Part 8

In which we enjoy more free time and socialization, and reminisce about that time one of our arms got chopped off.

since we're doing the whole index thing now: back to index here anyways! last time we got caught in the rain (for the second fucking day in a row might i add like jeez ran you've spent more time in the rain than not i feel like), so now we're back in the showers, again.
showers are basically rain, too
I wonder if ran also likes pina colladas
what if taking a shower was involuntary
Ran narrates how Sai leads them back to the school grounds. They basically walk alongside the cliff until they find a small ramp they can climb up to get back onto the road. On the way back, Ran kept an eye out for any paths or less dense areas in the forest cover that might herald a way out without needing to go through the tunnel, but there aren't any.
maybe eyeball chan is just looking out for Ran's personal hygiene

Ran: (Who knows what might happen if I tried to brute-force my way through the forest in its full denseness. I can always try it later- right now this place is showing a lot of promise, after I recovered the memories pertaining to Koizumi-sensei.)

"a lot of promise"
I love Ran
eyeball-chan, disallowed by the rules to compel ran into cleanliness
"i had some intense personal revelations in here. better keep hanging out until it happens again"
"take all my classmates on Woods Dates"
right! god!

Ran: (Before this, I didn't remember a thing about Koizumi-sensei, but after she took many actions which lined up with the way my lost memories of her described her, I recovered those memories.)

Ran: (Little things like the way she'd turn pages in a textbook by licking her middle finger- but more importantly, the last sentence she said to me before I regained my memory. That implies that-)

Ran's thoughts are interrupted by the arrival of Koizumi. The arrival was- more or less obviously not voluntary. In the sense that Koizumi basically nearly-falls through the doors, making a big racket that scares the heck outta Ran.
😳 1

Koizumi: I'm sorry! I- I wanted to wait until you were done before I took my turn! But they...

Koizumi's eyes were flickering here and there anxiously, and her shoulders were pulled in tightly.

Koizumi: They said that I'd gotten wet from the rain too, and that I needed to take a shower quickly as well, and then they shoved me in here...

it's Sakura
alternatively, very complex murder alibi being established

Ran: Ah, uh... yeah.

Ran: They're completely right actually. I should have showered together with you from the start. Sorry.

Koizumi: No, it's fine... It's me who's too scared to be with you, Ibuki-san.

Ran: I know. Don't worry, just- hurry up and get yourself a hot shower, don't catch cold standing there.

Koizumi nods and noticeably relaxes, and starts showering herself. Ran lies in the hot bath and watches Koizumi shower from behind.

Ran: (Koizumi-sensei looks pretty much the same as in high-school, except for her height.)

Ran: (Pale skin, and a super thin waist that was noticeable every time she put on a tracksuit and led us at the track.)

Koizumi washed her hair diligently. Her hair was very thin, and she had a lot of it.

Ran: (Koizumi-sensei should be thirty by now. It's been many years since she was in high school.)

Ran: (Why would she appear as a high-schooler here? What is going on with this school's timeline?)

Ran: (Hell, that's not even mentioning Tama. Tama's easily a whole century displaced...)


Koizumi: E-excuse me.

Koizumi, after spraying the shampoo suds off her hair, entered the bath as well. Ran makes room for her.

Koizumi: After being rained on for so long, it's so nice to have a warm bath...

Koizumi makes small talk with Ran, but Ran is having difficulty engaging with her now.
For a different reason as with before.
Before Ran just did not give a shit about her, but now Ran gives too much of a shit about her.
Koizumi's talking about random things and Ran's afraid to look her in the eyes, because Ran's primary emotional engagement with the Koizumi-sensei she remembers from her recovered memories is a deep and abiding sense of shame and guilt.
i'm glad to hear that Ran is bad at relationships, no matter what form they end up taking
Ran blames herself for ruining Koizumi-sensei's life and career and for failing to stand up for Koizumi-sensei when the school was abuzz with salacious rumors about her, and in the here and now that means that she can't even handle looking Koizumi in the eyes.

Koizumi: Oh, and, I should apologize for making you stumble, Ibuki-san.

Ran: What?

Koizumi: You know? When you fell to your knees in the forest?

Ran: (Oh. Right.)

Koizumi: Ibuki-san, you're sure you're completely alright? Do you think maybe you should visit Takei-san's nurse's office again after this?

Ran: I...

Ran avoids meeting Koizumi's eyes by pulling a Sai and pulling her head under the water.
expert conversational skills. masterful deflection
she'll never be able to see through that one
Under the water, Ran mumbles to herself,

Ran: I'm sorry...

Ran: I'm sorry.....

Koizumi, naturally, has no reason why ran is blowing bubbles under the water.
The scene fades to black abruptly there.
(koizumi: wow, that ran. she's so cool, we just survived a serious accident, and she's blowing bubbles. and still ignoring me. siiiigh. i wish she'd notice me.....)
😭 2
Fade in.

Ran and Koizumi said their farewells to each other at the dorm rooms' entrance, and each retired to their respective room.


Notes have been updated.

By notes, of course, the game means the main page of notes.
so many updates recently.

The key to solving the mysteries is memory?

