Part 7

In which we enjoy a picnic with biscuits and tea.

so last time, ran was possessed by a spirit of unknown provenance who fended off another bizarre monster who spoke in twisted riddles had a completely uneventful and restful slumber! Now she's awake.
time to find out that koizumi is fucking deaaaaad
last time, two hell entities argued over which one would be a better girlfriend to Ran
harem anime but our lead exclusively has eyes for Emilia Ann Sakura
and all the prospective romantic interests are a) nightmare monsters or b) koizumi

Ran Ibuki opened her eyes. The gentle sunlight illuminated the whole dormitory, but she immediately shut her eyes again, resisting the comforting light.

Ran: (Here it is again... My eyes hurt so much.)

Ran closed her eyes shut, squeezing a few tears out of their corners, and tried to lift her right hand.

Ran: (Can't lift it up... Okay.)

She relaxed and focused on her thoughts.

Whenever I took command of her body after she fell asleep, Ran would always wake up afterwards with sore eyes, and delayed nervous reaction speeds. It usually took her ten or so minutes to recuperate from this.

Ran: (Might as well think about what I'm going to do today while I'm recuperating.)

that is definitely.
evidence for some kind of objective existence.
"oh yeah we're bros"
"also i'm literally always the narrator"

Ran: (The murder has yet to happen, and the class president said that last time was a special rapid case. Probably their normal pace is usually much slower.)

Ran: (Not only will there be random nonsensical private affairs getting in the way, they'll probably need to spend some time figuring out a method and then waiting for the right opportunity. And until they, they'll have to live an ordinary school life. I guess I'll go to the classroom and see what their lessons are like.)

Ran: (If it's miss Sakura lecturing today, I hope she'll punish me by telling me to stand in the corner~)

YAYYY! more chornojotter!

Ran: (After that, it'll be lunch, and then I can go check out the tunnel. I'll give it a good look-see today, and estimate whether it's plausible at all to dig through the collapsed tunnel by hand.)


Ran: (Maybe there's something in the tool closet I checked out last night that could help me with excavation.)


Ran: (After that... the class president. I don't know why she had to confess to me. I hope miss Sakura won't come to any misunderstandings.)

"nonsensical private affairs" you're one to talk, ran
Ran flips around on the bed, indicating she's regained control of her body. She sits up and gropes for her phone, checking the time.
"you're ann sakura, i'm ann sakura, the hellmonster's probably ann sakura, at least one of our classmates is ann sakura... how many ann sakuras are there?!" "i have amnesia."
Ran figures it's probably time, and heads off to the classroom.
Sai greets us when we arrive.

Sai: Oi, Ibuki, you're late.


Ran: You never had any intentions of calling me to come to class at all, did you.

Apparently, the first class of the day is over. Everyone's chitchatting between classes. The sound of chattering students and the end-of-class-period bell sends Ran into a flashback.
Ran remembers all the other girls rushing out of the classroom when the bell rings, all chattering happily with each other and holding hands. Except for her.

She was always the one left behind. Nobody would ever-

Sai: Why're you just standing there like a dummy? Don't tell me you skipped breakfast or something.

(She totally skipped breakfast.)
Meanwhile, on the side, the other girls are holding a side-conversation.
tl;dr of side conversation: Tama asks Makoto if they're going to the library again after school, since it looks like it's going to rain. Makoto says if it's going to rain then they should just go back to the dorms immediately, and mentions that this way, Tama can ask Miho for more tutoring with her math classes.
Tama agrees and asks Miho if Miho will help tutor her again this afternoon. Miho agrees, and says that Makoto can come along as well.
However, Makoto rejects Miho's offer; Makoto says that Tama can go by herself, and that she wanted to rest by herself for a while.
Meanwhile, Sai's still talking to Aya.
...Ran, sorry.
Sai's talking to Ran.

Sai: You saw the food I left out for you at least, right?

Ran: Oh, yeah, the milk and cookies? They were pretty good.

THEN aya shows up.

Aya: Ran-chan, how come you only just now showed up?

Aya: You missed my amazing chemistry lecture!

Ran: You're responsible for chemistry classes at this school?? Damn. I guess we can only hope on self-study for our future college entrance exams, then.

Aya: Rude.

Aya: Can you believe how rude this upstart's being. Tsk-tsk.

Koizumi: Good morning, Ibuki-san.

hold the fuck up you're not dead???
where's miss sakura
it's going to be miss sakura
literally every time
that'd be kinda funny
Nope, Ann is in the room. She's not onscreen, but Ran sees her in the corner.
She's apparently preparing some materials for the next class, the literature class.
Hi, my name is Ann Sakura, and welcome to my literature club!
The bell rings for the start of the next class.

Sai: Hey, Ibuki, you don't have any textbooks onhand, do you. Come on, push a desk over, we can share textbooks for the time being.

Sai's so nice~
unironically big sister material
Ran is like 'uh sure' while her brain is going 'miss sakura miss sakura notice me' nonstop on loop.
ran you already have a girl noticing you
don't be greedy
I wonder how this relationship ended up this unhealthy in the first place, beyond the
extensive bullying

Ran: (Can't believe I get to watch miss Sakura teaching a lecture in class! That's miss Sakura for you. She hides multitudes of potential!)

slash almost-certainly suicide of ann sakura

Thinking about miss Sakura, Ran started giggling.

Sai: Ibuki, what are you even doing. You're grossing me out here.

Ran: O-oh, nothing...

Class happens.
We cut right to after the end of the class.

Forty-five minutes later, the bell rang again, signaling the end of the class.

Ran is astonished...
At how little of interest happened that entire class.
(Like, jeez. It just all got offscreened.)

Ran: (I can't believe how... ordinary that was.)

Ran: (When she was tutoring me one on one, miss Sakura was FAR more expressive than this.)

Ran: (She would always use weird gesticulations and even weirder metaphors and comparisons to illustrate her point. Maybe she was more expressive back then because it was a one-on-one tutoring session?)

no, ran, it's because this sakura ain't your sakura, you gotta get that into your head

Ran: (She would even hug my waist with one arm and write equations on the paper with the other~~~)

Ran: (The current miss Sakura isn't the miss Sakura who knows how to take care of me anymore.... )

Ran: (It's fine, it's fine, miss Sakura will remember it all, I'll help her remember. Calm... calm.)


Ann: How was my lesson, Ran? Were you able to take it all in?

Ran: I was mostly just staring at you. I didn't really pay attention to the content of the lecture.

Sai: Holy shit, you need to get a room. I swear, you're almost as disgustingly romantic as Asakura is.

.... asakura?

