories. It's a bit like they're parasitizing humanity, actually. Doesn't hearing that make you start to think that your own brain has become your enemy, now?

Ran: Then we'll just have to become organisms that think with every cell in our bodies, I suppose.

The fact that Ran had followed my reference excited me so much that I accidentally pinched her thigh with my hand. Ran immediately shied away and looked warily at me.

(i... do not know what Reference they're making here.)
(i do not know what is the refrance.)
Ann concludes by saying that Ran is definitely the messiah chosen one child of the force beloved child, and that as the beloved child she's destined to face supernatural incidents in the future.
ran "princess jesus with six girlfriends" ibuki

Ann: Which is why WE should become friends!


Ran, distrustful of strangers: Why?

Ann: Well, you need me to help you deal with all the supernatural stuff that's going to come after you eventually, and I'd like to make a friend that I can actually talk about these things with. After all, if I talked about this with any of the humans around me, it'd definitely cause the Rain to start falling.

My finger slid down her leg, until it reached the center of the palm of her foot, where I knew her tickling weak-spot was.

Ann: Let's get along with each other starting now, okay, Ibuki?

wow, Ann, that is the most threatening way to propose i have ever seen
also, god, it is so weird to see this Ann, like, completely full of vigor and energy
holy shit

She didn't answer me, and rather turned her head away, avoiding eye-contact with me. But I didn't want her to refuse me, and so I could only start thinking, trying to come up with something to say that'd bring the two of us closer together...

Ran: ...Well, after you finish wiping my feet...

I hadn't expected Ran to speak first.

Ran: ...Could you do my back as well? Sakura.

What Ran wanted to express with that statement was self-evident, and a smile blossomed on my face in response.

Ann: Of course! No problem!

holy shit
fade to black
immediate static screen change
hey zero holy SHIT
i know right
what a meet-cute
and what a fucking loredump
so uh
who have we been solving mysteries with
did ann somehow get hive amnesia'ed?
that doesn't feel right
did.... Ran give Ann amnesia? that seems ... possible
Ann, and then herself?
...y'know, possibly. it's possible that the ritual where ann shoved her memories into the notebook also took her supernatural powers with them, and the ann that got left behind was a human shell who immediately got rained on due to the obviously supernatural ritual being underway.
leading to this completely hollowed-out ann.
also this super recontextualizes the whole "dead body cleanup" anomaly
how ran forgot is the more interesting question.
yeah the, astromorticians are, just, actually real.
everything in that notebook: real.
not metaphorical. the eclipse worms actually happened and actually blotted the sun out.
mother of fuck.
i wonder how amnesia-ran is going to take the news that she was the kind of obsessive initiator in this relationship
eclipse worrrms
if and when she gets this info
right but the astromortitions specifically is interesting because they're obviously for cleaning up dead anomalies, right?
because they came for Ann?
/Ann's body?
some of the operating mechanisms of the other anomalies is also weird- like, the bus ticket one
how does that work with the mother acting as a one-anomaly Foundation
i mean, it sounds like "beloved child" is a heritable/more-than-one-person position
maybe all the people in these anomaly reports were previous beloved children
well, it's also hard to keep people away from anomalies. I think we're meant to understand that the Mother of Humanity isn't like, omnipotent
her main shtick seems to be, like, putting people to sleep so they can wait it out
it's hard to put people to sleep so they can wait out, say, a destined fate train ticket.

Ann: Ibuki, let's walk together now that school's out!


Ann: Oh, Ibuki, what a coincidence! Your class has swimming lessons today too?


Ann: Ibuki, what would you like to have? I'll foot the bill!


Ann: Ibuki, after school, we should go and-

Ran: Sakura, you're such a pain in the ass.

holy shit
god damn
jesus fuck
oh my god
no no jesus doesn't fuck
according to the narration, it's been three months since ann sakura has latched onto ran ibuki like a limpet
she'll ask for a backrub though
and ran ibuki is completely fucking tired of ann's attention
ran who are you

I'd known Ran Ibuki for about three months at this point, and during this time she hadn't shown any serious symptoms of her illness. It was indeed as I'd expected; she'd had to stabilize her mental state through therapy before she was allowed to come back to school.

Auditory hallucinations remained consistent, though. She often told me that people were bullying her, or that people were quietly scheming to hurt her.

But based on what I knew- and I knew a lot of things about the students- there were no incidents of bullying in the whole school, and to her classmates, rather than seeing Ibuki as a convenient victim, most of them were more afraid of Ibuki than Ibuki was of them.