Seriously, I'm more and more confused what the point of the whole murders thing even is

Miss Sakura's situation and mine aren't quite the same

The hot water in the bathroom's pretty comfortable, maybe it's spring water that they're drawing from who knows where ♨️

Anyways, Ran enters the room and instantly flops bonelessly onto the bed.

Sai: Wow, you look like you're out of it. Didja take a hit to the brains in the fall?

Ran: ...Sai, have you ever met me, before?

Sai: Eh? What's that question supposed to mean? There's no way I'd forget anybody as depressing as you.

Ran laughed a bit, her face buried deep in the pillow, letting out a thick muffled sound.

Ran: Yeah, you're right, there's no way I'd ever forget anybody with your hairdo, either.

Sai laughed as well.

Sai: So what's with that question? Not like you to ask a question for no reason.

Ran: It's nothing.

Sai doesn't pry. She instead just turns off the nights.

Sai: Alright, you've had a real tough day today. Get some rest.

Ran agrees with Sai. She closes her eyes and lets herself fall into sleep.

She hoped that she wouldn't dream about Koizumi Hyuga that night.

kind of a surprisingly uneventful day

Thankfully, Ran doesn't dream. She slept until she awoke naturally.

more adventure fantasy than IF
Ran checks her phone once she gets up. Apparently it's 'quite early', though the game doesn't give us a precise timestamp or an image of the phone this time.
Still, it's early enough that, according to Ran, everyone else should still be asleep.
prime scouting time
Except for Sai, whose top bunk is very empty.

Ran: (Wow, Sai really DOES go swimming every morning, doesn't she.)

Ran throws on some clothes and 'stumbles' her way out of her room and into the hallway.

Immediately, she notices something wrong.

Ran: (There's no natural sunlight in this corridor, so this hallway light is usually always on.)

Ran: (Has the electricity been cut?)

split genre: slice of life / immersive fantasy
Ran blearily heads downstairs anyways, and sees that all of the students are already downstairs, gathered in some kind of discussion. Sai and Ann are conspicuously missing.
i mean the real answer is gothic

Ran: (Sai probably finished swimming and went right to the classroom. Miss Sakura...)

Ran: I swear if one of you fucks killed Ann for a second time I am going to burn this whole school campus to the ground, starting with the dorms.
idk if anyone's been particularly obsessive besides Ran yet... well i guess that counts
obsessive delirium (about miss Sakura)
Ann killed Sai this time
for kicks
wonder why everyone else is up so early though

Tama: Good morning, Ibuki-san!

Ran: Mm, good morning. Anything going on?

Tama: Ann killed Sai this time, for kicks.

Tama: The power to the dorm has gone out. Asakura-san and Takei-san are working on trying to fix it.

Indeed, Miho and Makoto are discussing the problem. Koizumi is standing there listening attentively as well, trying her best to be a responsible class president and leader but not actually having anything useful to contribute.
everybody in their snazzy outfits

Aya: Ayyyyy, Ran-chan.

Aya sidled up to Ran and casually dangled an arm on Ran's shoulders.

Aya: Anytime a situation develops here, we usually just let the three of them deal with it.

Ran: Is that so. They do seem reliable.

Ran: (A power outage? Where does the school get power from in the first place? A local generator? Or do they get power from outside somehow?)


Ann: This is the first time we've run into a power outage, actually.

Ann approached the group from the washroom's direction, and took a place next to Ran.

Ann: Morning, Ran.

Ran: Miss Sakura!

Ran immediately approached Ann and took both of her hands with her own, in the process leaving Aya bereft and shoulderless.

Ran: Miss Sakura how'd you sleep last night you're hungry right do you want breakfast let's have breakfast together Miss Sakura.

Aya: Oh, so that's your personality, huh, Ran?

Ran: I have literally been acting like this the whole time.

i fucking love these characters.
power outage.... huh

Ann: I'm doing quite well. How about you, Ran? Yesterday must have been quite a day for you. Did you sleep well?

Ran: Mm-hmm! I slept great! Look, Toyama, miss Sakura cares about me so much!!

i think this is literally the first time we've seen Ran smiling
it's frankly a scary and foreign expression for ran
girl has
eye bags
Miho says hi to Ran as well, having apparently finished discussing the power outage situation. Aya pounces on Miho immediately, taking command of Miho's arms the way that Ran has garrisoned Ann's arms.
let's see you get possessed by some sort of dark ghost of your girlfriend each night and wake up without any eye bags

Miho: Wh- hey! Stop! Lemme go.

She said that, sure, but she sure wasn't physically trying to get Aya off her or anything. Still, Miho's token resistance gave Ran a small feeling of satisfaction.

Ann asks them what the plan with the power outage is. Miho says that Makoto believes it's a problem with the generator, and that they intend to fix it after classes end at noon.