Ran: I was only speaking the truth. I don't see how it's disgustingly romantic at all.

i mean, yeah.
makoto's last name is asakura
no she just didn't seem to me to be the romantic type
asakura = the opposite of sakura
i mean, aside from the daily text messages and etc. etc. but that's in private
we just haven't seen them like, obviously doting on each other in public yet
i guess ran is to ann as homura is to madoka
endlessly pursuing someone with no relationship to them whatsoever

Ann smiled awkwardly.

Ann: Well, next time I give a lecture, you better listen attentively, or else I'll make you stand in the corner!

Ran: Okay!

Ran: (Now that sounded a bit like her old self.)

Ran: (Though I probably don't need to come to classes after this. As far as the distinctive features of their teaching methodology itself goes, besides the thing where they have students serve as teachers, there's nothing else special going on. I probably can't get any useful clues from the classroom.)

I guess that kind of makes sense.
Like, Ran's thinking, 'these kids can keep an eye on each other'
'If one of them is gonna be doing a murder it ain't in the classroom'
the... quality of teaching
the content of their unique process of education
i don't know what the word for that is.
i'm not sure, lemme think
the distinctive nature of the specific method of teaching they use
"the quality of the education" seems workable, if a bit long-winded?
i guess yeah
or, no, that's about good/bad work, lessee
this is why chinese is the superior language
much more space-efficient
the character of the education...
educational style?
eh, i'm just gonna bit the bullet on the long translation this time
anyways, Ann explains that the next classes are Koizumi's math classes.
yay! math
i'm getting a real cirno's perfect math class vibe here.
Ran doesn't give a shit that it's math class. What she's panicking about is that Ann mentioned Koizumi. In Ran's mind, Ann is about to interrogate Ran about Koizumi's confession, and Ran is preparing defenses for herself, 'it's not what you think, you're the only one I like that way', etc.
Ann asks no such thing, of course.
ran your mental model of sakura is completely off
it'll be act 4 before she even slightly begins to fix it
if she fixes it at all
that's my guess
permanently on the back foot here, huh, ran
Ran turns her eyes to Koizumi, who's scratching down equations on the chalkboard with- actually pretty impressive speed. She's mastered a fluid style of writing on the chalkboard where she holds the math textbook with one hand, and holds the chalk with just her thumb and index finger, while she uses the other three fingers to turn the pages on the textbook. Koizumi notices us staring at her, blushes at us, and redoubles her speed on the chalkboard. Ann asks us if there's something going on with Koizumi.
It's a harmless question. Ran, of course, interprets it as the beginning of the Sakura Inquisition.

Ran: Ah? Nothing, I just, it was just that I thought that she and Miho looked the most like they could be schoolteachers so I was watching her write on the chalkboard and thinking about that and I promise I only like you miss Sakura there's nobody else that I could possibly have feelings for.

Ann: Uh-huh. I mean, actually, I'd love it if you paid more attention to others. A person's life can't be completely dependent on another single individual.

wow for someone not interested in koizumi, we sure are paying a lot of attention to her hands

Ran covers her face with her hands, and when she speaks again it is in a darker tone than previously.

Ran: Miss Sakura, if you had not lost your memories, you would never have been able to say such words as that.

Ran: That which is my life, is a life spent only with you. I need nothing else.

fade out.
i'm honestly disappointed we don't get, like... class lecture scenes that characterize the characters more, or give some random side-material that's thematically informative of the narrative's nature.
When we fade back in, we're back at the dorms after the end of the school day.
it's just always the lesson from NGE about third impact
The classes really are irrelevant, as far as Ran is concerned.
but in all seriousness some meaningful lessons would be nice, yeah.
They're all having lunch. Apparently the menu this time is scallops.

Koizumi: What do you plan on doing this afternoon, Ibuki-san?

Ran: (Ugh, why is the class president asking again? Miss Sakura's right next to me, I've got to fend her off quickly.)

Ran swallowed her mouthful of fresh scallops and answered.

Ran: I'm going to check out the tunnel.

Koizumi IMMEDIATELY enlists herself to come along as well.

Koizumi: We can go around 3 in the afternoon. I can prepare some tea and snacks!

Ran: Ah? Is that really necessary? It's not that far away.

(And Ran isn't going for a picnic, either.)

Ann: I think it's a splendid idea. Koizumi's pastries are always quite delicious.

what do you spose neal stephenson charges for one of those
like, do you think i could get him on a consulting fee


Ran: Then, would you like to come as well, miss Sakura?

Ann: Oh, no, Koizumi invited you, not me. I shouldn't intrude. You two enjoy yourselves.

it turns out Ann Sakura is a Ranzumi shipper
ann sakura is a ran/ANYBODY ELSE shipper
super bad tactical strategy on ann's part though to try and set her up with koizumi
.... i wonder if ann also is trying to get rid of koizumi lmao

Koizumi: It's fine. If Ibuki-san wants to go with Sakura-san, I can prepare the biscuits and pastries for you to take along with you.

Ran: That would be wonderful yes let's do that.

Ann: -_- Ran.

look at that face
there was some koizumi/ann hinting near the beginning, and they do share a room.
that is the face of someone who is fed up with ran's shit
i wonder who ann could successfully set ran up with.
i mean, we got vibes from miho... and sai seems like the patient caring type in a way that past ann sakura seems to have exemplified for ran.

Ran looks into Ann's face, enjoying the feeling of getting lost in her expression. It filled Ran with pleasure.

Ran: (Finally. That serious tone is a bit of the old miss Sakura shining through again.)

Ran: Okay, I got it. I'll come to your room at 3 in the afternoon to meet up with you, prez.


Hearing Ran's agreement, Koizumi's eyes lit up for a moment.

Koizumi: ...If possible, could we meet by the entryway to the dormitory itself?

Ran (immediately suspicious): Why? The rooms are so close together, why can't we just go downstairs together?

Koizumi: ...Mmm... Okay, I guess.

Koizumi's attitude was very displeasurable to Ran.

Ran: No, I asked you why. You can go ahead and tell me why, you don't just have to just roll over and be all like 'okay'.

❤️ 1
Ran does not abide the spineless and she does not abide mysteries.

Koizumi shook her head.

Koizumi: It's nothing. Just a personal problem.

Ran: (Well, now I'll look like an asshole if I keep overriding her.)

Ran: (Whatever, it's not a big deal. Miss Sakura is here and I'll make a bad impression if I keep pushing Koizumi against her will. Let's just go with what Koizumi wants from me.)

Ran: Fine. Dormitory entrance by 3. It's settled.

Koizumi is overjoyed!

Koizumi: Okay! Thank you, Ibuki-san.