After all, she always had this devil-may-care loner attitude about her, and whenever she was around me she was always acting like she was constantly tired of me. But in reality, she was all bark and no bite- whenever I proposed that we go somewhere together or do something together, she'd never actually put up any real opposition to my plans.

no bullying in the whole school?
impressive school there
I think she means bullying to ran specifically
no, no bullying in the whole school, i am confident about this choice of words in my translation
ann is making the claim that there are no bullies in the whole school
which, if true and if ann's narration isn't her gaslighting ran, explains why ran's aunts couldn't do a thing about ran's claims of bullying
that's some supernatural shit
the school can't stop bullying that's not happening

I actually quite liked the way that Ran was always so mean-mouthed and superficially abrasive, but actually completely well-behaved and obedient whenever I said anything. It was quite cute!

giving me some serious aya vibes there, ann
ann "i am a space alien who loves tsundere jesus" sakura
I can't believe @avunvain wrote Ann Sakura into her chuubo's campaign three weeks ago
god, extraterrestrial girlfriend fantasy ann sakura
and ran taking on the persona of every rumiko takahashi main character:
turns out she is in fact exactly as hypercompetent as ran made her out to be!
seemingly completely uninterested in the main girl, but still obedient to her whims
so what's gonna change

Ann: Oh, come on, you love it when I 'annoy' you by hanging out with you. It's not like you've got any friends but me anyways.

Ran: I- I do so have friends. I have Aya at home, and there's Koizumi-sensei at school...

The Ran Ibuki who was tripping over her own words after I'd tripped her up was also very adorable as well.

Ann: Well, one of them is basically your adoptive mother, and the other one's a teacher at your school. Face it, that doesn't count.

Ran: Ugh- Sakura, you're so fucking annoying!

Ibuki repeated her words, and then kept scarfing down the bento I'd made for her anyways. Clearly she couldn't be that mad at me.

y'know, this is- NOTHING like the way ran described her relationship with ann at first. like, the way ran phrased things, i was expecting, like, a shy woobie who didn't know how to express her own feelings- which i guess she kind of is but not in the very anime-moe-photogenic way, and conversely, ann sakura is a lot more of a shit-eating-grin troll than ran construed her as,
how does ran become obsessed with ann?
when exactly does ran start calling her 'miss sakura'??
ran sure isn't going to start now
ran's still at the stage where the words most likely to come before 'sakura' are 'fuck off' rather than 'miss'
do they like switch personalities or something?
like ran talks so much about how caring and loving ann is but frankly ann acts kind of like a bit of an asshole sometimes- at least verbally.
not exactly the all-loving perfect embodiment of grace and salvation that ran described her as.
then again, ran is also, verbally, being an asshole.
so maybe they just need a bit more time with each other!
well to be fair we've yet to see her sew Ran's arm back on or whatever
god, that was
you get a lot of "caring" points for that I think
that actually happened didn't it
that probably wasn't just a hallucination huh
we're actually going to get to see it
maybe her perception of sakura is like, hindsight- didn't feel that way about her when she was alive, but after she died it was like, fuck, she was a load-bearing part of my entire life
which uh
raises some questions about her death huh!
this honestly feels like the start of a totally different fucking game
like maybe ran just drove ann away by being uninterested in her

Ann: After school's over, come over to my house today.

Ran: Why? I don't want to. You've been making me go out with you to all sorts of places every single afternoon recently. I want to go home earlier today.

I was thinking "Ann commits 'suicide' to make Ran realize how much she cares about her" honestly which uh would be a pretty dark direction to take this!
this ann doesn't seem that vindictive or anything though
doesn't seem depressed either
also like
what IS this game

Ibuki started pacing back and forth in front of my bookshelf as soon as she'd gotten to my room. I knew that she enjoyed reading a lot- particularly detective novels.

So I didn't plan on interrupting her. I figured I'd let her satisfy herself before I talked to her.

Ann: (I should buy some detective novels in the future too, otherwise I won't be able to keep up when she talks about them.)

i'm sorry that's
not right
ran claimed ann got her into detective novels.
that is a direct contradiction there
something is not right here
i distinctly remember in a previous scene that ran, speaking to ann, tried to jog ann's memories by telling ann that ann got ran into the whole detective novel thing.
ran decides she doesn't want to have traits ann didn't give her
yeah this is a contradiction isn't it

Ran: Sakura, do you not have any nonfiction books?

Ibuki's question surprised me a bit. Most people wouldn't notice details like that, and while I was buying books I hadn't even considered whether they were fiction or nonfiction.

Ann: I guess not?

I stood up and approached the bookcase as well, sweeping the various fiction novels and fantasy comics with my eyes. Put simply, every single book on the bookshelf was something invented by an author, rather than something that happened in reality.

Ann: But I mean, that's normal, isn't it. Would most people buy the biographies of famous people, or books about historical events, or something?

Ran: People like you, who have a whole bookshelf full of books? Most likely, yeah, they'd have at least one or two nonfiction books.

I nodded. I supposed that it was the Recalls causing me to subconsciously avoid nonfiction books. After all, I could view as many things that happened in reality as I wanted.

Suddenly, Ran makes a loud excited sound.

Ran: Ah, this book!

Ran: Sakura, see, you do have a nonfiction book here. Have you read this one?

The book she was holding was named <Memories of the Kanto Earthquake>. The author was someone named Shirohana Yanagiwara.