Miho: It won't affect classes.

ran believes she's in a yandere contest.
she's winning because ann isn't fighting her off.
that makes her the more successful yandere.
that's ran-brand logic.
okay, reasonable, but alternate explanation:
everyone in this school is a high schooler version of someone ran had a crush on in life
ann sakura is a fictitious synthesis of all these persons
she's using ann sakura to distract from her small but real crush on miho, and also aya, and also etc.
that twist would be sick
120-year old contestant-for-oldest-living-human-being tama indou x ran
maybe she volunteered at a nursing home
ran read a biography of the famous historical figure tama indou
👍 1
and had her lesbian awakening over her crush on a woman from a book

Miho: The only problem is that, we won't have power for the noon, so it might be hard for Yano-san to make lunch.

Aya: Ah, don't worry about it, Sai's incredible. She'll definitely have something delicious for us even without electricity.

Ran: Hah, I sure would like to see what she could possibly come up with. Mark my words, if she starts boiling water to make us all ramen I'm going to mock the hell out of her.

ran you fool sai's specialty is seafood seafood is one of the few foods you can prepare completely raw ala sashimi
IMMEDIATE fade-to-black-and-fade-out, like ONE SCREEN LATER:

Sai: Oh, the power's out? Then let's have a barbecue for lunch.

Ran: (Fuck. That actually sounds delicious. God dammit.)

no corpse yet :(


Miho: Oh, it's been a long time since we've had a barbecue. Let's do it like last time and carry the tables to the dorm building's entrance.

Tama: Asakura-san, please allow me to help you with the grilling today as well.

Makoto nodded and patted Tama on the head.

Ran: (I'm suddenly really looking forward to lunch. Damn, Yano sure is powerful.)

Still, before they get to lunch, they've got to get through morning classes!

Ran: (I've checked out the curriculum for today- it's two segments of physics. I wonder who's teaching it? Asakura seems plausible.)

Tama Indou walked up to the front of the classroom.

Ran: (WHAT THE FUCK YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME. Our modern physics lecturer is a fucking Taisho-era person??)

To add insult to injury, Tama's lecture is excellent.
Very in-depth, with plenty of illuminating examples. Even Ran could keep up with the lesson, despite not having a set of textbooks still.
lmaooo get owned TWICE ran
good lesson in "these people aren't who they used to be"
life keeps happening. people keep changing.
ran shrinking and transforming into a corncob
Ran is very impressed. After the classes end, Tama runs down fron the front and stops in front of Ran.

Tama: Ibuki-san, how was it? Was my lesson easy to understand?

A new student like Ran Ibuki was surely a valuable source of feedback for any educator seeking to improve their lesson plans.

Ran: Honestly, it was great. Physics is a real hard subject to teach, Tama. How'd you learn to teach it, anyways?

also is "modern physics" just a euphemism or are they really learning like, QM and general relativity
the class's contents were skipped over without screentime as usual, but i see no reason to doubt ran's description of it as modern physics
i hope whatever physics they're learning is consistent with eclipse worms and astromorticians

Tama: Thank you very much for your praise! Actually it was because I completely didn't understand physics at all, and I really wanted to learn it, so I actively volunteered to be the physics teacher.

Tama: In order to not hinder my classmates, I worked very hard to learn it, and most importantly, Asakura-san helped me a lot.

Ran: (So they all picked the subjects they wanted?)

Ran: I see. You must really not want to be apart from Asakura.

Tama: That's right! That's why I can really understand the feelings you have for Sakura-san, Ibuki-san. It's because I feel the same way!

Meanwhile, another side conversation is happening.

Miho: Yano-san, could I ask you to help teach me how to cut meat properly again, this noon?

Sai: Sure. There's a lot of cutting you have to do for a barbecue, so work hard and learn well.

Miho: Thank you!

Ran considers going 'you're wrong, your feelings for asakusa are nothing like mine for miss sakura', but she manages to tame her instinct with her halfway-baked social acumen.
Even she realizes that shutting Tama down here would be a terrible idea lol.
i knew that charisma 4 would pay off
ran "i am the GAYEST PERSON IN ANY ROOM and if you suggest otherwise i will BE MEAN TO YOU" ibuki

Ran looked at Ann. She was chatting with Koizumi and Aya, and occasionally Ran could hear the sound of laughter from their direction.

Ran opened her eyes wide. She felt as if she'd been transported to the past. Perhaps that was what these four years of labor had been for- to be able to sit in school uniform again, in a classroom oncemore, with Ann Sakura.

Even though there was a small note of dissonance in her heart, the joy of being with Ann Sakura again was enough to overwrite it for the moment.

Ran: (It doesn't matter. No matter what happens, as long as it's with miss Sakura, then it isn't a problem.)

Anyways, the class after physics is chemistry today.
Aya's apparently responsible for chemistry.
Ran is quite looking forward to seeing Aya teach chemistry.
Ran: I swear, at least one of you fucks has to be utterly incompetent as a teacher. Right?!?
ran has sort of... advanced significantly here, hasn't she
it's koizumi ofc
in a fairly brief span of time
from "ms sakura if you have other friends you are BETRAYING me"
to "oh to be in class with ms sakura again... even if she's talking to her friends just being around her is enough"
my mental model of ran has her as like, mostly normal and well-adjusted most of the time (eclipse worms excepted) and then getting thrown into the deep end by ann actually showing up. she had never prepared for that.
possibly this is inaccurate, but

Even though, relative to Tama's lessons, Aya's lecture was a little less stellar, her writing on the chalkboard was surprisingly organized and neat. Ran felt like she could learn several days' worth of lessons just by staring at Aya's notes on the chalkboard.