Timeskip immediately to 3 in the afternoon. No poking around to prevent potential murder setups I guess!
Ran arrives at the dorm entrance just on time. It is a perfect day. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming. On days like, kids like us, ought to be burning in hell enjoying their pleasant picnic outage in an inescapable probably-some-kind-of-purgatory-hell-whatever.
Ran thought Koizumi would surely have arrived before Ran, but Ran winds up waiting five minutes outside the entryway before the prez shows up. Koizumi shows up with a lunchbox and an umbrella, apologizing to Ran for making her wait for five minutes. She said that she had to go back to her room to grab an umbrella at the last moment, since it was possible it'd rain that afternoon.

Ran: It's fine. I just arrived.

Ran: I mean it, I mean. I literally only just arrived. Haven't waited long at all.

Koizumi, slightly nervous: Mmm...

Ran: Forget it, let's just go.

time to go on a date!
Ran and Koizumi reach the tunnel. At walking speed it's actually a decent distance away, apparently. Ran must have run with all her might when she dragged Ann with her, the day they met again. Ran makes a mental note to apologize to Ann; she must have pulled Ann really hard to make it to the tunnel so quickly, and it'd probably hurt greatly.

Ran headed into the tunnel. The light dimmed immediately. She turned on the flashlight on her phone, but the light was too weak, and insufficient to light the path ahead.

Ran: (Well, this is a pain.)

Luckily, Koizumi has brought a flashlight, surprising Ran by shining it down the path from behind Ran.

Ran: Well prepared, aren't you.

Koizumi: Mm-hm. I was hoping I could help you, Ibuki-san, so I made a lot of considerations while packing.

this is
such a clear murder setup
or, death setup?
maybe koizumi's going to pin her own death on ran in here.

Ran heard confidence from Koizumi's voice. She didn't like it.

Ran: Look, prez, I really like miss Sakura. Like, take the amount you think a person can possibly love another person, and multiply that by, like, ten thousand, and that's probably coming close to accurate.

Ran reached the end of the tunnel and inspected the rocks.

Ran: So, I really think that you should give up on me reciprocating.

Koizumi: Don't worry about me, Ibuki-san. I'm only doing what I want to do. You don't need to feel any burden at all.

Koizumi hands the flashlight over to Ran. Ran turns around and shines it down on the floor between the two of them.

Ran: It's already become a burden to me. And, miss Sakura seems to be very concerned about you- more than she is for me.

Koizumi: I'm... sorry, Ibuki-san.

Koizumi hesitated a few moments before speaking again.

Koizumi: Sorry.

Ran decided to ignore her repetitive apologies, and turned the flashlight on the rocks.


Ran: (Doesn't look like there's anything to it.)

Ran puts a hand on the rock. It's wet.

Ran: (Lichen...)

Ran sets the flashlight down, after finding a loose piece of rock that she judges won't cause anything else to topple if she pulls it out.

The tunnel goes dark.

Ran: (Probably can dig this one out without collapsing anything else.

Ran: Prez, come up here and help me move this rock.

But, unbeknownst to Ran, the president...
was actually perfectly fine. She helps Ran move the rock.
(At this point, I'm sure you're going, 'wait, is that actually Koizumi? it's dark, could we be looking at mistaken identity?' Just as I am as well.)
the line that states that koizumi helps move the rock is as follows:

Koizumi Hyuga stepped forward quickly, and helped Ran illuminate the pile of rocks. After that, Ran reached out, and grabbed the rock wedged in the crack.

So presumably there IS enough light to verify that it's Koizumi, we just don't see the light in the image.
I was so ready to go with some kind of 'koizumi was secretly killed and the killer is now here pretending to be koizumi and helping ran silently' theory but i guess that's not happening.

Koizumi: Do you need me to help?

Ran: No need- just hold the flashlight! That'll be enough!

The rock was wedged tightly. Ran used all the force she had, but even then it only caused the rock to shake back and forth within the crack, and emit irritating sounds of friction with the other rocks.

Ran keeps trying, and after a different approach, manages to get the rock out.
She pulled so hard on the rock that, when it came out, she stumbled a few steps backwards, still holding the rock in her arms, and nearly fell over.

Koizumi: Ran!

Koizumi: Do you need my help?!

Ran: No, I'm good. Flashlight. Shine a light down that crack will you.

Koizumi does so. Behind the newly unblocked crack, the light reveals...
More fucking rocks.
what a surprise
Ran, breathing deeply, stomps out of the tunnel, and sets down the rock outside of the tunnel. Koizumi immediately follows and helps illuminate the path out of the tunnel.
Ran inspects it closely, watching it for a bit as it lies there on the ground.

Ran: (Hm. Looks real. At least it isn't de-manifesting or anything.)

Ran feels the wet lichen detritus still stuck to her hands.

Ran: (And the lichen was real too. It didn't vanish just because it was removed from the tunnel.)

Ran out here testing for a fucking anomalous object.
Her first hypothesis is fucking, 'the rocks are illusory'.
I fucking love her.
She knows what kind of story she's in.
we explicitly got told last night that ran could leave if she wanted to
that's probably some kinda unconscious power tho
like she's gotta let go of sakura or smthn

Ran looks up, at the clouds drifting over them in the sky. It's beginning to rain lightly.

Ran: (So, the problem isn't with the tunnel itself. Perhaps the entire school and the whole nearby foot-accessible area is considered one unitary whole.)

Ran: (Let's go over the anomalies again. Firstly, nobody is concerned about clearly being unable to leave here. Some kind of cognitohazard?)

she actually fucking says 'cognitohazard'
shouldn't she be worried about, like, anti-memes though?
that's not quite the same thing
misuse of the word cognitohazard! drink!

Ran: (Indefinitely available supplies for everyday life, maintaining the stability of the environment.)

Ran: (And, of course, the murder game where revival is possible. Let's assume that's the purpose for which we've been brought here.)

Ran: (Hmm... Yeah, I think I've got it. Cognitive disruption, a closed bu stable environment, and certain strange and distinct rules. I've encountered many supernatural phenomena like this before.)


Ran: (The primary culprit behind this whole scenario can probably be designated as the being who wants to see us murder each other back and forth. The question is where this being is, and why it selected us in particular.)

Ran looked to her side, to see Koizumi diligently holding an umbrella up for the two of them.

Koizumi: Is Ibuki-san planning to clear out all the rocks in the tunnel by herself?

Ran: Nah. There's way too many to move without serious excavation tools or time. Not to mention we haven't even gotten miss Sakura's memories back- can't leave before that's fixed.