Ann: Oh, yes, I've read it. The true name of the author was... Tama Indou, right?

Ran nodded.

Ran: I like this book a lot. Sakura, how'd you come upon this book? This is the only nonfiction book you've got in your whole bookshelf, isn't it?

Ann: Honestly, I don't even remember buying this book.

Ann: Anyways, since we're already here, we might as well get to the point.

what the hell is happening
think something is wrong here
I'm really behind the Ann / Ran personality swap theory now
well, yes, but what
because the way that ran phrased her understanding of tama's book, it was as a component of her understanding that ann sakura was the meaning of life to her
but here
.... was Ann the beloved child of Humanity's Mother?
ran has read the book
BEFORE she met ann
so what did ran think of the book BEFORE she met ann?
Since Ran supposedly enjoyed Memories of the Kanto Earthquake because of her relationship with Ann Sakura
did they swap... anomoly status?
What Zero is saying
how did she find it so applicable to her life philosophy of maximizing Ann before she met Ann?
was there a transition, a complete reconstruction of the components of her identity, at some point?
I feel like Ann read Memories of the Kanto Earthquake and contextualized it in terms of her relationship with Ran
i think "Ann inserted herself into Ran's live retrocasually" is a pretty good guess
Either that or maybe Ran is just pretending to not want to interact with Ann???
...actually now that i reread that specific line i don't know if ran is saying 'i like the look of this book, which i have never read', or if she's saying, 'i loved this book a LOT when i read it'
chinese's tenses are slightly different from english and the way ran said it, she could mean either one
she might not have read this book yet? and she's just saying, idk, 'i like the cut of this book's jib ann'
anyways, Ann pulls Ran over, she wants to show Ran something.
maybe ann sort of... wrote herself into ran's history, retrospectively?
sorry np i just
keep missing that you've already proposed what i'm saying

I pulled open the stopper to the bottle, and poured a few of the meteorites out. The sound they made as they splashed out across my desk sounded a lot like raindrops falling on an umbrella, which I liked a lot.

it's a nice sound

Ann: These are meteorites from my homeworld. They landed on the Earth along with us, and we kept them as a memento, I guess. My ancestors have kept and passed them down through the generations, and ultimately my mother passed them into my hands.

random though: mother of humanity makes rain. which of our cast members likes water, again...?
❗ 1
i'm telling you, something is up with sai
the water is off
don't trust the water
Sai is Ann's antagonist maybe
a competing anomaly. ... eh, that's probably the Ann Sakura that we know. Eyeball == Ann Sakura != Ann Sakura

Ran picked up one of the stones and inspected it closely, not making a sound.

Ann: After we arrived on the Earth, the Mother of Humanity appeared before us. She greatly disliked us beings who looked like humans on the outside but who had completely different compositions on the inside.

Ann: But we weren't invaders, or anything. We just wanted to find a place to live. So we kept pretending to be earthlings, and survived all the way to the present day!

Ran: How about your parents?

I picked up a meteorite and held it in my palm. I could see my parents' faces whenever I wanted, by using Recall on any one of the meteorites.

Ann: Our lifespan is only 40 years long. They passed away when they were thirty-something. I don't have any evidence, but I think that it's some kind of poison that the Mother of Humanity has stealthily dosed us with.

oh so that's what she means about her life being half-way over
so is ann, like
is this instinct she's having
an ingrained instinct to seduce the enemy leader's beautiful daughter

Ran: What, you could live a lot longer before?

Ann: Well, no. We always were limited to a lifespan of 40 years. But the ability that every one of us had, to use Recall- that disappeared slowly, over time. Like, as an example, since about a thousand years ago, our tribespeople started losing the power to Recall at the age of 30.

Ann: And nowadays, my mother lost her power to Recall when she reached the age of 18.

Ran: So you...

Ann: I'll probably lose the power of Recall sometime next year! Once that happens I'll just be a perfectly normal earthling with a slightly shorter lifespan than usual, I guess. Perhaps that's the Mother of Humanity's plan to turn us all into earthlings eventually, ahaha.

oh my god Ran poured all of her memories onto the notebook
at the end of the last episode!
seriously though, why would being an anomaly give ann an innate interest in the child of the mother of humanity
wait does ann have a whole tribe??
we've gotten our ran ibuki peanut butter mixed up in our ann sakura jelly

I laughed and stretched my back. Ibuki's expression was even more serious than I'd anticipated. I wish I knew which aspect of the situation she was most worried about.

Ann: I'm not worried about if I can use the power of Recall or not. Because of how short our lifespans are, our people generally tend to live their lives in one of two ways.

Ann: One of those ways is to struggle their whole lives, not wasting a fraction of a single second, reaching out and trying to experience the entirety of the world with our power before we lose it. The other kind is like me- we figure, since we're not long for the world, we might as well just live however we like.