Still, watching Aya try to be serious as an educator, Ran couldn't help but crack up.

Ran: (Seriously, it feels like Aya herself wants class to be over already, and the class period's only halfway over.)

When it came time for class to actually end, Aya let out a great big sigh of relief and her whole body slumped down.

Immediately after that, Aya slammed herself into the empty chair just in front of Ran's seat.

Aya: Aaaaaaaahhhhhh, I'm so fucking dead on my feet. This is more exhausting than a whole hour's worth of strumming a B-major chord.

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 same
Kind of surprised that Aya isn’t the music teacher or whatever
Also interesting that they have both chemistry and physics classes
most schools teach them as two separate subjects
although i guess only one year of each
I know, I’m commenting on taking them both at the same time
my guess is "no music classes".
Since most schools do one in one year and the other in another year
they had a list of subjects, and picked from it
I wonder if there’s a bio class

Ran: Your reference's going over my head, but I felt like you did a decent job, teaching-wise.

Aya: Ho ho! But of course!

Ran: You got Miho to write the notes though didn't you.

Aya: Oh fuck- I mean, uhhhh, what do you mean?? Of course I wrote them myself-

Miho: If you keep taking credit for my work I won't write any more notes for you in the future.

Miho lightly bonked Aya in the head, before taking out a black cellphone and handing it to Ran.

Miho: Koizumi said she broke her phone yesterday, and reminded me that I should get you one as well, so that you can contact us more easily.

Miho: With a cellphone, even if you run into trouble again, you can call us for help.

Ran: Oh. Thanks.

Ran opens the phone. It looks like the newest type, and the students' numbers are all already preloaded in. She doesn't recognize the design of the phone.
ran, entirely against her expectations, becomes socialized

Ran: (Though maybe I just don't know enough about phones, it's not like I'm an expert. Maybe I just don't remember this one. Well, for now, I guess I can only use this one here.)

miho is from ran's future?
Exactly what I was typing
where did this phone. come. from.
I was wondering if at least one character is from the future
wonder if this phone ends up being mysterious future tech
miho is ran & ann's daughter, obviously
where did anything come from? these kids are hellbent on not talking about how the hell they got here and why they started living like this
right but.
"pull an entirely new phone out of nowhere" is uh. a step slightly beyond that.
miho just has spares
y'know, storage, somewhere
goes through a lot of phones
throwing them at aya
I’m wondering if someone new will show up eventually tbh
Ann... 2
👍 2

Ran: (Once class is out I'll go find miss Sakura so we can get a selfie together for my new cellphone's wallpaper!!!)

Ran enters the text messages app and immediately sends a text to Ann.

Ran: (Miss Sakura I've got a cellphone now! Let's eat together at the barbecue at lunch, I wanna help you with grilling!)

Ann replied immediately.

Ann: (Sure, thanks, I'm looking forward to it.)

Ran put away the cellphone. Her heart was full of joy. Before she'd become lovers with Ann Sakura, she'd often exchange text messages with Ann before bed. Though, at the time, the topics of their discussions hadn't been anything close to 'romantic'.

...what does that mean, ran???
what, are you implying an... enemies-to-lovers arc or what??
not enough rooms, right?
also doesn't really jive with eyeball's whole "i built this place for her" thing
just kill her at night and solve it in the morning, easy
corpses don't need beds
oh fuck i cut that one off way too quickly
two Anns theory
there's so much more shit happening what the FUCK
(emotes fear)
maybe ann had some kind of occult problem and went to local weird girl ran to solve it
it's fantastic
CHRONO JOTTER .... (slightly different voice) CHRONO. JOTTER.
must've been a very slow text conversation
you joke but there was actually a transition screen there
it featured sai in the dining room of the dorm
if ran only had one arm
i didn't catch it
I swear to god Ran was some kind of monster hunter in the past
how did she get her arm back
was it the blood sculpting gentleman
Except instead of hunting monsters, she just broke into weird ruins that turned you into a communist
that's ran's occult gloss on joining her school's young communists club and then immediately getting kicked out for screaming at people
booooooooooo stop ruining it
you're going to speak it into existence just you wait.
i know, i know, if you knock on enough doors asking to see the devil eventually he may answer
Cut to the dorm kitchens.

Ran: ...Why am I here helping you prepare meat for the barbecue, Sai, instead of spending my precious time with miss Sakura?

Sai: Because you don't do any of the work at school or in the dorms, so the least you can do is help me out with the barbecue. Right, Miho?

Miho was too focused on cutting the beef to answer Sai.

Ever since Miho had won Sai's permission to help with the preparations, and Sai had shown her how to prepare the meat chunks, Miho had poured her heart and soul into preparing the meat, with a frankly terrifyingly singular focus.