Ran: (That's right. If it's the same sort of anomaly as the Red Ruins, then I haven't the foggiest why the rules have caused miss Sakura to lose her memories.)


let's play "guess that anomaly"
red means blood
or crabs
my guess is endlessly repeating death game in some kind of blasted arizona valley

The Red Ruins

A region situated in the far eastern reaches of Russia, with an area of approximately 6.6 square kilometers. Humans who enter the area will be compelled by certain rules (details lost due to memory loss) to participate in a certain activity. All participants will depart the ruins after 12 days without any sign of injury. However, their personalities will become drastically altered, and they will from then on behave in a way that is consistent with common behaviors displayed by average adult citizens of the Soviet Union in the 1960s. Furthermore, they will loudly proclaim their beliefs and declare their manifestos in public gathering spaces.

Ran Ibuki once entered these ruins, but escaped from them after only one day. Her personality was entirely unaffected.

it's a fucking ruin that turns you into a communist
honestly one of the less spicy ones so far imo
the thematics here are pretty straightforward and i have no idea what this could be a metaphor if it's a metaphor for something
ran's beliefs are that she loves sakura
her public manifestos are her PDAs
At the edge of the road there's a cliff, apparently. It's not very tall, just five or six meters high, with a bit of an incline. Below is a grove of bushes, and then after that are trees. Further down the road turns into a thin single-person road that requires that you hug the cliffside to proceed down. Perfect murder environment if I'm being frank.

Ran: (Even in the worst-case scenario, if I slipped and fell, I probably wouldn't sustain any injuries as long as I slid down the incline. Let's keep going.)

Koizumi seems a bit scared, but she follows us.

The rain grew heavier and heavier. Ran couldn't help but constantly blink her eyes.

She felt like with every step she took, the road in front of her became thinner and thinner.

Ran: (Let's stop here, for now.)

There was a sharp left turn in the path ahead. The tunnel here turned the other way.

It was very difficult to push through this bend in the storm, so Ran decided to turn back.

Ran turns around- and is astonished to see Koizumi still there with her.
Man, Ran, you just do not give a shit about Koizumi at all do you.

Ran: President? What're you doing here still?

Koizumi: I'm- worried...

Ran: Are you an idiot? This road's only wide enough for one person. With you like this, how're we supposed to get back?

Koizumi: I-I'm sorry, I'll turn around immediately.

Ran: W-wait!

Ran: Sorry, I shouldn't have yelled at you.

Ran: Don't rush yourself. Make sure you turn around slowly and carefully. I'm not angry at you.


Koizumi: O... Okay.

Koizumi slowly began the difficult process of turning herself around, on the narrow path, in the storm.

Ran, to support her, held one of her hands, while Koizumi grabbed onto a rock that was slick with rain with the other.

But when Ran took her hand, Koizumi flustered, and her grip on the other rock tightened erratically. Because the rock was slippery with rainwater, she lost her grasp on it when she clutched it tightly.

Koizumi lost her balance, and tilted backwards. Ran immediately leapt forward, trying to grab Koizumi's shirt, but she missed.

what the fuck where's my alacrity check you fucking cowards
hey what the fuck
this doesn't even count as a murder!
It's not! Yet! Ran grabs Koizumi's hand, passing her reflex save.
In fact, she passed her reflex save so well, she grabbed on without consciously thinking about it.

Ran: (Wait, I can't grab her-)

Because if you do, you're TOTALLY going to get pulled down WITH her.
And that is what happens.
Now we're lost in the woods! Yippee! Hooray! Fuck, we haven't even gotten to eat any of the fucking crackers yet. I bet they're all ruined by the rain now.
No biscuit pastry picnic for us.
Koizumi apologizes for pulling us down with her. Ran's just glad that the fall wasn't steep enough to cause real damage.

Koizumi sat on the ground and cried her eyes out. She wiped her face ceaselessly, as the rain and tears together turned her eyes red.

The picnic box and the umbrella, now badly bent, had fallen to her left. Her pants had been torn in the fall, and her scraped leg was exposed to the air.


Koizumi: Ibuki-san... I'm sorry... What do we do??

Ran: (I shouldn't have grabbed her, back then. I should have gone back to the school and called for help.)

Ran: (Can't be helped now. Let's calm the class president down, first.)

well to be fair ran, zero told you to do it
ran, thinking: damn, why couldn't i have gotten lost in the woods with miss sakura

Ran: Feels like the class president sure falls down often, huh

Ran: C'mon, let's calm down and find a place to hide from the rain.

Ran reaches a hand out and pulls Koizumi to her feet. Koizumi immediately stumbles into Ran's lap, forcing Ran to support her.

Ran: What's wrong? Can't stand steady?

Koizumi shakes her head, smiling wryly through the rain.

Koizumi: I'm fine... don't worry.

Ran: (She's got a sprain, doesn't she. Well, in that case, we probably shouldn't wander about randomly.)

Ran: Let's go hide from the rain under that tree, and then call for help from the other classmates.

Ran helps Koizumi over, sets her down, and places a tablecloth from the lunchbox under them, at Koizumi's suggestion. (I would probably have put it over their heads instead. Look, the ground is going to get wet no matter what, you might as well accept it.)
And so there they are.
Ran asks Koizumi to make a call. But Koizumi gets out her phone, only to find that her previously perfectly flat smartphone had been granted an obtuse angle by the fall.
No phones for YOU in this murder mystery!

Koizumi, about to cry again: I... I'm sorry...

Ran: C'mon, it's okay, don't cry. It's not a big problem.

Ran: Look, we said that we'd go to the tunnel when we were eating. In the worst-case scenario, they'll notice that we're not back in time for dinner, and they'll come out here to look for us.


Ran: Miss Sakura's all kinds of clever, y'know. I betcha she'll figure out that we slipped off the side of the path instantly.

Koizumi, still crying, nodded her head. She didn't seem particularly cheered.

Ran: (Okay, let's maybe try something else.)

As Ran thought to herself, she suddenly felt that the sound of the rain falling in the branches, and the sound of the wind whistling between the trees, was actually quite lovely.

Watching the raindrops leave perfect ripples in the puddles, listening to the soft swishing of the leaves animated by the wind, time seemed to slow for her.

Ran: (I've been running here and there nonstop, doing this and that. Feels like this is the first time I've run into something I can't do anything about, where I can only choose to wait.)

ran i'm telling you the weather here is sympathetic
it literally sets up character moments for you
when you go places that the eyeball monster doesn't want you to go, it rains you away.
every time you come to the tunnel it's started raining so hard you can't go anywhere.

Ran: (Honestly, even though this is actually an actual disaster, it's kind of relaxing.)