...okay hey uh theory
anti-fantasy theory
anti-fantasy theory that possibly explains a lot of the leftover mysteries here
we have the 'ann is sai's younger sister' theory don't we
you know what this stuff about short lifespans sounds like
it sounds like incurable disease
from an anti-fantasy perspective, ann's narrative here sounds like it could be a coping mechanism for some other kind of perfectly mundane disease?
but the more interesting theory i think
is if we flip it the other way around
what does it imply that sai might be ann's big sister here
because that means that sai is also a space alien???
that would mean sai has the same "disease"
sai is a space alien of the can-use-recalls-and-dies-after-forty-years tribe???
if sai can use recall she sure hasn't told us, but at the same time that would explain why she seems to maybe be Special in some nebulous way to this game's metaphysics
i actually forget what are the reasons to think she's special in the metaphysics
we don't know her deal, her pool is Magic and she conspicuously stopped us from trying to touch the pool after it did a Magic thing,
Yeah I was about to say that I bet Ann is Sai's sick younger sister
she might be ann's big sister
and that's Significant in and of itself
and even more Significant now that ann apparently has a bloodline limit
ambiguous as to whether it was "don't touch my magic pool" or "holy shit don't sear your skin off with pool cleaning chemicals"
👆 1
yeah i'm always getting those mixed up
ann sakura's bloodline technique, [Total Recall]
honestly i just interpreted that scene as, like, a wink from eyeball because we were thinking about them
only defeated by ran's [Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind]

Ann: Oh, but, my mother told me, that we all shared a tendency in common.

I reached out and pulled that copy of Memories of the Kanto Earthquake back to myself.

Ann: At a certain stage in our lives, we all discover, 'ah, this is the meaning of my life, this is the reason why I live', and then we embark on a journey, to find some way to extend our limited lifespans, so that we can fulfill our life's meaning.

Ran: So you've figured out the meaning of your life, then?

I shook my head, tapping the book with a finger.

Ann: Absolutely not. I feel like it really doesn't matter at all when I die. There's nothing that I have to stay alive to do, or anything that I have to stay alive to witness.

Ann: But my parents, after meeting each other, came to the decision that their lives' meanings were each other, and they embarked on their journey to find a way to be able to spend more time together. Of course, they failed. None of our race have ever succeeded in finding a way to extend their lifespans.

oh, so, i guess, now we know what the notebook thing is for.
looks like ann is about to figure out what the purpose of her life is, real soon.
i guess storing your memories in a notebook you gave to your girlfriend IS sort of like extending the time you can spend with your girlfriend!
even if it means she'll slowly eat you over time.
Ann: At a certain stage in our lives, we all discover, 'ah, this is the meaning of my life, this is the reason why I live', and then we embark on a journey, to find some way to extend our limited lifespans, so that we can fulfill our life's meaning.
Man, it's totally going to be being with ran or something like that

Ann: That's why, after I heard that this book was about how the author treated another person as the meaning to her life, and how she was able to use this as motivation even after she lost that person, I decided to buy it to see if it could inspire me. But after reading it...

I shrugged, to indicate that I hadn't really gotten much of value out of the book.

Ran puts all the meteorite shards back in the jar.
no but what if we had accidentally like. completely merged Ran and Ann's entire set of personal memories
wouldn't that be wild

Ran, morosely: And here I thought that you were enjoying the time you were spending with me.

I blinked. No matter how often she showed that kind of expression, I always thought that Ibuki sure was cute, every single time.

Ann: Well, of course I'm having fun! But making just 'having fun' into the meaning of your existence, to the point where it transforms the way in which you live- that's a bit tough.

oh that's an interesting twist
tsundere to the hilt

Ann: But, I'm pretty happy that I could come to know you before becoming a short-lived earthling. Maybe the fact that I can rest easy and not worry about when my life will come to an end is all because of you.

I took Ran's shoulders. She didn't resist me, and took the opportunity to lean into my lap.

Ann: Plus, you're the Beloved Child of the Mother. I'm very lucky that I was able to meet you at all.

Ran: And if I weren't, would you not want to be my friend, then?

Oh, now that was a real hardball question. I scrunched up my face, trying my best to look tormented by the question, and answered.

Ann: Probably... we'd still be friends? Because right now you look pretty much indistinguishable from a regular human, and you don't seem much like any of the other Beloved Children I've seen in my Recalls before, where all sorts of supernatural things were coming out of the woodwork to pick a bone with the Beloved Child.

Ann: For all I know, maybe you're just an ordinary earthling, and I'm totally wrong that you're the Beloved Child. But even if that's so, I'd still like to be with you, so even if you weren't the Beloved Child, I'd still be your friend.

Of course, Ibuki was definitely the Beloved Child. The fact that she'd gotten drenched by the rain that day was incontrovertible proof.

Ran: Well, alright, then. You've only got until the age of 40, anyways, so I don't mind spending the next twenty years with you, I guess.

Ann: Oh, excellent. Looks like I can rest easy and retire early.