The singularity of the focus did not help at all the fact that she was just so unbearably slow, though.

kin kin kin me id
miho i see you and i appreciate you
we weren't on good terms before
but your single-minded dedication towards being only slightly mediocre at cooking is deeply inspiring to me

Sai: Miho really wants to learn to cook. Every time she comes here to ask me to teach her, she takes it way too seriously.

Sai was a real fast hand with the meat skewers, finishing one every few seconds. In comparison, Ran felt like she was a struggling novice.

Ran: Were you in the barbecue club in middle school or what, jeez.

Sai: What kind of school would have a barbecue club?

Sai didn't even need to look at her skewers while she was skewering. She looked right at Ran while her hands continued to do the work more or less automatically.

Sai: Me and my little sister just held a lot of seaside barbecues, before. Eventually I picked up a thing or two.

Ran nodded, before realizing that she'd crafted a seriously lopsided skewer. Again.

Ran: (...Sai can eat that one.)

Ran: Go faster. This is sad. Miho: I am going to cut this meat or I am going to cut your meat, Ibuki.
😳 1
i really like how- like, down to earth, the comfy slice-of-life scenes are here
it's not, like, the ridiculous oversaturated hyperreal antics of games like rail of mobius or higurashi, where the characters are so joyful when it comes time for them to banter that it feels unrealistic.
it's realistic but the characters are still witty and charming
this is an astoundingly good vn in so many respects, yeah
you said this was made by 2 people, right?
don't you slander ji like that
💯 1

Sai grabbed Miho's hand.

Sai: Okay, that's enough.

Miho: What is it, Yano-san? I still haven't cut enough, have I?

Sai: Nah, it's fine. You and Ibuki carry the skewers out so everyone can start grilling, alright?

Sai looked pointedly through the window, where an impatient Aya had already started pounding her fists on the table demanding the barbecue be served already.

i was thinking of yu guang actually lol
yeah i'm saying. don't just judge a vn by its weakest characters
according to a steam review i read, yes.
man, the artist must have a lot of strengths, then, unless they got those backgrounds from some free assets pack somewhere

Sai: Leave the rest to me.

Miho: ...Aya is being such an embarrassment.

Ran: Yano, you can make more skewers later. Come eat with us first.

Sai: Trust me, you're gonna want someone to make up the deficit when you run out of skewers.

Sai took the knife from Miho and started chopping meat with a quick rhythm.

Miho: Incredible...

Miho felt like Sai was using a completely different tool than she'd been using.

Sai: Okay, that's enough gawking, go and start barbecuing already. Take the skewered ones and start the grilling already. They're all champing at the reins for meat.

Ran: Okay...

Ran turned away. Behind her, she could still hear Sai's chopping happening with terrifying speed and precision.

Ran: (...On second thought, I should probably eat the lopsided ones myself.)

honestly i'm ready to believe this artist is just this good- some of the backgrounds like the forest background are a bit weak, but overall the art all seems of consistent quality
and the inner background is almost certainly drawn with guidance from a 3d mockup tool like sketchup
most importantly none of it feels stylistically dissonant
no playing the "what was the background artist thinking" game like with lucid9
i actually thought the forest backgrounds had a lot more character then the interiors
lucid9 had a LOT of stylistically dissonant art.
they had character yeah but- like, it was really easy to see the, uh, brush texture in the leaves if that makes sense
it felt like the artist there rushed the leaves a bit
didn't break up the silhouettes enough to conceal individual stamps
Anyways, quick fade out and fade in. We skip right through the barbecue to the very end of lunch.

Ran: (That was delicious. I'm absolutely and completely stuffed. Let's go find miss Sakura and take a tour of the campus to help digest.)

Ran gets her phone out. NEW SELFIE!!
No cracks to obscure Ann's face this time!
The selfie is from over lunch, apparently.
ran looks a lot younger in that picture, actually

Ran: (I can finally see miss Sakura's face clearly. Let's take even more photos later.)

and significantly less eyebags!
she should transfer the photos from her old phone
Tama shows up and asks Ran if she'd like to take a walk around campus with her! Guess what Ran's response to this is gonna be.
"why would i ever want to do that"
😔 1

Ran: (Oh, she had the same thought as me, then.)

Ran: What about Asakura? Don't you need to, follow her around, or whatever?

Tama: Asakura-san has gone to repair the generator. She said that it was loud in there and that the air wasn't very good, so she told me I didn't need to follow her there.

Ran: (Ah, I see. I'm the backup choice, then.)

Ran: (But, eh, sure. I've already decided that I don't need to be so impatient with trying to make a breakthrough on miss Sakura.)

Ran: (Starting from other people and approaching the goal in an indirect way is also perfectly viable.)

Ran: Very well, then. I'll be counting on you to be my guide.

look at this character development
😲 1
Tama is yay
oh that's a lovely expression

Tama: So, Ibuki-san, where are we off to next?

(unsurprisingly, the game has recorded a recall point here.)
where're we off to, folks?
just the one?
two time units! which means basically we have to vote for one of these three options to miss out on!
we've had plenty of koizumi recently
so, locationwise...
these four are known
ann's location is not known
makoto is presumably fixing the generator
that accounts for... everyone, yeah
ann locks asakura in the generator room and she suffocates from carbon monoxide poisoning.
alrighto so i guess it'll be sai and aya/miho
i'll go sai first

Tama: You still haven't visited the new changing rooms, right, Ibuki-san? Let's go check those out!