Ran lowered her head and shoulders, and her breathing became relaxed. She was enjoying a rare moment of rest.

Koizumi, noticing Ran's change of disposition, slowly stopped crying as well, and turned to face her.

Ran: Hey, prez, y'know, it's a good thing you prepared thoroughly. Our situation's not that bad because of it!

Ran: We've got a place to sit to avoid the rain, and a tablecloth to keep our feet and pants dry. There's tea and biscuits in the lunchbox too, right? We might as well treat this as a real picnic.

that's a contradiction with eyeball's stated goals though!
eyeball wants (/ is forced by the "rules") to let ran be free to choose

Koizumi: Thank you, Ibuki-san. I wish I could be as calm as you...

Koizumi was trying her best not to waste Ran's efforts in cheering her up. She did her best to smile, and wiped away her tears with her fingers.

Ran: Well, that's all thanks to miss Sakura, really. I was a lot worse before I met her.

Ran: Before that, I'd have probably been crying even harder than you are, right now.

Koizumi: Really? Can't imagine that Ibuki-san-

Koizumi stopped speaking. Ran supposed she must have suddenly remembered the image of Ran, grabbing Ann from the old shower room and dragging the two of them away together. It was probably easy to imagine Ran crying her eyes out, with that context.


Koizumi: But even though you may have been influenced and changed by Sakura-san, you're still able to make the choices that you yourself want. I'm so jealous of that, really.

Ran: What's that mean? I don't get it.

Koizumi: From my youth, everything in my life was fully decided by my parents. The elementary school and middle school I went to were all places where they had influence. What I used for my day-to-day life and what I did with my time was pretty much all dictated by them. I never had a chance to choose.

Koizumi: Same with this high school, really. I didn't want to come here, originally, but they still sent me here anyways.

emotional music starting
ah, i see, this is, the koizumi backstory,
good ol heart to heart

Ran being Ran as usual: (Well, ignoring the class president's feelings for a moment, it's very important that she actually has an understanding of what a 'normal' school ought to be like- and, more importantly, that she remembers just how she wound up in this place. That's an important change to my understanding of the situation.)

ran you're right
but also ran come on
yeah wait
how does she remember getting sent here
i'm with ran on this one this is interesting
👍 2

Koizumi: Well, I've gotten on quite well with everyone, though, and I've already gotten used to having my choices made for me.

Ran: I feel like you're making a mountain of a molehill, here. Plenty of people have their choices made by their parents for them, from their childhood to their adulthood.

Ran Ibuki made a concerted effort to not let her own memories of her own parents appear in the middle of this conversation. She deliberately pushed them out of her thoughts for the moment.

Ran: (I have miss Sakura, I only have miss Sakura...)

😢 1

Ran: Besides, miss president, you've surely got plenty of decision-making ability. You choose when to sleep and what to eat and how much to eat every day, right?

Koizumi smiled wryly.

Koizumi: Indeed, since I left my parents and came here, I've become capable of deciding all these things on my own.

The way Koizumi said that made Ran feel a chill on her spine, like some of the stray raindrops had finally penetrated through and landed on her back.

Koizumi: Though, they said that, after I graduated, I should become a teacher- but I'd much rather become a reporter.

Ran: Well, being a teacher seems like it'd fit you. I'm a bit surprised you want to become a reporter, actually.

Ran: I feel like you're more suited to a sedentary job. I feel like your parents' plans for you honestly aren't half bad.

you suck at this
lmaoooooooo ran
there's not even an obvious way to be worse at it

Koizumi hugged her knees, shrinking down into a little ball.

Koizumi: I've been buffeted by all these 'not half bad' things, my whole life. Even though I don't like them, I can't elucidate a good reason to refuse them- and so I can't refuse them at all.

Ran: What, do you need a reason to refuse? Just say you don't want to.

Koizumi: I don't know. But I always feel like I need to try to oblige, when someone makes a request of me.

Koizumi: Like being the class president- really, Miho would be much more suitable. But the class selected me for some reason, so all I can do is to try to do my best in the position.

After Koizumi finished speaking, Ran wasn't really sure how to respond. She wasn't very good at this interpersonal relationships stuff. If there was a specific problem to resolve, she might have been more useful.

The rain fell harder and harder, showing no sign of abating.


She wasn't very good at this interpersonal relationships stuff.

yeah evidently

Koizumi: Ibuki-san.

Koizumi: Even though I recently just talked about how I'm always forced to make decisions by others, this time, I chose of my own volition to confess to you, Ibuki-san. To be this close to you, right now- I'm very happy about that.

Koizumi: Maybe this will help boost my self-confidence.

Ran: Ha ha well you definitely came to the wrong person. I definitely can't help you with that.

oh my fucking god ran.
koizumi is trying so hard and you're just
i mean you're probably right but
i mean that's kind of making a connection
like, ran totally has almost- no, way more issues, than koizumi does, frankly
...though having parental troubles is also def a connection between them. esp. parental troubles that may be worse than they seem at first blush, if we're judging from
koizumi only recently getting to decide when she sleeps and how much she eats

Ran: Ha ha well you definitely came to the wrong person. I definitely can't help you with that.

Ran: I'm as far from 'confident' as you could get. All of the things I do, the source of my faith in those actions are all rooted in miss Sakura.

Koizumi: Then... Ibuki-san, can you become the source of my confidence, then?

wait why's terezi here

Koizumi: Then... Ibuki-san, can you become the source of my confidence, then?

Ran: No way. I don't have that kind of ability.

holy shit i hate being correct about everything
i'm always right about everything and it's a curse

Koizumi clutched her hands into tight fists.

Koizumi: I'm sorry. I'm acting like my parents, trying to force you to do something you don't want to do.

Ran: (What, so, the class president CLEARLY knows I'm not willing. Why's she still trying to make me do it?)

Ran: It's okay. These are totally different things anyways. Right now I'm more worried about when exactly they're going to come to save us. I don't want to miss Sai's dinner.

Koizumi: Then let's drink some tea while we wait.

they probably think you killed each other, doofuses

Ran: Mmm. This is going to be a real camping experience, then.

why did she fixate on you, even, ran
like there's definitely some bonding going on here
but was that catching incident really sufficient to kick this off?

Smiling, Koizumi extracted a thermos from the lunchbox, and poured Ran and herself each a cup of tea.

Ran: (Alright, I think I've successfully alleviated the president's tension. Time to ask her about miss Sakura.)