Ran: Next time, you should come to our house. I want you to meet Miho and Aya.

I nodded, with anticipation sprouting in my heart.

real quick but like
that seems like an obvious lie, right?
oh yeah totally, ann wouldn't give her the time of day if she weren't scp jesus
not really clear what meaningful implication being scp jesus has though
ran lives here.
spacious expensive condo.
well according to ann she has "all o the powers of the human mother"
so like, that seems pretty powerful?
not even an utena-ass shadow play silhouette!
just a completely real adult miho!
nice apartment
i wish my apartment had all that overhead lighting

Miho: Ran's been reminding us all day these days about how you're planning to come over as a guest, so we wouldn't forget.

Miho spoke while she was in the middle of scooping food onto Ran's plate.

She was very beautiful, and her words and motions very refined. The fact that Ran was able to enjoy a highly sanitary environment even after she fell ill was surely in no small part due to miss Miho's efforts.

And when she smiled, the dimples by her eyes would lift upwards slightly, catching my attention.

Aya: See, I told you she was bringing her girlfriend back, even though Ran kept denying it.

reminding them all day, huh?

Miss Toyama took off the apron, and carried the newly finished curry chicken to the dining table. I'd heard that she was responsible for the cooking in their household.

She didn't look the part. Miss Toyama looked charismatic, like the kind of person who'd be popular with the ladies. She wasn't short, and the ponytail she wore gave a handsome cast to her features, despite her face seeming youthful to the point of childishness. She looked less like the household cook and more like the person that the household cook was supposed to make treats for.

And I couldn't help but notice the choker around her neck. Ibuki had told me that Aya was in a rock-and-roll band, which was why she wore it, but when I learned that it was miss Miho who'd bought her the choker in the first place, I concluded that she was probably wearing it more for personal reasons. Very personal, if you catch what I mean.

I couldn't help but imagine how, if I bought one of them for Ibuki, she'd probably awkwardly try to refuse it for a while, before ultimately acceeding to my desires and putting it on anyways. Hee hee hee.

Ann: Ibuki often tells me about the two of you as well. She's told me about how the two of you are the only people in the world who truly love her and who wouldn't abandon her no matter what.

Aya: Oh, wow, for reals? Ran, did you actually say something so adorable to your girlfriend?

Ann: Nah, I made it up.

hee hee hee
hee hee hee

Ran jostled me with her elbow. I didn't know what she meant by it. After all, she had in fact said those exact words to me.

Ann: But I'm sure she was thinking it in her heart.

Miho: Don't worry, we all know how Ran feels about us. You should see the way she demands that we spoil her when it's just the three of us.

Yeah, I could definitely imagine Ran demanding to be spoiled with affection.

Miho then changes the topic, and thanks Ann for taking care of Ran at school.
i love ann so much holy shit
this is the best possible reveal ever ugh
Miho mentions how Ran wasn't in a state to attend classes, back in middle school, and how they wound up homeschooling Ran for a few years.
not.... necessarily the kind of thing you'd want to your parents to tell your new maybe-girlfriend.
can't believe this twist of like
ran having well-adjusted parents
and a well-adjusted girlfriend
wonder what's going to fuck it all up

Miho: It's good that she was smart. Even though her illness made it hard for her to concentrate, she was still able to test into her current highschool. We'd originally thought it would be a good opportunity for her to make some friends of the same age, but she still had quite a tough time during freshman year.

I'd heard of that period of time in Ran's life as well, in passing. Back then, Ran's classmates had held serious prejudices against her- and not because of her illness, but rather because of her nationality.

Ran: ...Even now, I still feel like Koizumi-sensei's the only good teacher I've ever met...

damn, RACISM.
Miho reminds Ran to thank Koizumi-sensei sometime. Ann thinks about how she also knew that Miho had tried to get the school not to disclose that Ran was an international student, but somehow the rumor had still gotten out anyways, probably from some teacher who couldn't hold the gossip in.
Ann knows a lot of things.
Ann knows Koizumi. She's used Recall on Koizumi, before. She knows that Koizumi's life wasn't exactly the smoothest, and that Koizumi most likely had a turbulent future ahead of her.

But that wasn't something for me to interfere with.


Aya: Okay, that's enough about the unhappy past. We're all past that, now! And now Ran-chan has you to help support her as well, Ann.

Aya: Ann looks pretty mature. With you around I'm sure that Ran-chan will be fine!

Well, due to the Recalls, I did in fact have a lot more life experience than most others around me. But 'mature'...

I lifted my hand and experimentally touched my face. Relative to earthlings, I did experience an increased rate of senescence. I hoped that wasn't what miss Toyama had meant...

cute ponytail

Miho: Ran, why're you so quiet today?

Ran: Nothing, I just wanted Ann and you and Aya to chat more...

Ann: Ooh, are you nervous?

Ran, nervously: Why would I be nervous in my own home!