Ran: (Not only have I already visited them through recall, I absolutely never want to swim ever again.)

Arriving at the pools, they find Sai... is not in the swimming pool. How astounding.
Well, even a mermaid like Sai has to rest. Especially after eating a shitload of meat skewers.
They check the changing rooms, thinking maybe Sai's just changing.
The doors to the changing rooms are locked.
(The music doesn't stop, though, and the cheerful slice of life soundtrack keeps going. So it's probably not a corpse! Yet!)

Ran: Let me try.

Ran jiggles the doorknob a bit.
sai is jacking it, obviously
rude, tama & ran. rude.

Ran: I've seen this before. The door's not locked, it's just stuck. Probably the locking cylinder's gotten jammed.

Tama: Wow, Ibuki-san, how'd you know? That's incredible.

Ran: Just have some experience is all. Do we call Asakura to fix this?

Tama: Mm-hmm! Looks like it'll be a busy day for Asakura-san today.

They leave the jammed door for now, and return to the poolside.
.... sigh
ran's backstory gets wilder and wilder
i guess sai's dead then

Ran: Still is a bit strange though. Ever since I've come here, Sai's always taken every opportunity possible to spend time in the swimming pool.

Tama: Could it be that... she's the victim this round, and she's already been killed and her body hidden?

Tama sounded quite uncomfortable. Ran could tell that she was just worried for Sai's safety.

Ran: Possible, but, since it's Sai, for all we know she'll come floating to the surface of the pool anytime now, belly-side-up, like a fish.

Tama laughed.

Tama: If Yano-san heard you say that, she'll be quite cross, I'm sure.

Ran, establishing her death-flags: Well, it's not like she can hear us anyways-

A hand suddenly reaches up out of the pool, and grabs Ran by the ankle.


It's Sai.

Sai: Well well well. Look what kind of opportunity my choice to enjoy some light diving won me.

Sai: Perhaps now I will pull you into the water, and make you come floating to the surface of the pool belly-side up like a dead fish now, hmm?

Ran: Well, you're not going to murder me while Tama is watching, so.

Ran asks Sai about the borked changing room door.
Sai's response is a big ol shrug.

Sai: Eh, I just changed on the other side this time. I'll call Asakura to check it out later.

Definitely isn't a dead body behind there!
0% chance of that happening

With that, Sai kicked off the side of the swimming pool and went back to taking laps around the water.

Sai: Done letting you screw around with me now.


Tama is thoroughly amused and cheered by Sai and Ran bantering with each other.
the only persons it could be though is makoto and ann
if it's ann again i think ran is going to get really fucking suspicious
ann still unaccounted for after lunch!
plz be Ann
ann broke the generators to lure makoto away

Tama: Well, it seems like we've been dismissed, Ibuki-san. Let's be off.

Ran: Mhm. Let's get out of here. And then never come back to the swimming pool ever again.

As they left, Ran thought about Tama's predictions to herself.

Ran: (Tama's right- there really hasn't been a body discovered yet...)

With that, we're back to the selection screen.
According to popular demand, our other time slot this afternoon goes to Miho and Aya.
Ran suggests they head back to the kitchen.

Tama: Why? Did we forget something?

Ran: Nah. Just, we ate a lot today. I'd feel bad leaving it all for the on-duty students to clean up today. Let's head back and lend a hand.

Tama: You're right, Ibuki-san. Let's help where we can.

As Ran enters the dorm building, she hears Aya and Miho discussing something. Ran's instincts, naturally, lead her to slow down and try to listen in on their conversation quietly, but Ran soon realizes that their voices are too quiet, and, furthermore, that Miho is only speaking in a muffled way, as though her mouth has been gagged.
Ran is immediately alarmed and investigates.
ran you're going to walk in on something private
👍 1
wait, miho has been gagged?
didn't see that coming!
Ran and Tama quickly turn the corner, and see Aya and Miho. Aya turns around to look at them. Miho is covering her own mouth and blushing beet-red.

Aya: Ran-chan? What're you doing here?

Tama: Ibuki-san felt that it'd be unfair to leave all the cleanup to you two, so she can to help!

Aya: Oho? Ran-chan's got a helpful side as well, then. Goody goody!

Aya: How about it, Miho? Wanna do it with them as well?

Miho furrowed her brow a little. After a moment, she pulled her hand from her mouth.

Miho: Sure, of course...

Tama: Then, let's begin, Ibuki-san.

Ran: Uh... sure.

Ran: (These two, seriously... What were they even up to.)

now it'll be even longer until we get the aya/miho ending

The four of them, working together, quickly finished the work. Ran, though, felt that the mood was weirdly awkward, so she and Tama quickly took their leave from the dorms together after that.

ha ha yeah ran do you think
and that's a fade to black
and then fade out
i presume that's the game telling us we're done with the exploration phase

After that, Tama took Ran to the lab room and the art room. These two rooms were rarely used, so the two of them didn't stay for very long.