Ran: Right, prez, when you saw miss Sakura the first time, what kind of condition was she in?

i can kiiind of see the organic ship here
koizumi likes people who are assertive and get shit done
and ran is
very assertive
and gets shit done
👆 1
koizumi's attracted to characters who embody competence porn and ran is probably the most hypercompetent and hyperactively looking for stuff to do character here so far, other than miho
but miho is clearly taken
not just the catch incident, but also 'wow ran is really going around and... actively talking to people and demanding they answer her... she's so assertive... i wish she could back me against a wall and rudely interrogate me about ann while vaguely threatening me...'

Koizumi: Sakura-san, huh.

Koizumi: I first saw her in a room in the dorms. Sakura-san seemed quite normal. She was sitting by a window, and after she saw me, she waved hello to me first.

Koizumi: And then it turns out, when I asked her, she didn't even remember her own name. She told me that she saw all the other rooms had people in them already, so she decided to wait here.

Koizumi got out the biscuits from the lunchbox.

Koizumi: Ah, Ibuki-san, try this chocolate cookie.

Ran: Oh, thank you. What happened after that?

Ran drank some tea to go with the chocolate biscuit. The crisp texture of the biscuit and the intermixing of the bitterness of the tea and the sweetness of the biscuit caused Ran to take another bite despite herself.

my WMG is that ann is instigating this to get them both out of her hair
which like, requires a degree of planning from Ann that we just haven't seen yet.
but, \gestures\**
she's certainly doing something with those 9 investigation & charisma points, if ran isn't just entirely talking out of her ass about those.

Koizumi: Well, it was because there was a registration sheet, lying on the table, on the first floor of the dorms.

Koizumi: Sakura-san said that she was waiting for me to arrive, so that she could deduce by elimination, whether her name was Koizumi Hyuga or Ann Sakura.

Ran: That's miss Sakura for you. She's never lost her composure in her whole life before and probably never will.

Koizumi: I think she definitely lost her composure when you dragged her out of the shower room kicking and screaming. You, that is, I mean. You were the one kicking and screaming, not Sakura-san.

Ran: -Guh.

Ran: (The class president has a real talent for making uninvited snarks, huh. And she says she lacks agency.)

.... if only "pushing koizumi to act on her feelings and forcing ran to hear her out"
i do like that! post-amnesia ann sakura is... honestly, i get the impression that despite being so weird in her affect and so inhumanly talented, she's fairly ordinary in some respects/how she relates to people? or more so than ran remembers her being
possibly that's just eye monster for you
and/or just. not having any memories
she gets upset! she has boundaries! she's a smart, competent, level-headed teenager.
it must be hard to have a personality when you don't have anything to base that personality on!

Ran: ...Okay, well, once we got to the tunnel, Sakura-san definitely calmed back down. And then she led me right back to the school with just a few words.

Koizumi: Honestly, me and the other students are all very curious what you two have been through together. The passion that you express for Sakura-san seems to be quite different from that of a regular romance.

Ran: That's because it is different from a regular romance. Just saying 'I love you' can't begin to express the way I feel about miss Sakura in my heart.

Koizumi poured Ran another cup of tea.

Koizumi: If it's possible, could you tell me a little about the two of you?

Ran: Well...

Ran: (Strange. In front of other people I usually hate talking about miss Sakura. But, faced with the prez, it feels like it wouldn't be a big deal to discuss it.)

Ran: Okay, let me think about what to talk about.

what does that mean, Ran
you've seemed pretty uncomfortable with her so far, albeit in your usual blunt way
or at least not particularly comfortable

Ran described a few uneventful and short snippets about her ordinary daily life with Ann Sakura, to Koizumi.

Even so, Koizumi still listened attentively, and occasionally let out a laugh.

ran: "and that was how we learned that giving the blood-sculpting gentleman some catnip was a really really bad idea." koizumi: "yeah, wow. i can't believe it. a whole vampire clan, wiped out, just like that."
i think the implication is that ran is... a lot more uncomfortable with everyone else. like, ran probably wouldn't even entertain the idea of letting anybody into her private life with ann otherwise.
she's already expressed as much- the idea of ran and ann's relationship being a closed world that no outsiders are permitted to know or get involved with.
which, yeah, makes sense — what i'm wondering is when koizumi became enough of an insider to hear about it
is it just the circumstances here? the light rain, the picnic, the shared difficulty, spending time with her for five uninterrupted minutes without getting bullied
veritaserum in the tea
but realistically yeah
probably the circumstances
don't you get the impression that ran has literally never had a heart-to-heart with anyone other than miss sakura
Anyways, Ran keeps telling Koizumi more stories about her life with Ann. Sadly, these stories are entirely offscreened. (I wish the game would give us some specific details- it'd help flesh out the Ran/Ann relationship, which up to now has mostly been an informed attribute, and because of it, Ran feels incredibly unhinged.)
(Like seriously give us some details to reinforce Ran's obsession.)
(Show us how we go from point A to point Z.)
didn't one time it give us some details about the previous relationship and it made ran look even more unhinged

Ran continued speaking up until they heard some voices calling out on the other side of the woods.

Ran: And then miss Sakura... Hang on, do you hear that?

Koizumi: Mmhm! Yes!

Koizumi nodded vigorously.

Koizumi: I hear it! I think it's Sai!


Ran: Took'em long enough. Let's go. Can't believe I actually enjoyed the conversation, prez.

Koizumi: I'm glad that you enjoyed it, Ibuki-san! I'm happy too.

Koizumi stood up. The sunlight, so clear after the passing of the storm, shone on her body, and Ran saw her smile as if she'd put down all the burdens weighing on her up to now.

music suddenly halts why did the music suddenly stop
this is weirdly ominous

Koizumi: Ibuki-san, once I graduate, I'll definitely tell my parents.

Koizumi: That I don't want to be a teacher. This time, I'm sure I'll be able to tell them properly, because I've got Ibuki-

poison i think she was poisoned HOW?! nobody else is here, how could she die- oh god sai is going to find us next to the body this is going to look so fucking suspicious-
okay no poison
no poison yet
it's not koizumi dying yet

Koizumi Hyuga's words pierced through Ran's brain. A pain unlike any she'd ever suffered before took over her whole consciousness.

Ran: (Wh...)

Ran knelt on the floor and gasped for breath. The sound of her breathing was so loud it made her ears ring.

what the fuck? did we get poisoned??

Ran: (Koizumi... Hyuga.....)

Ran Ibuki opened her mouth, as though that would help the pain in her cranium stream out of it.