Whoops, I couldn't help but mess with her again. But I know how she's feeling. She must be very curious about how the people who care about her will get on with each other- how well her adoptive mothers and I will get along.

Ann: Well, you should talk more, then. I want to see how you act when you're at home.

Miho and Aya helpfully volunteer some facts.

Miho: Ran's very well-behaved. I've been working from home lately, and during that time, Ran has frequently made tea for us or helped rub our shoulders to relieve stress.

Aya: Oh, sure. But also she's a giiiiiaaaaaant baaaaaaby. She always wants huuuuuugs and will keep pestering you for hugs until she receives them huggies.

Ran: I don't... I... That's normal, isn't it??

Ann: Oho.

Aya .... never change
Ann thinks about how this is perfectly normal, how her reliance on her adoptive parents was a result of her abandonment by her mother in an unfamiliar nation, as well as the isolation from her peers caused by her mental illness, and how her guardians must have put SO much effort and love into raising her, and how she probably found a sense of security in physical intimacy with people she trusted,
but mostly she just thinks,

Ran Ibuki is so cute aaaaaaa


Miho: Speaking of which- lately, our office has been considering having everyone work from home, due to an increased prevalence of Hive Amnesia incidents around here.

Miho: You two make sure to be careful when you're going to school, too. Try to walk on the safer paths further from the roads. Otherwise, if a driver suddenly comes down with the syndrome, it might be dangerous.

I nodded, and wondered to myself whether the Rains would come if Ibuki, the Beloved Child, brought up anything about the supernatural to humans around her.


If at all possible, I would have loved to be able to explain my identity to them, and explain that Ibuki was destined to lead a difficult life, and that I would do my best to protect Ibuki from those difficulties until I passed away myself.

Ann: Mm. Ibuki and I take the same path to school. So I promise that I'll take care of her.

aaaaand that's where that scene ends!
a pretty good 'bring your girlfriend home to meet your parents' scene, all things considered.
but, that said, i... do not trust what we are being shown here, for the reason that, it brings attention to ann's choice not to explain her true nature to ran's parents, and then it rationalizes her choice.
certainly one of the bring your girlfriend home to meet your parent scenes i've ever read
there is a lot of, like... ann not doing things that would prove she is who she claims to be, like, say, reading miho and telling them things that she could not know if she weren't a space alien
well, she did mention that if she tried that people would just lose their memories of it
she was apparently able to do that, but only to Generic Faceless Silhouette Girl Without A Name, and we all know those characters aren't even real
hmm? did she mention something about being an alien?
no, but- she considered making fun of her for something that she acquired through recall-reading
specifically the 'oh i know you stayed up late with someone from across the hallway last night ;)' thing
which she could not know otherwise
or, well, she considered doing it, but didn't.
which implies that she could empirically prove her abilities if she wanted to, she's just not doing so because reasons.
rain-related reasons, which are reasonable reasons, but still.
i mean i distrust ann as much as the next person i just don't really see a reason to think she's lying about this specifically yknow?
see yeah like i'd agree with you there except
the whole next scene is about this
it's entirely possible that like, she can make fun of faceless student girl all she wants, but as soon as it becomes explicitly clear that it's an anomaly happening, boom, no more memories
this scene, which immediately follows them leaving miho and aya's place
hey no fair
that's cheating
too bad, i have the opposite power of recall, i can see the future and use privileged knowledge from the future to make impossible reasonings
that's MY special power deal with it
anyways so,
in this scene, Ran asks Ann if there's any way that they can explain Ran and Ann's true nature to Ran's guardians.
Ann foists it off on Ran-

Ann: If anybody would know, it would be you, as the Beloved Child, or the Mother of Humanity herself. I certainly don't have any ideas.

Ann: But it's fine for things to stay the way they are with them, I think. After all, in the future, you'll definitely need people who don't know about all those strange things to care for you, to be the safe harbour in which you can hide from the storm.

And then Ran asks Ann to use Recall on Ran.
Ann refuses.

Ann: I'd rather not. Rather than learn everything about you in one go, I'd rather take it slow, and... get to know you one bit at a time.

which is, dubiously romantic,
but on the other hand,
(also Ann says that she's never actually read Ran before with Recall, and doesn't intend to anytime soon.)
maybe ran just is head over heals in love with her
and this is how she expressed it back then
maybe ran is planning to kill her and bind her skin into a book i mean
anything's possible

Ann: Don't worry. The Earth's a huge place, and the number of people who run into supernatural phenomena and then actually suffer any danger from them is vanishingly tiny. Most of those supernatural phenomena are like me- just trying to eke out a living on this planet.

Ran: Really? Okay, I'll listen to you, then.

After speaking, Ran stretched her hand out to me.

Ran: Have you ever used Recall on me?

I shook my head.

Ran: Then hold my hand. I want you, like Miho and Aya, to be able to... understand me.

I held Ibuki with my hands, but I didn't use Recall.