Ran: (Even though we only took a quick look, all the tools and equipment was there. If someone actually wanted to study properly here at this school, they wouldn't see any trouble for lack of equipment.)

Ran: (The real problem is, of course, what's going to actually happen the day they all graduate? Is the school really just going to let them leave as normal?)


Ran: (Everyone else I could maybe see, but what's going to happen to Tama and Koizumi-sensei? Are they going to get sent back to their own timelines or something?)

Ran: (There's no way, right. This ought to change their futures MASSIVELY... or does it mean that the Koizumi-sensei I knew really did spend time here when she was younger?)

ran: just completely accepting that time travel is a thing that this universe permits
which i guess is reasonable
after all she has a time-traveling notebook in her pocket

Ran: (No, that's even more impossible. No matter what the truth is, manipulating time is no small feat. If the true culprit behind this whole scenario has that kind of power, then I'm in some serious trouble.)

Tama breaks Ran out of her reverie with a loud shout.

Ran: Ah- yeah? What is it?

Tama: I want to go visit Asakura-san. It's been a long time already, and she still hasn't contacted me. She hasn't even replied to my texts.

Tama: I don't know if something's happened. Maybe she's in trouble and needs my help. Or even...

yeah we all know what Tama's thinkin' here
Ran tells her to calm down.

Ran: I'm sure that it's just that fixing the generator is taking a lot of time. You go ahead and look for her if you're worried. I'll keep looking around.

Tama bows hastily and then runs off.

Ran: So that's why she's been checking her phone over and over this afternoon, huh.

Ran: Well, just me now. Where to now?

Ran: Feels like it's about to rain. Let's visit one more location, and then head back to the dorms.

...just a binary choice here??
ann or aya?
well, you know the drill folks, time to put it to a vote
since we know that ann is fine based on this diagram alone, it can't be ann who's dead.
so makoto really is dead, and tama is just completely correct.
My vote is for Aya
Ann will probably be unproductive (as usual) and we'll get more insight over what was going on with Aya/Miho earlier
i will take that and move on.
we've got a recall point here as well.
Huh, interesting
she's obviously just killed someone
we can get the aya deets in a recall point
it would be nice to push aya towards confessing if we can
too late np i'm sorry but i've already clicked the aya button there's no going back now i haven't even SAVED since the start of this segment lol

Ran: (Y'know, Aya and Miho were actin kinda strange in the kitchen. Maybe I should visit the music room and see if I can catch Aya.)

holy shit
this is one fucking music room alright
this school's a real school
💯 1
In the kitchen, do we just think that they were making out?
Seems like the most likely option by far
hmm i dunno, my bets are on "aya accidentally said something romantic and miho was struck by it"
But why would Miho's voice be muffled?
Miho furrowed her brow a little. After a moment, she pulled her hand from her mouth.
oh wait missed this line
Aya's standing by the window next to the piano in the music room. There's a guitar lying on the piano bench. Aya notices us enter, and waves hello to us.

Ran: Do you always practice the guitar here?

Aya: Yep! But there's no power today, so I can't use the electric guitar. All I can do is play the piano today.

Aya: Note: I do not know how to play piano, ehehe.

god i love these characters
yeah, I think your theory that Aya said something romantic is more likely
good job Aya
hey it's just a theory

Ran: Can't you just play the guitar anyways?

Aya: Sure, I guess, but, eh. Not in the mood.

Ran: Then why not just go back to the dorms?

Aya, Oh, I'm sure you already know why, Ran-chan. That's why you came all the way out here to find me, wasn't it?

Ran: The kitchen thing, yeah?

Aya nodded.

Aya: Thank goodness you two came to help. Otherwise I bet I'd have been stuck cleaning up with Miho for ages, and then I wouldn't have had a chance to skedaddle out here!

Ran: Mm-hm. I noticed what you two were up to, though I don't think Tama did.

Aya: Haha, yeah, that sounds about right. Though I think Tama-chan oughta already have plenty of experience with this kind of thing herself.

so, Aya is just confessing, to, lesbian makeouts. straight up a confession.
why not go back to the dorms then....?
i betcha miho is a serious 'no sex before marriage' type
i betcha that's what's happening
we've misread the problem. it's not that aya isn't direct enough. it's that she's too direct and miho doesn't know how to deal with it.
well, miho wants commitment
not necessarily marriage even, but some sort of ... seriousness.

Ran: Eh? Seriously? With who, Asakura??

Aya: I mean, who else?


Aya giggled.

Aya: Tama's the same age as us, you know.

The question of age made Ran think about Koizumi again.

Aya sat down on the piano bench, and swung her legs back and forth, staring at the tips of her own toes.

Aya: Probably I was a little too aggressive.

Ran walked to the side of the piano, waiting for Aya to continue.

Aya: Because I got the impression that Miho's starting to like you. So I couldn't stay patient.

ohhhhhhhh. aya jumped miho with surprise makeouts and miho wasn't sure how to respond. and then we walked in. aaaaawkward!
god this game's story would be SO different if we'd done something different
there's so many VARIANTS. god.
(also: told you so! Tama just acts younger)
i knew miho rivals was canon
this is even funnier now that we know what we know about Tama lmao
anyway: aya go talk to her. come on
sigh. solidarity, aya. i've been there

Ran: Ridiculous. Takei's just suffering from a serious case of being-way-too-nice-to-everyone-itis. She just cares a lot about others, that's all.