Koizumi: Ibuki-san!

are we actually gonna be the first victim lmao
[timeskip to our revival and getting all the case details secondhand]
i have a suspicion the structure of this game might not be what we expect
this seems like... a possibly-deliberate attempt to push the thesis "no you can't trust in the apparent goodness of other girls your age, they'll fuck you over at every opportunity, they murdered Ann Sakura and they'll murder you too if you let them in"
❓ 1

Koizumi seemed terrified as well. She knelt down besides Ran, without any idea what to do.

Koizumi: Wh- Ibuki-san!

Ran: Koizumi- you're- this-

Everything before Ran began distorting and swapping, before finally fading out into infinite darkness.

Everything before Ran began distorting and swapping, before finally fading out into infinite darkness.

fade to black
ohhhh fuck.
sudden stylistic shift. oh fuck.
let me translate this line holy fuck
kashira kashira
gozonji kashira?

Even Ran Ibuki, so distant from others, knew full well, that the math teacher, Koizumi Hyuga, was a person who was resigned to giving way to the desires of others, someone who perpetually responded to conflict by attempting appeasement.

sad nostalgic music is playing.
i think we know what this is.
fuck, this is so much information all of a sudden.
are they ALL important figures in ran's life??
how does tama figure into this?!
generationally speaking tama would be- what, ran's grandmother? she'd HAVE to be a grandmother-level generational figure,
whose, though??
i bet the math teacher did nothing about bullying or something

Other teachers frequently foisted off the work they didn't want to do themselves onto Ms. Hyuga, like she was a garbage can without a lid, into which you could shove any kind of trash.

One day, Ran found Ms. Hyuga, crying by herself in a rarely-visited corner of the school. She asked the teacher,

[Even after one grows up, is finding a hidden place to cry all anyone can do?]

Koizumi Hyuga felt pain at these words. She knew the situation that Ran Ibuki had been in, at school, but she'd never paid particular attention to it.

After all, nobody had requested that she do so.

She started trying to help Ran Ibuki. This was the first time, in a life that'd been completely decided by her parents, that she'd made what felt to her like a meaningful decision.

After that, the two of them often met in a corner of the school, to chat about anything and everything.

Ran had also noticed that this teacher seemed particularly interested in her. Such a thing was itself a great help to Ran.

please tell me this isn't

Afterwards, Ran met Ann Sakura, and became more and more outgoing. Koizumi was happy to see such a change in Ran, as well.


Koizumi gained great encouragement from witnessing Ran's transformation. She told Ran that she was going to make a change, as well- that she would open her mouth for the first time, to reject her parents' demands of her.

[Ibuki-san, I'm definitely going to tell my parents, that I don't want to be a teacher, and that I don't want to get married either.]

But, starting the day after Koizumi expressed her determination, she never came back to school ever again.

do we know who the "she" in this sentence is referring to?
Ran or Koizumi?
god. that's some... serious parental abuse of an adult there, isn't it

It didn't take long for the students to be informed that Ms. Hyuga had left her position due to getting married. For a while, the rumor mill went wild with this. Some people whispered that she'd gotten pregnant before she'd married and thus been fired quietly; other suggested that she was a sexually promiscuous person.

The students and teachers alike began taking all of Koizumi's previous actions and magnifying them, finding each and every fault in them. Even small issues that hadn't been worth discussing before had become evidence in support of Koizumi Hyuga's obvious promiscuity.


Ran Ibuki was surrounded by the terribly disgusting rumors. These statements, targeted at Koizumi, pained her own heart as well.

She imagined the things that Koizumi must have experienced, after defying her parents for the first time. Ran wanted to fight back against the rumors for Koizumi's sake, to eliminate the false rumors that plagued the school, but she couldn't open her mouth.

mostly the same-day leaving the position
oh i c
losing her job the instant she expressed any dissent whatsoever

Ran hid herself in the secluded place where she'd meet with Koizumi each day, crying and dry-heaving.

She knew that she, like Koizumi Hyuga, had the exact same lack of ability to make independent decisions. If she foolishly decided to try to make a difference, she would only invite destruction down on herself.

That was why, any changes and decisions she made, had to be done together with Ann Sakura.

Ran freed herself from the memories. She'd remembered everything about Koizumi, now.

i- okay! uh! that was! a scene!!
honestly i kept expecting it to get worse but it didn't. it was still bad for ran but like
i was expecting it to be worse and i'm frankly relieved that it wasn't
the game helpfully informs us that koizumi's notes have been updated now.
this one's a big update.

Koizumi Hyuga

Late Showa

Investigation 4, Alacrity 3, Charisma 6

Uniform is a sleeveless dress with a short jacket with long sleeves. After being selected as president, she's decided to take the responsibility very seriously.

Often indecisive and hesitant, and often tends to go with the flow when others propose ideas or suggestions. Often falls into confusion when faced with unexpected situations.

Responsible for teaching mathematics at ths chool.

Was Ran's math teacher in high school. After getting to know Ran for a year, departed from her position at the school. Was the only teacher who ever sincerely cared for Ran Ibuki.

After Ran Ibuki and Ann Sakura began dating, contacted Ann Sakura a few times. Koizumi expressed a flinching emotional reaction to Ann Sakura, but also expressed understanding and support for Ran Ibuki's feelings.

Late Showa, huh
...are all these folks teachers, then? adult figures? they're definitely all from the past to some extent.
A "flinching emotional reaction" to Ann Sakura, huh
since none of them wear the same uniform.
also, yeah, i don't
koizumi, the adult schoolteacher,
cowers before ann sakura
who or what exactly IS ann?
she's an ojou-sama according to our not-at-all-biased narrator
she basically owns ran's heart
ran's absolute and only emotional support
whoa, what is going on here
she.. may or may not have turned her memories into a notebook or something???
someone who ran insists relies only on her, and who only ran relies on
so, yeah, psychodrama definitely, these people might well all be mental constructs
it's worthy of note that we don't actually know what happened to koizumi
it was obviously a dark time for ran
really hope miho isn't literally her mom or something
but for all we know koizumi got everything she wanted
👆 1
'i'm a reporter now! i left my parents!'
that was actually what i thought at first
until it said that she had gotten married
could be a lie.
you know the rules.
nothing not shown onscreen is trustworthy.
my mind immediately leapt to "her parents killed her" or something- i doubt the story ran heard was true
it seems a little strange though. she escaped being a teacher, but she still got forced into the marriage?
seems sus
yeah, probably not what happened- and if she'd just successfully become independent, i don't think she'd have totally cut off contact with ran
my read was that the lifeplan they'd plotted for her was "become a teacher, meet a nice man while teaching, get married, quit teaching"
probably died, be it to a jealous ex-fiance, scandalized parents, or at her own hands when her parents reacted terribly
"have 2.5 children, make a home, we're not giving you a phone"
it said the rumor was she had gotten married

It didn't take long for the students to be informed that Ms. Hyuga had been left her position due to getting married.

my read was basically the same as @avunvain's though
the rumor mill is about why she got married, i think
fair enough
it originally said they were "informed" she got married
frankly, if the parents could remove her from the school immediately, they could pressure the school to lie.
i assume that means from other teachers or the principle or osmehting
or they could lie to the school, yeah.
also true!
Back in the... is it even fair to call this the 'real world' anymore?
"did you just come up with a backstory for me"
Anyways, back outside of the, uh, flashback, we're done having a headache, and Koizumi pulls us to our feet.
She's very concerned, of course.
oh, guess we didn't die or whatever

Ran: It's fine, Koizumi-sen... sei...