Ann: Because Recalls are so interconnected that, with just a bit of focus, I can jump to pretty much anything I care to know about, much like how if I recalled this table here I'd learn about everybody who's ever walked past or sat down at this table,

Ann: I want to treasure this feeling that makes me want to understand you more.

I could feel a small trembling in the palms of my hands. Ibuki nodded, and showed me a rare smile- an expression which truly touched my heart.

But for some reason, I felt like it wasn't the part of my heart that elicited a positive reaction. Perhaps I enjoyed the Ibuki who was making confused and disturbed expressions more? Well, it was her fault for looking so cute with those expressions on her face, anyways.

Ran: Alright, then. I guess I'll just have to bring you to slowly understand me, the long way around.

translated that whole scene because
hoo boy this scene gives me a lot of Concern
hahahah YEP
god i love ann
couldn't have picked a better person to turn into a jealous tsundere book.
And then they sit down and Ran starts talking about something she and miho and aya got up to sometime ago, which is entirely offscreened by a screen transition.

Female Student: Ann! Have you heard?

Ann: What?

Female Student: Koizumi-sensei got let go from the school!

ah it's this part of the story
i conspicuously also note that, somehow, Ran remembers that Koizumi was nervous around Ann,
and yet we haven't actually seen Ann interact with Koizumi.
What are they hiding?
when does ran remember this?
or, well, the notebook remembers it.
...actually i'm not sure who remembers it.
but it was after ran got her koizumi memories back.
anyways, in response to hearing this, Ann immediately goes Recall mode, and goes wikiwalking through all the experiences of everyone in the school. Pretty soon she understands what's going on, and immediately heads out of the classroom and goes looking for Ran.
i mean yeah i would be scared of Ann also tbh

I knew exactly how Ran would react once she heard the rumors going around.

I had to find her immediately and be with her. If the situation went badly or if anybody wanted to hinder me, then I'd take out the bottled Eclipse Worm that I kept on me for emergencies like this, and break it, and summon the Rains.

fuck yeah!! eclipse worms
Ann makes it to Ran's classroom.

Ann: Ran!

Ran is in the middle of the classroom, with all the other students giving her a very wide berth. Ann stalks in, grabs Ran, and absconds.

Ran: Everyone knows I did it, they repeated clearly to me the words I said to Koizumi-sensei..

Ran: Even the tables knew. The tables spoke as well.

Ran is grabbing Ann so tightly that Ann feels like she's losing circulation.
the ... the tables?
hmm all I see is "Afterwards, Ran met Ann Sakura, and became more and more outgoing. Koizumi was happy to see such a change in Ran, as well."

Ann: Ran, calm down, it's not your fault-

Ran: Ann, I can hear Koizumi-sensei crying. Is she right behind me?

I was worried that any sound at all would become another torment for Ran, at that point, so I didn't say anything at all, and just dragged her to the nurse's office instead.

god i know i saw it somewhere, i'll try to figure out where it is later
honestly at this point i'm so spooked i'm seeing unreliable narrators everywhere
yeah no that's entirely understandable.
anyways, Ann and Ran get to the nurse's office, which is the only part of this whole school that doesn't have a unique background graphic.
maybe that's the secret to escaping the deathgame school. the escape is hidden in the nurse's office.
if you do something special in the nurse's office, you reemerge in ran's real-life school rather than death school.
The nurse calls Ran's parents. Ann holds Ran's hands.
part of me can't help but think- i remember the part where the story mentioned that koizumi was worried about ann made me think 'how does a student make a teacher scared of them, how does that even work', and in a non-supernatural explanation the obvious answer in this tropeset is the student is a delinquent leader, and if ann were the leader of a posse of students that would explain how she's gaslighting ran- ran's actually hearing voices, and it's just ann telling ran that she isn't, playing ran from both ends and using her posse to build trust with ran-
god, i'm fucking jumping at shadows
is this too much to construe for ann and ran
i want it to be
like i would really love for this scene to be on the up and up and for no narrative fuckery to be happening here
just let the eclipse worms be real dammit
oh i do remember the thing you're talking about though
yes i think "ann is leading a gang of bullies" is probably a little too much
i wonder if ann's eclipse worm is the one that ran eventually suffers through?
anton chekhov would have me believe so

I sat by the side of the bed, holding Ran's hand tightly. In my heart, I understood clearly that, after this, she might not be able to come back to school. Once her illness began destabilizing, recuperation would require a long period of time. It'd be difficult to continue to attend school, then.

So, just how much time did I have left, with her?, wait, here's a piece of evidence that the fuckery is not happening on the level i think it is:
miho brought up the hive amnesia events.
👍 1
like, before all this, there was a part of me that was thinking to myself, is it possible that it's just ann making everything up.
but, no. miho also acknowledged the hive amnesia events.
so i can't say that it's just ann distorting the retelling of everything, ann and ran were there with miho, that's not... legally distortion-permitted, ran remembers that too.
so the only recourse i have left is 'this whole thing is a fabrication' which is dumb. i am not going to construe that.
which means... this is all true and i'm jumping at unreliable-narrator shadows?
...things are getting worse.
oh no
you forgot my "we got ann's peanut butter in ran's jelly" explanation
either the memories we're seeing now, or even more interesting, the Ran we were seeing then, was a gestalt formed from some sort of merging of Ann and Ran's memories
due to notebook fuckery
scene transition.