Aya: Mm-hm, Miho does indeed actively take care of people around her who've gotten themselves into trouble. And she's got the capacity to back up her desires to help, too.

Ran: Right, so, what've you got to worry about? Takei-san just saw that I was in a real rough spot, so she's been keeping an eye on me.

Aya: Well, I get jealous easily, that's why. But there's also something else.

Ran: What?

Aya: Well, I wanna do something nice for you every once in a while and, y'know, take care of you as well.

WHAT is WITH all the CONFESSIONS here is this why eyeball man referred to this as ran's heaven because this is a dating sim specifically calibrated for ran's preferences is that it
every single person in this fucking school, except for ann sakura, is in love with us

Ran Ibuki stared at Aya with widening eyes. She was starting to get nervous, and she couldn't help but keep trying to guess what was going to come out of Aya's mouth next.

yeah Ran same

because this is a dating sim specifically calibrated for ran's preferences

yeah i was taking that as read tbh. it's ran's perfect fantasy combined murder mystery + dating sim

Aya raised one of her legs into the air and perched it on top of the piano.

Aya: And not the kind of care that exists between classmates or good friends. It's a stronger feeling. Like I can't let you go no matter what.

warning, warning, contagious original!ann feelings infecting all nearby cute girls. warning. ann sakuradiation levels reaching critical levels.
dating sim with younger versions of the adults in her life

Ran, face shadowed: (If I'd had so many people who cared about me in high school, would I have turned out differently?)

Ran: (Well, I had miss Sakura then, so there's no difference really. Just one her is enough to make up for any number of other people.)

Ran: Aya, c'mon, what's with the sweet-talking.

Aya: Whaaaat, I've always been concerned about you, alright?

Aya made an exaggeratedly seductive face, and then stuck her tongue out, before continuing.


Aya: Is it possible that I knew you from before? Like when we were young we built a sandcastle together or something?

Ran immediately tensed up, expecting a serious headache to hit her, the way it had when she'd recovered her memories of Koizumi.

However, nothing happened.

Aya: Ahhhh, I'm just kidding. If I'd ever seen you and then forgotten about you, then I definitely wouldn't think to be concerned for you here and now!

Ran: Yeah, I guess you're right.

Ran quietly let out a sigh of relief.

Ran: Well, since you seem to be in a good mood, I'll take my leave, then.

Aya: Oh, shoo, shoo. Thanks for coming to visit me by the way!

Ran: Right, also, one more thing.

Aya: Eh?

Ran: Next time you two want to make out, find somewhere where others won't bump into you by accident. It's just way too awkward, otherwise.

Aya laughed again, and flippantly waved a hand at Ran in response.

And that's it for that scene!
ann, sweating: literally all my classmates have asked this girl out, how is she still angling for me
ran ibuki poly heaven.
makoto hasn't yet!
makoto and tama seem pretty locked in with each other
but anyways okay this'll be it for this session
see you again
fucking, i still can't get over,
arm chopped off
ran what the fuck you can't just
elaborate you fuck
arm chopped off!!!
i think next session i might take a big recall point detour
we're in the middle of nothing much happening before makoto's corpse is found
this might be a good time to revisit all the recent free time segments and see what the alternatives were before we go headfirst into murder mystery
that's probably a good plan
we thought it had something to do with time loops
but it apparently doesn't
it has to do with the weird time stuff going on with the other girls
you're right
we've been bamboozled
also, does 'jotter' mean anything
We’ve been nickle-and-timed!
like, one who jots
also sounds like "jaunter"
checks out!
although a pain in her solar plexus is a little different then a pain in her head
I just read that as "she has a strong (maybe repressed/forgotten) emotional reaction to suicide generally"
Also possible. It wasn’t clear in the original text if the pain was anticipated or unanticipated.
If it were the latter, that may be evidence.
"repressed memories about makoto" does feel like the null hypothesis at this point.
but "repressed memories about Ann's suicide" is not out of contention

Implying ran goes to therapy

yeah that's the only thing giving me pause about this theory
Random thoughts i just had which aren’t related to chrono jotter but which are definitely related to translating chinese in general:
One of the chinese web serials i read just
Made a huge fucking plot device
Like, a narrative-shattering reveal
Based on the difference between two words that would both be translated into english as ‘lying there’.
Like, fuck. That’s right. The word for ‘lying face-up’ and ‘lying face-down’ are separate atomic concepts in chinese, they get different single-syllable words.
God, imagine if i were translating this and the story suddenly pulled that on me. I’d have to, fucking, go back, and check the whole story for every instance of the word ‘lying’, and manually make sure i was describing it correctly, because APPARENTLY WHICH POSITION THE CHARACTER WAS LYING IN IS ACTUALLY HUGELY CRUCIAL FOR THIS MURDER MYSTERY HOWDUNIT, holy fuck