Koizumi: Sen... sei??


Ran trembled as she looked up at the high-schooler aged Koizumi Hyuga.

Ran: (So... Koizumi-sensei was, in the end, after graduating from high school, unable to refuse her parents' demand for her to become a teacher, just like how she was forced to get married after coming of age anyways...)

Ran: O-oh. I'm fine, Koizumi.

Koizumi: Okay...

Koizumi still seemed quite confused. She must have been wondering why, after kneeling on the ground for a few minutes, Ran had suddenly called her 'sensei'.

Ran gets up, and Koizumi gets up with her.
ah, she thinks she's in the past, i guess

Ran: (Koizumi-sensei appearing as a highschooler here, and my brain having been wiped clean of all memories about her, without any sense of abnormality until they were returned...)

Sai, from far away: Ibuki! How'd you fall all the way down there??

Ran: (This memory is so deep and realistic- I can be certain that it actually happened.)

Sai was waving at them from the top of the cliff.

Ran: (I haven't lost my memories- someone stole them from me!)

Ran stared at Sai and didn't answer her.

Ran: (Then, are the other students in a similar situation, relative to me? Do I have to reclaim my memories from them, one by one? If so, then where are miss Sakura's memories hidden?)

Ran took a deep breath. She felt like she was approaching the true nature of this school.

But it was far from enough.

aaaand yep that is a good fucking time for me to call it
this ran on longer than i wanted it to
(chrono jotter ALWAYS runs longer than i want it to frankly)
(this game fucking sucks your eyeballs in)
it sure fucking does, wow
it's almost 1 am
hey actually uh
the game just
updated our notebook
koizumi hyuga's entry got a second update
and fuck.
i guess i have to translate this all as well!
oh whoops
weird that it updated it twice so close together

Always blushing?

Seems like a very good and obedient person.

The design on her hairband is...?

Suitable for glasses 👓

Why confess to me even though she knows there's no purpose to it?

The shame and regret I feel with regards to Koizumi-sensei is because of selfishness. Through the process of getting to know her, I discovered that this person, someone upon whom was stacked the markers of 'maturity' and 'teacher', was also just a person as weak as me, and just as deeply mired in a sunless swamp as I was.

Conversing with Koizumi-sensei gave me great reassurance. When she disappeared, festering rumors grew in places she could no longer see. If I could have stood up for her at that point, perhaps I could have left in my heart the vainglorious idea that I'd once done anything at all for another person. Perhaps I could have borrowed that and lended some meaning to my life, and given myself a deed worth boasting about just a little?

But I couldn't do it, I'm sorry, Koizumi-sensei...

honestly, ran, you are
putting way too much pressure on yourself for this
you never had an obligation to protect koizumi-sensei's reputation for her after she disappeared- if you had any obligation it was maybe to find out what'd happened to her and get back in contact with her, but only that at most.
the rest is all secondary.
relatable and understandable, though.
ran's self image is also really, like
completely fucked, frankly
she's apparently incapable of framing the idea of herself wanting to do good things for other people as anything but vainglorious.
…y’know, it feels weird to get this backstory dump before we solve the murder.
I was really expecting that we’d get this kind of narrative progression as a reward for figuring the murder out.
But maybe this is more of a… way to incentivize us to solve the murder in time?
maybe we stopped the murder from happening lol
I mean, it’s going to happen sooner or later, the cards don’t go away
yeah your take makes more sense
even though it's kind of silly to think about stakes when like, we know everybody is going to come back to life
Imagine if we come back and they’re like ‘yeah we solved it while you were gone. Initially we thought you two were dead so we let our guard down and then miho took advantage of that to murder aya.’
i KNOW right?
‘Aya was cool with it though and in any case we figured it out. Tama was crucial in deducing that the frozen swordfish with the blood on it was just a decoy weapon intended to implicate Sai as the chef.’
Imagine if there’s only two murders in this whole game, and both are ann. Ann dies at the start and then we spend seven chapters just chilling out and hanging with the other students before ann dies again at the very end and we’re forced to suspect all our new friends.
Like at this point i legitimately don’t know what the structure of the game will be like.
presumably we'll find out who everybody else is
I was just thinking, it's interesting that Tama has a phone, despite apparently being so old
Also, I'm currently trying to figure out who the other people might be in relation to Ran
i wonder if Sai is her older sister
since Sai mentioned having a younger sister
Tama = grandmother and Miho = mom both seem likely
That was my thought as well, but I'm less certain about that one
Aya and Makoto are the real question marks IMO
Ran has memories of her parents, though. She specifically had to focus to not remember them while talking to koizumi about koizumi’s parents.
How do you, like, have memories of your parents while simultaneously not recognizing them??
i assume nobody here is her father but like ... can't rule it out i guess
Also, I'm wondering if some of the weirdly specific things in the notebook entries are Ran's memories leaking through
Miho being ran’s mom would explain a lot though
Like how Ran instantly thought that Aya was a fan of rock and roll, despite having no evidence
hmm yeah I wonder how
The evidence, i think, is the choker.
That’s basically it.
That and she overheard miho telling aya to spend less time playing the guitar and more time studying
Oh, idea: i think maybe someone died while sai was out looking for us. I bet that’s what’s going on. And we know koizumi didn’t do it because she was with us the whole time. (Except of course she did it because she had these weirdly specific requests before we left, koizumi going with us was totally her attempt at setting up an aliiiiibiiiiii)
Everyone loves a good old unknown trap X, right?
i was thinking that as well. except it would be weird to have koizumi be the murderer twice in a row
but maybe she's an accomplice?
What do you all think are the chances that Ann is the victim every time
It could also be koizumi is legitimately innocent and all this is actually setting up the ran-koizumi tag team, with the ultimate moral of the chapter being ‘now ran has two people she cares about, that’s an increase of 100%!!’
alright you fucks it's time for more chrono jotter
fuck yeah