Ann: Ran, be good, take these pills for me, okay?

Ran: I WON'T! Don't come close to me!

After her illness worsened due to Koizumi-sensei departing from her position, I was just barely able to convince miss Miho to allow Ran to continue to attend classes.

The result was that she was only allowed to attend classes for half of the day. And I, on the other hand, took up the responsibility of taking care of her in the school- the most important part of which was that I had to make sure that she took her medication as prescribed every noon.

But the mentally ill could fight medication to a degree that exceeded even my imagination.

Ann: Once you take the medication, you can take a nap, and then after you wake up, we can go home together, okay?

Ran: I'm not taking the medications! I'll never eat anything you give me- not even water!

...both ran and ann are so much more
in these flashbacks.

For a while, I'd been tricking Ran into taking her medication by hiding it in her food, to overcome her resistance, but eventually she found out, and once she did, it made her even more paranoid and high-strung.

Ann: Ran, I just want you to get better quickly-

Ran: I'M NOT SICK! Why are you forcing me like this?! It's clearly them who are persecuting and bullying me! Why should I be the one who has to take medication?!

to be clear, in this case, it is definitely 'more emotive' in the
very bad way
i don't think we've EVER seen ran this perturbed in the... murder-school world.
Ran throws her phone at Ann.
Ann dodges it. The phone hits the floor and cracks.
I guess now we know how that happened.
That was... not a mystery I was expecting an answer to, quite frankly.
But I guess it has now been answered!
when she ran out into the rain with Ann, maybe?
that was a little more... inarticulate breakdown
Ann is getting close to desperate. Ran's not getting any better despite having already finished a whole prescription of medication. Ann has even taken to using Recall to trawl the memories of psychiatrists and doctors, trying to see if any of them have any applicable experience that she can copy over and use to help Ran. She can't find anything other than prescribing the same set of approved medications over and over, though.

Ann: No matter what, you have to persevere and keep taking your meds.


After I said so, I put the Olanzapine pill in my mouth, and then crawled onto the bed next to her.

Ran: What are you doing?! STAY AWAY FROM ME!

I reached out and grabbed her arm. Ran struggled fiercely, trying to kick me away with her legs.

Ran: Don't come any closer! Don't-

While her mouth was open, I took the opportunity and pressed my own lips to them, and used my tongue to shove the pill into her mouth.

Ran choke-sobbed a bit, and shook her head, but ultimately gave up on struggling and swallowed it.

I waited until she'd fully calmed down, before pulling my lips away, and letting go of her hands.

That was our first kiss.

it sure did!
thanks again for the translation zero this is fucking great
Part 19: Ran and Ann share their first kiss! Kyaaaaa~ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
was a scene to end on
i was thinking "Part 19: We meet Ann Sakura"
also it turns out this is the Ann Sakura chapter, according to my savefiles
not a part one or anything
they got us!
they got us good
i love the contrast between ann's like, hypercompetence at paranormal and interpersonal stuff. and also how much she's just like, completely flummoxed at how to deal with ran, the only person she's known for more than five seconds and hasn't immediately experienced the entire life history of
Honestly, i’m a little embarrassed that i had the completely conspiracy-minded thought that maybe ann was stealing ran’s medication, now.
This is the opposite of preventing ran from taking her meds on time.
to be fair we had just found out that somebody has been lying to us about Ran's relationship with Ann for. basically the entire game.
Could still maybe be room for it to fit in? Like, i don’t know what to make of ran saying ann was responsible for ran getting into detective novels, and ann saying ran was responsible for ann getting into detective novels, that’s just an ouroboros,
But the emotional beats aren’t irreconcilable.
that's true.
the whole tama thing though...... i dunno
Ouroboros. Hm. …no, that’s just me seeing patterns in nothing at this point, just because i happened to use that as the visual metaphor here doesn’t mean anything…
the more i think about it the more and more i like "the Ran we met is actually a fusion of Ran and Ann's personalities and memories from long-term notebook consumption"
that does beg the question of like. uh. what do you do about that
where do you go from there.
i dunno!
ok theory
sai is the mother of humanity or whatever
and she made the little pocket universe to, idk, bond with her "daughter" (ran)
and she was able to summon the souls of all these people important to ran
except for one, Ann, because Ann is an alien and she can't interact with her
so she made a facsimile of Ann instead
hm. i doubt it. this would imply that eyeball is the mother, and eyeball speaks of mother and itself as separate entities in its monologues, and also ann has seen the mother before so ann ought to recognize eyeball, unless eyeball's trying to disguise themselves for whatever reason, which incurs complexity penalty.